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Lost Ring Conroe, Texas (Lake Conroe) Recovered

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Service Call July 2013

Wedding Ring Recovered in Conroe, Texas (Lake Conroe)

Details of lost ring:

It is three bands that have been soldered together. The inner band is yellow gold and the outer bands are white gold. It
is about 3/4 of an inch wide and a size 10 (as mentioned, it is a pretty big and heavy ring).

I will be traveling back to Houston so I can meet you at my grandmother’s house to supply details of the location it was lost. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you again for your services and optimism!


Christopher reported he lost his wedding ring while in Lake Conroe, you can see by his smile it was another good day.

























Good Day Today






Lost Ring Texas Surf Port Aransas, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

July Service Call

Strike 1 for this month

Service Call on the Texas Coast

The client provided the following information on the lost ring:

The ring has an antique look with the largest diamond in the center and
two smaller diamonds on each side of the largest.  There are also
numerous tiny diamonds in the design of the ring wrapping around the
three center diamonds mentioned above.  The ring is white gold.

The ring was lost in a specific area on the Texas Coast, neither the owner or I have given up hope of a recovery. Planning another trip soon.

First attempt




Wedding Set Lost on Day of Anniversary at Rehoboth Beach: Found

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

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I received a phone call at 7:30 am on May 27th 2013 regarding a Platinum Wedding  set that had been lost the day before on May 26th 2013 in the sand at Rehoboth Beach, Del. The story was that the couple were celebrating their wedding anniversary on May 26th and that they were at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The owner had taken her rings off and placed them in her lap in order to put suntan lotion on the couples child. Forgetting that she had placed the rings in her lap she stood up and the rings fell into the sand. There were attempts made to recover the rings by sifting the sand, but the rings were not to be found. Upon getting the phone call I arrived at the beach about an hour later only to find that the beach had been raked by the city workers using a tractor and a sand rake. My fear was that the rings had either been gobbled up by the sand rake or that they had been carried in an unknown direction down the beach by the sand rake. I began my search in an area that was pointed out by the ring owners husband with negative results. I then adjusted the area of my search due to the husband believing that they had been closer to the water than he originally thought. The husband left the beach in order to help his wife pack as they were to leave to go back  home on this day, I told him that I would call him with the results of the search. The husband had’nt made it back to his parked car before I recovered the 1kt diamond Platinum ring right in the area where I began my second search. I called him and told him that he might want to come back down to the beach which he did and at that time I returned the recovered ring to him. I then conducted a spiral search from the area that the diamond ring was found and I failed to locate the wedding band. I then searched north of that same location without recovering the band. Then a search of the area to the south of the recovered diamond ring resulted in the recovery of the wedding band sixty feet south of where the diamond was recovered. It appeared that the sand rake had moved the wedding band from the area of where it had been dropped. I actually saw several of the small diamonds on the wedding band glistening in the sunshine before my metal detector passed over top of it. A small portion of the top of the wedding band was exposed just above its hiding place in the sand. The wedding band was recovered and returned to its rightful owner. Another anniversary saved by the Ringfinders!

Lost Ring in East Sooke Found

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

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June 30th 2013 I received a phone call from a frantic Adrianna, telling me she lost her wedding ring at East Sooke Park while playing in the water with her children.

Adrianna also informed me that she had only been married for one month and this ring was everything to her.

I met with her Tuesday at noonish and began the search after three hours in and out of the water with no luck I made plans to return the next day early to catch the low tide.

The next day at 9:00 a.m. I started the search again and after two more hours bingo, found it.

I sent a text to Adrianna with a picture of her ring, she replied “No-way, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU!”

Metal Detector Rentals Houston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.

Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


Lost Ring Victoria B.C. Found

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

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Lost Ring at Woody’s Lagoon Victoria, B.C. Found

Dave called me this morning and asked can I Please find his ring. While running at Woody’s Lagoon in Victoria, B.C. Dave stopped to rest and took off his backpack, then felt and heard his ring come off, Gone from sight into the sand. He searched for hours and had a sleepless night. And after googling found Ring Finders.

I met with Dave and walked down the beach and started the search, after 10 minutes a strong tone and there it was, Success, a returned ring.

Lost Engagement Ring Sturgeon County Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call from Emma stating that she had lost her engagement ring in her yard on her acreage in about one foot of fresh snow.  Emma recalled that she had the ring when she came out of the house and that after doing her chores noticed that her ring missing. She searched for her ring for a couple of days but had no luck finding it so she did an internet search and was able to locate me on the web through the “ directory” and gave me a call.

When I arrived at her acreage Emma showed me approximately where she thought her ring was lost. I thought to myself that this search was going to be a challenge! (Mechanics Yard if you know what I mean) and as well, Emma had moved some snow around and pilled it on a tarp. I searched for 3 hours with no luck that day, I told Emma to call me once all the snow has gone from her yard as I would have a better chance of finding the ring.  Three weeks later Emma called me and told me that most of the snow had gone and would I come out to her acreage again. She informed me that she had rented a metal detector and with friends had hunted for several hours over the weekend with no luck. She was giving me another chance to find it and was prepared to go purchase another ring if I didn’t.

I headed out to her acreage and went to work searching the area again with no luck. Something was telling me to look beyond the area which she thought her ring might be. I searched for two more hours and there in a small patch of snow I found her ring. I can tell you she was one very happy lady when I called her over to her ring. It had been there lying in the snow for over one month!

Thank you, Emma, for giving me the opportunity to locate your lost engagement ring. I wish you all the best to you on your wedding day this summer.

Take care,

Norm Peters

Fireman Looses Grandfathers Wedding Band while Fighting Brush Fire, Fort Worth,Texas – Found!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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Fort Worth,Texas Fire Fighter Looses Grandfathers Wedding Ring in while Fighting Brush Fire!

On Friday afternoon we received a call from a Fort Worth fire fighter.  He said that he and his crew had been fighting a brush/fence fire behind a home where a woman had thrown out some 2-day old fireplace coals.  The coals had set the compost pile and fence and part of the yards of 2 homes on fire.  He said his buddy had lost his Grandfathers ring which he now wears as a Wedding Ring.  It was 3pm on Friday afternoon, they were 52 miles away across Dallas & Fort Worth and 5pm Friday afternoon traffic was a major contention.  I knew it would take a minimum of 2 hours to drive there so I asked if we could come on Saturday due to traffic, but the young firefighter had panic in voice and ask us to please come.

How can you say ‘no’ to a Fire Fighter?  It took us nearly 3 hours to get there due to the heavy traffic.

He was waiting for us when we arrived and explained that he had been inside the backyard of the home and was knocking out the burning fence slats with the palm of his hand while fighting the fire.   He knew exactly where he was standing (in the wet, smelly compost pile) when it came off, and it was lightly raining… Get the picture?, pretty much a yuck site.

With a desperate customer, our Garrett equipment and rubber boots we went to work.  Thinking the ring flew off some distance into the field behind the home, we searched everywhere.  Eliminating nails, iron, junk, etc. doing everything we could to find the ring.   After an hour it was starting to get dark and everyone was loosing hope my wife went back into the backyard and began slowly going through the compost pile with her detector and pinpointer.  Understand this compost pile was about 18-inches thick and 5-ft by 5-ft  in size.  It was soaking wet from the fire being put out, burnt from catching on fire and wet burned trash just really stinks. But this is what the fireman was standing on when he was knocking out the burning fence slats.  I was coming into the backyard to help her when I heard her yell out “I Found It”, the fireman was standing right there when she found his ring, he was so excited.  He kept saying “you guys are awesome, you guys are awesome, unbelievable!, wait till I tell the guys back at the station!”.

This was by far our dirtiest  hunt, but one of our most rewarding.

Our Firefighters across this country will run into a burning home or building for us without thinking twice about it, the least we can do is work through muck to find a wedding ring for them.

This was a very emotional find for us and we are so glad to be part of “The Ring Finders”.

Till next time, detectors ON!

Don & Ellen

Palladium Wedding Found in Double Oak, Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)



We got a call from a wonderful lady that said her husband (a pilot) had lost his ring while working in their front yard.  He was standing in a culvert ditch tossing some large rocks from one side of the driveway to the other and felt his ring slid off; he said he heard it “tink” twice but never saw it land.  He and his family searched for months looking for the ring without luck. He bought a cheap metal detector himself  but without success, his father-in-law came over with another detector but had no luck either.  Months past and his wife was playing around on the internet and found “The Ring Finders” website and called us.

We arrived and met with the couple, I truly think the husband felt is was a lost cause.  The ring had be lost for over 6 months. With the snowy/wet weather we have had this year he felt it was lost forever.

My wife & I got our Garrett Detectors and went to searching; we checked everywhere the husband said he thought is might be but had no luck.  So we went back over to where he stated he had been standing originally when he lost the ring.   The ditch was knee deep in leaves, trash, mud and an 18-inch metal pipe that went under their driveway.   After scanning over that area many times we decided everything had to come out of the ditch due to way too many hits on trash.  So on our hands and knees we began to pull out all the leaves and junk using our Garrett pinpointers to check every handful of trash for the ring.  After a short time I saw something shiny and I told my wife “I Got It”.  There stuck in the mud, 5-8 inches down in the muck, right where the husband had been standing throwing the rocks was his ring.  The “Tinking Sound” he heard must have been the ring hitting the metal culvert not the driveway as he thought.  The ring was in great shape.

And for the fun part, we went up to the door and rang the bell, the wife came to the door and she said “No Luck Huh” and we just smiled and I open my hand revealing her husbands “Palladium Wedding Ring”, she said “Oh my gosh, let me go get him”  he was thrilled and we had “Another Successful Hunt for the the Dallas Ring Finders”.

God I love this hobby!

Till next time, detectors ON!

Don & Ellen

College ring lost in Elmhurst College parking lot found.

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

I was contacted by a student who had lost his ring in the snow at his college parking lot. He lost it when he threw a snowball. He lost it almost a week ago. I told him I would come out immediately, since we were expecting  a heavy snow in a few hours. I knew that if we didn’t find it now, we might not find it til spring. The ring was found in a bank of snow that the snow plow had pushed to the side. Very lucky that he found it.imageimage