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Stone Harbor NJ Lost Wedding Ring Found by Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)

I received a desperate email from a devastated woman. I was Mary’s last hope. The day before she went with her family for a day trip to the beach in Stone Harbor NJ. While her husband in the water with their daughter, he watched his ring fall off his hand and sink into the sandy bottom. They searched for a while with no success.

They drove back home thinking that the ring was gone forever. A search of the internet, later that night brought Mary to the Ring Finders site since I have made other recoveries in Stone Harbor. She sent me an email around midnight.

I didn’t see it until after my 6-mile run the next morning. I answered her email asking all of the questions needed when doing a water search. I also followed up with a phone call. Mary answered all of my questions, but she said there was someone else already looking for the ring. I said to let me know if she needed me when he was done.

Later in the morning, I called the other detectorist. He said that he didn’t have any luck in finding it. So Mary and I were in touch again. I told her that I would go look for her.

On the drive to the beach, I was getting a gut feeling that this wouldn’t be successful. Someone else already searched the area. I asked for help from above from my mom & my mentor.

I got to the beach and got another bad feeling. I waited till the lifeguards left. I was in the water at 5 pm. I didn’t get my first signal till 5:10 pm. It was a very promising sound and number on my CTX 3030. It was the ring that I was looking for. I left the beach to get my phone to take some pictures. I sent one to Mary. She called right away and I could tell that she was crying. We made arrangements to meet the next day to return the ring.

I got plenty of hugs when we met. It’s a good thing that my wife doesn’t get jealous!!!

The third time is the charm – ring found at Yarmouth, MA beach

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

My caller ID showed a deceased neighbors name. I had to answer as I thought it was his son and it was. Peter, the caller, was calling, but why? As it turned out he did not realized he had called me but rather just some one that could help find his lost wedding band. Yes King Neptune had grabbed another ring.

This one I was determined not to let it stay in Davy Jones’s locker for long. The first 4 hour search was a bust, I went the wrong way from the grassy point. The next day my, three hour search, I made sure I was in the correct place and right where I made a mark in the sand and some 50 feet from shore up pops a wedding band. I left the beach, went home without stopping for a coffee and called Peter. Dang if it was NOT his ring, I should have looked with a loop to carefully read the inscription. The next day was gale winds blowing which gave me time to rethink the past two hunts. I re-read my notes, checked the tide heights again did some simple calculations and formatted a plan for my next day’s search. The third hunt would cover an area that would have been at waist deep, the depth the ring was lost in. Again lines were drawn in the sand to guide my search. They were not used as in my first pass between the lines I found ring Peter’s ring. I was retrieved in the water directly in front of the center line I had drawn in my eighth hour of searching.

The next morning Peter showed up at my house, with his sons for the ring return and pictures. I have to believe Peter’s father was looking over both of us during the loss and retrieval. Why else?

What happens on Cape Cod does not always stay there! Ring returned.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Lauren’s secret is revealed here…

I lost my wedding band in the sand and my husband is out west and does not know, yet.

In search of help she contacted the local metal detector J&E Enterprise. Then I was contacted for help. 45 minutes later I was sitting in a line of 15 cars waiting for one of the limited parking spaced at the town beach to become available which happened only when someone left the beach. I called Lauren and told her I would be a while longer as I was waiting in line. She then told me to cut around the line as she had arranged with the parking attendant a space for me to park in.

It took me longer to get ready for the search than to find the diamond studded wedding band. With the ring back on Lauren’s warm hand several “well done” comments were made. The necessary pictures were taken and many questions answered. As well as one request to help find a ring that was lost in the cold snow this past winter.

Cape Cod – Ring 3 of 3 return in one day 8/23/17! Gold Wedding Band

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Joe had a wonderful wife until his wedding band went missing at a Dennis, MA beach. Heck it is only a ring, nothing to get too overwhelmed about, it can be replaced. NO, we will get it back, what else would a wonderful wife and mother of two beautiful children do but to get in touch with TheRingFinders and have her husband’s ring returned.

The first night’s search came and went without the desired results. A bit of confusion on my part about not asking more about the location. I thought I know were I was told the loss took place, but there were three paths through the dunes. After searching by the first path I had a doubt that I was at the right one so I moved to the second and after the same results — onto the third. Again no ring. Back at the car where I called for more information…Yes, the first path was the correct one, but the ring may be in the water.

I was glad to head toward the water as the sand was being blown so hard as to sting my bare legs. Unfortunately my search down the slope of the beach and into the wind blown waves also did not reveal the rings hiding place. The next afternoon after finding and returning Meg’s Yale ring I headed back to search further out into the water. This time success was on my side and I found the size 13 ring.

While detecting I noticed a couple hundred people gathering about 150 yards down the beach…what were they doing? Something you usually see only the TV…releasing a sea turtle. Another highlight of my day.
Back to Joe. After waiting for the turtle watchers single file out of the parking lot I left, got home and called Joe, no answer, message left.
Next I had to make was to Keith’s father-in-law who had called 6 minutes before I arrived home. After leaving the message for Joe to call so we could arrange the ring’s return I left for Hyannis. Read my next blog about Keith’s story.

Back home I called Joe again, made arraignments to return the ring. Surprise! Carolyn was now the MOST WONDERFUL wife! The ring’s physical return was made the next morning. Of course smiles were present on all five of our faces, and if any white dust is seen in the photo it is left over Dunkin Donuts treats. Yes a wonderful and sweet, happy ending for all.

Cape Cod – Ring 2 of 3 returned in one day! Wedding band

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

After finding my second ring for return and sitting down at home with a cup of coffee, my wife told me of another call for help finding a lost wedding band. At 6:15 I returned the call, at 7:15 I was entering the water and at 8:15 with flashlights and ball cap lights cutting through the night’s darkness the platinum ring found its way into my scoop.

It was a beautiful blue sky day. Keith was playing with his son in waist deep water when things turned very dark for Keith. His wedding band slipped from his finger into the bay’s water. All the searching did not reveal the ring’s location as is usually the case. In a search for help a call to J&E Enterprise was forward to me. Two hours after the call the platinum ring encircled with Roman Numerals showing the wedding date was no longer lost. Family and friends were all thrilled with the outcome, but not as much as Keith. The return even turned his dark space into a smile as big and beautiful as the waxing moon’s shine.

This return was special to me as it completed a “Hat Trick” – three rings found (a silver, gold and a platinum) and ALL returned in one day! This could not have been done without the help of Eleanor owner of J&E. Thanks to all that have let me help and to those that have passed the information about TheRingFinders along to those in need of help.

Please continue to read my next blog Cape Cod – Ring 3 of 3 returned in one day!

Cape Cod – Lost Ring 1 of 3 returned in one day! Yale University

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

It was a breezy, cool, overcast day’s start at a Dennis, MA beach. With no one in the water and only five other people on the beach Meg, the on duty lifeguard had little to watch for. With nothing but time on her hands she started spinning her Yale University 2018 class ring on her finger. Dreaming of the upcoming school year she found herself looking at the ring and OOPS… And as sand through an hour glass her ring fell from the lifeguard’s perch into the sands of the beach. A hurried search and with the help of her sister, the ring did not show itself.

A call to J&E Enterprise for help ended with a call to me. Within 20 minutes I arrived on the beach with metal detector in hand. I listened to the story of the ring’s loss took two swings which covered the small box were the ring was thought to be. Not there, move to the larger box drawn in the sand and another few swings did not produce anything but a bottle cap and pen. I started to enlarge my search area at the leg of the wooden lifeguard’s chair and bingo; there the ring was resting in the shaded section of the sand.

Ring returned, pictures taken and a big hug, AND I thought that was to make my day. That was not to be…read my blog (Cape Cod – Ring 2 of 3 returned in one day!) for my afternoon hunt for a lost wedding band.

Ringfinder members featured in the Tigard, Oregon news!

Chatham, Cape Cod: One quick trip to the beach to find a lost ring before dinner

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Jeffrey called me about 4:30pm about finding his misplaced ring. I know the beach well and there are many detectorist that comb the sand daily. Therefore it was most important to start searching ASAP. I told Jeffrey that I could meet him at the beach in about 45 minutes. I made it to the beach in 35. I got ready and when Jeffrey showed up we started the short walk to a secluded sandy spot. I thought it would be an easy search – I was wrong. Two beer cans, a couple of pull tabs and a quarter and one target so deep it is still there. But no ring.

Then it was off to second area closer to the water and wet sand. Dang! I had the wrong detector for this search, but I would give it a try anyway as it was a small area and I could see just where Jeffrey had been sitting. In just three swings of the detector a solid response to a buried object was ringing in my ears. Next was to take a scoop of sand and yes in the sand was a platinum ring, the object of my search. I sifted the sand from the scoop leaving only the ring. Now it was Jeffrey’s turn to do something except watch me with great expectations. It was his task to remove the ring from the scoop and place it back on his finger were it belonged.

The round trip from and back to the cars took less than 25 minutes. When back at the cars a couple of quick stories were shared and pictures were taken. The only down side to this return was it delayed both Jeffrey’s and my timely entrance to our dinner engagements. However, the entrances were made with smiles, just a bright as the ones in the photo for sure.

Low tide hunt… Kayakers wedding ring found!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)


Last week, a kayaker lost his wedding ring after slipping and falling into the bay while launching at the shoreline during low tide. After he and some others tried searching for it this week with no success, I hit the beach this weekend to try my best to reunite him with with his precious ring.

Good information is key to a successful hunt, and I asked him to get some satellite photos where he was, and circle the place he thought it could be. I headed to the beach before I got any answer, and searched anyway. I did my best to guess based on other factors, where I thought it could be.

I hunted for some time before I realized I missed the email, and he had sent me info and pictures that were key to finding it.

He wrote: “I will say another ring finder did a search of the area on Thursday and was unable to find anything. The tide at this beach is enormous. Probably 80ish feet of beach disappears at high tide. Looks like low tide is at 3:48pm this afternoon, if you do still want to look. I will attach some images that may help. The image with the green kayak at the shoreline is where I slipped and it must have come off my finger. But the tide could have taken it anywhere. The big tree stump doesn’t seem to move as well as the flat and curved driftwood I highlight in the image. I was between these two landmarks circled in red at the shoreline where you can see the other kayak in the background. The ring is made of palladium by the way, a member of the platinum family. The tide was somewhere around midway between high and low when I fell in. It will be much further out, as you will see, at 3:48 than it was in this photo.”

He also provided me with a crucial picture that he had taken that day. In it you can see the area he launched from, and some static landmarks.

After hunting another 45 mins or so, I FOUND IT!

Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to finding your precious belongings! Don’t give up hope, and give me a call or email me please! I want to help you find your rings, and your smiles!

Good info was the key!

Lowtide success!

Saved from Elliot Bay!

Lost Platinum Ring in Crystal Cove Found and Returned

  • from Santa Monica (California, United States)

I was finishing up a search searching for someone’s lost jewelry this Sunday and I was approached by someone that said, “Can you please help us? My friend just lost his platinum wedding band”. I walked over and met Paul. He just told me that he was playing in the sand with his family and lost his platinum wedding band and that his wife was going to kill him. I swung the coil a few times in the area that he showed me and surprise! Within a minute it was in my scoop. He said, “you did that like it was nothing!” I said, “Finding it quickly was the easy part, the 30 years of practice was the hard part”. I made sure Paul was on the way home to his wife and ensure he would not be in the doghouse tonight.