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Lost White Gold Wedding Band .. Huntington Beach .. Volleyball Court

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Sunday .. May 31, 2015 .. 10:30pm

Karl called me from the airport where he was waiting for his fight back to his home in Phoenix, AZ. He told me he had lost his wedding band while watching his daughter participate in a volleyball tournament. He texted me the location. It was one of 28 volleyball courts. I drove 5 miles, found his ring and was able to text him a photo of his ring just as he was shutting down his smart phone for the departure of his flight. The next morning I returned the ring to his wife, Kristen who will be returning to Phoenix later. Below is Karl’s side of the story.

Thanks again for finding my ring. I was attending my daughter’s beach volleyball tournament at Huntington Beach. During the game, an errant volleyball headed into the crowd towards me. I instinctively shot my left hand up into the air in an attempt to deflect the ball, and as I did, I felt my wedding ring fly off my finger. My wife and I looked around for it frantically, knowing that with each person walking by and kicking up sand, our chances of finding it were dwindling. After searching for about a half an hour, and seeing person after person kicking up sand and surely burying my ring, we resigned ourselves to having lost it for good.

Later that day, upon returning to our hotel and preparing to leave Los Angeles, I got on the internet and conducted a Google search for folks with metal detectors in the Huntington Beach area. I found Stan Ross on and I called him from the airport as I was awaiting my flight. Stan was on the case in no time, and he kept me apprised of his status as he scanned the beach and I got ready to get on my flight. Then, just before departing, Stan texted me with a triumphant pic of my ring. He had found it! My wife and I were ecstatic! Luckily, my wife and kids had already planned to stay an extra day at the beach, so they were able to meet Stan and get my ring back. We’re very grateful for Stan’s services, and we give him our absolute highest recommendations. Thanks again Stan.
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Lost White Gold Ring Found in Dearborn Heights Michigan

A Lovers Quarrel…..

During a heated argument last Thursday a future husband throws his future bride’s 2 rings into the back yard.

They find one of them but not the other. He called me from PA where they are moving to.

Bride to be is in shock because they had to leave the house in Michigan soon. Mother-in-law, pictured with ring, and I search the suspected area. We had lots of rain over the weekend and I told them it may have pushed it down in the ground. Using my older but trusty Garrett metal detector I searched for about half hr and got lots of signals, junk and coins….but then I got a double beep repeatable with very slow sweeps from all directions. Coming up in the ring range on the detector meter the depth registered on the surface and was in the direction of how they were thrown. This was also in the vicinity of where the main ring was found previously. A quick check with the pinpointer and moving the grass revealed the ring laying flat just sunk into the earths surface. Mother in law screams in excitement as I lifted it into the sunlight.

Quite a little beauty and look at all those diamonds! Everyone is happy and another great find!



Cell Phone Lost at Santa Monica Beach, CA…Found.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)


I was metal detecting down on the beach, when I received an overloading signal through my head phones. I swept the area a bit with my coil, and saw the edge of something. I reached down, and picked up a Droid cell phone, put it in my bag and continued my detecting. When I got home, I plugged the phone into my charger, and pushed the on switch. The phone came on, and seemed to be working, so I tried to access the phone book in order the find someone who could help me find the owner.

I was able to access the phone book, and started calling numbers, like Mom, Dad, and the other favorites listed. I left messages at all the numbers, and about an hour later received a call from the person’s mom. She told me his name is Jeff, and had lost the phone a couple of days prior, and she would contact him to get in touch with me. It wasn’t too long before Jeff called me, and we arranged to meet at his job, so I could return his phone seeing it was a midway point from where we both lived. I met Jeff and returned the phone, he was busy, so it was a quick return, but happiness the end result.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost Gold Wedding Band at Kokololio Beach Park……FOUND

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

interwoven AU band

Kristina Velez & Husband

I saw a craigslist post of a lost ring at Kokololio Beach Park and replied to it offering ring finder services. Kristina responded by email the next morning and asked how I could find her husband’s ring that she had lost while holding it for him while he took a swim in the ocean. I told her to read my blog then if she was comfortable give me a call and I’d make arrangements to look. Kristina called and was anxious to find her husband’s ring so I talked my wife Wendy into going and told her we could go get prime rib afterwards as it was our 22nd Anniversary. As usual she was cool about it and off we went. We met Kristina at the beach parking lot and she walked me over to the area where she last knew she had the ring. When we arrived on the spot my worst fears came to light the area was littered with bottle caps and other metal trash. We picked up a few pieces of trash on the surface and then I started my grid search. First target brass grommet, second target aluminum tent peg third target BINGO a gorgeous interwoven patterned Gold ring. It took all of about 90 seconds. They’re not always this easy but I got to leave early for that Anniversary dinner and Kristina was elated to have her husband’s ring back. She went on to tell me that everyone else told her a metal detectorist would never find it. Well she held her head high and went off to show them the results with the biggest smile she could make. Aloha to Kristina.

Lost Engagement Ring Iowa City, Iowa… Found!


I found an engagement ring today for a lady named Susan who gave me a call yesterday. She was at her son’s baseball game on Wednesday evening and was helping the team warm up before the game. She had a baseball glove on and when she took it off and tossed it to her son she thinks her rings went with it but she wasn’t sure.

Here husband Sam and her rented a detector the next day and found the wedding band where she had tossed the glove but no engagement ring. She searched again on Friday but still no luck.Susan and Sam

So she gave me a call and I met them this morning at the ball field. I started out by thoroughly going over the area where the wedding band was found and came up empty. Sam told me they had walked behind some bleachers and stood for awhile beside a building watching the game. So I followed their path and behind the bleachers I got a shallow 12-20 signal on the CTX. Looking down I saw a glint of gold through the grass and knew it was going to be a good day!Susan's ringsThey were very happy and relieved to have her ring back where it belongs.

Good luck to all the ringfinders out there.

Lost platinum eternity ring found in Centennial, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Kathleen was out planting flowers in the yard of their home in Centennial, Colorado. While shaking open a garbage bag to put old, dead plants in her 3 ring platinum eternity ring slid off her hand. Kathleen had seen people searching with metal detectors in the past and knew that the newer machines would be expensive to purchase and complex to understand. And that rental machines may not be good enough to get the achieve success and with no knowledge of how to set up a detector. So Kathleen decided to find an expert detectorist and ended up calling me through TheRingFinders.

I was out at a wine tasting when Kathleen called and I did not hear my phone ring so she left me a message. Upon seeing I had a message I returned her call. We talked for a bit and set up a search for the following morning.

After arriving at their house Kathleen and Michael (Kathleen’s husband) led me to the location where Kathleen was working. We discussed the possibilities of the rings hiding place and I began my search. After searching the area in front of where Kathleen was standing a twice with no success I started searching behind where she was standing. My MXT gave out a faint signal (my sensitivity was turned down due to edging and pipes in the area and the plantings were deep). I pulled back the plantings and there sat Kathleen’s rings. She was quite happy to get her prized rings back.


Rings recovered 5/30/2015

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Lost White Gold Wedding Band.. Corona Del Mar, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Monday .. 5/25/15 .. 6:15pm

Kristin called me after somebody at Corona Del Mar Beach told her about TheRingFinders website. It was the end of Memorial Day, she and her husband were going to enjoy the evening with a fire at the beach. When they arrived Kristin cleaned a little of the trash out of the fire pit, taking the trash to a garbage can 15 ft away. After throwing the trash in the can she walked back to the fire pit. She took a second to shake the sand off here hands. That’s where she thought her ring flew off her finger. Her and her husband thought it could be anywhere within a 20 foot radius of the fire pit.
As usual they had a lot of help from other people on the beach. This could be disastrous for a small ring like Kristin described.
I was able to get to her location within 20 minutes. After asking a few questions I started to worry that the ring could be hiding in the fire pit or the trash can. My experience has been that shaking her hands might be where it was lost. I started there first and I got a great gold signal from the thin white gold ring surrounded with small diamonds.
Smiles and hugs with all the other beach goers congratulating Kristin. It was definitely a community affair. I stayed around for a few minutes telling everybody about and passing out cards. Summer is here, I hope we can help more people find their lost valuables.

How to Find a Lost Gold Wedding Ring at Jericho Park Vancouver…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I received a call from a young man who had lost his wedding ring 3 days ago at a park in Vancouver. He told me he was playing Frisbee football and he wasn’t sure if he put the ring in his bag before the game or if he put the ring in his pocket…

After meeting Doug and discussing the search area and asking a lot of questions to narrow down the search area I decided to start the search where Doug put his bag down.

I knew that this could be a very long search as I would have to search the entire soccer field if the ring wasn’t found near where his bag was.

I started my search and after 10 minutes or so I got a good signal and looked down and saw a big gold band hiding in the golden grass. I was excited and noticed that Doug and his wife wasn’t looking so I picked it up and asked Doug if I could do a short interview about his ring…He agreed but what he didn’t know was that I found his ring.

After a few questions I held the ring up in front of the camera and on the video you can see their reaction…I love my job!!!


















If you have lost a ring and need help finding it…Call me ASAP!

Video of the search…


Lost Key at Hermosa Beach, CA…Found.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)


I was sitting in my recliner after dinner this evening, watching one of my new surfing videos when I received a call from Nate. He was asking if I would be able to help him find a key that was lost on the beach. I let him know that it was possible if he could get me in the general vicinity of the loss. I was about 30 minutes out, but that city was having a festival at the beach, so I knew it would take a bit longer to reach the destination because of parking. This beach is cleaned daily, and the county does a very good job. It was important to look tonight. I made sure it was going to be alright with Nate. He gave me the go ahead, so I packed my gear and headed his way.

When I got there, Nate met me with his friends Jill and Libby (who also is a news anchor for a local radio station). We went to the area where they said the key was lost, and I could see the sand had been moved around a lot from their searching. They told me they had been looking for a while for that lost key, were feeling a bit discouraged, and were thinking about a locksmith. The key was for a house that their friend had let them use, as they had come down from Seattle for a vacation.

It was now dark, so I put on my head lamp, and gave a flashlight to the group to help them see. I began my search in the area they pointed out, and set a tight grid. I went back and forth for about 10 minutes, without hearing a sound. Normally the detector will find foil, pull tabs, bottle caps, and even coins, but here there was nothing, the beach was clean, to the point I was about to swing the detector over my scoop to make sure it was working. Right then I got a signal, and it was a good one, the only one. It was the key, and everyone was happy with handshakes, hugs, and high-fives. I am glad they called me out tonight, because I knew if we had waited another day, the key would have been picked up by the county beach cleaners, and never have been found. what great happiness, and smiles to go around.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Anna Marie Island Gold and Diamond Wedding Rings Lost then Recovered

David and Jennifer were down from Virginia on a mini vacation and house hunting trip. While relaxing one evening at sunset Jennifer was in the water and David tossed her a ball. The ball landed just in front of her and she plunged her hand into the water to get it. She felt her wedding set fly right off her finger. She called to David for help but just then a big wave slammed into her and moved her away from where she had lost the rings. They looked until after dark but had no luck finding them. Both David and Jennifer are Gulf war veterans and while stationed in Iraq someone had stolen her first wedding set and now losing another set was just devastating. Jennifer started searching the internet for help and soon found SRARC on the Ring Finders site. She called Tom who called Mike and we set up a meet time and search for 7:00 am the next morning. Mike went right to work when he got there and searched for about an hour and a half before hitting the target he was looking for. He flipped a “thumbs up” toward the beach and got two great big smiles in return. It was a pleasure to meet both David and Jennifer and I want to offer them a big “Thank You” for their service to our country. It gave me a great big smile to be able to serve them in a small way. I look forward to hooking up with them again after they have relocated to Florida.

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