lost wedding ring spokane Tag | The Ring Finders

How To Find Two Lost Wedding Rings In Airway Heights Parks….Found It!!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Christmas Eve was a sunny day. The temperature has been mild for this time of year, so being outside is what us Washingtonians do on days like that. With the eight-acre park right behind Tyler’s house beckoning Tyler and his family to come outside and play, the family made their way outside to enjoy the weather. Both Tyler and his wife had the mind set to not lose their wedding rings. So, the couple took off their rings and placed them in their jacket pockets. Then the unthinkable happened. When the fun was over the pair reached inside their pockets only to find them empty. The worst present ever was given to them, the feeling of a lost ring. With a glimmer of hope Tyler knew their rings had to be sitting in the grass somewhere. After recalling his knowledge for using metal detectors in the 90’s, he made his way to Harbor Freight to buy a metal detector.  After swinging the detector around for two days. Tyler had enough and turned to Google to find a professional. After we spoke on the phone, I quickly got myself together and made my way to Tyler’s house. Tyler took me to his back deck to show me the search areas. The picture below shows what I saw, an eight-acre grass field. The half to the right of the house is where Tyler’s ring was lost. His wife’s ring was lost in the backyard which was a little triangle shape. After making our way downstairs, I set up my detector and started to look for Tyler’s wife’s ring. I don’t think Tyler had made it up the stairs yet when I opened the sliding glass door and called his name. “I have your wife’s ring,” I said as he came back downstairs with a stunned look on his face. We took pictures and I told Tyler where the ring was hiding in the grass. Then the real work was about to begin. As I set off into the park, I reassured Tyler that I would come back and search again tomorrow if I didn’t recover his ring that day. With the knowledge of where Tyler lost his ring in the grass, I lined up with the first marker he gave me, which was a blue covered seating area. My eyes quickly scanned the field of grass, and I could see the grass was flattened down from the previously melted snow. I knew the ring would be sitting in plain sight. I had the thought to just quickly walk the area to speed up the process of detecting the four-acre plot. However, I kept my head down and kept my arm swinging. Within a matter of ten feet, I saw the ring sitting on top of the flat grass. I wasted no time picking up the ring. Then looking back up towards the deck where Tyler and I stood just 20 minutes ago, I could see Tyler looking down at me from inside his house. I pumped my hand holding the ring in the air a few times to get his attention. Tyler came out to the porch, and I told him the great news. The landmark Tyler had told me about was the reason his ring was quickly recovered. That and I am blessed with the gift for finding lost items. A Merry Christmas to you Tyler and your family. May the new year bring you joy and peace and may your rings always remain on your fingers. Merry Christmas to all The Ring Finders.






How To Find a Lost Wedding Ring? In Post Falls, Idaho… Found It!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Sometimes problems randomly come your way. Sometimes you create them by your own hand and they smack you in the face. For Brandon that hand that created his problem, now sat hovering over a keyboard. The word Brandon was searching for escaped his vocabulary. So he asked Google “what do you call a person who metal detects?” “A detectorist “, Google answered. Brandon now had a title to call someone who metal detects. Now he needed a name to go with that title. Google gave him mine and Brandon called me. Brandon asked me if I am able to be hired or rent out my metal detector? I told him “I was a professional metal detector specialist and yes you can hire me”. Continuing the conversation we discussed his situation.  Without hesitating Brandon told me he threw his ring, and no he wasn’t playing baseball. After setting up a date a few days ago, I finally made it out to his house. We sized up the search area, which was on the other side of the street in the neighbor’s yard. After swinging over all of the bushes Brandon showed me his best guess as to the splash down spot of the ring. I grid searched that area. Then began to grid search the two conjoined yard of Brandon’s neighbors. After Brandon had to take off to an a.m. appointment, his neighbor and I had a friendly conversation while I searched. Just as we were discussing the economy, I got a solid 20-21 vdi. Looking down I could see a dark rim poking through the grass. With complete shock and disbelief picked up his ring and realized his ring sat where it landed in the middle of the yard for a month. Lawn mowers, rain, and people all had been near and on top of that ring. However it remained untouched until I swung over it. What a crazy story that ring could tell if it could talk. Happily ever after would be it’s final words as Brandon slipped it back on his finger. Thank you man for trusting in The Ring Finders. Also being so happy, even after I did a Chris Turner fake out on you while giving the ring back.

Mans Platinum wedding ring lost in North Spokane WA, Found!!!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

This morning I woke up with a lost ring call from a man named Sebastian. His story was short and sweet. Sebastian was walking with his wife along a path behind his apartment. With the snow falling he couldn’t resist a small snowball toss at his wife. Promptly the wedding ring he wore, also couldn’t resist flying off his cold finger. The couple looked and dug through the snow with no success. So after gathering my equipment I made my way over to Sebastian’s apartment. We spoke briefly about the lost ring and then I began swinging my way down the freshly plowed walkway. My thoughts were the ring had been pitched to the side of the path. However after two minutes of walking, Sebastian said “swing over the concrete path”. There was snow and ice covering the path enough to conceal the ring. My coil was about a foot from the boots of Sebastian when I got a signal. My pin pointer confirmed that it was close to the surface and my fingernail revealed the shiny rim of his platinum wedding ring. I think this search broke the record for my fastest recovery. A very good start to the New Year I’d say, the snow is always good at loosening rings.