lost ring in the lake Tag | The Ring Finders


  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)

Linda called me the other day and told me that her father had lost his gold ring with diamonds while gardening in his back yard in Beverly Hills. We made arrangements for me to go search that coming Sunday. I drove out there early Sunday morning and talked with her and her father to determine the most likely place the ring was lost, after ruling out one side of the yard, I began scanning the top and the side of bushes with my detector, I heard a faint signal on the side of the bushes, so I took out my hand held pinpointer then heard a good signal about 4 inches in, I placed a sifting screen on the ground at the side of the bushes about a foot in, I shook the bushes and no longer heard the signal, so I pulled out the screen, and there was a beautiful diamond ring shining in the sunlight. Soon after my recovery, Linda’s dad had his very sentimental ring back on his hand. I was so happy to be able to help such a nice family. They even repaired a cold refreshing plate of fruit for me before my long drive home.

How To Find A Gold Wedding Ring in Priest Lake.

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

The newlyweds Ryan and Sarah were enjoying a perfect summers day at the lake. After taking a few gorgeous photographs, Ryan took a dip in the cold water of Priest lake. Taking a brief swim Ryan exited the water missing his newly received gold wedding ring. With shock and disbelief Ryan got back in the water for another swim to try and recover his ring. Borrowing a set of goggles from a nearby boater and wadding around in the four feet of water, Ryan didn’t find his ring.  Let’s just say the boat ride back was quiet. After arriving to his camping trailer and sharing his news with fellow campers his mother said find a man with a metal detector. Promptly Ryan did what he was told. After reading Ryan’s text we spoke on the phone and made plans for the next morning. I headed to Priest lake early in the morning. After meeting Ryan and his wife we set sail on a pontoon boat. I jumped in the 60 degree water and was directed to the drop zone by Ryan and the other sailors on board. I was using my Equinox 800 and a guide line to keep a true search heading. In the first 30ft circle I made, I found a bullet and a crude weight. Expanding that search zone and focusing in on the northern part of my circle I made half moon shape paths. At the conclusion of that search I was very cold but not wanting to quit. So I reeled in my guide line and asked for advice on one more zone to search. I backed up away from my weight, guide line in hand and asked the crew members to tell me when to stop. They all agreed and Ryan said stop . I headed to the south for my first pass and as I made three steps I saw a perfect round object sitting in the sand. I gave the boat a huge smile and dove down to retrieve Ryan’s wedding ring. With pictures and champagne the boat crew and I celebrated . Within one week of getting his ring, Ryan had thought he had lost it forever. Within a day, he got it back. The thought of his ring being gone forever, erased by another ring finders smile.


The newly weds showing off their rings


  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)

I was metal detecting one Saturday afternoon on a warm June day last month, down by the water in Huntington Beach. I was  finding a few coins here and there, when I got a loud signal and said to myself wouldn’t it be nice if it was a gold ring. Well, one scoop and there it was, a large man’s white gold ring. I was surprised and happy. I took a photo when I got to my car and sent it  to my friend Stan a fellow ring finder and said “first one of the year”. I hadn’t done a lot of detecting for over the year due to a car accident and an illness, so my day ended on A good note. I got an unexpected call on Tuesday morning on the way to play tennis, my friend Stan called me and let me know that a guy named Jeremy from Colorado was visiting California on the previous Saturday and lost his wedding ring, my friend said it sounded like the same  one I found. He gave me Jeremy’s phone number so I called him after tennis, We exchanged photos, and it turns out the ring was his. It really is  a small world. I sent his ring out that day, and he had it back on his finger by Friday. He was so happy to be reunited with his ring and I was glad to help a nice person. Just another example of how Ringfinders is a great website that brings joy to so many people.

Lost gold ring in Lake Killarney, Winter Park, Fl….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Nichole called me about a special ring her boyfriend lost while swimming in a lake. Apparently Trevor dove off of a dock and as he hit the water he realized he had his gold signet ring on his pinky finger. After he surfaced he began treading water and carefully removed his ring and put it in his back swim suit pocket and reconnected the velcro flap. Feeling it was safe he continued to slowly swim around enjoying the cool water. He was in the water for only a few minutes and had to swim to a nearby boat that was parked at another dock in order to climb out of the water using the ladder. (Neither dock had a ladder!). As soon as he climbed out of the water he felt for his ring and it was gone. Trevor had actually done a somersault in the water just before climbing out and as we talked, that spot seemed to be the obvious area where the ring came out of his pocket.

Thinking that he could retrieve his lost ring himself, he borrowed his brother’s scuba tank and BCD (vest) and tried to locate his ring but the bottom was so full of aquatic plants of various kinds.

Knowing that it is very difficult to search underwater when the visibility is very limited I opted to put together a submersible PVC grid frame measuring 5 feet by 20 feet. (I first saw this idea by another member of theringfinders who lives in Houston, Texas…a mister John Volek and also Jeff Morgan from Seattle, WA. gave me some extra tips on putting it together…thank you gentlemen!). This apparatus really is a game changer when doing underwater searches and I experienced it first hand!

I met Trevor at his apartment complex and loaded up all my gear on my handy beach fishing cart and we headed to the lake. It took a little while to get all set up but by 11:00am I was in the water and descending to the bottom. I could not believe just how thick the weeds and growth were and there was absolutely no way for me to use my Tesoro Tiger Shark metal detector! So I opted to use my 6 inch Pulse Dive Scuba Detector which proved to be the perfect tool for the job. Thankfully I had put a 12 inch foot on each corner of my PVC grid and that allowed me to inch my way along as I pushed and shoved my small hand held detector in and through the mass of weeds. It took me over an hour just to cover the grid inside and along the outside and I was getting very tired and plus I had not found Trevor’s lost ring. I surfaced to get a drink and rethink why Trevor’s ring was not in the target area…where he had done the somersault. We stood on the dock talking about the details of how he dove in the water and promptly put his ring into his back pocket and I repeated my earlier question about there being no holes in his pocket….and I actually leaned back and looked at his pocket and low and behold there was a factory made button hole slit…to let water out! Trevor was shocked as he had assured me his pockets had NO HOLES! Bingo! We had us a new search area! He showed me exactly where he dove into the water, where he surfaced and where he was when he put the ring in his back pocket. So I moved the PVC grid and within 20 minutes I had Trevor’s lost gold ring in my hand! What a relief and thrill it was to present Trevor with his special ring! Again I thanked God for directing me and giving me success and encouraged Trevor not to swim with his ring on! Lost something? Call ASAP!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com


  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)

It was only 95 degrees out last Sunday afternoon, so I thought I would go swing the metal detector in the lake at the local swimming area .I hunted for a couple of  hours with not much luck  others than a few coins, some bottle caps and some fishing hooks . About ten  minutes before closing time at 6:00 pm  a sad young lady  named Kim came to me to see if I could help find her husband’s wedding band . I searched for a few minutes in one area before her husband Anthony came out into the water about waist deep and told me he lost his ring around chest deep. Well, I am a bit shorter than him so I was out just under my nose , after about five minutes and just when they were closing, I heard a loud signal . I knew I found it but retrieving it took a few scoops with my nose under the water but there it was . When I walked it over to Anthony and his wife they were very suprised , relieved and very grateful. The day ended well with returning a wedding ring to such as a nice couple.