best way to recover lost ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Priscilla Beach Plymouth MA Engagement/Wedding Band Ring Found & Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

June 13, 2024

An enjoyable day on the soft sand, in bright sunlight shining down turned into a day of despair and anguish over a missing ring. Victoria’s sister bought a detector to help locate the missing ring. A day of searching yielded nothing but a bit of trash. Victoria (Vicky) had a great bit more luck – she found a link to which led to a call for help that I received. An enlightening and enjoyable conversation and a meeting for the next day was set-up.

I arrived about 5 minutes early and was greeted by the property owner. All was all set and I now had the area to search. From the rear porch steps, across some lawn, down a short set of steps and more lawn nothing alerted my detector. Next was a long set of stairs which had thickly covered land on either side. The blooming vegetation would be impossible to detect in, I said a quick prayer that the ring was not lost while Vicky was ascending the stairs, but rather it was indeed on the sandy beach.

At the bottom of the stairs and now on soft white sand I began to search again. At the end of my first pass next to the vegetation I turned to start a second pass. Two swings later and there it was, the sound from my headphones, that said “Here it is, dig!” One shallow scoop into the sand a quick shake and three small rock obscured my view of the ring. I pull the rocks out and was amazed at the beautiful ring that I had just found. OH NO…Vicky and Ginna were about half way down the stairs. The ring went into my pocket, we greeted each other and then I reached out to shake Vicky’s hand again. This time I had her ring in my hand, a surprised look and then the swelling of eyes and emotional disbelief over came the calmness that she had just a few seconds before.

As usual, pictures and stories about the ring and previous day’s search with Ginna’s new metal detector.

This lead to a few minute of instructions on how to use the detector and how to understand what the display could tell the operator. A couple of rings, a coin and a piece of iron were “detected”. Now I assured them had they waved the coil over the ring and understood the tone and display, she would have found the ring. And in the future she will be able to locate more desirable objects with less or no time “wasted” digging parts of lobster traps 10 inches down in the sand.

This return was another wonderful experience for me, not only because of the find and return, but that I think I have peaked the interest in metal detecting and what it has to offer for two wonderful sisters. I also learned just how much the ring meant to Vicky and her husband as he had designed the ring as an engagement ring and then had two more rings added to the engagement ring to transform it into the one beautiful wedding ring.

I just love my hobby, especially with times like I had today. Thanks for letting me help.

Sandwich, MA – Lost Wedding Band Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

June 11, 2024

It is the time of the year that lawns need attention, thatching, weeding, seeding, edging etc. As in the case of Ted he had to repair some thin spots in his yard that winter had taken its toll on. Ted had all the right tools and products to bring his yard back to its summer time beauty. The day’s chore was just about complete except for the clean up. The last item to be put away was Ted’s gloves. Off they came and as well, his wedding band.

Hours of searching, retracing his steps, nothing Ted did could find his ring. That was until he reached out for help from TheRingFinders. A few texts and a date and time were exchanged for a search. As the plans were set I reached out to my detecting partner Leighton and all was set. We met at Ted’s home and got the low down on specifics of were he had been working on his yard. The main areas were in the rear and one side of the house.

I chose to start on the rear grassy area and Leighton went to the area around the tool shed. Forty-five minutes had passed and I had only one possible signal, but my detector told me it was too deep to be the ring. Right on, but I just had to see what the target was. As it turned out it was an electrical connector of some type that even Google View has not been able to identify correctly.

I had covered the the rear grassy area twice and then headed to the side yard, mainly a mulch covered area. On my third pass the sweet sound of gold rang in my ears. Looking down I saw the ring, sitting on top of the mulch, no digging needed.

I called Ted over and asked him to pick up the, now located, ring. Joy and happiness was evident. It is such a rewarding feeling to help someone out of a nerve racking time. A bit of talk and and many thanks made for another entry to TheRingFinders’ Book of Smiles.


Lost Ring, Found in Back Yard and Returned – Rochester, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

October 20, 2023: While I was out doing yard work Leighton called with information on a ring search he was not able to help with. My wife was on her way to a luncheon, but took time to stop bye and tell me of the call. I finished up what I was doing, went home, and called Leighton. Information in hand I returned Mary’s call to get the specific information on the ring’s loss. It was the previous day that Reed’s wedding band was lost while playing football with his sons. I took down the pertinent information and I was on my way.

Reed had purchased a detector to search for the ring. His son had set up a well laid out grid over the possible area the ring had been lost in. But they were unsuccessful in locating the ring because of lack of familiarity with the detector and amount of non-precious metal in the yard. I was impressed when I saw what they had done, very professional. A point of last known and first realizing the loss were marked. Making my task of keeping a well defined grid search very easy.

Within several minutes I had verified several target signals as invalid. I made a few adjustments to my detector’s setting and bingo…a perfect signal. It was hard to see the ring as it had been stepped upon which embedded it into the soft soil. All that could be seen was one side of the ring.

I gave the ring to Mary and I listened to the problems encountered with the new metal detector while hunting for the ring. Well, I gave a few minutes of instructions on the detector’s use and I am sure there is a new young detectorist in the family. I could not have wished for a better hobby to pursue. I have met so many wonderful people and been there when they have needed a bit of help.

As this return was preceded with two members passing along information I just wanted to add my Thank You to both Leighton Harrington for passing the info to me and to Brian Rudolph in Maryland for helping Mary find the right “RingFinder” closer to her home and who would help her and her husband in the search for a lost Tantalum wedding band. This was my first Tantalum ring that I have found in my 41 years of detecting. Thanks to all, it has been my pleasure.