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14K Men’s Wedding Band Lost in the Ocean for 2 months – Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I had orginally gotten a call on August 11th, 2016 from Jeff H. stating he had lost his wedding band in the ocean which turned out to be right at mid-tide. He went on to say he had been in and out of the ocean over the course of a few hours and wasn’t really sure when, where or how deep he was when it slipped off his finger. I was just wrapping up another ring find with Jim Brouwer and was waiting for the couple to come back to the beach to get their ring when Jeff called. Jim agreed to go ahead and head to Jeff’s resort and start looking and I followed soon after.

When I got to the resort Jim already had a grid search going from the mid tide line seaward so I started a grid search at the current tide line and worked seaward. After a few hours, the tide turned, we weren’t having any luck and it was getting dark and neither one of us had our head lamps so we called it quits. I made at least 3 maybe 4 more trips out and searched north/south and east/west grids and felt really confident that I had covered the area as well as I could.

Fast forward to Hurricane Mathew, we didn’t get the sand movement on the beach that we (the guys that metal detect) had hoped for but we did have some. There’s 3 lost rings that I had gotten calls on this summer that I haven’t found yet so I thought this would be a good opportunity to give each one another shot. Jeff’s ring was number 2 on my list so I had planned on going out this week for one last crack at it. Oddly enough, Jeff text me Saturday evening (Oct 15th) asking “did the hurricane wash up my ring?” We text back and forth and I let him know I was going to give it one more shot. Shortly after we finished I contacted my son-in-law Donnie and asked if he was available to help find this ring sometime this week. We set it up to search at low tide Monday (Oct 17th). I got there maybe 10 minutes before Donnie and was working a grid from the middle of the resort north and from the wet sand to about chest deep in the ocean. When Donnie showed up I had him start his grid from the south side of the resort and work north to the middle, this way our machines wouldn’t be interfering with each other and we could cover the area quickly before the tide turned. I was digging a target in the wet sand within 10 minutes of Donnie starting his grid search when he walked up behind me and dropped a ring on the sand at my feet. I looked at it and couldn’t believe he’d found Jeff’s ring after 2 months in the ocean. We confirmed the inscription on the inside of the ring with what Jeff had told me and BINGO, we had a match!

I took a picture of the ring and text Jeff and then called him. In his own words he was speechless. I’ll never know whether the hurricane helped move enough sand or the extra low tide helped us get out to the deeper ocean but nonetheless Jeff has his ring back where it belongs. Along with the picture he sent me of him and his wife, Michelle, he also sent me the picture with their hands together titled “back together”. There’s nothing more I can add!

Donnie, thank you for all your help and making it possible to get this ring home.

Jeff and Michelle, thank you for trusting in me to help find your treasure. Best of luck to you both!!



Thank you for reading my Blog!!

Lost Men’s Wedding Band Recovered Minnesota Metal Detecting

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Jonathans white gold wedding band was lost at a fall festival. Recovered after a couple hour search, thanks to the ring finders directory! Jon’s mother in-law came to pick up the ring as Jon lives quite a bit further away from the finders residence. Pic of the ring and another happy person via the ring finders.

Darrin –

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Lost A Ring Or Jewelry? Philadelphia Area and Surrounding Counties!

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Cherished and valuable rings and jewelry get lost on the beach and in the ocean, they can be recovered. If you lost a ring or a piece of jewelry even your car keys I can find them! Just a phone call away!

Cherished and valuable rings and jewelry get lost! They can be recovered. If you lost a ring or a piece of jewelry even your car keys I can find them! Just a phone call away (215)-850-0188!

I am just a phone call away in the Philadelphia,

Delaware, Bucks & Montgomery Counties!

Lost a ring in Margate NJ?

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Cherished and valuable rings and jewelry get lost on the beach and in the ocean, they can be recovered. If you lost a ring or a piece of jewelry even your car keys I can find them! Just a phone call away!

Cherished and valuable rings and jewelry get lost on the beach and in the ocean, they can be recovered. If you lost a ring or a piece of jewelry even your car keys I can find them! Just a phone call away!

Beautiful platinum and diamond tennis bracelet lost in St. Paul, MN – Now Found!

  • from Saint Paul (Minnesota, United States)

Well, this was the fastest and easiest lost jewelry search I’ve ever been a part of.  I really didn’t have to do anything but show up!

Julie woke up Sunday morning to find that the platinum and diamond tennis bracelet that she always wore and was given to her by her husband, was gone.  She freaked out and searched everywhere at her home but not finding it eventually made her realize that she must have lost it the night prior in St. Paul, at her friend’s house.

Julie called me Monday afternoon and we agreed to meet a few hours later at the friend’s house.  I got there early and sat in my car waiting for her.  After a few minutes of waiting, I saw Julie walking towards my car so I proceeded to get out and meet her.  As I was getting out of my car, I heard a shout of glee as Julie noticed the bracelet sitting in the street a few feet behind my car!

The bracelet had sat for approximately 40 hours in the road on a busy neighborhood street!  I was very happy for Julie.  She was very fortunate to get her lost bracelet back!ptbracelet1


Lost Wedding Band at Aulani Disney Resort Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began Friday evening when I received a call from Alex at Aulani Beach Rentals. A newlywed couple were snorkeling in the lagoon and the husband lost his wedding band. I told Alex to give my number for coordination. Then I got a call a few moments later from Robert from Middle Tennessee. Robert explained that when him and his new bride tried snorkeling. After a brief swim Robert realized his ring was gone. He panicked…when did it come off? We decided to meet at the beach the next morning. When I arrived Saturday AM Robert was waiting. Robert showed me the extreme edges of the grid and then I went to work Fairly metal sterile area. After about seven legs of the grid I heard an excellent tone and two scoops later there was Robert’s Wedding Band. I called Robert who was checking out of his room and going to breakfast. I told him the great news and we decided to meet on the beach. When Robert arrived with his wife a look of amazement was on his face. Leaving tonight and the ring back on his finger. Most important Robert is out of the dog house. Aloha to Robert and his new bride!

Lost Gold & Diamonds Engagement Ring at Marriot Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started with a call from the Marriot staff concerning a Japanese couple who lost their ring at the resort. They were trying to coordinate an interpreter but wanted to be sure I was available. After 30 minutes with no call back I called the Marriot looking for the couple. Rush hour traffic was fast approaching and I wanted to get on the road ASAP. The couple couldn’t be found. Then a gentleman named Kevin gave me a call and said he knew where another couple lost their ring in the sand earlier in the day and if I’d come out to find as they searched by sifting the sand with no luck. I told Kevin I was on the way and I’d call him in about an hour when I arrived. Kevin and his family met me at Longboards’ bar on the beach and we headed down to the sandy area where he had been sifting for the ring. He already gridded out the area about the size of a large automobile. First screaming target was a Lincoln zinc cent. Ten seconds later was a low growler that was sounding good. Two scoops down and there was an incredible 10 diamonds in white gold ring. Well this can’t be it there is no solitaire diamond. Kevin said he assumed it would be since he was told it was an engagement ring. I finished the grid with 11 more cents. Now to figure out whose ring I found. Kevin thought the couple may have left the resort but was going to check and see if he could find them. Meanwhile with a traffic check I wasn’t leaving anytime soon. I grabbed my phone and started playing Pokemon Go! About 10 minutes later my phone rang and it was Genelle from Coeurd’Alene, Idaho who had lost her ring. She described it exactly and asked me how I could get it back to them. I told her traffic kept me at the resort so she was in luck I was 3 minutes from them. Genelle and her husband David met me by Longboards and after showing her the ring their were several Thank You Jesus comments. I think it might have been divine intervention that kept me at the resort so Genelle could get her ring back before leaving on a flight the next day. Such grateful people. Aloha to Genelle & David and the entire McHale family for such effort in making this ring find happen.

Car Key Lost at Sunset Beach, CA…Recovered and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)


I received a call from Maxim who explained to me that he had lost his car key as he was walking to the water to go surfing about 6:30 in the morning. I got the call about 11:00 AM, and he told me he had been searching for the key all morning. I told him I would be there quickly.

When I got to the location Maxim was waiting for me. I found out that he had lost his only key to his car, so there was really no where for him to go until it was found. He showed me the area where he thought it was lost, and I could see where he had searched by the grid lines in the sand made from his hands and feet dragging in the sand. I set to grid the same area, because he was so sure of where it had dropped, and I knew that sand will move things around when someone does a hand search making an item very hard to find. I did a grid, and then a cross grid; nothing! I proceeded to question more, and decided to grid towards the entrance to the beach. I searched about 10 feet when I had a good hit. I scooped once, nothing in the scoop. I looked at the spot to set the scoop in again when I saw the tip of the key sticking up.

I reached down raised the key, and Maxim could not believe it was where I found it. I told him it happens all the time, people don’t always have the perfect recall we would like to have, so we as “Ring Finders” have to ask a lot of discerning questions in order to help probe the memory. Just so happy to see his smile knowing he was going to be able to get back into his groove.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost Kia FOB at Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This hunt started on Discoverer’s Day when I got a panic call from Kiala from Waipahu Hawaii. While enjoying a day at the Ko Olina resort her Kia key FOB went missing in the sand…she thought. I was on a diamond earring hunt on the North Shore and told Kiala we just wrapped it up and were heading her way. Unfortunately she already was having her car towed to the dealership to get a new key. I started my hunt in the area she described over the phone and after about twenty minutes I was about to give up the search with no key FOB. I decided to do one more grid line downhill towards the water. That paid off when I got a screaming target and in the scoop was Kiala’s Kia FOB. Mission accomplished and now an immediate call to the dealership to cancel the $400 service charge for a new key. Got it! I then met Kiala at the dealership to hand over the key. Much needed sigh of relief! Aloha to Kiala!

Wedding ring lost and found in the surf

  • from New South Wales (Australia)

I received an email from Greg with some very clear details on the location of his lost wedding ring in the surf at Port Macquarie on the east coast of New South Wales, Australia.

The time and location of the loss including compass directions, concise distances in metres and a description of the circumstances stood out as “unusual” but was later explained by Greg’s background.

Greg had been married for about a week and was having his first surfing lesson while still on his honeymoon when his wedding ring slipped off his finger in the surf.

The drive to Port Macquarie is about 1.5 hours but low tide was three hours away so no hurry.

In preparation, Greg had “dug” a deep trench in the sand to act as a transit for the search and we hit the beach with the Minelab Excalibur II about two hours before low tide. The first target we dug was an old brass buckle about an hour into the search but otherwise the headphones were keeping fairly quiet.

Greg left on family duties leaving me to hunt in darkness and as the headphones remained quiet, I expanded the search further in to the surf and further to the south.

On the second pass in about four feet of water the Excalibur II woke from its sleep and screamed at me and after three scoops Greg’s white gold wedding band was gleaming in the bottom of my trusty scoop I call Alice (Alice Scooper in case you were wondering why).

A photograph sent to Greg elicited the expected response.

Things have been reasonably quiet over the Australian winter and I’ve been envious of all you Ring Finder guys having too much fun in the USA/Canada so I’m hoping that Greg’s ring is the start of a busy season in Australia. I promise to do more blogging this season than I did last summer. img_0448
