Lost and found Edmonton and surrounding area Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost 14k White Gold Wedding Band! Secord Neighbourhood, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Emily called me, requesting my help in locating her husband’s lost ring. He had slipped a few times on some ice while shoveling snow in the backyard, and the ring had fallen off his finger and into the snow. Her Husband had spent several hours searching without any luck, her husband was very disappointed. He had even rented a metal detector but couldn’t find the ring.

Emily had searched YouTube channel for tips on finding a ring in the snow and came across The Ringfinders in the USA. She visited their website and found my contact information. I met Emily at her home she showed me the area where her husband had fallen. I assured her that I would find his ring and within five minutes, I had located it. Emily was amazed that I had found the ring so quickly and was delighted to have it back.

Thank you, Emily

Lost Security Keys Rosslyn Neighbourhood, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Received a Call yesterday afternoon from Keynan in regards to his girlfriend she lost her security keys in a snow covered parking lot, after asking Keynan my usual questions I agreed to meet up with his girlfriend at the parking lot.

I meet Kelsey at the parking lot she explained to me that she was walking out of the building toward her vehicle and when she got to her vehicle she reslized that her security keys had fallen off her lanyard somewhere in the parking lot, she and her friends spent a couple of hrs looking for them with no luck.

While I was talking to Keysey next to her vehicle from the corner of my eye I spotted just the tip of the a key protruding from the snow! Kelsey was relieved to have the keys back in her possession.

That was my quickest search ever I did not have to take my detector out of my vehical.


Lost Office Keys In The Snow Along Boulevard! Sherwood Park Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

I recived a call from Tyler this morning for my assistance to locate his lost office keys.  Tyler told me he was walking home last night with his keys in his hand. He slipped on the side walk and the keys flew  into the snow bank . He searched for 2 hrs  with no luck.  His mother inlaw suggested a metal detector would work to locate the keys. Tyler searched the internet and found the Ringfinders web site which directed him to me.  The rest is history.

Gold Wedding Band Lost While Chopping Fire Wood Queen Alexandra Neighbourhood Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

I recieved a call from Owen last night requesting my service to locate his lost wedding ring in the back yard of his house. After asking Owen a few questions I agreed to help him find his ring the next day.

I meet up with Owen and his wife Hershey and they showed me the area where Owen had been chopping fire wood.  I could see where they had raked the snow off the ground,  They had been searching on their hands and knees looking for the ring until it got to dark when Hershey turned to the internet and searched for a metal detector. Up came TheRingfinders web page so she searched the Directory and found Me! The rest is history.

Thank you Owen and Hershey for entrusting me to find your wedding ring.

Tungsten Wedding Ring Lost Off Highway 855, Lamont County Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Brandon called me yesterday requesting my service to locate his lost wedding ring that fell off his finger while driving North on highway 855.  After asking my usual questions I agreed to meet up with Brandon the next day.

I meet Brandon and his wife Kassidy this morning.  They showed me the area that the ring fell off his finger while he was driving at 100 km/hr.  Brandon had his hand out of the van window when the ring fell off, and luckly he stopped right away and marked the area and started to search with no luck.  He and Kassidy came back again the next day and spent another couple of hours with no luck.

After talking to them both and eyeing the situation up I knew the ring could only be a few feet off the shoulder of the highway.  I began my search and within ten minutes I found Brandon’s ring laying in the grass two feet off the highway. Brandon and Kassidy were ecstatic to have the ring back. They just got married three weeks ago! Another Happy ending.

Thank you Brandon and Kassidy for giving me the opportunity to search and locate your ring.

Gold Cross Pendent Lost In a Vollyball Court Woodcroft Community Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



Nick called me requesting my service to locate his late grandmother’s gold cross which he has worn round his neck ever since she passed away. He was playing a vollyball  when the ball hit him in the chest and snagged the cross off his chain. He did not realize he had lost the cross until he got home.

In the morning Nick called and told me what had happend and the only place the cross could be was either in court #1 or court # 2. The cross was found between #1 and #2. It only took a few minutes to reunite the cross with Nick.

Thank you Nick for checking me on the  “the ringfinders” website and giving me a call.

Custom Gold Wedding Band Lost In Lac Ste Anne Lake, Gunn Alberta,

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Megan called me yesterday afternoon requesting my service to locate her husband’s custom gold wedding band lost in the lake.  After asking Megan my usual questions I agreed to drive out.

I meet Megan at her cabin and we drove down to the boat launch.  Megan showed me the area off the dock where the ring could possibly be as her husband, Stephen, had been kayaking and when he returned he capsized the kayak in approximately 3 feet of water.  Stephen discovered his wedding band had fallen off his finger into the lake.

Megan and Stephen seached the lake bottom for two hours with no luck! I searched along the dock where they said the ring could be and all I was finding was trash. I could see on Megans face when I scooped the junk up how disappointed she was.  She was slowly loosing hope that the ring would not be found.

Megan had taken photos of Stephen in the kayak, he had the ring on and he was close to the dock where he had tipped the kayak.  After studying the photo I was convinced the ring had fallen off around fifteen feet away from the dock and not close to the dock.

I expanded my search outwards and recived the sound I had been looking for!  When I reached down with my pin-pointer, it was Stephen’s ring! Megan was over the moom that I had found his ring and that it was back on his finger.

Thank you Megan and Stephan, for entrusting me to find your ring.


43 Year Old Wedding Band lost Strathcona Neighborhood: Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Annie called me this morning requesting my service to locate her husband’s wedding ring of 43 years. She told me that she was out in the garden with her husband cleaning up and that he gave Annie his ring for safe keeping while he was gardening.

At the end of the day Annie went to give the ring back to him and unfortunately the ring was missing. They searched her flower beds and the lawn for a few hours with no luck at all.

They checked on line and found The Ring Finder directory and called me the rest is history.

Thank you,

Annie and Tony.


Lost Wedding Ring, Skeleton Lake! County of Athabasca, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Zack called me requesting my service to locate his wife’s (Brooke) wedding ring lost just off the boat launch in Skeleton Lake.

After asking Zack a few questions I agreed to head out to Skeleton Lake approximately 160km NE of Edmonton.

I meet Brooke at the lake and she showed me the approximately area that her ring slipped off her finger. It was roughly 40 feet from the shore line in 4.5 feet of water! Brooke told me they had bought a metal detector and had searched for a few hours with no luck at all.

After about 1.5 hrs searching the sandy gravel bottom of the lake I finely received the sound that I was searching for from my detector. I used my scoop and scooped Brooke’s ring from the bottom of the lake where it had been for the past 24 hours!

I called Brooke over and asked her to look in the scoop! The look on her face was indescribable and she had tears of joy to have her ring back on her finger.

Thank you Brooke and Zack for allowing me to retrieve your wedding ring from the bottom of Skeleton Lake.

Great Great Grandmother’s Heirloom Ring Lost on Toboggan Hill Beaumaris Park, Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received an urgent call around 8:15 pm from Ihsan requesting my service to locate his niece’s ring which she lost while playing in the snow. It was imperative to find this ring because his niece was flying home to Sydney Australia in the morning. After asking Ihsan a few questions I agreed to meet him within ½ hour.
When I arrived at the park and meet Ihsan I could sense he was very upset. He told me he had his whole family out on the hill searching for five hours with no luck. I assured Ihsan if the ring was there I would find it for him providing he put me in the area that the ring was lost in and he did.
His niece was making snow angles and had pulled the ring off her finger and put it in her pocket for safe keeping. After she got up she put her hand in her pocket and was shocked to find the ring was gone.
Ihsan told me the ring belonged to his niece’s great, great Grandmother and that it was very sentimental to the whole family. I began my search and within 15 minutes I found a rose gold ring in the area but that was not the ring! The ring I was looking for was a yellow gold ring with a diamond so we faced timed his niece and showed her the ring. She said that was one of her rings but she never told anyone that she had lost both rings as she was only concerned about her great, great Grandmothers ring.
I knew by my experience the other ring was close by and within a few minutes found the other ring, Ihsan was excited to have both rings back in his hand and I’m positive the whole family were over the moon, And his niece will never forget her stay in snowy Edmonton Alberta.