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Lost 30 Year Anniversary Band in Bridgewater NJ, recovered by Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)

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Received a call around noon on October 9th from Joan in North Central NJ. She was out in her back yard last night trying to get her dog inside. While in the struggle she lost her 30th Wedding Anniversary band. She spent a long time in the dark with a flashlight with no luck. She had a friend come over today in the daylight and spent several more hours looking. I was pressed for time and said I would be able to come up in about 8 days because of my schedule. She was worried about the lawn guys coming in a week.

I moved some things on my schedule and took the 1 hour and 20 minute drive. When I arrived Joan was not home. I gave her a call and she said she was 10-15 minutes away. She said to go into the back yard and start without her. She marked the area that she though she lost it with a bag of apples. That was my starting point. 5 minutes later I had the most beautiful ring I have ever found in my hands, a platinum Tiffany’s ring with too many diamonds to count.

Joan arrived about 10 minutes later. I was sitting on her porch petting her dog. As she walked up I pulled the ring from my pocked. The reaction on her face was priceless!

Here is Joan’s Story:

I waited thirty years for wedding band from Tiffany’s.  I wore a wedding band that cost less than a $100 for years, switched to my mother’s wedding band after her passing, and when my mother’s band no longer fit I went without a wedding band for years.  In the meantime, my husband was saving for a really special gift for our 30th anniversary, a wedding band from Tiffany’s.  I had the ring less than a year, when one night I walked into my backyard to get my dog to come inside. The dog was busy eating an apple, and did not want to go back inside.  I pulled at her collar, and with my left hand gave her a little push when off came the ring.  I stood in the darkness and panicked. I marked my spot with a loose branch and raced to get a flashlight. Hours passed and I gave up. In the morning, a friend came over and along with my daughter we spent another four hours searching for the ring.  We all gave up and figured that an animal found it over night.  It was gone.  But my friend gave me Dave’s number, and he came over that afternoon. In less than five minutes he found my ring!  I also want to add that I wasn’t home when he arrived and told him to go into my yard and search for the ring.  I arrived home ten minutes later and there was Dave sitting on my back steps petting my dog.  He reached in his pocket and handed me the ring. What a feeling!  He is completely honest and competent.  Don’t waste time searching on your own.  Call Dave.



Lost Wedding Ring Northwest-Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring Recovered Northwest-Houston, Texas


Received a call, regarding a lost wedding ring in the backyard of a residence in Northwest Houston.

The caller Allen was wanting to check on my availability in the event he could not find his ring.

Allen reported he had placed his ring on his cellphone in his backyard, and later when he grabbed his phone the ring flew into the grass.

Allen said he was going to continue trying to find the ring himself, and was going to borrow a Metal Detector from a neighbor.

Allen said he would call ne tomorrow if he was unsuccessful at finding his ring.

I am not sure if Allen’s wife Nikki made him sleep outside that night, but he seemed pretty happy to see me the next day 🙂

Allen had to leave for work upon my arrival, but you can see from the smile on Nikki’s face it was a good day.



























Equipment used:

CTX 3030



Lost Military Knife in Columbus, OH “FOUND”.

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call that a guy had lost a friends Military knife. The knife was lost after it was thrown and he missed the target he was aiming for. He did not think that he would miss, but he did and that is where the fun begins. Him and his friend looked, racked, moved brush in the trashy metal, weeds, trees, sticks area with no luck. After I got there, I searched for about half an hour through the trees, weeds, dirt, and a lot of trash metal everywhere. There is was underneath the sticks and dirt. He was very happy to see the knife again and so was his friend to have the knife back.


Lost Military Knife in Columbus, OH “FOUND”.


Lost Military Knife in Columbus, OH “FOUND”.


Lost Diamond Wedding Band, Steveston in Richmond BC…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I received a call from a young lady who told me the story about how she lost her ring one week ago at coffee shop called Waves in Steveston in Richmond. She said she had the ring on while she was having coffee, she was showing it to her two friends then she went outside, gave hugs and went to her car and that’s when she noticed it was gone!The sad thing was the ring was too big for her finger and she knew it but she wanted to show her friends. After coffee she was going to go to the jewelry store and have it resized to fit her finger. The ring was her late mother-in-law’s and you can imagine how heartbroken she was.Well after a few question we set a time to meet today and when I got to the coffee shop there wasn’t really much to search but what there was I was ready to give it 100%  It took a good 30 minutes and some detective work and after the second search in the same area the ring showed itself under a big shrub!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI think the first search under that shrub it was caught in the grass blades and after shaking it the second time it fell to the ground below…What a great feeling for both of us when the ring showed itself!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI think we were both surprised because we started thinking that it must have been picked up by someone who saw it on the sidewalk…I hate to give up on a search and I’m glad I didn’t. I love my job!Lost your ring…Call me ASAP!”Renting a metal detector is hard. We make finding your lost ring easy.”Watch the video of the search below…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8tRLFN_QGg

Metal detector rental lost wedding ring Minnesota

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Lindsay called about her lost Platinum Wedding Ring at a park in Maple Grove Minnesota. Her and her family were out enjoying a picnic when she was attacked by a wasp. Like most people, Lindsay frantically swatted at the critter and off flew her Wedding Ring. This was a specially made Platinum ring that had her husbands finger prints etched into it. A one of a kind ring, that’s for sure. I drove up to the park to meet Lindsay’s husband Joe. On the way, a fellow ring finder, Scott Juusola called me and said he was very close to the park; filling some scuba tanks. I asked him to join the hunt as parks have a lot trash, coins and pull tabs and that it can get very difficult to find a ring. Joe showed us the area by some picnic tables and we started the search. It took about 3 minutes and there it was. I believe Joe told me that it was either their anniversary or Lindsay’s B-Day tommorow (sorry I can’t remember, old timer with a bad memory) Hope this recovery helps make your day special.

Take Care and Congrats!


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Playa Mujeres-Cancun, Mexico

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Playa Mujeres-Cancun, Mexico (Vacation)

I debated taking a metal detector on my vacation to Playa Mujeres Cancun Mexico, but opted to pack up the Excalibur II and see if it could learn to speak Spanish.



As relaxation kept me pre-occupied, I waited until the last day of my vacation to break out the Excalibur II. I spent a little less than 4 hours playing around in about 3 foot of clear water. The bottom was surprising clean, and most finds were of interest.

Surprisingly enough, most of my finds were American coins, not that of the local currency.



I recovered three rings during that run, two of them were Tungsten, and one 14kt with 9 Diamonds.



Checked with the Resort, and was unsuccessful at finding a report of the ring being reported lost.

No telling how long it had been in the sand, but it now has a new home in Texas. Now wishing I would have started detecting on day 1.

Minelab had just recently provided me with this replacement Excalibur II, and it worked great.















After a good cleaning and polishing.


Excalibur II


John – Texas, USA

Lost Ring Lake Livingston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Diamond Wedding Ring Lake Livingston, Texas

Received a call from Mike in Kingwood, Texas regarding his wife’s lost Gold Wedding Ring. Mike reported while swimming in Lake Livingston his wife lost her ring. Mike said he was pretty sure she lost the ring on a sand bar in the lake where they had spent most of the day.

I made the trip with Mike up to the lake and spent 6 hours in the water with the new (replacement) Excalibur II and could not find the ring, The plus, the Excalibur II ran like a champ, and the pictured ring was found while searching for my clients ring.

Men’s 14kt Gold wedding Band (owner unknown)

It was an unfortunate out-come, but Mike was very grateful for the extraordinary effort.














Equipment CTX 3030


Ring lost 7 years, found in Kentwood, MI mobile home park.

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

We just found a ring today that was lost for 7 years. A metal detecting friend of ours named Mike had a son-in-law who lost his ring while changing oil in his car. His son-in-law has since passed away and Mike wanted to find the ring for his grandson who was 9 years old at the time the ring was lost. Mike wanted to find the ring to give his grandson as a keepsake of his fathers. Mike is legally blind and needs a little help getting his detector gear ready. We, (Dave B. and myself), got started at a mobile home park in Kentwood, MI. We spread out on the small lot which was now vacant and about 20 minutes into the hunt Mike came up with a beautiful gold ring with 6 diamonds. We continued to detect around the lot and the adjacent lot to see what else we could find. After coming up with coins, toy cars and pull tabs we went over to his daughters and presented her the ring. The following pictures says it all, the ring and Mike with his daughter.


Lost Platinum Wedding Ring Found in Victoria B.C.

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

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Sunday September 29th @ 12:27 P.M. I received a call from a Frantic Kyle Cameron. Can you help me find my Platinum Wedding Ring?

I gathered up my equipment and drove to Esquimalt Lagoon and met up with Kyle and Christine and the little dog. Kyle explained that while playing with his dog on the beach he got his hands covered in sand and while cleaning them he lost his ring.

I searched for 1 1/2 hours on the beach and in the surf and Bingo the detector rang out crisp and loud, found it. Talk about excited, Kyle said he could kiss me, I declined that but shook his hand and returned the ring.


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How To Find A Lost Ring At Spanish Banks Dog Park, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I went out on a ring search at Spanish Banks dog park in Vancouver. I talked to Patrick over the phone and he gave me the details in regards to where he believed the ring was lost and how to get there. He sent me a google earth picture of the location and that sure helped! But that being said you still have to ask the question or you could be out by a little and that’s all it takes when you’re looking for something so small.He told me that I was looking for a white gold ring with six small diamonds that he lost while throwing a ball for his dog. He told me soon after he realized his ring came off the whole group of people he was with doing exercises held hands and formed a long line (15 people across) and did a grid search of the area…trying to eyeball the ring. Unfortunately the ring was not found so Patrick went home and found a place to rent a metal detector and came back and searched for five hours with no luck…A little about metal detector rentals…Yes, you can rent a metal detector but in most cases if you’ve never used one it may be a little overwhelming with all the signals that you are getting. You’re renting a very inexpensive metal detector that is going to be beeping every foot or so.That’s why there’s ”The Ring Finders”…A metal detecting service with metal detecting experts using the best equipment to find what you thought was lost forever.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI love hearing the stories of about the rings I find and how much it meant to the person to have it found, and all so about the person that gave them the ring and how happy they will be when they get the good news. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI found the ring on my 3rd grid line in about 15 minutes! I never get tired of finding peoples lost rings and seeing the smiles it brings to a person when you hand it back to them. I have personally found over 300 lost rings for people and I look forward to the next 1000!Thanks for reading my blogs! I love my job!If you have lost something cal me ASAP!Best Regards, Chris Turner/CEO/The Ring FindersWatch Video of the search below…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV7OemzTk3U