pensacola ring finders Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring in the Sound, Pensacola Beach. – Found!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Saturday afternoon I got a frantic call from Jason. He explained that his fiancé Kimberly had dropped her engagement ring in the water on the sound side at Pensacola Beach. He was really worried and told me that it had only been a few weeks since he had purchased the ring and he had to get it back. I packed up quickly and headed that way. It was so crowded that it took about 30 minutes to park. Once I finally got to them, Kimberly walked me out to the area where they had been playing and said that it really could be anywhere. I started my search and got to hear from other people who had been in the area and tried to help narrow down the search area. Finally, Kimberly waded out again to talk and I assured her that I would keep going until I found it. She had only taken a few steps back towards the beach when I heard the sound I was looking for. I knew it was lucky indeed when I saw the gold in the scoop nestled in next to a sand dollar. I hope that is a sign for awesome things to come from this marriage. Y’all are really nice people and I wish you the best. Congratulations.

Engagement ring in the bay – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Let me just say that this is the kind of best man you want!  Anthony and his wife Katie have been searching non stop since their best friend’s fiancé lost her ring somewhere at their home on the water in Fairhope. Unfortunately, they didn’t know exactly where it was lost and after a month of searching the water and the yard and even in the house, they were starting to think it was lost forever. Luckily the couple reached out to me and Tom and I headed to Fairhope. Anthony did a great job explaining the events of the day and I decided to start in the water and Tom hit the yard. Anthony said he timed us and it was only 39 minutes before I came up smiling with a beautiful ring in my hand. It’s not everyday that you can find a ring that has disappeared into the bay for over a month only weeks before the wedding. Thanks for letting us be part of a story that will be around for a lifetime. Congratulations!  💍

Lost Class Ring, Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Last night was awesome!  I got a message from Terri about 8:30 explaining that her daughter had lost her class ring earlier in the day in the edge of the Gulf. She had Lilly call me and explain some of the details. I knew we had to find this ring because it was her class ring for her Undergrad and her Graduate degree. I cringed when I asked if they had put any info on social media and she said yes. I looked online and found the exact location in multiple spots. I knew this ring had to be found immediately so I asked my wife if she was up for a night trip. She agreed so we headed out right away. I spent about an hour getting beaten by the shore break and then decided to change my search pattern a bit. It wasn’t long after that when I heard a very deep gold tone and gently scooped out Lilly’s very meaningful gold and Diamond class ring. We all high fived and celebrated by the glow of the flashlights. I’m very glad everyone was up for a night trip and Lilly has her ring back. 😃👍

Ring left behind at Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Matt and Carolyn left to go home last week with something very important left behind. Unfortunately, Carolyn lost her wedding ring on the beach and they were unable to find it before they had to get on a plane. It had been a few days before several people referred them to me. Luckily they had great directions and were able to put me in the area to find it for them. They were also lucky enough to have Sam, a great friend who drove over to get it and mailed it back home safely to its rightful place. Sam even posed for a smiling picture with the ring. I’m so glad I could help. Congratulations y’all.

Lost Ring in Orange Beach, AL – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Joseph and Jennifer have their ring back where it belongs. It got a trip in the mail all the way to Oklahoma! I’m so glad that I could help. 😃👍

Lost Ring throwing football – FOUND in Gulf Shores

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I had the pleasure of helping out Joe Hess the other day. Joe and his family were down visiting Gulf Shores from their home in Indiana. Joe had been on the beach throwing football with his son when his wedding ring came flying off and quickly buried somewhere in the sand. Joe and his wife have been married 20 years so everyone began looking for it to no avail. With the tide rising in the afternoon they found me online and had me come over from Pensacola. My wife and I loaded up and quickly made our way over and met Joe on the beach. I started looking in the area he thought it was and quickly realized this was going to be a bigger search than Joe thought. My wonderful wife went to the car to get my biggest coil to cover more ground while I asked Joe more questions. Joe ended up telling me that he was using his left hand to throw the ball because his right was hurt and I worried that he may have flicked his hand awkwardly towards the water. I changed coils quickly and started a search where the water was coming in with the tide. I made one pass and as I got halfway back in the edge of the surf I heard a really deep tone. I took a huge scoop and drug it up on the sand to be safe. As soon as I broke open the sand with my hand I saw Joe’s gold band and turned around with a big smile. I’m so glad that Joe called quickly and we found it even quicker. That ring was too important to lose to that incoming tide. Congrats Joe!

Wedding ring recovered at Pensacola Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Chris and Michelle and their two Daughters and a friend were dining out at a beach restaurant and bar Saturday evening. It’s was great weather and they had dinner under a tiki hut on the sand beach.  While wiping her hands, Michelle’s ring fell on the table,  bounced, slipped through a crack, dropped to the sand and disappeared. They searched and searched with no Luck. Their friend was familiar with Pensacola and looked up my contact information and Chris called to ask if I could help. It was about 9:00pm when we talked. I asked lots of questions and based the very public nature where the ring was lost, I thought it best to go out right away. I arrived about 10:15 while staff was shutting down. Michelle was very sentimental about this ring.  It was a gift from Chris on their tenth anniversary and had been on her finger every day for the past 10 years. Fortunately, the bartender agreed to stick around while I was doing a search and left the lights on. The area was small so it only took 10 minutes or so to find it. Both Michelle and Chris were very emotional and very thankful. Their Daughters smiled and cheered when Mom put her ring back on. The family was on vacation for the Labor Day weekend from Mississippi.  I’m glad I could help, everybody’s happy now and they  can continue their vacation with no worries.

Lost ring throwing football, Orange Beach – FOUND!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

The other day I got a late message from Randi asking for help over in Orange Beach. Her husband Brayden was throwing a ball out in the Gulf and when the ball hit his left hand he watched as his wedding band dropped into the Gulf. They enlisted the help of some friends to look for an hour but didn’t have any success. When I spoke to Randi on the phone I told her that was my specialty and I’d be glad to help. That afternoon I drove over to Orange Beach and realized that it was at Romar House. They are wonderful people there and sure enough when I went inside they remembered me helping some other guests and immediately gave me a temporary parking pass. When I came back out I met Brayden and he quickly filled me in and explained that he had only been married since October. I told him that we had to find his ring and it was so new it was still shiny. 😃 When we got to the beach, Randi and several of their friends were lined up in their chairs ready to watch “the show”. I waded out with Brayden and one of his buddies waved us a bit more East. I took about 4 more steps to the East and then based on the tide charts, I took three more steps to the South and yelled over to Brayden not to move so I had a reference point. I literally went about 5 feet and heard a great tone. I got it on the first scoop and yelled over to Brayden, “It’s that easy” with a big smile. I didn’t realize that Randi was videoing but it definitely shows the excitement better than I can explain it. Thanks Brayden and Randi for trusting me. Now you have an awesome story for the rest of your long and happy marriage.

2 lost rings in Orange Beach – Found!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Jordan for the first time after finding her beautiful canary diamond engagement ring and her diamond wedding band a month ago in Orange Beach. I usually have lots to say but I think in this case, I will let Jordan’s comments speak for themselves. Great advice!  Im so happy that I could help. 😃👍💍

“Ben and I had a much needed weekend getaway! The main reason for our weekend trip though was to get my wedding rings back. About a month ago, we went to the beach with our family and friends. While I was in the ocean throwing the football with Ben, the football hit my left hand and my engagement ring and wedding band went flying through the air into the ocean. We looked for it forever. We had even random people from the beach trying to help us find it, but no luck. I had seen where someone with an underwater metal detector had found someone’s engagement ring in the water so I went back to where I had lost it and saved my coordinates hoping I could find someone with an underwater metal detector. One of our friends had sent us a website called the That’s where I contacted Dave. He went out there 4 days after I had lost my rings and didn’t find just one ring, but both! I was so excited and Ben was in disbelief because he said there wasn’t anyway that guy was going to be able to find it 😂.  So if you are ever in my situation, save your coordinates and contact Pensacola Ring Finders”

Lost Ring in Gulf Shores, AL – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Bill and Sarah reached out to me earlier in July. Bill had lost his platinum wedding band in the Gulf while vacationing in Gulf Shores. I made plans to go help but unfortunately it was a terrible lightning storm and it was just not safe to go that afternoon. They had already gone back to their home in Auburn but I wasn’t giving up. I got up the next morning to beat the storms and also so I could get it done before having to be at work. The Gulf was a mess and it was all I could do to hold a line in the rough seas. They had put out the red and purple flags overnight. Luckily, I didn’t have to go far when I heard a great tone and quickly scooped up Bill’s ring before the sun even peeked over the horizon. I sent a picture and briefly spoke to Sarah on the phone. I told her that I was coming to Montgomery in a few days for work and she was thrilled because Bill’s Dad lives there. I battled some more storms on the way up which seemed only fitting but I was able to drop it into the hands of Bill’s father and smile as he checked it out. I think Bill and Sarah were a little camera shy but they sent this picture of both of their hands with Bill’s ring where it is supposed to be. They entitled it “Reunited” which I think says it all. 😃