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Wedding band found at Barra da Tijuca Beach – Rio de Janeiro


Last Monday as soon as I got to Barra da Tijuca beach in the afternoon to do some treasure hunt, a lady approached me and asked  if that was a metal detector  I was swinging around. ……Let me remind you that here in Brazil this Hobby is not  popular at all, actually,  very few people really know what I am doing and what those sticks in my hands really are.  Sometimes it gets really funny. People come up to me and ask what I am doing. After I tell them they say they thought I was a blind man with a high tech cane, others say they thought I was a biologist looking for microorganisms for research, others just laugh discreetly totally unaware of what is going on. Ok, it was Carnival time here in Brazil so most of the people were either traveling or curing their hangover at home, so the beach was not that crowded at that time. So, I told her what I was doing and she asked me if I could look for her gold wedding band that she had lost about an hour before after she applied sun lotion on her arms and hands. Although she had searched in the sand for a long time, along with her husband and some friends, she couldn’t find it.   She put me in a small area and it didn’t take me more than five minutes to find her band, though not before finding three coins, two halves and a quarter Reais. Needless to say she was speechless and overjoyed . All the folks that were with her  cheered a lot. After all the hugs and handshakes, her husband gave me a reward and took some pictures for me. Patrícia is a very kind person and wrote me a very nice email a few days later. Among other things she said that nothing happens by chance…..that everything has a purpose. I am very glad I was responsible to put together  a treasured wedding band and its owner again.

Keys Found in Franklin, MA

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On Valentine’s Day, I received a telephone call from Kelley, a fellow employee, explaining that she had lost her keys in the company’s parking lot somewhere in the snow.  It was my day off, and another employee suggested that she call to see if I could help.  The company has huge parking lots, so I was concerned that it may have been plowed into one of the huge mounds of snow, but I agreed to give it a shot.  I searched three areas of the parking lot where she thought she may have dropped the keys without any luck.  Finally, I searched around a light pole in the parking lot and found the set of keys.  Kelley said it was the best Valentine’s Day present she could have received!


Lost Ring Sugar Land, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Received the following e-mail:

Hello John,

I saw your info on website. I lost my wedding band this past week and was looking into renting a metal detector in hopes of finding it, but then I found you in a Google search. Would you expect the same payment whether the ring is found or not? I’d be willing to pay $**** if found, but $**** if not for your time. I don’t know if that’d be worth your while, but just wanted to be honest up front about what I’m willing/able to pay. If that’s
reasonable for you, please email me back and we can try to arrange a time to meet at the park. Thank you for even considering!


I met with David and his son at a local park in Sugar Land where they had played baseball a few days earlier. David said, he and his son were throwing the ball and he was pretty sure his Platinum Wedding Ring came off of his finger when he had taken off his baseball glove. David pointed out an area in the park where he and his son had been playing, and then walked the area with me, highlighting the areas he had remembered pulling off his glove.

The search area in the park was about 100′ by 100′ of flat level grass. I was pretty sure this would be a quick easy find, thinking this should be a really low trash area and the ring should be a fast find. Well the park had a lot of false signals requiring me to stop and dig through the grass frequently checking for the ring.

After about an hour, and moving another 10′ outside of the original search area, success a good solid signal. I looked into the grass and saw the ring. I had given David’s son one of my handheld Pin-Pointers to play with, and I could see he was about 20-30- feet away digging in the grass looking for treasures of his own.

I called him over, and asked him to check this  particular area for his Dad’s Wedding Ring. After a few minutes of working his handheld in the grass, the handheld sounded and he found the ring. It was pretty cool seeing David’s son finding his father’s ring. It was a Kodak moment.

























John volek

Equipment Used:


Minelab Pin-Pointer Pro (times 2)



Lost Wedding Band… Found at The Quad Cities (Port Byron, Ill.)


I received an email from Breyana on Feb. 17th. She said her husband and her had been sledding and coming down the hill his gloves had filled up with snow. At the bottom he took them off and shook them and his hands and his ring went flying into the powdery snow.

They searched but couldn’t find it. She then googled for help and the ringfinders site came up. I emailed her back and then she gave me a call and we arranged to meet today.

The sledding was done at her in-laws farm and we had to walk in a ways but not real far. She then showed me the place where the ring was lost. Almost immediately I got a signal on the CTX3030. It showed 12-35 and not very deep. She had put me right on top of the ring! Breyana's ring

My easiest search so far, this makes up for some of those very long tough ones! Good luck ringfinders.


Norm Slaymaker

Lost Gold Ring Recovered in Orange County , N.C. Off Interstate 85 on 2/13/2014

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

Hello, heres another post of a lost ring that has been Recovered.. On 2/13/2014, I received a text & a call from a NC State Highway Patrol Officer who explained to me he had lost his ring in the snow while at the scene of a accident where the vehicle was down the hill in a ditch off interstate 85.. He had lost his ring while trying to open the door of the vehicle and the ring flew off his hand.. I met the officer at the location and started my search.. I was able to recover his ring in about 10-15 minutes.. After the recovery we talk a few and it was a pleasure to help him find his lost ring.. Its always a good day when you can help someone out.. I did forget to get a picture on scene but he was nice enough to text me a picture of the ring to use in this post..         IMG950541 IMG955917

Lost Engagement Ring… Found Independence, Iowa


ring Jan. 2014 ClintI received my first call for 2014 on Jan. 28th from a young man who found the ringfinders website. He regrettably  became angry at his fiancée and gave her engagement ring a toss.

They were in a parking lot at the time and it had recently snowed. He said he saw it bounce off the drive that led out of the lot and then lost sight of it. When he looked for the ring, it wasn’t on the pavement anywhere. So he thought it landed in the snow on the side of the drive.

He then rented a detector but couldn’t find it. He then found me and gave me a call. When I arrived the next day after work I went through some snow he had shoveled into a pile hoping the ring would be in it but all I found was a dime.

I then started my first pass beside the drive and I got a 12-15 hit on the CTX3030 but it was in the frozen ground so that couldn’t be it. The next hit was a 12-05 at about two inches and from just beneath the snow I pulled up the ring. We both were very relieved, him more than me.

So I hope this is a sign of good things to come in the new year. Good luck to all the ringfinders out there.


Lost White Gold Wedding Band Recovered in Durham , N.C. on 1/29/2014

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

Hello , here is another post of a recovery I made last night for a guy not to far from me..        Mr. Brian B. gave me a call yesterday evening just before dark about a ring he had lost while having a snow ball fight with his wife.. When speaking to him he gave me all the details and explained that when he was shaking the snow and water off his hands the rings flew off and he heard it ping / hit the ground..  He then tried to find the ring but was unsuccessful since there was snow everywhere and the ring was hidden in the snow.. even though it was getting dark I offered to come out and find it for him in the dark anyway since he was close and I really enjoy helping people recover their lost items.. It took me about 30 minutes to get there and I recovered the ring pretty fast using my Garrett ATPRO metal detector.. The search took about 15 minutes.. The ring was found only a few feet from where he lost it.. I was really happy to help MR. Brian B. and he was very happy to have it found.. He is a really nice guy and it was a pleasure to help him..DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPRO

Gold Ring Found Edmonton, Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

photo 2MattIMG_0585

Received a call yesterday afternoon from Matt in regards to finding his ring which was lost last November after his girlfriends chucked it over the fence into somebody’s back yard after having a disagreement, I asked Matt why it took him this long to try and find his ring he said since it had snowed that day his ring would be buried and it would be safe there until spring, yesterday he was searching on the internet and found me and the rest is history.

Matt told me he had permission from the owner to look for his ring. Made arrangement to meet this morning at the lactation, arrived in the back yard where there was around two feet of snow lucky for me the yard size was only 33’ x 50’ with a deck and fenced; Matt told me it was a heavy gold ring with his initials. Searched the area for about 30 minutes with no luck, then bingo ring found! Underneath the table on the deck somehow the ring must have bounced off something and ended up there as you can see by the picture the ring was very large. Mat & Sam was very happy to get the ring back once again. Thanks Matt for entrusting me and the TheRingFinders to search for your ring.

Lost Wedding Band Recovered in Durham , N.C. on 1/24/2014

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

On 1/22/2014  I  received a call from a gentleman and his wife  in  Durham N.C. about a lost wedding band that he had lost  off his upper back patio while using his grill. After speaking to the gentleman and his wife I agreed to meet with  them at their home where he lost his wedding band. On    1/24/2014 I drove to their home that morning to do the search and meet with the gentleman to help him locate his missing ring. The gentleman also advised me he had attempted to locate the ring himself but was unsuccessful .   He had explained all the details to me on the phone prior to me coming out so i had a good idea of where to start looking.  When he was using his grill he had burned his hand and when he got burned he started shaking and flinging his hand around..  That is when the ring flew off his finger. After a couple hours of searching the ring was recovered and  As you can see from the pictures he was very relieved and grateful to have his ring back . These people are very nice and it was my pleasure to help them. bs3 383 bs3 382

Lost Ring Kemah, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

  01/18/2014 I received the following e-mail

Subject: Missing Ring

 Hi my name is William and I lost a gold ring.  It is very dear to my family and I would like your help.  It is in Kemah.  Can you come by this week?



 01/19/2014 William and I spoke on the phone and he outlined some of the details regarding his missing ring. William said he and several friends where at another friend’s house down in Kemah, Texas.  He said they were all out on the ground level deck visiting and enjoying the outdoors when his girlfriend dropped her 18kt ring.

 William said they heard the ring hit the deck; it bounced of his shoe and disappeared either into the grass or under the deck.  He said they search for the ring and later found website and sent an e-mail.

 A few lesson learned on this search, I normally ask and get a pretty through “CAN” report which is an acronym for Conditions, Actions, and Needs (Firefighter Terminology).

 Gathering all relevant information as normal I scheduled a trip for Thursday 01/23/2014.

  I made the trip out to Kemah on Thursday as scheduled and met William at the location provided. As I arrived, I could see some time had been spent looking for the ring. The large wooden deck had been jacked up in one of its corners with a large bumper jack. (The point is coming), “the actions portion of the CAN report.”

 After introductions and a firsthand account of how the ring was lost, I began searching the grassy area around the deck and then began the process of crawling under the deck to find the lost ring. To be expected, the deck had its share of beer tabs and bottle tops, but no ring. I spent an hour working the areas around and under the deck with no positive result.

 It was at this point the decision was made to lower the jack and move it to the other side of the deck. The plan was to jack up the opposing corner of the deck and check the areas I could not reach. As I examined the jack, I thought to myself Williams a pretty sharp guy; he used the large steel water utility cover as a footing for the jack.  I started looking for something to use on the other side as a footing for the jack. I again ran my hand held around the edge of the cover checking for the ring, but no luck.

 It was at this point William grabbed the large steel utility cover off the ground (OK, will stop here with the story)

 William had brought the steel utility cover along with him to use as a footing for the jack. I couldn’t believe it; it looked like it belonged there, and had been there a long time.

 Well, I think we all know where the ring was found, under the cover WOW. William had put the large steel cover right over the ring.  I went around that darn cover 20 plus times; knowing in my mind, that the utility cover was their long before any of us. (wrong). This was where I failed in my CAN report, “Actions” what actions had been taken. 

 One can never ask enough questions. I am still laughing about this one.

 William was glad to get his girlfriend’s ring back, all in all a good day for everyone.












kehma 3























Kehma 4













 CTX 3030

Pin pointer Pro
