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How To Find A Lost Ring In Little Spokane River…FOUND IT!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Austin had found an oasis located in Waikiki Springs Trailhead. With its majestic green valley floor and gentle sloped mountains this park never stops delivering breathtaking landscapes. To add to the tranquillity of the park, a little river called the Little Spokane river offers its cool water to any hot and tired hiker. This little river is where Austin had taken his wife and mother to beat the summers heat. While playing in the shallow waters Austin had climbed and crawled through river rock. He also swam in a deep pool and waded in shoulder high waters. All this fun came to an end and Austin and his family went home. As Austin started fidgeting with his ring on his ring finger, he noticed a vacant groove where the ring had been for a year. Retracing his steps and looking back at pictures they had taken that day, Austin knew the ring was lost in the water. Austin began to think about how to recover his wedding ring. A few searches on Google allowed him to find a guy who has an underwater metal detector. Austin and I spoke a few days later and after work I geared up and headed to the park. We both grabbed my gear and made the 1/2 mile long walk to the waters edge. I had asked Austin about where he thought he was swimming. Then I began to grid search the area. I searched around the deep pool, the chest high water and in the fast current where Austin was playing in the rocks. However no ring was found. I was wearing my wet suit but was getting rather cold and Austin had gotten out, although it was cold I don’t give up that easily. I had asked Austin to recall that day again. Sadly I had searched most of the area he was playing in. We were both ready to leave and end the search, but one last walk in the shallow water was all that was left to search. Austin was walking in front of me and I was searching behind him. I could see him reliving his actions two days ago. He stopped about 10 feet from the waters edge. I was still searching but barely. Then like lightning I got an 18,20 signal at one bar deep. Removing a white quarts stone revealed his black tungsten wedding ring. High fives and cheers erupted from the middle of the babbling brook. We both were fully relieved and ready to get out of the water. We took pictures and gathered ourselves and then had a smile filled walk, back to our cars. Austin said he had learned his lesson about wearing his ring in the water.


Gold wedding band recovered by Surf City Ring Finder at Bolsa Chica Beach

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)


Nick was enjoying a day at the beach and when he decided to go in the water he placed his ring in his hat. Sometime later his hat was picked up and the ring went flying into the sand.

Another beach goer helped him search online and found my website. He called me during my lunch break at work so I hurried down to the beach and found his ring in a few minutes. Nick didn’t want his picture taken which was not a problem.

-Surf City Ring Finder

Heirloom Diamond Engagement Ring Found after Lost in Surf at Huntington Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











If you need help call me ASAP .. Stan the Metal Detector Man is available to help you now… 949-500-2136

** Melody had been at Huntington State Beach in Southern California. She had walked down the the surf line to get her feet wet with no intention to go any deeper in the water. As she stood there, she made a slight jester with her hands and her engagement ring flew off her finger into 6 inches of water. The ring disappeared immediately into the wet sand and water as the wave washed down the slope.

Her friend tried to recover the ring for several hours as the tide was coming in. The beach closes at 10 pm which stopped their search that night. Early the next morning Melody went to a sporting goods store to purchase a metal detector. Her parents were going to drive her from San Bernardino, CA. back to Huntington Beach to continue the search. She was devastated because this engagement ring was irreplaceable as the diamond was actually her fiancés’ late grandmother’s. 

As they were driving Melody found my information on line. She called and I agreed to meet them at the location. Sometimes these can be a quick recovery. That was not the case this time. She list it a a very high tide in shallower water. We were there at the next lowest tide. Two hours searching a double grid pattern and going way outside the area where they thought the loss occurred no success. I even told her that I had done all I could do for this search . After I finish the last 20’x40’ grid, I would return tomorrow, hoping the next high tide might put the ring within detecting range.

Not five minutes later I got a great signal, which turned out to be Melody’s ring. It was way down the slope and in an area that I thought I had gridded thoroughly. Just a reminder that we are looking for the “ needle in the haystack “ .. Also a reminder that it is possible to miss a target even in a known area of the loss.  

Always awesome to help someone like Melody find her very special ring. So far it never gets old.

Lost Platinum Engagement & Wedding Bands at Duke Kahanamoku Lagoon Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call from Beatrice who was on vacation from Portland Oregon and staying at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.  The previous day will walking in shallow water with her Granddaughter Sophia her Platinum Engagement & Wedding Bands fell off and disappeared in the shallow water of the Duke Kahanamoku Lagoon.  She snorkeled and failed to find either ring.  Her son Jason bought a Garrett Ace 250 Detector but it made so much noise he only found a few cents in all the chatter.  They initially called fellow ring-finder Don Bryant who referred them to me as I live only moments away.  I told Beatrice I’d grab my gear and meet her at the Lagoon to start the search.  My initial instructions from Beatrice were misinterpreted and I started hunting two feet from the rock island you see behind her in the pic.  What she meant was “in” two feet of water in front of the rock island.  Once I had that key data point I immediately found the Platinum Wedding Band but it kept getting pushed away from my scoop.  It must have taken at least eight tries.  Beatrice didn’t seem as if that ring was hers so I continued searching.  After a short time in the same general area of the Platinum Band I got another tone and after about three scoops there was Beatrice’s beautiful Engagement Ring with a Solitaire Diamond with two Blue Sapphires on each side.  Then after looking again she realized the band was hers and it fit perfectly.  Excellent 2 for 2.  Vacation saved!  Much Aloha to Beatrice and her Family!

Man’s Palladium Wedding Band Lost in the Ocean for 3 Days, Found and Returned Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Saturday, July 29th at 9 a.m. I got the following text, “Hi Jim, My name is Jude, and I found your number on the Ring finders website. I lost my wedding ring a couple of days ago on Sunset Beach. We’ve been staying near the 17th St boardwalk. I lost the ring in the ocean near where the boardwalk meets the beach, maybe about 20 yards to the east. It was close to high tide when I lost it, maybe about 30 feet into the water. I don’t know if you’re able to look for it for me? Unfortunately, we leave this morning for Raleigh. We have to check out by 10. Let me know if you can help. I’ll need to call from my in-laws phone since I’m on a U.K. number, visiting from London.” About the same time, I got a call from Jude’s wife Katelyn who gave me additional details as well as a pin drop. Within minutes I got another lost ring call for two rings lost in the dry sand on a different beach. Unfortunately, I was tied up for the next hour or so, so I put the rings on hold for the time being.

When I was free, I devised a plan that I’d get the 2 rings first, since they were in the dry sand. Then I’d look for Jude’s ring since I still had a few hours before it’d be high tide on this day. After recovering the 2 rings I headed for Sunset Beach to look for Jude’s ring. When I got to the beach, it was pretty empty except for a family that was sitting in the exact spot I needed to hunt. I searched for a couple of hours working my way around the family as much as I could, basically trying to wait them out. I also searched both east and west of the suspected loss. I sent Katelyn a picture of the family and told her that they were exactly where I needed to be and that I’d be back between 9-10 p.m. I felt pretty confident that Jude’s ring was still where he dropped it three days earlier. Although Sunset Beach gets hit very hard by other detectionist, this area was kind of out of the way for beach goers.

I always get antsy waiting for the tides to get where I’d like them. So, I got to the beach about 8:30 p.m. It was late enough that it was pitch dark. As instructed by Jude and Katelyn, I walked straight out from the beach access boardwalk. It was a couple of hours before low tide so I had plenty of time. If the ring was there, it should be out from under the ocean and stuck in the wet sand. I turned on my equinox 800 and went to work. It’s been a long time since I’ve found a Palladium ring and couldn’t remember what the VDI (visual display indication or numbers) would be. I was thinking it’d be in the high teens. I started a north/south grid line, perpendicular to the surf line. My fourth line I got a solid loud 19 VDI just out of the surf in the wet sand. I took a big scoop of sand and laid it out on the beach and checked the hole. I had the target out. I turned my headlamp on, got down on all fours and started spreading the sand out. There it was, just laying there. I’m not sure if it was the ring or me that let out a big sigh of relief, as if saying, “FOUND!” Not really, but I know I was sure happy. I didn’t have my glasses to read the engraving, so I asked a couple out walking the beach if they could. The young lady read enough that I knew I had the right ring. I text Jude and Katelyn at 9:06 p.m. with a picture and said, “Bang!!!! The engraving all matches.” Luckily, they’re staying with in-laws another week before they head home to London, UK. I got the ring in the mail and got it back to them on Aug. 2nd. It just so happens, their 10 year wedding anniversary was Aug 3rd. So Happy Anniversary you two!!!!

Jude/Katelyn – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure. Have a safe trip home. The 3rd picture is your ring perched on roughly a million year old Megalodon Tooth.


        Found Sunset Beach NC

Silver Ring Lost in Sand at Newport Beach, CA. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











If you need help finding a lost metallic piece of jewelry call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Independent Member of TheRingFinders metal detecting directory..  949-500-2136

** Sophia called late in the afternoon asking for help to find a silver ring lost in the sand at a local Newport Beach. I met her and her husband, Joseph at the location shortly after they called. He didn’t know when or if the ring came off at the beach. He did discover it was missing from his finger within minutes after getting to their summer rental two blocks from the beach.

They had dinner reservations and could not standby to watch the search. I had all the information I needed, so I assured them I could find the ring, if it was in the sand and I could call them. The area was quite large but shouldn’t take more than 2 hours to search thoroughly.

After about 30 minutes, I got a strong silver high tone in my headphones which turned out to be Joseph’s silver ring. He met me after they returned from dinner to pick up his ring. He’s a bit camera shy, so you get to see me trying to smile, holding the ring. It was another special day with a successful ring recovery. 

Metal Detecting Service – Lost Ring In Car- Found- Pittsburgh, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery and metal detecting specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I received a text from Cathy that she had lost her mother’s ring in her car and asked me to call her. I called her and she said her ring fell off in the car and she could not find it. She saw it go flying back behind the driver’s seat. It has been a while since she lost it and had vacuumed the car and searched to no avail. She said their last night in Myrtle Beach on vacation she ran into a member of the ring finders who told her about us and what we do. He did not have a scope with him so he told her to check the website when she got back.

I went out the same day, got there and started to look under the driver’s seat immediately since it was the last place the ring was seen. I started checking the vents when I noticed the carpet under the vents was loose. I then started to check under the carpet, it was a few minutes later I found what I thought to be Cathy’s ring. I know that sounds a bit crazy but in full disclosure this was only my second time using an endoscope and I am finding out that things can look a bit different or deceiving. I asked Cathy to look and she said yes because she recognized the design. Then I realized…finding it in the car is only half the battle…you have to retrieve it too. I informed Cathy that I would try to get it out but if I could not she might have to seek a mechanic. Luckily her husband was able to put the seat the whole way up and I was able to get a hold of it. It was a bit touch and go because it was tight and I didn’t want to drop it and have the ring go further down into the car, but in the end I got it out!! Cathy was so happy to have her ring back as it meant so much to her since it had belonged to her mother. I was glad I was able to help. It was truly a pleasure to meet such kind and generous people like Cathy and her family. It was also great to get my FIRST find using an endoscope.

P.S. – If you are still reading this there are a few people I want to thank in addition to Cathy for calling me. First I’d like to thank the unknown ring finder in Myrtle Beach or else I would not have had this opportunity. Then our fellow ring finder, Rod Greene…he lent me his scope (don’t worry I am getting my own…lol). I know this might sound like an Oscar or Grammy speech but I am almost done…LOL. I also want to thank fellow ring finder Brian Rudolph. The first time I was out searching a car I reached out to Brian because he has tons of success. Although that search did not pan out he gave me some good pointers and encouragement to keep searching cars. So thanks to all you guys for your help and support!!

Lost White Gold Engagement Ring-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I received a text from Leslie on Monday afternoon concerning a lost engagement ring.  She had found me with an internet search.  As it was late in the day I told her I could come the next day, becase it was about a two hour drive from where I’m located.  I got to the site at around 11:00 AM Central Time.   The couple had been pulling a boat and pulled off into the parking lot of an old convience store that had been converted into another use.  As they got out to adjust the boat straps, (the ring had been placed in the shallow tray under the door handle), the ring somehow went flying.  They looked on the pavement and didn’t see it, but there was a grass strip between the pavement and a shallow ditch, then more grass just beyond the ditch.  I started my search in the grass strip, then the ditch, then just beyond the ditch.  Being this had been a convience store at one time I expected a lot of metal trash in the ground, and I was right.  She did have a metal detector that had been her grandfather’s, but was overwhelmed by the abundance of metal trash.  I searched slowly and methodically while listening for the white gold tone and looking for the target ID I typically get for white gold rings.  After searching the entire area, no ring.  Of course I found several pieces of foil.  I turned off my CTX detector, and was explaing the process, where I search the most likely area first, then expand the search area if the ring is not found, (a visual scan of the pavement was next).  At that time someone from the building, I’ll call him “Tom”, came out and we explained what we were doing, and that a visual scan of the pavement was next.  He struck out towards the highway, and in around ten seconds I heard him call out, “is this it?”  He had found it around 10-12 feet from the edge of a busy highway!  The ring was intact, but had some minor damage where it looked as though it had been run over and stuck in the tire treads before dropping off just before the highway.  In a visual search, the more eyes the better.  All in all, another successful search!



Mattapoisett Harbor Beach Golden Band Rescue

As I was getting out of the water yesterday when I received  a text message from Chet. It said that he had lost his wedding band the day before while swimming his boat back to shore.  He also new the general area, and mentioned, at low tide it should be fairly low water. He wanted to know if I could help with locating it for him. I told him that I certainly will try.

We made plans to go around an hour before low tide. I met Chet, and asked a few more questions like, is it White, Yellow, Gold or Platinum? Any makings inside, the usual. Was the water mucky in that area? Hopefully no one had stepped on it, and sent it to deep to locate.

We walked down to the area, I had him go out and stand in the spot he had it last and stop. I made my way out to him, first signal was an old Penny, next signal was blasting , I knew I had it rite away. I looked in the scoop and said does that look familiar ? He couldn’t believe it. Less than five minutes, and with perfect timing, it was back on his finger. Congratulations Chet and Thanks for calling The Ring Finders… Leighton

Cape May NJ Lost Wedding Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


David lost his wedding band during a day on the beach with his family in Cape May, NJ. He thought the ring slipped off and fell into the sand when he moved his family’s beach chairs to a new location. He called me the following day and I met him shortly afterward. I was able to find the ring quickly, and he was able to get back to enjoying Cape May!

Checkout my website for some testimonials and stories about

lost rings in Cape May, New Jersey!

Check me out on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL for some of my Ring Finder videos!
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