lostringinthesandlbi Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost bracelet in the lagoon, Beach Haven NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

  Dominick sent me a message asking if I would be able to recover his bracelet that slipped off his wrist into the lagoon. He was concerned because it was already in there for about 2 days, and I told him that is no problem, it could be 2 years, providing the area had not been disturbed. With that he said he had already tried diving down with a snorkel, using a clam rake, and a few other methods, including a net with a mesh bag. The next day I was in his area and decided to swing by, before agreeing to take on the task. All looked good for the recovery, and told him we would try for the next day or so. Once I got started, I searched one area that had many signals, but one in particular that sounded, SWEET, so that’s the one I concentrated on. After about 20 min. the bracelet was in my scoop, working blind, in a deep lagoon, isn’t the an easy task. If you are reading this story, and have a similar situation, items can be recovered many years later, providing the area hasn’t been disturbed, call ASAP and possibly I can reunite you with your lost valuables.  njringfinder.com  609-713-3929

Lost wedding ring on the beach, Ship Bottom NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

  Lydia sent me a message asking if I would be able to help find her husbands wedding ring that was lost in the ocean he day before. She explained the details and we set up a time to meet on the beach. After I arrived I found out some more interesting details, one being, they marked the area with an umbrella pole the day before, which was FANTASTIC due to the huge beach, the other, they had searched for quite some time with a metal detector and had no luck. Jeff was tossing a ball when his ring slipped off into the water, which was quite rough due to the storms offshore. With the waves breaking right around knee deep, I found the ring very close to the spot marked with the umbrella pole. Remarkable, nobody touched it over 24 hours later.     njringfinder.com

Lost wedding ring in the sand, Holgate NJ, LBI, recovered by, Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from Bill about his wedding ring lost in the sand down in Holgate, on LBI. He was on the beach early that day with his wife, and decided to leave due to the fact the wind was blowing about 30 knots, which made it very unpleasant. They have been married for 44 years, so this ring was extremely sentimental needless to say.  We arranged to meet later that day where he was staying at Hurleys in Holgate. Bill had explained every detail leading up to the ring being lost, as we walked up. The beach is extremely narrow in this area, and he was fairly certain where he was set up, especially with flags and a lifeguard chair right where they were. I searched the first spot and the ring wasn’t there. We tried another spot and nothing again. This isn’t a spot where someone would get confused as to the location, which had us both totally bewildered. Then I searched the steep path back to the hotel, and nothing again. We checked the road, parking lot and trunk of his car again. His wife had came down, looking very sad, figuring this precious keepsake was gone forever. Bill kinda wanted to through in the towel at that point when I decided to have his wife show me the location, just to get a different perspective on things. Her spot was exactly where Bill showed me, so back down I went, searching one more time. Bill had placed the ring on his pinky, so I knew it was somewhere, and most likely on his path back. With the wind blowing so hard from the NE, I swung the coil up onto the dune slope every path this time, and BINGO!!!! There it was on about the 4th pass. Everybody was pretty much in shock at this point, which was over an hour into the hunt.  Bill had came over looking into my scoop in total amazement. What happened was, the strong blowing wind pushed lots of sand onto the dunes, making a flat area hours prior, where he had walked, into the new slope of the dunes. Bill KNEW for sure it slipped off his finger, and I knew I wasn’t leaving till it was found.


Lost necklace on the beach, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

  Alena called and left a message that she lost her necklace in the sand on LBI, and wondered if I would be able to help find it. After going over some of the details we arranged to meet on the dune walkover. While walking down to the spot she refreshed my memory on a few details and I began to search in the area she had marked out earlier. That spot came up empty so we moved south and did and area right next to the original spot, and no luck there either. Another friend had just arrived and was point to the sand, showing her she buggy wheels heading north just a few feet from her original location. With that said I made 2 paths and found the necklace about 5” down in the soft sugar sand. The key to successful recoveries is getting back to the correct location many hours or even days later. https://njringfinder.com

Lost necklace in the sand, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, recovered by, Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I was on the beach in LBI doing a recovery for a lady that had lost a ring the night before, when Anthony came  walking over. He asked  if I was able to help him. He lost his necklace in the sand just a few hours earlier. I told him I would be over as soon as I was finished, and asked if he could mark out the area prior to me getting there. When I got there he explained exactly what had happened, so I began looking in the area he had placed his beach cart and tackle box. Not long after, I got a nice sharp tone that I suspected would be his necklace, and sure enough it was, not far away from where he had set up for a day of fishing. Needless to say Anthony was totally relieve to have it back in his possession.

Lost wedding ring in the sand, Lavallette NJ OB3, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from Carol, asking if I would be able to find her sons wedding ring. We went over some of the pertinent details, and I told her I would be happy to help. The ring was in a safe location on the beach, otherwise I would have stopped what I was doing and head right to their location.  Taking that into consideration, and the fact they were staying at the beach for the day, we agreed to meet a bit later in the day. When I arrived , she showed me the general area, and just a few moments later the ring was in my scoop. The beach was packed, and the audience was amazed at how quickly the ring was found. Phil had walked back to the house, we ran into each other on the dune walkover, talked a bit, and continued on. Phil, again, thank you for your service.

Lost necklace in the sand, Brant Beach NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Larry sent me a message later in the evening about his sons cross and chain that were lost in the sand on LBI that day. He was sure of the location but was unable to find them because apparently they sunk deep into the sand. It was pretty late to go that night, so we arranged to meet EARLY the next morning. He drew me a map with all the details to where he and his family were set up, including approximate measurements from all fixed landmarks. I arrived around 5AM and headed out to the spot that was marked. I started to grid out one area when I saw the headlights of the beach rake, knowing my time was limited, quickly working the first spot with no luck. I checked my map again and decided to move south about 20′ and Bingo!!! there it was. Luckily the beach rake had only made 1 pass along the high tide line, before I was able to locate his sons beautiful chain and cross. I guess we could def. call it a “treasure map”. Just as I was snapping a few pics Larry was walking down the dune walkover, and was totally amazed I found them already. Another happy ending.

Lost ring in the sand, Point Pleasant Beach NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Thomas called about locating a ring that was dropped in the sand earlier that day. Sophia had accidently dropped her rings in the sand, and while sifting around for quite some time, was able to locate one, but had no luck finding the other ring. We arranged to meet at the beach entrance because there was no way I would be able to find them on a beach that was that packed. As we walked down to his location he explained the details a little more, and I was able to get right to work. I had them pull the chairs and bags back so my machine wouldn’t get any false signals, from any metallic items they had. Sophia thought they would be just beyond the edge of their towel, and she wasn’t to far off. A few swings out past the edge of the towel I got the signal I was waiting for. Another ring, rescued from the white  sand beaches of New Jersey.

Cartier ring lost in the sand, Lavallette NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Renee called about her beautiful Cartier ring that slipped off her finger while her and many friends were having “Sunday Funday” on the beach in Lavallette NJ. It was getting dark, I told her not to move from the area, and I would be there in about 40 min. When I arrived, they were all sitting in a circle, enjoying the end of a fabulous day, under the full moon. She had the spot marked with some empty cans, and about 3′ from where she thought she was sitting my machine gave a loud solid signal, which I def knew was her ring. They said NO way you have my ring, I replied with “you have some tiny fingers” seconds later they were all jumping around with excitement. Somewhere if the excitement I became “Dr. Ring Finder”. This was funniest and happiest bunch I have encountered in quite a long time.

Gold/Ruby pendant lost in the sand, Bradley Beach NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Samit called about a beautiful pendant his daughter had lost, just minutes before, when when she noticed her chain had broken. He was very concerned, there were storms all around, the tide was rising, and they were getting ready to head home after a nice day at the beach. I was at a family party, but arranged to meet him in 45 minutes. Once I arrived he showed me the exact area she was in when she noticed her broken chain, and missing pendant. I searched that area pretty quickly with no luck. Samit then showed me the small area in the water where it could have possibly fallen, and I started in the deepest area, working small tight sweeps. About 5 paths up the hill I got a real nice faint signal, and it sounded pretty promising. I dug one DEEP hole hoping to have it in the first scoop. Sure enough, I dumped it out, kicked away some sand, and the bright red ruby was poking out. The entire family was shocked I was able to find it. Luckily it stayed very close to the spot it fell. Another happy ending.