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Diamond Earring, Holmdel NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

find lost ring lbi On my way home from work I received a text from Habib. He was very anxious to see if I would be able to find his wife’s beautiful diamond earing she accidentally lost at a large family party the day before. He sent me some pics and I was relieved to see the size, due to the fact many diamond earrings are extremely hard to locate. We agreed on a mutual time to meet later in the day, and for him to bring the other earing so I would be able to scan it with my metal detector, which helps tremendously, knowing exactly what tone to listen for. With that information I am able to block out most of the other tones I will receive in a backyard setting. Once on location I met with a gentleman who showed me the entire party setup, and the main areas Saba, Habib’s wife had spent most of the time that day. I decided to begin the search, as Habib was going to be about another 15 minutes due to some heavy traffic. I had quickly covered an area where the tables were set up, especially where Saba was sitting. The yard area was quite huge, and there were many food stations, and activities going on throughout the day. Once Habib arrived I listened to the other earring, and was quite pleased with the solid low tone it gave off. With that information I was able to move quite a bit faster, due to the fact that not may signals of that type would be present. I of course would check anything fairly close. I had changed direction after the first location was done, simply due to the fact the foot traffic would be moving in the direction I was working. I made one pass, and just after I turned to make another one, BINGO, my metal detector emitted a tone that I was almost certain was Saba’s missing earing. After moving the grass around a bit, there it was pressed down even with the dirt, just out of human sight. Luckily there was no damage to the earing. I looked around to find Habib, and he had walked way over to the neighbors house, where there was valet parking, and another possible area the earring could have been hiding. When I showed Saba’s earing to him, he was it total shock, as this recovery could be labeled “a needle in a haystack” Once again all parties involved knew the tiny details to narrow down this vast search area, to just the areas where his wife had spent most of the day.

Follow me on Facebook for more metal detector stories.

Stone Harbor NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Rob left a review for me in Stone Harbor, NJ!

I’m honestly still shook and can’t believe that I have my ring back. After hours of searching around the house and yard and asking the lifeguards at the beach, I figured my wedding ring was gone forever. I was about to give up but my sister in law mentioned that she had seen an ad for Ring Finders, so I gave John a call. He gridded off the area of the beach where I mentioned I might have lost the ring and within 15 minutes, he found it, dug it up, and returned it to me. My wife and I couldn’t be more appreciative and would recommend John to anyone that finds themselves in a similar situation on the Jersey Shore. Thanks again!

Read more stories of lost rings found in Stone Harbor, NJ here.

Brigantine NJ Lost Engagement Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost Ring?
Dont Wait!
Call Now!

Friend’s bachelorette weekend in Brigantine, NJ and all you want to do is get a good tan in. On day two of beautiful weather, drinking rosé, eating Wawa sandwiches, and laughing about life, we suddenly see our bride jump up and say she can’t find her ring. We all immediately run over and are on our knees digging through the sand. The sun is shining on us, some tears were shed, texts to each other’s significant others is in full swing and we decide to give the bride some space. Some took turns talking to the bride, random civilians pulled out their metal detectors or sifted through trash, others comforted from afar, and one friend decided to draw a ring on the sand. We felt helpless. Once John appeared, it was so simple. He found her ring in under 5 minutes and we all ran to her once she confirmed she had it. If you are ever in this terrible position, please call John. Thank You!!! 


Ocean City NJ Lost Wedding Ring and Engagement Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


Lost ring Ocean city nj


Call Now!


n the realm of lost treasures, love and sentiment hold unparalleled value. When Chrissy lost her beloved engagement and wedding ring on the beach in Ocean City, NJ, their hearts sank. Dave spent an hour or two searching, and he could not find them.

Chrissy called me for help from Facebook and my page Ring Finders South Jersey. I spoke to her and met Dave, her husband 20 minutes later.

I began my search after getting the details of how they were lost in the sand. Having the general idea of the location. The kids dug a large hole that was a starting point. I was able to find both rings very quickly!

The vacation was saved and they could continue their week! Dave and Chrissy were so happy! Chrissy said, ” If I was there, I would have cried!” It was a happy ending in Ocean City, New Jersey!

Feel free to read some of the testimonials of lost rings found in Ocean City, NJ!



Ocean City NJ Lost Religious Medal and Necklace Found By Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)


Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Call now!

Later in the night, I got a text from Jennifer requesting assistance in locating her son’s misplaced religious medallion and necklace in Ocean City, NJ. The necklace was given to him by his grandmother and is very sentimental. After inquiring for further details, I set out and quickly reached the location. There, I asked Liam some questions to gather additional information. I then started the search on the beach behind where Liam had been surfing earlier in the day. Ultimately, the missing necklace was recovered. It was a great ending to a late Saturday night in Ocean City, NJ!

Lost a ring in Ocean City NJ? Give a call!

North Wildwood NJ Lost Hearing Aid Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call Now!



While enjoying the bonfire on the beach in North Wildwood, NJ, Anthony lost his hearing aid in the sand. Upon receiving a call for assistance, I promptly arrived at the scene. After gathering some details about the incident, I began my search with the help of my metal detector.

Despite an hour and a half of meticulous searching, success eluded me. I decided it would be best to resume the search after the bonfire was over and the area was clear. Upon my return, I expanded the search perimeter and digging out several other targets.

Finally, after countless swings of my metal detector and a few hours of dedicated searching, I found the missing hearing aid! I immediately called Valerie to relay the good news. Al soon met me at the scene, and I handed over the hearing aid.

The day concluded on a happy note, transforming a potential disaster into a joyful ending.

Visit my website for more stories of returned rings lost on the beach in the sand!

Follow the North Wildwood Ring Finder on Facebook!


Lost Tiffany Gold Gold Earring found Ocean City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a Ring?

Don’t wait to call!


I received a call from Christina who lost her gold Tiffany earring yesterday while playing a game of baseball with her children on the beach in Ocean City, New Jersey.  She wasn’t sure where it was lost, so I started with where her son drew home base in the sand. I put the coil down and heard the signal within a minute.  The first dig was the last dig in this quick recovery.

New Jersey Ring Finder, Find lost ring on the beachRing Finder Ocean City NJRing Finder New JerseyRing Finder Near Me Ocean City NJ

Wildwood NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!

Call now!


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Ring finders new jersey, Wildwood NJ Lost Ring Finde,  ring finder near me r

Wildwood, NJ – On a sunny afternoon, Pablo lost his wedding band when he shook out his beach towel and watched as his wedding band slipped off his finger and disappeared into the sand. He reached out to me the following day for help in retrieving his ring. With a detailed description of his location on the beach in hand, I set out to search for the ring. Upon arrival, I carefully surveyed the area, mentally marking the boundaries to ensure a methodical approach. Equipped with my metal detector, I began to sweep across the marked zone. It wasn’t long before the detector’s beeping signaled a find. The wedding band was pulled from the sand! The ring was returned!

For more stories about lost rings and jewelry recovery with my metal detector click here.

Lost wedding ring in ocean, Melbourne Beach, Florida….Found with a Metal Detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Lost Jewelry Recovery Specialist! Land, water, grass, woods, in cars, on the ground and under the ground! Call ASAP…321-363-6029

Nathanael texted me late one night to see if I could help him find his platinum wedding ring which he lost in the surf while videoing himself and a friend. (He actually had a video of the very moment that he lost his ring…which he did not even realize at the time!). I asked him a few questions and come to find out he had posted on Facebook that night about his loss and even had a few people respond…offering to help him. I normally ask people NOT to post online where and when they lost something as I want to be able to offer my service and actually attempt a search and recovery before a bunch of “people” show up and start randomly searching. Many times there are “good people” who offer to look for and try and help find a lost item with the good intention of returning the lost item if they happen to find it…which is GREAT and what we hope and pray happens…BUT there are those “other people” who will go out and if they find it they will NOT return it to the rightful owner! So in this case I told Nathanael that I would not be able to conduct a proper search with the high possibility of others showing up and searching as well and plus it would be an hour and a half drive one way. Nathanael understood and I wished him luck and said goodbye!

An hour later I received another call from a young lady who lost a diamond engagement ring in the grass and she was only 7 miles away from where Nathanael lost his ring in the surf…in the same town of Melbourne! Both individuals were leaving the very next day from Melbourne and I felt compelled to go real early and trust God to help me find the young lady’s lost engagement ring and then I could drive the 7 miles to the beach and get set up early and chase the tide out until I got over Nathanael’s ring. God gave me peace to attempt both searches in one day! I was able to find Jessica’s ring in about 20 minutes and actually got over to the Hilton by 9:30…which was 5 hours before low tide.

After talking to the Hotel Concierge and obtaining permission to park I gathered my equipment and walked out onto the beach expecting to see some people out there with metal detectors…but there were none! Nathanael had given me great photos and very accurate information as to where he was and that fact that he lost it close to high tide would allow me to search the wet sand as the tide receded! Three hours later I started digging some deeper targets close to some hard coral patches and my last target was Nathanael’s lost platinum wedding ring! In two days it had gone down at least 6 inches in the sand and I was so so thankful to God for allowing me to find this ring. Two in one day…what a thrill!!

Lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…so thankful to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost cell phone, Daytona Beach, Florida….Found and Returned to Happy Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jeff called me and explained that his daughter had left her purse and cell phone at a night club and when she returned just a short time later unfortunately no one had seen a thing. Of course her purse had her ID and some cash and cards and whatnot but her phone was one of those nice expensive ones and had allot of information and pictures that were irreplaceable. So I asked Jeff a few questions and come to find out the GPS on the cell phone was still giving a signal of being in the vicinity of the night club. So that was a great clue that the phone was hiding somewhere close. It took an hour or so to make the drive and being as it was in the middle of the day and the middle of the week it was not very busy so I was able to start a systematic and thorough search between the buildings and shops. I never did find Jeff’s daughter’s purse or the contents BUT…I was able to locate her cell phone in the long grass. It had a slight dent on one corner and it looked as if whoever took it that night tried to get into it but it was locked with a passcode so they apparently threw it across the parking lot and it just nicked the cement wall and fell into the grass….where if sat for 2 days waiting for me to come along! I was so thankful to be able to find Jeff’s daughter’s phone and the next day I mailed it off to where she was attending college.

Lost something recently and need help? Call or text a ring finder near you…or call or text me and let’s see if I can help you!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com