Lost & Found Category | Page 461 of 484 | The Ring Finders

Lost gold ring found, Donnell Lake, Cass County Michigan

  • from Granger (Indiana, United States)

Summer of 2013, I received a phone call from Chris, who had lost his gold wedding band in a local lake (Donnell Lake, Vandalia, MI) while swimming with his family at a sand bar. His ring was purchased as a “matched set” with his wife’s ring and had great sentimental value to him. After losing the ring, he borrowed a metal detector and tried searching for it in the water. With no luck, he turned to the internet and discovered the Ring Finders directory. Turns out that he lived just a couple miles down the road from me. He offered to taxi me and my gear up to the lake property, and within an hour we were on a pontoon headed towards the area where the ring was lost. He had a good idea of where they had been anchored and I promptly got in the water to begin the search with my detector and scoop. The area was littered with alot of metallic debris, modern coins, lead shot and bottle caps which slowed the search process for the ring. After searching all the area he thought it could be in, I ventured a little further out into slightly deeper water, and shortly after, got a promising signal on the metal detector. Upon raising the scoop out of the water, I could see a glint of gold color coming from what looked like the edge of a ring. As the sand sifted from the scoop, I picked up a shiny gold ring from inside the scoop and asked Chris to describe the ring to me again. His description matched precisely, I handed it over, reuniting him with his lost gold wedding band.



Lost Key Newport Beach…Found!

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)


I received another call today for a lost key. Delon called letting me know that he had lost his key, and after thoroughly searching for it, was unable to find it. I let him know when I would be there, and he stayed in order to let me know the area where the key was lost. He was able to put me in the right place, and within 10 minutes, I was able to hand him his key. This was his only key to his car, so he said that they were contemplating towing his car, and having another key made, but said his grandmother told him there were people that had metal detectors, who were available to help people in need, a wise grandmother indeed. He found The Ring Finders on the internet. I am truly honored to be able to represent The Ring Finders, and was happy to have helped Delon get his key back.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost Key Manhattan Beach, CA…Found!

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

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I received a call this morning from Jose who had lost his key while running on the beach. He knew where he lost it, in fact he saw it drop, yet was unable to recover it. It is amazing how fast something can disappear in the sand at the beach, and the sand at this beach is like powder. When I met him, he showed me the area of the drop, and I set up a perimeter to search. He was correct in the area of the drop, because it took all but about 5 minutes to find his key. I then mentioned that even if we were not able to find the key he could use his copy to get home in his car, when he informed me that this was the only key he had for this car. This information made me realize how imperative it was to find his key, because the cost to call out a locksmith would have been burdensome.

What a great opportunity it was to help Jose’ today.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Texas A&M class ring recovered from a Colorado sledding hill

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

In early January Charley Mitchell was part of a group of young men that came up to Colorado from Texas to be part of a friend’s wedding. They stayed at the house of the bride’s grandfather which is up in the foothills west of Morrison, Colorado. Prior to the group’s arrival the area received several inches of fresh snow. Being the adventurous types the group of young men decided to do something that isn’t common in Texas, they went tobogganing.

During the festivities Charley’s prized Texas A & M class ring went missing. The group searched for the ring, they even purchased a metal detector to aid in their search. But their search was in vain as the ring was well hidden. The wedding went on and the group returned to Texas but the search for Charlie’s ring continued. Jim, the land owner kept up the search but the area of search was quite large and he had no success either.

On January 25th a small group from my local metal detecting club and I were contacted about searching for Charley’s ring. The weather had turned warm and melted the vast majority of the snow, with only small patches of snow and ice on the hillside. Our group divided the hill into search zones that were probably 15 yards wide running vertically up the hill, each one of us selecting a zone and began searching. I was one of the last to get a zone so I took the first zone on the steepest part of the hill. On my first pass down down my zone I hit a patch of ice hidden in some tall grass and found myself laying on my back in mud. After getting myself up and scraping mud off my XLT I continued my search down to the end of my zone. On my return trip up the hill I located a dime that was laying on the surface so I bgan to get excited, if they were loosing change at that location the ring could be close by. Two swings later my XLT sounded off and there was the Charley’s ring laying right on the surface gleaming in the sun. I made the announcement to the group that our search was over after only 5 minutes of search time.

Charley was pretty sure he would never see his ring again so he was pretty darn excited to get his ring back. Due to him working off shore on an oil rig that reunion had to wait till after his return to dry land at the end of February.

Ring recovered January 25th, 2014

Charles Mitchell with ring Texas A&M ring front

Lost Ring Stewart Beach Galveston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service now in Galveston, Texas

Lost your jewelry in the surf or out on the beach and thought it was gone forever?

Call the Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

John Volek 281-330-7758


Galveston is one of the most popular year-round coastal destinations in our second largest state TEXAS. It is an island in the Gulf of Mexico. You can still take a road trip here because it is connected to the mainland by a bridge. It is a city that offers many historical and cultural attractions, water sports, and great hotels and resorts. Galveston TX has most of its businesses downtown, but also offers many rental residences with access to the Galveston beaches.













The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


$30,000 Ring Disappears in my Kitchen, Addison,Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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We received a call from a wonderful lady named Sandy, she said she had a desperate situation.  I said OK, tell me what happened.  With tears in her voice she said she lost a  family heirloom, a 6 carat diamond ring, explaining how every diamond represented each member of her family who had passed away in her life time.

Sandy said that she had come home from work and gone into her kitchen.  She always takes off her ring to fix dinner and always puts it in the exact same place.  The ring slipped out of her hand and bounced once on the counter  and disappeared.   She had searched for 2 days but could not find the ring.  She had removed everything from the counters, nearby shelving and checked under everything with no luck in locating her ring.  I smiled to myself as she was telling me her story because it sounded just like a situation we had a few years ago of a man who loss his wedding band in his apartment bathroom.  We made arrangements to come out in 2 days when her schedule would permit her to be there with us. (Note: Always have the client there when you initially search, many times the stories change when you arrive on site).

My wife Ellen, my son Tripp and I, all three went to Sandy’s home around 5:30pm; Sandy met us a the door and was so nice.  I knew that our detectors would not work in her kitchen, so we only took in our pinpointers and inspection camera.  Sandy described and went through the motions of reenacting what had happened with her ring.  The whole time she was talking I was assembling my inspection camera.  I began looking under and behind all the appliances and at first thought I saw it under the refrigerator but that was not it.

Then I laid on the floor and looked up under the kick plate of the kitchen cabinets and once again found a small gap of about 1/2 inch up under the cabinets.  Understand this was not a large kitchen so we knew the item still had to be close.  I used our inspection camera to run the 36″ camera line up inside the baseplate of the kick plate under the cabinets.  The angle was very difficult to get the camera line into and tough to move around but in about 10 minutes we discovered the ring.  I did not say anything but just winked at my son and my wife.

My son and I then went about trying to retrieve the ring as it was way back inside the underneath portion of the these cabinets.  After using the tip of the camera and a coat hanger we began inch by inch to move the ring closer to the front of the cabinets, being only able get about 2 inches of our fingers inside gap.  At this point the customer still did not know we had found the ring.  While discussing techniques to retrieve the ring she heard us talking and we then confirmed with her what we found on our camera.  She had to bend over and look at the screen but when she did she squealed, “that’s it, that’s it”, and began to cry. When  she calmed enough to take a breath she started saying to her husband “they found it, they found it”.  My wife had to console her while my son and I worked to pull out the ring.  We could have had  pulled off the baseboards but they had been painted over so many times and were so old we knew they would have broken.  So we continued the slow way. Soon my son was able to get a coat hanger over the ring and then hook it enough to pull the ring up, remember this is being done laying on our backs looking at a 3″  screen on our inspection camera.

My son handed Sandy her 6 carat family ring (estimated $30,000), she was beyond happy, she hugged all of us many times and could not thank us enough.  It was so much fun seeing her reaction and to know we helped put a smile back on her face and in her heart.

Another successful find for “The Ring Finders”.

Don & Ellen – Dallas

Lost Ring Posted on Madison Craigslist Website Found in Backyard

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)

Date: May 26, 2013

I had taken a week of vacation in order to complete various projects around the house, as well as tend to my gardening.  Midweek just as I was heading out the door to run some errands, I realized my wedding ring was not on my finger.  I quickly checked my pockets and it was not there, however I proceeded to run my errands.  Upon returning home, I looked in the two most likely places and unfortunately it was not in either spot.   I am a creature of habit and will put my ring in my pocket if I am putting on hand lotion, etc.  My husband quickly pointed out that the shorts I was wearing had a hole in one pocket.  We scoured the house for days looking high and low.  We even cleared out all of the closets to check the floors, but sadly we found nothing.  I was convinced I had lost my ring inside the house, but my husband thought it had fallen out of my pocket while I was gardening on my day off.  After a couple of days, we decided to post an ad in the “Lost and Found” section on www.Craigslist.com as a last resort.  That’s how we found Dan.  He quickly responded to the ad offering to help.  Since we had already searched the entire inside of the house, we thought it was worth a shot for Dan to come over and search our backyard with his metal detector.

I met Dan at our home on Saturday morning along with his young son.  He was very professional and it was clear that they had done this together many times.  I was impressed with the way he was using this task to teach his son the skills of metal detecting, as well as the importance of helping out others.  Together they swept the front yard and found quite a few coins, but no ring.  They did a very thorough search of both the front and the back yard, but initially did not find the ring.  The entire time they never gave up, and then suddenly Dan called me over … he had found my ring in the lawn along the side of the house.   I don’t know how many times we might have walked past it in the days since it was lost, but it was found.

I am very cautious when responding to an ad from Craigslist, but through the back and forth email with Dan to setup the appointment, I felt comfortable meeting him at our home on my own.  He was professional and very respectful of the fact that I had lost something very dear.  I cannot thank him enough and can only give him a glowing reference.

Thanks again,

Jean K.



Metal Detecting Equipment and Training

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Metal Detecting Equipment and Training

I just added the Garrett AT Gold to the equipment list. I was looking for a machine that would perform really well on small gold items like diamond earrings and very small diamond pendants. The Minelab CTX 3030 manages well, but the prospecting (AT GOLD) hits these small items really well.

I purchased two small gold items from a local jewelry store for field testing and training purposes. The AT GOLD works amazingly well and should increase my recovery rate for these types of items.












Test Items























The New Garrett AT Gold
















First test run with the AT Gold at a nearby park






















The AT Gold picked out this small earring on its first test run along with some of the smallest specs of aluminum and other debris I have ever recovered.

My first impressions, the machine is awesome,  and it has already proven itself capable of finding micro specs of Au, Ag, and Pt.

Au: Gold

Ag: Silver

Pt: Platinum


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek






Lost Wedding Ring… Found at North English, Iowa


I checked my messages on my phone today after work and had a call about a lost wedding ring at a ball field. I got my equipment together when I got home and gave the lady a call.

Her name is Doretta and she thought she lost her white gold wedding ring at her granddaughters softball game the night before. She remembered taking the ring off earlier in the day but was pretty sure she put it back on.

Her husband and her had searched their house and the area where they were sitting during the game and came up empty. They live close enough to the field to walk there and took their own folding chairs so it could be lost along the way.

They showed me the location they were sitting at but she said they had moved three times because people kept blocking the view to the field. I was hoping someone hadn’t eyeballed it and picked it up.

I set up my CTX3030 so gold would make a high tone and had on my six inch coil because I expected it to be trashy. In the first area I had a great shallow hit at 12-13 that was a wad of aluminum foil. In the second area same hit another chunk of aluminum foil.

I moved to the third area. I was starting to run out of real estate. I started working the area and got a loud 12-9 signal and just out of sight in the grass I found it!Doretta's ring 2

What a unique ring it is. She was so relieved to have it back on her finger.


Good luck to all the ringfinders out there.

Norm Slaymaker

Copper Bracelet lost at Redondo Beach, CA…Found!

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)



I received a call today to get in touch with a man who had lost a bracelet. I called LC to find out about the loss. He explained to me that it is seemingly insignificant, but that there was a strong emotional attachment to it. When he explained to me what this bracelet meant to him (something only LC could share), I understood the emotion. Also he said that he was going to be seeing the person who had given it to him in the next week, so there was a sense of urgency involved as well. I happened to be in Huntington Beach, CA at the time so I knew the time element was working against me, and headed immediately to Redondo Beach. When I got there, the lifeguard showed me where they had been looking, so I concentrated my search in that area with no success. Soon after, a family that had been next to the search area left for the day, and I proceeded to search that area as well. Not two minutes later, the bracelet was in my hand. LC and I arranged to meet at a local coffee shop so I could return his bracelet. It was a time of joy for him to see what he wasn’t sure he would ever see again. So the story of this seemingly insignificant copper bracelet continues.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.