how to find a lost ring Tag | Page 16 of 131 | The Ring Finders

Grandmother’s Silver 1963 Nursing School Graduation Ring Lost, Found and Returned Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received a call shortly after 3:30pm on Saturday, June 1st from Emily. She said she had lost a very sentimental ring in the soft sand and some locals recommended she call me. I told her I could be there in about 30 minutes, grabbed my gear and was on my way. On the way, I called Emily back to get some additional information. While I was talking to Emily, I had another call come in. When I finished the call with Emily, I called the 2nd caller back. That call was for a lost ring in the ocean and was time critical due to the changing tide.

Emily called me back as I was getting close to Sunset Beach and said her boyfriend was waiting by the street down the path from the beach access point. I parked and met her boyfriend who walked me out to the beach where I met Emily. Emily stated the ring was a silver ring that belonged to her grandmother. Emily showed me the suspected area, which was under a beach tent. I turned on the Nox 800 and searched the cleared area of the tent with nothing. I was moving toward the other half of the tent and asked if the chairs and a table could be moved. When the table was moved, one of Emily’s friends, TJ said, “Found it.” Not sure if the ring was sitting on top of the sand or got kicked up when the table was moved. So mission accomplished and Emily had her ring back. I headed out enroute to the next call.

Sunday, I text Emily back to get the full story of her ring that I didn’t get in my haste to answer the 2nd call. She graciously replied saying, “She had taken the ring off and sat it in her bag while working on a small art project to commemorate her and her boyfriend’s 1st beach trip together. The artwork involved glue, so she had taken her ring off and put it in her bag. Sometime later the tide came in and her and her friends were rushing to get the umbrellas and chairs moved higher on the beach. Her bag was knocked over in the process and she didn’t realize the loss until they made it back to the car.” She continued saying, “The ring was her grandmother’s graduation ring from nursing school class of 1963. Her grandmother passed in December and Emily has worn the ring every day since. Emily is completing nursing school and will graduate in the fall. She’s following in her grandmother’s footsteps.” The last thing Emily told me, that put this loss into perspective, was that “The ring may not cost much, but it is absolutely irreplaceable to me.”

Emily – Thank you for calling me. Good luck with your career and I’m sure your grandmother would be very honored and proud of you.



Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a message about a lost Gold Diamond Women’s Ring. It was lost after placing the ring into her pocket, the same pocket she had a tissue in to wipe her daughters running nose. So as she pulled out the tissue the ring few out somewhere in the yard. We was able to schedule a time to complete a search. I search the yard and there was the ring hiding in the grass. She was happy to have the ring return to her.

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost earring. She lost the earing while walking her dog. She was pulled down to the ground by the dog and the earing came off somewhere is the grass. We walked to the location and started the search. After search for a few, there was the earing in the grass. She was very happy to have the earing returned to her. This is one a her favorite set of earrings.

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Clemson University Class Ring Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned Ocean Isle Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Saturday, June 1st, I was enroute to another ring search; when Angela called and left me a voice mail. In the voice mail she said that it was recommended on a FB page that she call me for lost rings. She said that her daughter, Riley had lost her Clemson Class ring that she had received in April on Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina, in the ocean. Angela gave me Riley’s phone number. After we hung up, I called Riley and told her I had another search and I’d be there as soon as I could.

I called Riley back after a successful recovery and told her I was on my way. I arrived about 20 minutes later and met Riley on the beach. Riley explained that she and some of her friends were out about 2 am enjoying the late evening and the ocean. She continued saying that they had been sitting in the ocean leaning back on their arms, with her hands in the sand and letting the waves roll over them. At some point she felt her Clemson ring slip off her finger into the sand. She immediately called her dad, which was at about 1:40 am. A quick check of the tide tables on ‘Willy Weather’ showed high tide was at 3:18 am. So basically, this happened about 2 ½ hours before high tide. I arrived at Ocean Isle, roughly at 3:30 pm, which was right at the high tide time. Not only was I there at the wrong time but the sea breeze had kicked up the waves, to the point I couldn’t get in the water. I asked Riley to point out the approximate area they were in and she stated they came straight down the beach from the beach access blue mat. I figured I’d clear the top of the beach and down the slope on both sides of the center line. Every once in a while, I’d try to slip in the ocean, but that was a lost cause! After close to 3 hours, and no change in the sea conditions, I called Riley and told her I was calling it for the night.  I told her I’d be back the next day at low tide and resume the search.

Today, June 2nd, I showed up around 8 am, 2 hours before low tide and started an east/west grid search perpendicular to the tide line. I started about 40 yards north of the center line and worked south. I had my Nox 800 detector and knowing that a women’s yellow gold ring will show up between 13-15 VDI (visual display indicator) depending on the size and width of the ring. Unfortunately pull tabs show up with the same numbers and if there’s anything on the beach that’s plentiful, its pull tabs! After about 2 plus hours I had detected about 90 yards on the beach and getting out in the water to about thigh deep. With the circumstances of the ring being lost, I knew the ring was there – somewhere. Gold is a heavy metal, so when it comes off in the ocean, it pretty much settles where it falls. In this case the ring was already y buried in the sand, so it would just sit there working itself deeper with water and sand going over the top of it. Also, knowing when it was lost, I knew the ring would be at the bottom of the slope at low tide. I felt I was definitely out of the search area when I got a solid 15. Is this just another bent up pull tab. I dug a scope of sand and dumped it on the beach. Ran the coil over the pile and I had the target out of the hole. I spread the sand out with my foot and scoured the sand. BOOM!!!  There in the sand staring up at me was Riley’s Clemson Ring. I washed the sand off the ring and took a picture. I sent the picture to both Riley and Angela and then called Riley – no answer. I called Angela – no answer. A short time later Angela replied by text saying, “That’s it!!!!” A few minutes later Riley called. Evidently Angela tried calling Riley with no luck, so she called one of the friends with Riley and told her to wake Riley up and that Jim found her ring. Riley said they were on the way. When Riley got to the beach, she sprinted from the access to where I was. She gave me a big hug and I could tell she was very appreciative. I love returning lost items to their owners!!

Angela – Thank you for calling me to help find Riley’s Ring.

Riley – So happy I was able to find and return your special treasure. I wish you all the best in life.



Lost Engagement Ring in Kenner, Louisiana – FOUND

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Joseph called and asked for help in finding his fiancé’s, Ingrid, lost engagement ring. They were having an argument, and she threw her diamond engagement ring across the street into his neighbor’s driveway or yard. Carrie and I loaded up our equipment the next morning for the 3-hour drive to the site. When we got to the house, we were early, and Ingrid had not arrived yet. We started a hunt in Joseph’s yard while waiting. We met the neighbor and received permission to hunt their yard. Ingrid arrived soon after. We talked to her some and then had her throw an assortment of rings and washers tied with plastic flagging tape. When I collected the flagged items, I saw the ring in plain view on the driveway. We reunited Ingrid with her ring, took pictures and headed home.

Thank you for your generous reward.


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

This young wife/mom was just devastated that she had left her rings on the zero turn mower and forgot to go back and get them.

Hubby went out to mow and well you can guess where they ended up! Yup, you guessed it, in the yard!

I drove 3.5 hrs, hunted for 6 hours for these priceless items! After spending about 4 hours in areas we thought they might have fallen off I decided to take two steps back and review the still frames again. I must have missed a key element or factor! I tried my best to follow his path from where he started to where he came up on the driveway to go mow the small side of the yard.They just had to have fallen off before that. Most ring recoveries is a lot of detective work and trying to figure out where is the mostly likely spot they could be!

After regrouping and deciding to go back to the beginning, I finally get a hit and I see one of the silver rings! Stand up get another hit and there is the engagement ring!

Two down and two to go! About 30 mins later I hit the 2nd silver ring! 3 out of 4 ain’t bad, but I don’t quit or give up easily! About another 30 mins go by and I finally find the last ring which turned out to be the wedding band and the 1st ring that had been lost!

I love this hobby and and love nothing more than to put a smile back on and individuals face when you walk up with what they thought was lost forever!

TikTok video:


Ring count for 2024: 14 (7 recoveries)
GOLD – 4 (4 – recoveries)
SILVER – 7 (2 – recoveries)
COBALT – 1 (recovery)
JUNK – 1



#xpfinds XP Metal Detectors

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Repeat Customer! Wedding Ring Found for Second Time – near Pittsburgh, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

Last week I received an early morning text “Good morning, Remember me. You found my wedding ring two yrs ago”. I had to sheepishly respond that I was sure I did but that I do not save customers in my phone. He told me it was Blaize and I immediately remembered him – the lawn king!  I told him I did remember and  I was hoping it was just a nostalgic text but was guessing probably not. He responded – “I need your service again”. We talked on the phone and he had lost his wedding ring out working again. I had previously found his ring in near record time and I cautioned him that there was no guarantee I could replicate that, especially after he told me he lost it nearly a week ago at one of his jobs.  He did say he had a pretty good idea as to which job he lost it at and where.

So I met up with Blaize later that afternoon. We took a long walk back a large gravel driveway and then a turn; this was BIG yard. He told me he thought he must have lost it cleaning out the deck chute on the rider. He gave me an area and said I think it is here or maybe in that big clump of bushes or maybe in the clipping piles. I asked for his best guess…he said start in the bushes. So I walked over and started into the high grass and bushes and suddenly I hit a solid sound. I looked down and low and behold there it was. After looking at the area I had to search and the other uncertainties I was just as surprised as Blaize was elated. It was a heck of a stroke of luck to find it so quickly. We talked for a few minutes when someone stopped to request his services and I took off to check out a lead he gave me on a spot to metal detect. It was nice to see Blaize again; he is great to talk with and generous guy. Also just like the last time – the yard he was working on looked great so if your looking for a lawn service locally look up Blaizin Bladez Lawn Care!


Yellow Gold Diamond Engagement and Wedding Rings Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started about 10:41 p.m. Friday night when I got a text message asking if I was the right guy to find lost items. I confirmed I was and received the following text from Gene, “My wife lost her wedding ring and band today on the beach near Kingston Plantation. Are your services available? Are you in the area?” I called his number and discussed what happened, what time and if it was in the water. Gene told me Jessica; his wife lost her rings about noon in ankle deep water. Taking a quick look at the tide tables, the loss happened about 2 hours before low tide. Shouldn’t be too hard, but there’s not too many searches that are easy. This one was no different. I told him I’d meet him about 12:30 the next afternoon, which was today, Saturday May 25th. The next afternoon low tide was about 3:15, so getting there early I could work the outgoing tide.

I showed up as scheduled and met Gene, his father-in-law Greg and his sister-in-law Samantha. Gene walked me out in the water and lined himself up with the resort and said she lost it right about here. I asked Gene how she lost them, and he stated trying to catch a football. The football hit her rings just right to push both rings off her finger. He told me both rings were yellow gold. So, on my Nox 800, lady’s yellow gold rings show a VDI (visual display Indicator) of 13-15. Unfortunately pull tabs, which there are 100s that end up on the beach, show 14. This could mean a lot of digging. I started an east/west grid from about the mid tide line working perpendicular to the tide line. I had a heck of a time keeping my grid lines straight. I changed course and did a north/south grid to eliminate the upper slope of the beach. When I got about as far as I could and still see my grid lines, I took a break. By now the tide had rescinded to the point I was sure the rings were at the bottom of the sloop and right in the trough, which is where the ocean breaks onto the beach. At that point I decided to start over on the far-left border of the search zone. About halfway across the zone I got a solid, banging 14 VDI. I was sure I had a ring. I took a big scoop and checked the hole. I had the target. Problem was, after I washed out the sand, I had a scoop full of broken shells. I shook the scoop moving the shells; I took a couple of handfuls of shells out and shook the scoop again. Still wasn’t seeing anything. I did that 3 times and finally saw the small engagement ring with the diamond. Boom! Put the ring in my pocket for safe keeping and ran the coil over and around the hole. About a foot away I got another solid 14. Dug the target, made sure the hole was clear and walked up the sloop and dumped the scoop. Ran the coil over the pile, located the target, spread it out with my foot and saw the gold wedding band. I had both rings. I was going up to grab my phone and take a picture to send to Gene and surprise him, but as I’m trying to get that done, I saw Gene and Greg walking towards me. I showed them the rings, and both were excited. I told Gene he could surprise Jessica but that didn’t work either. We turned around and the rest of the gang was standing on the 5th floor balcony. It wasn’t long before Jessica, her mom and sister was on the beach. Think there were a few happy tears, and all was good!!!!

Greg and Gene – thank you for your generosity.

Gene and Jessica – Thank you so much for trusting me to help find your lost treasures. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip home. Wish you two all the best.



The Tale of a Lost Wedding Ring Found in Fishertown, PA

  • from Altoona (Pennsylvania, United States)

In the quiet town of Fishertown, Pennsylvania, a seemingly mundane backyard became the setting for a remarkable story of loss, perseverance, and discovery. It all started when Dennis, a local resident, reached out with a desperate plea for help: he had lost his cherished wedding ring amidst the tangled brush and babbling creek behind his home.

Dennis his wife and their sons had scoured the area tirelessly in search of the missing ring. Determined to leave no stone unturned, Dennis spared no expense, investing in tools like a weed whacker to clear away the dense vegetation and even a high-end metal detector to aid in the search. Despite their best efforts, the ring remained elusive, slipping through their fingers time and time again.

Frustrated and disheartened, Dennis contacted me to help him locate his ring.
Armed with my detector and usual determination, I ventured into Dennis’s backyard, ready to search for the ring that had eluded him for so long. After an hour of meticulous searching, a glimmer of hope emerged from the depths of the underbrush. There, nestled among the foliage in an area previously searched by Dennis, lay the elusive wedding ring, gleaming in the dappled sunlight.

At that moment, joy and relief washed over Dennis as he beheld his long-lost treasure, now miraculously returned to him. Grateful beyond words, Dennis expressed his heartfelt gratitude. The moment of discovery was nothing short of magical, filled with a sense of triumph and joy that words cannot adequately describe. As the saga of the lost wedding ring drew to a close, a newfound passion was ignited within Dennis. Inspired by his encounter with the world of metal detecting, he resolved to embrace it as a hobby, eager to explore new avenues of adventure and discovery.

And so, amidst the tranquil surroundings of Fishertown, PA, the tale of the lost wedding ring served as a reminder that sometimes, the greatest treasures can be found not in riches or material possessions, but in the bonds of friendship and the shared experiences that unite us all. And as long as lost rings are waiting to be reunited with their owners, I’ll be there, ready to embark on the next great adventure.

Lost wedding ring in ocean, Melbourne Beach, Florida….Found with a Metal Detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Lost Jewelry Recovery Specialist! Land, water, grass, woods, in cars, on the ground and under the ground! Call ASAP…321-363-6029

Nathanael texted me late one night to see if I could help him find his platinum wedding ring which he lost in the surf while videoing himself and a friend. (He actually had a video of the very moment that he lost his ring…which he did not even realize at the time!). I asked him a few questions and come to find out he had posted on Facebook that night about his loss and even had a few people respond…offering to help him. I normally ask people NOT to post online where and when they lost something as I want to be able to offer my service and actually attempt a search and recovery before a bunch of “people” show up and start randomly searching. Many times there are “good people” who offer to look for and try and help find a lost item with the good intention of returning the lost item if they happen to find it…which is GREAT and what we hope and pray happens…BUT there are those “other people” who will go out and if they find it they will NOT return it to the rightful owner! So in this case I told Nathanael that I would not be able to conduct a proper search with the high possibility of others showing up and searching as well and plus it would be an hour and a half drive one way. Nathanael understood and I wished him luck and said goodbye!

An hour later I received another call from a young lady who lost a diamond engagement ring in the grass and she was only 7 miles away from where Nathanael lost his ring in the surf…in the same town of Melbourne! Both individuals were leaving the very next day from Melbourne and I felt compelled to go real early and trust God to help me find the young lady’s lost engagement ring and then I could drive the 7 miles to the beach and get set up early and chase the tide out until I got over Nathanael’s ring. God gave me peace to attempt both searches in one day! I was able to find Jessica’s ring in about 20 minutes and actually got over to the Hilton by 9:30…which was 5 hours before low tide.

After talking to the Hotel Concierge and obtaining permission to park I gathered my equipment and walked out onto the beach expecting to see some people out there with metal detectors…but there were none! Nathanael had given me great photos and very accurate information as to where he was and that fact that he lost it close to high tide would allow me to search the wet sand as the tide receded! Three hours later I started digging some deeper targets close to some hard coral patches and my last target was Nathanael’s lost platinum wedding ring! In two days it had gone down at least 6 inches in the sand and I was so so thankful to God for allowing me to find this ring. Two in one day…what a thrill!!

Lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…so thankful to be a member of