#how to find a gold ring in the sand Tag | The Ring Finders

14K Gold Wedding Ring, Lost in a Saco, Maine Backyard, Found Visually, While Searching With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I had just returned home, after picking up my granddaughter, at Fairfield School, in Saco, Maine and walking home. I wasn’t home 5 minutes, when I received the following text, from Christina

“Hey! Found your number on ring finders. We think my husband lost his ring in our back yard and can’t seem to find it. Would you be able to help? Thank you”

I immediately replied and I asked some questions

“So sorry to hear this. Where are you located?

A few questions

1) How long ago, was the ring lost?

2) What makes you think it was lost, in the backyard? Did he see or feel the ring coming off?

3) How large is the yard and what type of terrain? So, is it woodland, grass, bushes, etc? This will let me know size coils to bring.”

Christina replied

“ Saco, off of 112. Ring was lost today but we do not know exactly when. I took a picture of his wearing it around 9am and he noticed it was missing around noon. I have checked all our sinks and shower if it may have come off there.

My husband was tinkering with the power washer that he could not get to work about 5 feet from the back of our house.

Back yard is mostly grass where we think it may be. I would estimate the total back yard as 100 feet by 40feet. I am happy to provide a picture if that helps.”

Christina did send me a few pictures and I told her I would be there, by 3:30pm. It was now 2:50pm and I just needed to change and get my equipment, into the car. I arrived at their home at 3:15pm and was promptly met by Christina’s husband. He introduced himself as Justin and told me he was the one, that lost the ring. Justin explained that he was working on the pressure washer, out back, when a bunch of hornets came at him, from under the back deck. Justin was getting away from the area,as fast as he could, as he swatted the hornets away. Once inside the house, Justin cleaned up and was ready to head to Lowe’s, to purchase a new pressure washer. As he was getting ready to leave, Justin noticed that his wedding ring was not on his finger.

Justin and Christina searched inside and out the house, particularly in the area he had been working. When their search didn’t result in finding the ring, Corina contacted me.

Once Justin showed me the areas, he thought the ring would be in, I showed and explained to Justin how my detector works and threw 3 different test rings, into the grass, so he could see and hear, the detector find the rings. This seems to soothe or calm my clients some. I then come up with a game plan, so to speak and told Justin, I would start searching on the side of the house , where he had been walking. I would then grid the back yard, going approximately 1/2 down the yard, turn around and head back towards the house. I would continue doing this, while Justin visually searched, for his wedding ring. I find that my clients like to be involved, whether it is using, one of my detectors or visually searching. Once I am onsite, it’s all hands on deck and a group effort.

My first pass , on the side of the house and halfway down the backyard, resulted in nothing but a few deep coins, that I didn’t dig. I took a 1/2 step to my left, explaining to Justin that by only taking a 1/2 step, to the side, this allows me to overlap my swinging of the coil, so I don’t miss any area of the yard. As I made my way, back towards the house and about 10 feet, from the house, I heard Justin say something. I looked up and Justin reached down and picked up his wedding ring, in the crushed rock, along the house. I could see his big smile and was so happy, for another successful recovery. I had Justin put the ring, back on the crushed rocks and swung my detector over the ring and it came back a nice and loud, repeating low tone.

So when I arrive on the scene, or a search, we all work together, as a team, to get the best results. I often bring extra detectors and let my clients search also. I have actually had 3 successful recoveries while doing this. I don’t care who actually finds the ring, as long as the ring is found. After a few photos of Justin and his ring, I left with a big smile. Maybe not as big as Justin’s, but big. I just love being able to leave, on a moments notice, to go and help people like Justin & Christiana.

Two Gold and One Silver Ring Lost In The Old Orchard Beach, Maine Sand, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Saturday July 27, my wife Cheryl and I were attending a family event, in Limington, Maine. We were there for approximately 35-40 minutes, when my phone rang at 4:02pm. I answered and a a young lady asked for The Ring Finder. I told her that I was The Ring Finders of Maine. She then told me that she had just lost 2 Gold Rings and a Silver Ring. When I asked where she had lost the rings, she said Old Orchard Beach, Maine. She then wanted to know how much my service charge was. I told her that I don’t charge for my Emergency Metal Detecting Service or for my time. I told her that all I required was a $10.00 fee to cover my gas, tolls and wear and tear, to Old Orchard Beach. She then told me that her father wanted to talk to me. I told him the same thing, about my transportation fee and told him, “$10.00 and that’s it”. He agreed and told me his name was Bill. I then told Bill that I would be there in 45 minutes, as I was driving from Limington and not from my home, in Saco.

I already had 2 metal detectors loaded up, in my vehicle , in the event, of being called out. I immediately left Limington and drove the 45 minutes, to OOB, arriving at 4:53. I met Bill and his daughter, Julia. Julia was visiting her father, who lives in the area and Julia lives in the Montreal, Quebec area. They were staying in Old Orchard Beach, Maine and were enjoying their family vacation.

Once I arrived, I parked the vehicle at the Sir Charles Motel, where the family was staying. Julia then explained to me that she had lost the 3 rings, on the beach and knew the area. They were sitting directly in front of Abellona Inn & Suites. Julia told me that 2 of the rings were Gold and had belonged to her late Grandmother. One of the rings was a Silver Pandora Ring, given to her, by her boyfriend. Julia explained that she had taken the rings off and had placed them in the cup holder, of her chair, because she didn’t want to lose them, in the water. She then went swimming, in the ocean and totally forgot about the rings in the cup holder. A few hours later, when it was time to leave, her brother folded the chairs up, and the entire family returned to their motel room. Once back in the room, Julia remembered the rings and when she checked her chair, they were missing. Julia and her family, retraced their steps, down the street, to the beach but after searching the area, couldn’t find them. It was then that someone sitting, in the area, told Julia to call me, The Ring Finders of Maine.

Bill and Julia then walked me down to the beach. We visually searched the sidewalk and road, in the case the rings had fallen out of the cup holder, while they were walking, along the pavement. No luck. The rings were not on the pavement. When Julia and I arrived at the beach access path, I asked Julia to walk to the location, they had been in, using the same route, that they had left the beach. I would follow Julia and search their exit route. I found a nickel and a few small pieces of foil, but no rings. When I arrived at the location they had been sitting in, I could see where they had disturbed the sand, looking for the rings. I told Julia, I would start at the high tide line and grid back and forth, towards the Abellona Inn & Suites, in which they were sitting, in front of. I searched for about 10-15 feet and I received the tone, I was hoping for, a nice solid low tone. I stuck my pinpointer, into the sand, found my target and pulled out a Gold Ring. Julia yelled out, “Thats my Grandmother’s ring”. I gave Julia the ring and continued my search, but only for 2 steps, as I received another low tone, stuck the pinpointer, into the sand and pulled out Gold Ring # 2. Julia was now extremely happy, getting both of her grandmothers rings back. Now, the silver ring needs to be found. I started my search again, I almost immediately received a nice higher pitched tone, pinpointer in, silver ring out. I had recovered all three of Julia’s rings. She was so happy and I could see the emotions, in her eyes. She kept thanking me and was just so appreciative.
I then drove straight back to Limington, to enjoy the remainder of our family event. Total time I left Limington Maine, parked in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, walked to the beach, searched for the rings, left Old Orchard Beach Maine and arrived back in Limington, was just under 2 hours. There were people, at our family event that didn’t even realize that I ever left.
There is no better feeling, than to be able to return such sentimental items to someone. Every ring has a story and Julia’s rings now have another story, to be told.

Sentimental, Inherited Gold Wedding Ring Lost, In The Water, At Sebago Lake State Park, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Friday, July 19th, I started getting some Facebook Messages and I was also being tagged m in a post, about a lost ring, at Sebago Lake State Park, in Casco, Maine. I replied to my followers, on the lost ring post, that I would try and contact her, to see if she needed The Ring Finders of Maine help. A few hours, after I had left her a message, I received a message back, from her.

“Hi this is Mary D****👋🏻
I don’t have a picture of the ring. I know where ish in the water where we were. I believe it got covered in sand. Are you familiar with Sebago Lake Park?
My dad would always bring us to the East area beach”.

Mary and I started texting each other and she was definitely interested in getting her ring back. She asked me how The Ringfinders of Maine thing worked. I told her that I do not charge for my time or service, but do require a transportation fee, thats it. This is to cover my gas, tolls, wear and tear, etc.. Mary then agreed to use my services.

Mary also told me that the lost ring, was actually her Father’s Wedding Ring and really wanted to find it. Mary’s father had passed, fairly recently and in fact, she had just received his ashes, a few weeks prior. Mary then explained that she had inherited her father’s wedding ring and wore it, sort of as a fidget ring,always touching and turning it around her finger. Mary had always taken the ring off, prior to entering the water, because it is to big for her. However, this time she forgot and while in the water, she felt it come off, dropping into the sand below. Mary, and a few others spent an hour, with snorkeling masks, looking and searching the sandy bottom, but no luck.

I then sent Mary an aerial view of the beach area and asked her what section she thinks she lost the ring in. Her reply, Section 5, was the section she was in. We then made plans to meet at 8:50am, near the entrance to the park. I would make the, just over an hour drive, from my home in Saco, Maine. The park opened at 9:00am and we wanted to be there, for the opening, of the park. We met at the prescribed time and I followed Mary, into the park and down to the parking area, next to the beach. I got my equipment and followed Mary, to the beach. Mary showed me the approximate area of where she thinks the ring, fell off her finger. It was approximately a 100’ X 100’ foot area and the bottom of the lake was nice and sandy. No vegetation or muck, just the way I like it.

I told Mary that I would go out, into the water, about mid stomach deep and perform a grid search, horizontal to the shore. I would complete the approximate 100’ length, take a 1/2 step over and search, going back towards the area, I had started in. I would continue searching this way, while working my way towards the shore. I had made 5 or 6 such passes, thinking to myself that this beach was extremely clean. I hadn’t had any targets of either Ferrous or Non Ferrous, other than a few, barely audible ferrous items, I didn’t bother digging. About 15 minutes, into the search, I finally received a very loud, low tone and it was a repeatable target. A very solid low tone. I immediately smiled, plunged my pinpointer into the water and sand and found the target. I scooped up a handful of sand, but nothing appeared. I grabbed another handful of sand and this time, I spotted Mary’s ring. Mary was in the water, with her Father’s sister, her Aunt. They were approximately 10 feet, further out in the water, from me, watching intently. As I brought my hand out of the water, I held the ring up and said, “I have found your ring “. Both Mary and her Aunt, rushed right over and I received a big hug from both of them and a high five, from Mary. They were both in a mild shock, that I had found the ring. Mary’s Aunt is her Father’s sister and she was very happy and may I say, a little emotional, that I had found her brothers ring. Mary was also very emotional, as I could see it, in her eyes and on her face.

Rings like these are worth so much more than money. These rings are family and blood. Nothing can replace these very sentimental items and now Mary can continue fidgeting with her father’s wedding ring, once she gets it resized. The ring was made, for her father, by someone that he knew. Mary said she would take it to that person and see about getting the ring resized.

I am also on cloud nine. There is no greater feeling, than to return a lost item, seeing the emotional reaction and the smiles. As we say, “Every Ring Has A Story “. Now Mary’s ring has just had another chapter, added to the story.


  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Sunday July 7th, I was in Dover, New Hampshire, searching for a lost Engagement Ring. I checked my phone and saw, I had a text message, from 3:09pm. It was now 4:01pm. The message read as follows,

“Hello ring finders,

Hello, my husband just lost his wedding band at Scarborough, Maine beach this afternoon. I know what area of the beach we were swimming in, it was high tide and I’m thinking at low tide there will be a chance of finding it. Is this something you can help with?”

I replied

“So sorry to hear this. I am actually searching for a ring in Dover l, NH, at the moment. May I call you when I finish here and on my way home?”

The message came back as yes and I continued searching, in Dover, NH for another 1+ hours. During that time we messaged each other back and forth, as I had a few questions. I found out that the ring belonged to Riley and his wife Marybeth, had found out about my Emergency Metal Detecting Service and contacted me.

Marybeth and Riley had gone to Scarborough Beach State Park, for the day, to enjoy the beautiful weather and were surfing from approximately 11:30am to 1:15pm, when Riley noticed he was no longer wearing his wedding ring. They then got out of the water and searched the area, as best the could, but the tide was now, at high tide.
Once I got home from Dover, we started communicating again. Marybeth told me that she and Riley, were returning back to Scarborough Beach State Park and were performing a visual search, in the hopes they would find the ring. They were not able to find the ring and it was now, that Marybeth took a video of the area, they were surfing in and sent it to me. It was an extremely large area, perhaps 500-600 feet long and the width was approximately 150 feet. I sent her some aerial shots of the area asking her which area were they in, so I could better understand where they were. Marybeth also told me the following

“We were Past section 4 on your map, the surf section .
It’s a gold men’s wedding band that has a unique ridge/twist on it
We just got married a few weeks ago. We did a private ceremony and our reception party is coming up in August so we are really hoping we’ll have the ring back for that 🤞🏼
Thank you so much for your help!
1) the deepest we went out was 6 feet deep. I know that for sure because that’s how tall my husband is and the deepest we went was him just barely being able to touch the bottom

2) we know for sure it came off in the water. We went out surfing at 11:30 am and he was wearing it. We noticed at 1:15 it was missing and so we stopped surfing then

3) yes section 5

WHAT? NEWLYWEDS!!! Only married a few weeks and they have their upcoming reception party. I really need to find this ring, for them.

With the video to watch and the map now confirmed as Section 5, The surfing section, I told Marybeth I would arrive at SBSP, around 5:45am, to take advantage of the low tide.
I did arrive at the location, parked my car and walked down to the surfing section, a walk of almost 1/2 mile. Once I arrived at the Surfing section, I saw just how large of an area it was and came to the realization, I was going to be here, for a while. I decided the area was too big, to do all at once. I would cut the area, in 1/2 and start searching, mid beach, where the tide was now lapping over. I would perform a horizontal grid search, to the shore and search as much area as possible, just knowing, I could come back the next day and finish, if necessary.

Once I started my search, I dug a small hole and threw the sand up, into a pile. This would be my starting point and a marker for me. I always dig a small hole and make a small pile of sand, at the end of each grid line, turn around there, take a 1/2 over and go back towards the previous pile of dug sand, dig hole, turn around again and continue repeating this method, so as not to miss any area. It has worked well for me, in the past.

I had now searched approximately 50-75 feet, of my 1st grid line, when I received my 1st signal. It was a little scratchy , in sound, but the VDI was a decent 12-24, on the VDI Screen. Definitely in the gold range. I dug into the sand, with my scoop and threw it up, into a pile of sand. I couldn’t see any target, so I pushed some of the sand, out of the way, with my foot. I then saw a very small piece of something gold, in color. I reached down and it was a 14k Gold Ring and it looked just like the one, in the photos, that Marybeth had sent me. I absolutely couldn’t believe it. Not even two minutes and I had found the wedding ring. I just need to have Marybeth, to verify this was Riley’s Ring. So I made a video and even though it only 5:56am, I didn’t think anyone would mind, if I sent them a text, of the video. I then sent the video and 5 minutes later received a reply, from Marybeth

“No way! That is amazing!!! 😭♥️
Can you send another picture to confirm that’s it? It appears to be!”

After sending 4 photos and asking her if there was an inscription (There Wasn’t), I received another reply

“Yes that’s it! The only engraving would just be the 14k stamp. I am so grateful! ♥️ I will coordinate with my husband on when works best for him to pick it up from you in Saco.”

Thank God! Riley would be getting his wedding ring back, in time for his August reception. I can’t tell you how good this makes me feel, to be able to help people out, in their time of need.

Plans were made to return the ring to Riley, on Tuesday, July 9th, once he got out of work. When Riley arrived, he was just so happy, that he was getting his ring back. A ring, he put on his finger, for the first time, on May 8th, his wedding day. He told me that he thought he would never see that ring again.

Marybeth, texted me and told me

“Again, we are so grateful for you and all of your help! When we give a speech at our reception party in August, I am going to share this story and how grateful we are for you 🥰”

Gold Wedding Ring, With Diamonds, Lost In The Sand, At Goose Rocks Beach, Kennebunkport, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Recovery and Return #43

I saw a missed call and voicemail, on my phone, from 11:42am. It was now 12:11pm and 29 minutes had passed, since the missed call. I immediately checked the voicemail and this was the message,

“Hi good morning my name is Chris M***** and I was on Goose Rocks Beach yesterday. I took my wedding ring off and put sunscreen on and I never put the ring back on . I realized, when we got back to the hotel, that it was gone. We went back to look for it , but I’m sure it kind of fell off my lap and chair and went down into the sand . I kinda know exactly where I was when I was sitting. The trouble is where we have to be on the road at 2: 30 PM today to head towards the Portland airport to go home , we live in Ontario, California . A couple of people suggested I give you guys a call and see if maybe we could find my wedding band. My number is 9 0 9- ***-**** and my name is Chris Thank you…”

WOW! Chris had to be on the road, in just over two hours, to catch his flight, to California. This was going to be a challenging search. I need to drive, from my house, to Goose Rocks Beach, in Kennebunkport, meet up with Chris, to find out where he was on the beach and I still needed to contact Chris. I immediately called Chris back, but the call went straight to voicemail. The pressure was on to get this ring, in 2 hours and I don’t know where it was lost.

I decided to just start driving to Goose Rocks Beach and I would continue attempting , to contact Chris. As my wife and I pulled out of the driveway, I called again, straight to voicemail. It was now, 12:23pm. Another call, about 5 minutes later, straight to voicemail. I was now approximately 10 minutes from GRB , when my phone rang. It was Chris. Chris asked me how this works and I told him that I was already on my way to GRB and would be arriving in 10 minutes. Chris was ecstatic knowing, I was already on my way. Chris told me he and his wife would leave their Hotel, immediately and be there in 20 minutes. He and his wife would meet us, in front of The Tides Club, a Restaurant and Beachfront Hotel.

My wife and I arrived and parking, as usual, was a nightmare. I decided to ask Goose Rocks Beach General store, if it would be alright to park, in their lot. I told them the circumstances and they were totally on board, for me to find the ring, and fast. THANK YOU! The store was a 1/3 of a mile from The Tides Club and I had to move fast to get there. Chris called me and told me they were there. I told Chris, I was walking there at the moment and would see him shortly. I saw Chris standing at the beach access entrance and we started towards the area he had lost the ring in. It was now 1:05pm and less than 1 1/2 hours before he had to leave and catch his plane. I started my Minelab CTX-3030 metal detector up, as Chris showed me the general area. I started performing a grid of the area and then a heard a nice low tone signal. I tried checking my VDI Screen but couldn’t see it in the extremely bright sun. I ran my coil over the area, once again and a nice signal was still there. At that point, my coil had moved the sand, just enough, for me to see a small piece of a silver colored ring. I turned around, and asked Chris to come over. When he arrived, I pointed the the shiny object and Chris reached down and pulled out his stunning White Gold Wedding Ring with Diamonds. I had found Chris’s ring. Chris clenched the ring in his had and threw his fist, into the air. YES, YES, he said out loudly. He couldn’t believe it. It was now 1:08pm. It took just 3 minutes, to find his ring, with 1 hour and 22 minutes to spare. PHEW! Chris felt so out of place, without his wedding ring, he actually had purchased a ring, the night before, just so he would not feel naked, without his wedding ring. Chris was extremely happy and was in disbelief that the ring was found and found that fast. He continued to express his gratitude to my wife and I, as we walked off the beach. I felt so relieved to have found it, before his flight. The stars were aligned!
A lot of things came together, to make this happen. Being retired, gives me the ability to just up and leave, whenever I get a callout. GRB General Store allowing me to park there, to help Chris. Chris telling me that multiple people told him about me and to call me. Chris had no idea that such a service existed. So, a big shoutout to Retirement, GRB General Store and to all the people, who referred me and encouraged Chris to call me.
At 2:18pm, I received a text from Chris. It said

“Thank you again Dennis for today. I went back into town and told several shopkeepers about the good news. I’m still stunned we found it.
Chris and Julie M*****”

I just absolutely love being able to help people, like Chris. Have a safe flight home.

This was my 2nd recovery today. I will have the details of the 1st recovery, this morning, at 6:00am, as soon as I return the ring to the owner. We are in the process of setting up the time.

Custom Gold Wedding Band Lost In Lac Ste Anne Lake, Gunn Alberta,

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Megan called me yesterday afternoon requesting my service to locate her husband’s custom gold wedding band lost in the lake.  After asking Megan my usual questions I agreed to drive out.

I meet Megan at her cabin and we drove down to the boat launch.  Megan showed me the area off the dock where the ring could possibly be as her husband, Stephen, had been kayaking and when he returned he capsized the kayak in approximately 3 feet of water.  Stephen discovered his wedding band had fallen off his finger into the lake.

Megan and Stephen seached the lake bottom for two hours with no luck! I searched along the dock where they said the ring could be and all I was finding was trash. I could see on Megans face when I scooped the junk up how disappointed she was.  She was slowly loosing hope that the ring would not be found.

Megan had taken photos of Stephen in the kayak, he had the ring on and he was close to the dock where he had tipped the kayak.  After studying the photo I was convinced the ring had fallen off around fifteen feet away from the dock and not close to the dock.

I expanded my search outwards and recived the sound I had been looking for!  When I reached down with my pin-pointer, it was Stephen’s ring! Megan was over the moom that I had found his ring and that it was back on his finger.

Thank you Megan and Stephan, for entrusting me to find your ring.


Lost 1982 Class Ring Found in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, with a Metal Detector. Returned to Owner

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Friday , February 9, 2024, I decided to brave the cold windy beach conditions and take advantage, of the negative low tides , here in Maine. We have had some big winter storms in the last month and a lot of sand has been moved.

I found lots of crusty coins, a Milwaukee Electric Saw (crazy things under the sand) and a 10K 1982 Class Ring. As soon as I got home, I got the magnifying glass out and determined the ring was from Billerica Memorial High School, in Billerica, Massachusetts. Billerica is approximately 90 miles from the resort town of Old Orchard Beach, Maine, that I found the ring in.

The ring is very small and most likely a woman’s ring. I then searched the inside of the band, saw a 10K mark and the initials of JMG. I then performed an internet search and to my amazement, I found an online yearbook, for the 1982 school year. I found two different students, with those initials. One was a male and the other a female. I just knew it had to belong to the female, because of the very small size.

On Monday, when the school reopened, I sent an email to the principal, of the High School and explained I was trying to return the ring and if they could help with contact information. His reply was that they do not have contact for past students, but the Alumni Association, may be able to help. I contacted the Alumni Association but they would not respond, other than one time and never responded back to me again.

I then posted the found High School ring on many of the local Billerica Facebook groups, including Billerica Memorial High School Class Of 1982. I received lots of comments and everyone knew that the ring must belong to Jean, a 1982 graduate. I was able to get a phone number and when I called, I was able to speak with Jean’s Husband, Bill. I explained to Bill what was going on and he wasn’t sure if Jean had ever lost her ring, but he would ask her when he got home.

Bill called back and yes, Jean did not have her ring, as it wasn’t in her jewelry box. As a matter of fact, Jean didn’t even know that the ring was missing. When I told them the ring was found in Maine, Bill told me the only place it would have been lost in Maine, was in Old Orchard Beach, where they often went to, on vacation. When I mentioned I found the ring with my metal detector, down in the wet sand, at low tide, I was told they the family would always lay on the beach, in front of Palace Playland, an amusement park, right next to the Old Orchard Beach Pier. Well, that is exactly where I found it. As far as Jean not knowing the ring was missing was easily explained. Jean’s daughters would often wear the ring and also a granddaughter. They were allowed to wear it but were to put it back, when not wearing the ring. Although, none of the daughters or granddaughter will admit to it, It most likely was being worn by one of the girls, when it was lost, as they swan, in the water. The ring was most likely lost sometime between 2012 and 2019, as the family hasn’t been back to Old Orchard Beach, since Covid started.

On Saturday, March 16th, my wife and I drove to Billerica to return the ring. Unfortunately, something unexpectedly came up and Jean could not be there to get her ring back personally. She instead, sent her Husband, Bill and youngest daughter, Katie. Although it was disappointing not to meet Jean, I was extremely happy to have returned the ring to her family.

There is no better feeling than to return these precious items back to the rightful owner.

Men’s Wedding Ring Lost In The Snow, While Ice Fishing On A Maine Lake, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Sunday January 21, 2024, I saw a text, on my phone, that had come in at 10:44am. It was now 12:40pm, 2 hours later. The message stated

“Hey, I lost my wedding ring yesterday while ice fishing in east waterboro. I am relatively certain that it is somewhere on this approximately football field sized patch of ice underneath an inch or two of snow. I found your number online. Do you have the opportunity and ability to search for it at some point”?

I immediately called back and told Luke that I was available to go search and could be there around 2:00pm. He had lost his ring, he thinks on Little Ossipee Lake, in East Waterboro, Maine. This was about 20 miles from my home. Luke told me he was home with his infant daughter and would not be able to meet me at the location until his wife, returned home , in the late afternoon. Luke sent me a photo of the area he had been ice fishing in, along with the address, of his friends lakefront camp, they had been at.
I arrived at the address right at 2:00pm, after a 30 minute drive. I saw the tracks and ice fishing holes, on the ice, that were in Luke’s photo. I texted Luke and let him know I had arrived and with such a large area to cover, should I start on the right side of the area or the left. Luke said the drilled holes on the right side 1st and drilled more holes to the left. The area may have contained 10-15 ice fishing holes, plus all the tracks going from hole to hole. I decided to start where Luke had started and detected the tracks, to the holes on the right side, of the area. Being a frozen lake, with approximately 2 inches of snow on it, I was moving along quickly, with my 17 inch CTX-3030 coil. Being above the lake, I was receiving absolutely no signals at all and this expedited the search.
After approximately a 1/2 hour, I received the unmistakable low tone sound of gold, along with a VDI reading of 12-19. Definitely a great Non- Ferrous target, in the gold range. I took out my Garret Pinpointer and located the target. I started wiping the snow away with my pinpointer and I saw the outline of a Gold Wedding Ring. I had found Luke’s Wedding Ring.
I sent Luke 2 photos of the ring and his reply was “You Are The Man”. I then asked Luke if he lived local because I could bring him the ring, where his wife was still not home. Luke provided his address, about 10 miles away and I drove right over and gave him his ring back. Luke was smiling ear to ear and said his wife is going to be so excited and happy.
I just love being able to help and return such sentimental and precious items to people. Although the temperature was only 16 degrees and I was detecting in the wide open, in the shade, I warmed up really fast when I saw the ring. Another happy day, all around.

Men’s 14K Wedding Ring Lost on Old Orchard Beach, Maine Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I received a call from William on Monday morning, 9/11/23. William had lost his 14K wedding ring, the previous night, as he and his wife Sarah, enjoyed their last evening in Old Orchard Beach, Maine.  After leaving a local restaurant, William and Sarah returned to their oceanfront hotel for their last night in town and decided to sit on the beach and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful views, around 8:30pm to 9:00pm. When they decided to go back to their room, they were covered in sand, from where they were sitting. William brushed off the sand from both his and Sarah’s pants. Once they got back to their room, William noticed he was no longer wearing his wedding ring. He and Sarah immediately went back down to the beach to search for the ring, but with no luck. William then tore his hotel room apart, praying it was in the room, but still no luck. They both searched the beach again, the next morning,  9/11/23, still no success. William then called me after receiving a couple of very strong recommendations and referrals.
I told William that I would be right there to meet him, as I live less than 5 miles from their current location and being retired, I am able to just get up and leave. He and Sarah needed to start their 5 hour drive back to Sherbrooke, Quebec but would stay to show me the location. Once I arrived, about 10 minutes later, William showed me the area where he thought they were sitting but it now looked different because of the daylight and the tide was different. I searched the area where they thought they were sitting but absolutely nothing. He then said they 1st went to a bench and then moved down to the sand. Still nothing around the bench. At this point, I knew I would need to perform a grid of an area of about 75’ X 75’. I started near the bench and searched down to the high tide line, then back up to the sea grass, turn around and back to the high tide line, etc.. I was finding the usual trash of pull tabs and tent stakes but not much else. After about an hour and as I was at the top of the slope, heading to the high tide line. I received a very loud low tone on my Minelab CTX-3030. VDI screen was reading a very solid 12-24. I stuck my pinpointer into the dry sand and found my target. I caught a small glimpse of yellow and I just had to break out in a big smile. I pulled the ring out of the sand, turned around to show William and Sarah, who were now sitting in the sand up near the sea grass and said, “I got it”. As William saw the ring, he jumped up and said “No Way” and broke out in a smile from ear to ear. He then came over to where I was and we shared a nice big enthusiastic high five. The ride back to Sherbrooke, Quebec just became much more bearable. A Beautiful Day indeed

Handmade 14K Wedding Ring with Diamond Chip Lost While Bodysurfing in Scarborough Maine, With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Sunday night 9/3/23, which is also Labor Day Weekend, I received a call from Ric. Ric told me that while Bodysurfing at Scarborough Beach State Park, in Scarborough, Maine, his wedding ring fell off, into the very rough surf water. Ric said he was referred to me by members of the lifeguard crew, including Greg, the supervisor.
As it was already closing in on 4:30pm and the State Park closes at 7:00pm, I told Ric that because I wouldn’t be able to make it from my current location, to the State Park until close to 6:00pm, I would go down 1st thing in the morning and perform a grid search, at low tide. Ric was not going to be available to show me the location of where the ring was lost, but gave me a very detailed description of the location. He was just to the left of the webcam pole and approximately 50-60 feet out into the water, approximately “mid chest deep”.
I arrived at Scarborough Beach State Park the next morning at 8:00am and was greeted by Greg. Greg told me that he didn’t see Ric lose the ring but that it was in the general location described by Ric. I decided to overshoot the area by about 30 feet on each side of the Webcam pole, in case the ring was moved by the rough and strong surf. Starting down near the low tide line, I slowly gridded the hard packed sand, up towards the shoreline. I was finding a few trashy targets, like lobster trap bits and small pieces of aluminum, mostly likely from discarded cans. As I worked my way up towards the shoreline, I finally received a great sounding low tone. Looking down at the CTX-3030’s VDI Screen, I saw a reading that put a smile on my face. I had a great sounding low tone and a 12-19 on the VDI screen. Definitely in the gold range. I pressed my scoop into the sand, with my foot and dumped the sand out next to the hole. I ran the coil over the dug up sand and got the signal. I still couldn’t see it so I pulled my pinpointed out and ran it through the sand. Once I found the target, I put my fingers into the wet dug up sand and pulled out a large chunky ring with a small diamond chip in it. I had Ric’s ring. I called Ric and then sent a photo to him. He replied “That’s it, 100%”. We then made arrangements to meet in 20-30 minutes at a local restaurant, on my way home. The exchange was made and Ric explained that the ring was actually handmade, by a friend, and presented to him for his wedding. As The Ringfinders say, “every ring has a story “ and this one has a very sentimental story. Another great happy ending.