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Lost Wedding Ring in Calgary…

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Lost ring, Call Calgary Ring Finders. Give kevin a call you will be glad you did. When he finds your ring for you it will put a big smile on your face and your spouse.He or she will be thrilled with you that you have your weddding ring or other ring back. Call today to get your ring back. Kevin will also find any lost item you may have lost car keys, chains, anything metals.  🙂

You Lost Your Ring in the Bathroom???

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

You Lost You Ring in the Bathroom???Lost Ring in the Bathroom????

We received an email from a gentleman named Les, he said that he was changing clothes in his apartment bathroom and when he went to pull his shirt over his head his wedding ring slipped off and hit the floor.  He said he actually heard it hit the floor.  He decided to finish dressing and then find the ring.  Mind you this is a very small apartment bathroom.

Les looked and looked for the ring, he and his wife checked everywhere.  They even had the maintenance men come and move their washer and dryer in the attached room to see if the ring was underneath.  Les lost his ring on his ONE MONTH wedding anniversary.  It has been 3 months since the ring went missing and he found “The Ring Finders” on the internet.  He lives literally 5 minutes from my home.

My wife, Ellen, and I arrived about 7pm not really believing we would have much luck.  Metal detectors are not of much use inside a home let alone a small apartment bathroom.  But Les was so nice and asked us to try so we agreed.  We took our Garrett Pinpointers and our Detection Camera Scope.  Upon seeing the size of the bathroom we knew it had to have bounced somewhere strange.

      In looking at the bathroom we found a small open lip under the cabinet where the kick plate is. It was only a 1-1/2 inch opening that I could not even get my hand into, I got out my 3ft Detection Camera scope and worked it into the slot, nothing at first but on the second side, there in the dark glowing under the light from the camera scope was Les’s Platinum Wedding Band.   I said, ‘hey Les, take a look at my detection screen, is that your Ring?’  He was so excited, he and I had to break loose the baseboard under the sink in order to reach it.  He hollered for his wife, “they found It, they found it!”  Another successful hunt for “The Ring Finders”.

Don & Ellen Wilson

Dallas, Texas

Ted’s Wedding Ring Found in 15 minutes

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got the call on Saturday evening,  Ted had been working on his home all day, cleaning the gutters, small repairs and such.  After a long day of satisfying of projects on his home he went in to clean up and shower,  that’s when he realized his wedding band was missing.  He panicked as we all would.  He and his wife looked extensively all over their yard around the home, both front and back yard.  He got the ladders back out to search the gutters, went through all the trash, all his clothes only to realize he still had NO RING.  He decided to see what services were available on the internet and found “The Ring Finders” website which directed him to my wife and I just 20 minutes away.  Ted called and explained the situation, I told him that we would be over after church on Sunday and not to worry.  We met up about 12:30 on Sunday, Ted showed us around the home.  My wife and I both geared up with our detectors and began the search, naturally beginning on one side of the home working our way around to its opposite side.  As I was going along the side of the home,  I intentionally turned with my detector  heading toward the neighbor’s water hose which was loosely coiled in the  side yard. (Knowing the ring could have gone that far due to the height of the gutter line.) My detector responded with a loud ping when it crossed over the water hose and though I thought it was strange, I knew a water hose would not have any type of metal in it, just at the end where the handle was.  I moved the hose and ran my detector over the area again and still received a loud ping.   I reached down using my Garrett pinpointer  and hit the target – the ring had been pushed down flush in the mud in the grass.  That moment of locating a lost item always puts such a great smile on my face.  I called out to my wife and said get the camera, I have found the ring.

Two Lost Gold Diamond Rings at Calve Barn in Mt. Sterling, OH “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)
Two Lost Gold Diamond Rings at Calve Barn in Mt. Sterling, OH "FOUND"

Two Lost Gold Diamond Rings at Calve Barn in Mt. Sterling, OH “FOUND”

I received an email from a lady that lost both of her Gold Diamond Rings while helping her neighbor feed some calves. Some of the calves were sucking on her fingers as she feed the others. Before she lefted the barn, she realize that both her rings were missing. It was dark out and it would be impossible to look for both rings since there is straw and calve manure everywhere in the barn.

I came with my rubber boots and my metal detecting and started searching though the straw and calve manure. Found the five stoned gold ring within 15 minutes of searching. But the other bigger diamond ring was no where to be found after another hour of looking. I then switched to a smaller coil and moved some calve pins. There was the other ring, in the corner where the bigger coil could not get to. Her face lit up when she saw the other ring.




Diamond Wedding Ring Found at Green Hill Beach, South Kingstown, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

Two days ago, I received a call from Andrea, who was vacationing at a beach house in South Kingstown with her husband and three young sons.  Andrea explained that she had lost her diamond ring while playing football in the water two days earlier.  She was so upset about it that she had lost sleep and asked for my help.  When I arrived at the beach house, we took a small boat across a salt water pond and followed a path to get to the ocean beach where the ring had  been lost.  I searched for two and a half hours in the surf.  When I emerged with the ring on my little finger, Andrea was so surprised and delighted!  Her husband was shocked.  He was so certain that it couldn’t be found that he had made a bet with his son, a bet I’m sure he wasn’t upset about losing!  The best part was when their youngest son turned to me and said, “Thank you for finding my mom’s ring.”


Lost Wedding Ring Found…Iowa City, Iowa


On Thursday I got a call from a guy who lost his gold wedding band . He thought he lost it either while washing the dog in the front of his house or when he was playing baseball with his son in the backyard.

This was over a year ago, he thought May of last year. So I got my things together after work on Thursday and searched for it. I gridded out an area in his front yard where he washed the dog. Two hours later no ring.

So I went back today and gridded part of his backyard where he was playing ball with his son. An hour and a half and still no ring. I was beginning to wonder if it was in his yard. I stayed with my grid some more and got a decent 12-21 signal on the CTX. I knew it could be it but I was getting many pieces of aluminum siding and gutter that were hitting in this range also.

But it was the ring! Yahoo! Isn’t it a great feeling when you pull something like that out of the ground. His young son was out watching me work, so I washed it off and gave it to him and told him to take it to his Dad.

They all were very happy and couldn’t believe I found it. Never give up on your grid search. HH

Metal-detector enthusiasts ease the sting of losing the bling – The Columbus Dispatch

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

By  Lori Kurtzman The Columbus Dispatch Thursday June 21, 2012 9:24 AM


A Blacklick couple got into an argument one night last month. Cooler heads did not prevail.

It might have felt satisfying, what the man did, but it proved to be a bad decision because, once you chuck your fiancee’s engagement ring into the pitch black of your backyard, chances are you’re not getting it back.

Unless you know Jon Baughman — or any of the other Ring Finders.

They’re a worldwide collective of metal-detector enthusiasts who claim more than 430 successful recoveries of rings lost to wild gestures, extreme gardening and lovers’ quarrels.

“I guess that happens quite a bit,” said Baughman, a Licking County Ring Finder, recalling the email he got from the woman asking him to find her ring in a patch of thick weeds and water. Her fiance had launched it in that direction.

Baughman is 27, a father of two with a third on the way in Washington Township, near Utica. Right now, the former Army National Guardsman is looking for work, so he figured he’d try to make some cash from the hobby his wife’s grandfather introduced him to years ago.

A few months ago, he came across the Ring Finders website, which was started by a Canadian man who seems to enjoy nothing more than reuniting people with their jewelry. The site is full of success stories, emotional tales of lost rings. In one story, a finder salvages a clumsy proposal by digging up the ring a brain surgeon buried in the beach sand and promptly lost.

Baughman added his name to the directory in February.

He charges $25 to respond to a call. He figures that’s enough for gas and a Gatorade. He’s more interested in helping than making money. He asks for a reward only if he actually finds the ring.

The ring in Blacklick initially eluded him. He had the fiance throw test rings, trying to re-create the mood of that night, seeing where the diamond might have landed. But after three hours of searching, he lost the sunlight and found nothing.

He came back another day and worked quickly, already familiar with the area. Within 15 minutes, there it was — a shiny little declaration of love.

He texted a photo of the ring to the fiancee. She was elated.For perhaps obvious reasons, the woman asked not to be identified in this story, but she said she and her fiance are getting along much better now. They plan to marry by the end of summer.

Baughman doesn’t get sentimental about such things. He’s a detective, not a therapist.

“The main thing is being satisfied that you did find the ring,” Baughman said. “And next time they throw it, they’ve already got your number there to call.”





White Gold Wedding Band recovered in Trippe Creek in Easton, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Success once again! This time my buddy and I found ourselves back in the water looking for this target. I have to be honest, after 20 minutes or so of searching this creek bed I really thought we would be skunked for the first time since joining The Ring Finders. The bottom of the creek was not only muddy, but it was extremely SOFT! So much so that every step we took put us 6-9 inches deep in the clay-like bottom. What was worse, when we went to scoop a potential target, we sunk another 6-12 inches! It was like searching in quicksand. One slightly off scoop attempt could push the ring down into no man’s land making recovery impossible at that point. We decided a few minutes later that we would give it another 20-30 minutes and admit defeat if we were unsuccessful at that point. Luckily, a few more minutes of searching I got a good audible signal and made a very careful scoop attempt and……..well, I’ll let Denise tell you her story!

Up the creek!


My son was kayaking with my nephew in Trippe Creek near our house in Easton, Maryland.  Men will be boys, and they started cutting up and tipped over the kayak. His wedding ring (which should have been sized better) slipped off his finger in 4 or so feet of water.  He could not find it.  He was in serious trouble with his wife and was quite upset with himself.


The next day I searched online to find someone who had equipment for us to buy or rent or perform the search for us.  I found The Ring Finders website and called the person with the address closest to our home and it was Jim.  He agreed to come out on Sunday with his friend.


He asked us to try to narrow the search area as much as possible.  So, when they arrived on Sunday we had lined up my mom who had witnessed the incident and with my son on phone (he had already returned to his home out of state) we outlined a search area. The guys were patient, polite, and friendly. They were thorough in the search, and after almost 45 minutes in the water, Jim found the ring. Even they were amazed to find it, as it was in the muddy floor of the creek in almost 4 feet of water.  I would highly recommend to anyone as Jim says, they have 100% success rate.



Easton, Maryland

Returning the ring to Denise


A happy Denise!


The “thought to be lost forever” band.

Lost Women’s Gold Class Ring in Marysville, OH “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)
Lost Women's Gold Class Ring in Marysville, OH "FOUND"

Lost Women’s Gold Class Ring in Marysville, OH “FOUND”

I received an email about a lost women’s gold class ring. It was lost in the summer of 1983, 29 years ago. She only had her class ring for a couple of months before she lost it in her yard. The ring had a lot of sentimental value, because it had her high school boyfriends stone on the class ring. Which was also her first love.

Her and her high school boyfriend have been brought back together after 28 years apart and often talk of the ring she lost. She wonder if it was possible to find the ring. I notified her and told her that it is very possible to find it.

After looking for about a hour using the grid search and flags. The class ring was found. Telling her that I have found something of hers, she got excited. But started crying in happiness after telling her the stone on the ring was red. She did not tell me the stone color in our conservations. Everyone in her family that was there was very happy to see the ring again. It  made me very happy to see her happy as I received a hug from her.

I am glad that I was able to bring a smile to her  in returning the class ring after 29 years apart.

Lost: White Gold Wedding Band Middletown, Delaware ………….. Found

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

I received an email from a gentleman requesting help in locating an engagement ring and wedding ring belonging to his wife that had been lost in the front yard of their residence. The gentleman stated that his wife had lost the rings in their front yard while she was mowing the grass with a push mower and after putting on sun screen. I arrived at the private residence, interviewed the gentleman and then began my search of the front yard. After about fifteen minutes of searching I was able to locate the wedding band with no problem. After searching the rest of the front yard for about two hours the engagement ring refused to be found.