Most Recent Discovery Category | Page 381 of 388 | The Ring Finders

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Forest Hill Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Once again I am proud to say that my 100% recovery success rate is still in tact! Earlier in the week I received a call from Michael telling me that his wedding band slipped off while doing some yard work and asked if I could come out and see what I could do.  Luckily I work about 25 minutes from his residence so we made plans to come out the the next day. Michael had a plane to catch in the morning so I ended up meeting his wife Gina when I arrived. Here’s how things went down in her own words….

My husband was out in the yard spreading grass seed a couple weeks ago. He came into the house and told me that he felt his ring fall off while he was sifting through some of the excess seed with his hands. I went out to where he said that he was and we both spent about 20 minutes before we gave up on it. We both went out the next day and spent another 15 to 20 minutes looking for it and still no ring. We decided to buy a metal detector and had the same result..NO RING! We were both dumbfounded and ready to chalk it up as a loss. I decided to try once last attempt on internet to search for a company that specializes in recovering lost jewelry. After about 10 minutes and different google entries, TheRingFinders website came up. I found Jim’s name and read his blog and my husband called him. He was very pleasant and informative during the conversation. You could really feel his enthusiasm for what he does as a “hobby”.  He was able to come by after work the following day and begin the search. Jim had full confidence that he would find it and I was trying to be as positive as he was about it. After about an hour, all that was found was a flat soda can, aluminum foil and a  juice top, I was having my doubts but Jim kept reassuring me that the ring would be found. He began to search the other part of the lawn where it could have possibly fallen off with no such luck. He then started to go over the initial area where my husband said he felt it slip off. I went inside for a few minutes and came back out to see Jim on the ground digging at something. He turned around and said, “I found it”. I couldn’t believe it when he showed me the spot where it was. It was lying under some grass about 8 feet from the initial area. I was completely amazed and so excited when he held it up. We can’t begin to thank him enough for his professionalism and true passion to help people. I would not hesitate to use him again or recommend him to anyone in a similar situation. Thanks again and congrats on a perfect recovery record!!!


Take Care,


Gina & Michael

I’m glad I was successful Michael/Gina….for your sake and for my own personal track record!


Hiding in the grass!


She said she may charge a ransom once her husband gets home!




Lost Locket & Gold Chain found! Arlington,Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We  received a panic call from a young man about 8pm one night saying that his girlfriend had lost the locket and chain he had given her somewhere in his front yard.  He wanted us come that night but we were tied up and promised to come early the next morning.  We arrived around 7am and he explained that he and his girlfriend had been playing around in the front yard when the incident happened. She had placed the item in the pocket of her hoodie prior to playing around.  She was extremely upset with him and he was really upset that he couldn’t find it himself.

We got out our detectors and began scanning and in just 5 minutes or so we got a HIT.  We found the locket and chain. He was shocked and happy and could not thank us enough.

What a thrill to have another successful hunt for “The Ring Finder”.

Don & Ellen Wilson – Carrollton,Texas

Gold Wedding Band found 6 months after it was lost!!! Coppell,Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

My wife and I were out detecting in a local park when a gentleman approached me to say he had lost his gold wedding band in his backyard, would we come try and find it(?).  Having asked him a few questions, he told me that 6 months ago he was working in his backyard and placed his wedding band on a small patio table and continued working.  He forgot about the ring and moved the table several times before he realized his ring was gone.  He and his family searched for days trying to find it and even borrowed a metal detector from a friend but was unable to locate it. He told me his wife was very upset with him or he wouldn’t have bothered to ask.  We agreed to come out the next morning at  8:30am arriving on a damp, slightly rainy morning.  We found out that the gentleman was a law inforcement officer and was on the phone when we arrived working on a situation that had happened the night before. He quickly showed us the backyard and went through his actions the day he lost the ring.  We got out our equipment and told him there would be several beeps and noises from my pinpointer alone but not to get too excited as the Garrett detector would be picking up anything metal.  I put on my headphones, turned on my Gartett ATPro and began my search in the backyard.  My detector went off  immediately, and I mean in the first 10 seconds of starting, which startled me.  I thought NO-WAY, it has to be coming from the patio rebarb in the concrete.  When I pulled out my pinpointer and checked to be sure I HIT Full TONE immediately.  I bent down, pulled the grass aside to see and there flush in the mud and grass was a Gold Circle.  His wedding band. I looked up and ask my wife to get the video camera ready on our iPhone, she looked at me like I was nuts, I whispered, I Got It.  She said no way but got the camera ready and started filming.  The homeowner was walking around the backyard and I said, ‘sir, you might want to take a look at this’…he hollered and grabbed the ring from me; it actually still had grass growing through it.  He was so excited, he hugged me and thank us and thanked us.  He was so excited he forgot about us and ran inside to tell his wife. This 10 second find made our day and put a smile on everyone’s face for the day.   It felt so good helping someone who is out there protecting us on a daily basis. Another Successful Find for “The Ring Finders” Don & Ellen Wilson  – Carrollton,Tx

Lost ring, Lansing, Michigan

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

front yard



back yard




Lost ring in Lansing Michigan still not found. Mr. Pearson assumed he lost a gold ring, in his yard, with 5 diamonds in it. The dimonds came from his wife and mothers rings and were very special to him. He was trimming a tree in the front yard and started taking the branches to his back yard and throwing them over his fence. It was a cold fall day and he was not wearing gloves.

He got ahold of me and I traveled the 6o miles to his home and searched the front and back yards and the area over the fence. I could not find it and being that it was very cold I told Mr. Pearson that I would be out in the Spring.

It is now Spring and the temp is about 80 degrees today. I brought my brother Doug and a friend Larry with me to do a complete grid search. We searched the fron and back yard, a garden area and the area over the fence that is adjacent to a cemetary. After questioning Mr. Pearson about places that it could be he was not quite certain that it was lost in the yard as it was a couple of days after the tree triming that he noticed it was gone.

I wanted to write this blog today just to show what we do as ringfinders. We question, we search, we question some more and generally we find. In the case of Mr Pearson we wished him well and left this fine gentleman knowing that we gave our best to find his ring.

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Ashburn, Virginia!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I’m very proud of my perfect recovery record thus far as a member of The Ring Finders. The most recent recovery gives me a perfect 4 for 4 record!  I must admit, this time it was my detecting buddy who I asked to come along with me that actually found the lost platinum ring we were looking for, but nonetheless the recovery was a success! Being able to make a  couple’s St. Patty’s Day extra special sure was nice. I’ll let Sarah tell you the rest of the story in her own words….

My husband was out in our yard doing some gardening including spreading grass seed and pulling up weeds and throwing them over an embankment in a wooded area behind our house.  A few hours after finishing the yard work, he noticed that his ring was missing.  Even though he wasn’t sure he had lost it in the yard, he immediately went out there searching for hours with no luck.  He was even able to rent a metal detector and searched the area and still had no success.  He finally gave up and decided that the ring was lost for good.  When he told me, I wasn’t sure that a metal detector would pick up platinum so I did a search online for lost platinum ring and I stumbled upon Jim’s blog.  I sent him a quick e-mail asking if it would be worth it for him to come out if my husband had already searched with a metal detector.  Jim wrote back right away saying that the skill of the detector had a lot to do with the ability to find things, so I figured we’d give him a try.  Jim came out about a week later on St. Patrick’s day with his friend Lance.  They both brought their metal detectors and after my husband gave them a description of his yard work activities they began searching in what they thought were the most likely areas to find the ring: over in the area where he was throwing weeds and in the area he had been planting the grass.  Maybe 15 minutes after they arrived, I started to head out to meet them and my husband said to me “I hope you don’t get your hopes up.”  I said I hadn’t, but I really had!  I stepped outside and asked if they had any luck yet and they said they had found it already!!  It was located in the area where my husband had been planting grass and was under about an inch of dirt.  My husband and I couldn’t believe that they had found it so quickly!  I think it took longer to write this letter than  it took for them to find the ring.  I later realized that it was the 5th anniversary of us getting engaged.  So five St. Patrick’s days ago he had given me an engagement ring and on this one, he had gotten his wedding ring back!  Now St. Patrick’s day is twice as lucky for us.  Thanks again Jim and Lance!

There she is!

Lance and one happy camper!


Back where it belongs!

Lost Wedding Band in Coquitlam, BC..Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)










I received a call in regards to a lost wedding band a couple of weeks ago and we set a time to meet to do the search today. This young man was taking down the Christmas lights and at some point while doing that and playing with the neighbours dogs he lost his wedding band.

He searched for days and had no luck in finding the ring so he went on line and found ”The Ring Finders Directory” and made the call…He explained to me that it might be a couple of weeks before I could come out to do the search due to his wife who was expecting any day.

Well he’s the proud father of a baby daughter, he called me to say to come over to find the ring and I knocked at his door this morning and we met.

While he was filling in the contract I stood on his front steps looking at the potential search area and as I was looking around I caught a glimpse of white gold in the red rocks that was in his garden under a small tree. I went over and pulled out his ring form the rocks and looked at him and said…Found it! He was pretty amazed as was I.


Sometimes you get lucky and my first find of the year was just that! I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to use my V3i but I’m sure there will be another search soon.

Thanks for reading my blog and you can watch the video on the link below…Unfortunately my GoPro was having some troubles so I lost most of the coverage…

I Love my Job!

Wedding ring set found in Fort Collins, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Chiyoko reunited with her rings

While out walking her dog with her kids Chiyoko Hogan lost her wedding & engagement rings while attempting to toss a snowball at her two wonderful daughters. The rings escaped her hand, hit a handrail that was beside the sidewalk she was on and then hid from sight under 2-3 inches of freshly fallen snow. Chiyoko did not see the ring set leave her figure but she did hear it hit the metal handrail. Immediately the search for the rings began but due to the two pre-teen children and dog on the lease, efforts were hindered. She went into her apartment with tears in her eyes to get her husband Joshua to assist in the search. The couple moved several inches of snow because of previous snow along with the fresh snow in an attempt to find the ring set.

After a couple hours of searching Joshua went to a local retail store to purchase a metal detector. The detector that was purchased was not of very good quality but should have been able to find the ring. They searched the area again without luck again. Joshua knew that the detector that was purchased wasn’t of good quality so he went to a store where he could rent a metal detector. The rental detector was definitely a better quality machine, but without experience using such a machine even the world’s best metal detector would not be much help. They searched the area that they expected the ring to be in one more time hoping the detector would alert them to the rings’ location.

After a quick internet search the couple came upon my Ring Finders profile and contacted me Friday night night. Unfortunatly I was not home that night due to having plans with my wife that niht. But Joshua left a message and contact information so that I could get ahold of him at an appropriate time. I called Joshua the next morning and he told me the basic information of the rings’ loss We made arrangements for me to come and search for the ring later on that day, Saturday, February 11, 2012. Unfortunately Chiyoko would not be able to be there when I made my search for her rings due to having to fly back to her former home town to see a sick relative.

Upon arriving at their residence Joshua took me to the area of the rings loss and described the circumstances of the rings’ loss and their attempts to recover the ring. I put my detector together and proceeded to search the area that they had searched previously. After recovering a couple of non-ring targets I decided to switch coils in order to get closer to some metal yard edging. While changing out coils I also needed to put on my gloves, the temperature at that time was around 17 degrees. After another 15 minutes search I heard a good signal on the opposite side of the sidewalk that they expected the ring to be. I looked over at Joshua and said “This sounds REALLY good”. When I pulled some snow back I could see the glint of the 14 kt while gold shining up at me. We had recovered Chiyoko’s rings! Joshua was ecstatic and a bit taken aback as he had previously searched this area with the purchased and rented detectors. This once again proves that expertise in the use of a metal detector can be the key to finding such things as this BEAUTIFUL ring set

Chiyoko's 14 kt white gold wedding ring set

Lost Wedding Ring in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts

Hello, I would like to introduce my self, My name is Leighton Harrington and I am located in Cape Cod Mass. I have heard a lot of good feedback about Ring Finders. I hope this works out for me here in the North East corner of the US. I hunt the Water & Land as most folks. Have recovered many items over the years. I started way back in 1972 with my Dad & Uncle our first machines were Whites Gold-masters 66 tr units. ( a dinosaur ) for sure to think how heavy those were…. LOLOL Anyway just wanted to chime in. Thanks for letting me be able to help others. Leighton



Wedding ring found in Longmont, CO yard

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

While cleaning up debris left behind by a recent snow storm Matt Smalley lost his 14 kt white gold wedding band. Matt performed an “eyeballing” search for his ring but it was unable to locate his ring. Matt found my profile on Ring Finders and contacted me, giving me the basic information and we set a date for me to come and look for his ring.

I arrived at the prescribed date and time; Matt had taken that afternoon off work so that he would be able to explain his work site and what he was doing the day of the rings loss. The day was a bit cool so after Matt had shown my around he went back into his house to stay warm.

I prepared my equipment and set about on my search. Within a couple of minutes I heard the sound of a ring laying on the surface. As I parted the grass I could see the white gold band that was hiding very well under the leaves and brown grass. I retrieved the ring and made my way to the front door to return Matt’s ring.

Ring recovered November 1, 2011.

Matt's ring


Ringfinders in the Snow

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

The first day of snow in Kelowna had Shawn Harrison and his wife Karen cleaning his car windshield of snow, once clean he shook his hands and drove away. When he arrived home he realized he had lost his wedding ring, he returned to the location with a metal detector to attempt to find his ring. It was hopeless too many signals to identify his ring, so he called myself at Ringfinders to assist him. On my arrival I found five people with propane torches and rakes searching the area, I joined the group with my detector and began searching, there were many signals but easy  for me to discriminate, after twenty minutes finding three coins and other deep good signals, I located the ring.

Another happy Ringfinders customer who says I saved his marriage.