huntington beach metal detecting Tag | The Ring Finders

New IPhone 15 Lost in Sand at Huntington City Beach .. Found after Hours of Detecting

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Call as soon as possible if you’ve lost something important that a metal detector can find. Contact Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text 949-500-2136 …


  Alex lost his new iPhone 15 in the dry sand at Huntington City Beach, CA. It was late at night when the phone went missing . He was at the location first thing the location the first thing the next morning. His phone was showing up on the find my phone app and it still had 20% battery life.

He called me for help after he and his friend spent a couple hours walking the area and his phone was not visible. I have a lot of faith in the find me app, so I said I’d be there in a half hour.

This search got crazy. Two hours into the search, Alex told me he had to leave. I got obsessed with this search because it was still showing up on his father’s computer and it still had 10% battery. It was a matter that I had to find out how far off the coordinates were. Two more hours I finally found his phone. It was actually maybe 40 ft from where we started,in an area he said he never went that far up the beach.

The phone had been run over by a tractor or a lifeguard patrol vehicle. The case was bent and it still was powered up. I learned a lot and Alex said he believed his insurance would pay to replace the phone.

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

Gold Wedding Ring Lost In Volleyball Court .. Found by Calling for Help

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


If you want the best chance to find your sentimental gold ring, don’t waste time buying or renting a metal detector. Call an experienced metal detecting service.. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text  949-500-2136.

*** Haja was playing volleyball with friends at a local park in Irvine, CA. She hit a ball over the net and he gold wedding ring went flying into the sand. She knew the second it left her finger. The next day she returned to sift through the sand. Then she ordered a metal detector from Amazon.

The day the metal detector was delivered, she went to the volleyball court to continue the search. Nothing showed up. Her friend who had been helping her decided to go online for advice. They found my information and called. 

I met them shortly after talking to them . The park was only a few miles from my place.  With my state of the art metal detector and experience using it. We had Haja’s wedding ring out of the sand and back to Haja were it belongs.

If you have lost a ring or other sentimental keepsake, call Stan the Metal Detector Man. Available to help you now. Don’t waste time renting or buying a cheap metal detector that you don’t have time to learn how to operate. ..Call or Text  Stan the Metal Detector Man  … 949-500-2136  “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Lost Rental Car Keys and Cellphone Buried in Sand at Huntington Beach Found for Visitor from New York

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Stan the Metal Detector Man available to help you now .. Call or Text 949-500-2136 for prompt service.

** Seol was visiting Huntington Beach, CA. from New York. This was her last day in Southern California so she wanted to take a swim in the Pacific Ocean. She was not comfortable leaving her cellphone and rental car keys on her towel, so she buried them in the sand at the edge of her towel.  

After her short swim, she came back grabbing her towel to dry off. A few minutes passed before remembering that her important business cellphone and her rental car keys were buried in the sand. She spent a couple hours trying to find them. Someone told her about my service and let her use his phone to call me. 

I met Seol on the beach and was able to help her locate both the cellphone and her rental car keys shortly after arriving. Such a nice lady and a pleasure to help her. Basically she was here alone and didn’t not have and friends or family to help her.  Not having a cellphone would make everything more difficult.  To top it off, her wallet and identification were locked in the car . It would have been a mess trying to replace those items, especially as she had to fly back to New York the next day.

Excuse the photo as Seol was having a bad hair day. Out of respect I agreed to let her cover up as long as I could capture her smile in the photo.  There’s a smile in there somewhere, believe me.

Call or Text ASAP if you’ve lost something important in a public area… Stan  949-500-3-2136 .. I Will Try Anywhere.

Buried Car Keys Lost .. Santa Monica, CA. .. Found in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Annenberg Community Center.. Jenifer Buried her car keys in the sand while she went surfing then couldn’t get back to the location in the dark.

After helping Marie find her pendant lost in the sand at Malibu Lagoon State Beach, I stopped by a beach at the north side of Santa Monica Beach. I wanted to search the low tide where a ring had been lost in the water last month.
I was just finishing my search when Jenifer came running up to me in the dark. She was panicking because she had buried her car keys in the sand under her beach bag while she went surfing. Upon returning to her car with her belongings, she realized her car keys were still buried back on the beach somewhere, two blocks away from her car.
I told her I would help her if she could get me back to the general location. Easier said than done, there were absolutely nothing to reference where she had been, just flat dry sand. I picked out a place to start a grid search explaining that I could not just randomly wander the large search area. I was going to be like mowing a lawn. Once I finished one part of the search area, I could confidently move to the next section. I estimate that it takes about a hour to search a basketball court size area. (approx. 90’x 50′)
Jenifer started her own grid shuffling her feet in the sand. I was tempted to break from my grid and wander in random directions but I know it could be disastrous. Patience and persistence is the the rule. Sometimes I tell people that watching me grid search may drive them crazy. I need to overlap each swing of my search coil. The metal detector coil only can find metal under my 11 inch coil. You won’t believe that some people do not know this.
After about 45 minutes I got a good signal that turned out to be Jenifer’s car keys. No tow truck, no expensive car key replacement, now we can both get home. Jenifer was a happy surfer lady. It was a special pleasure to meet her and help her retrieve her keys from the sands of Santa Monica Beach.img_3987img_3935