Most Recent Discovery Category | Page 360 of 372 | The Ring Finders

Mourning Ring Found for owner in Wicker Park Area Chicago

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Last week I received a call from a young women who believed she lost a mourning ring while walking to work. Yes a Mourning Ring, not morning ring. I must admit I had never heard of one. For those of you who have never heard of a Mourning Ring let me explain.

This Mourning ring was made in the 1890’s in England. It was made from 15K gold, not 14K gold, and was custom made with a lock of hair encased in the setting. The current owner is attempting to research for whom the ring was made and who is the deceased person that that person was in mourning for. It has small pearls boarding a stone under which is held a locket of hair. It also has a number of hallmarks on the inside of the ring. It has the initials of the deceased. If I find out more, I will update this post.

After searching the walkways for about 1/2 mile with detector and rake, we discovered the ring on the sidewalk. Since the area sidewalks had been searched several times, it is my opinion that while raking productive sounding targets, I flipped the ring out onto the center of the sidewalk. We discovered it while walking back to the original starting place. Needless to say, the owner who had purchased the ring recently, was delighted to be reunited with it.



The ring has a number of Hallmark markings.





Gold & Diamond Ring recovered from the water in Baltimore County, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)
Yuriy with his girlfriend's ring!

Yuriy with his girlfriend’s ring!

I must tell you, the 100% success streak looked to be in jeopardy! This was the first time I initially came up empty during a recovery attempt, but due to the fact that Yuriy was so certain that the ring was lost in a certain area of a popular beach hang out, we decided to give it another try. I’m glad we did! Here is Yuriy’s take on the experience in his own words.

My girlfriend, some friends, and I went boating on Carlo’s (a friend of mine) boat to Hart Miller Island. We were throwing a football around in the water and my girlfriend realized that her ring had fallen off. Without seeing it hit the water it was difficult to pinpoint an exact location. We attempted a search but it was futile. The following day I decided to try to Google for “ring finding services” and came upon the Seeming too good to be true I emailed all the finders in Maryland and received prompt responses from all of them. Jim’s response was unique because he was ready to go that instant with his 100% success rate. One big issue is that I do not own a boat. I quickly contacted Carlos who was kind enough to make the drive with me to meet Jim and his friend Lance to search for the ring. While driving it all seemed too good to be true that there are people who do this and I was a little concerned about being mugged. When I met Jim and Lance that concern went away, they are two genuinely good guys. We boated out to the location where the ring was lost and they searched for about 3 hours. The location was filled with a lot of trash and the first search was unsuccessful. They were nice to offer a second attempt and we agreed on the following weekend. After the amount of trash I thought that the chances of the 2nd attempt were slim.

Only Jim was able to come out the 2nd time and my friend Carlos was once again kind enough to provide the transportation. Jim began his search and I began texting my girlfriend who at this point in time was on vacation with her family. All of a sudden Jim comes up to me and asks me, “is this it?”. It was surreal when he showed me my girlfriends ring! We celebrated and I texted my girlfriend we found it. She didn’t believe me at first so I sent her a picture. She was ecstatic. Even now it all seems too surreal.

Big thank you to Jim and Lance for searching for the ring.  These are two great guys and I would recommend everyone to not hesitate to contact them to help you find what you’ve lost. Also, great to be part of their continued 100% success streak!

Out of the water, safe and sound!

Out of the water, safe and sound!

The ring was in knee high water unfortunately surrounded by bottle caps, pull tabs and other junk!

The ring was in knee high water unfortunately surrounded by bottle caps, pull tabs and other junk!







Lost Ring found near Binbrook conservation area near Hamilton

  • from Toronto (Ontario, Canada)

found ring on hand Happy Pietro & family with FOUND ring & Paul ring finderVandendool Crownring2b ring

“I went swimming in a lake and lost my wedding ring. After spending a few hours swimming down 10 feet, we gave up the search. I thought it was gone for good before I found Paul online. He came with scuba gear and an underwater metal detector and found the ring in 25 minutes! Material possessions can be replaced, but the sentimental value cannot. We can’t thank you enough!”



Pietro was at a conservation area with his family & lost his ring when swimming. Once I arrived he pointed me to the “location” where he felt the ring slip off. The visibility was 1-2′ & I was able to find the ring in about 25 minutes.

Another happy customer.  So far I am 2 for 2!  🙂

Lost Ring found in lake near Haliburton

  • from Toronto (Ontario, Canada)

Diego & happy wifeOn my first official search for a wedding ring, I was able to find Diego’s wedding ring. He flipped a canoe near a friend’s cottage & lost 2 fishing poles & his wedding ring.  The location was in ~18; in a bay of a lake. It took me about 1 hour to locate the “drop” area as the initial search location was not accurate for me. Note that the more accurate the “lost” location is, the better luck I will have in locating “your” treasure. I found the ring within 15 minutes of locating the fishing poles.

Diego has been married since Feb 2013 so finding the ring was very important to him & his wife. 2 Happy Customers!!


Found Lost Wedding Ring in Lake Wilson in Weatherford,Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

IMG_1367 IMG_1368

We got a call from the gentleman above late on a Friday afternoon.  Said he had fallen out of a boat on a small private lake in Weatherford,Tx and wondered if we would come try to find it.  I said we would be happy to but it would have to wait a week as were on our way to the airport to leave for vacation in Cancun for a few days.  I loved his response, he said “well it ain’t going nowhere”.  We agreed I would call him in a week when we returned.

As promised we called the following week and spoke with John about his ring, he explained that he and a friend were coming in from fishing on a small boat, he had stood up just at the moment his friend decided to pull the boat up a little higher on the bank.  When that happen, John lost his footing and fell into the lake.  He said he could feel his wedding band slipping off but could do nothing about it.  The waters edge was slippery and covered in algae and dropped off about 5-6ft in depth.

John found “The Ring Finders” website and located us.

Ellen & I drove 75 miles to the spot on the highway to meet John and have him and buddy lead us back on the dirt roads to where the lake was.  I set up my gear and went into the lake, it was amazing how deep it got so close to the shore.  John told me while I was in the water that he had used swimming pool cleaning poles to try and drag the ring up on shore and he also had a friend bring out his metal detector but no luck finding the ring.  I spent maybe 20 minutes in the water getting a feel for the area where John thought the ring would be.  I was getting lots of hits on my detector and using my water scoop was very difficult in the muddy bottoms.   As I went to change hands with my equipment my detector passed over a flat rock covered in algae  and my Garrett AT Pro went off loudly so I knew something was there.  I reached over with my hand and felt along the top of the rock and there was John’s wedding ring.  My wife and John had been talking along the bank and I said “hey John would you like to have your ring back?” and held up his gold wedding band .   He was flabbergasted, he said over and over “I thought I would never see it again”.  These reactions are what make this so much fun.

My wife was filming with her IPhone and began to ask John some questions.  He said this was the first time this ring had been off his finger in 57 YEARS.  He buddy then said, ‘tell them what you did’.  John replied with a sheepish grin, “I did not tell my wife”  he said I have a friend who owns a Pawn Shop who got him a temporary wedding ban to wear until we could hopefully find his ring.  We laugh and laughed.  Then John said…. “I wonder if the Pawn Shop with take the other ring back”.

It was a wonderful day.

Another great find for “The Ring Finders”

Don & Ellen Wilson


Found Wedding Ring in Trophy Club,Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)


We received a call from a lady who said “thank God I reached you”I have a lost ring for you to find.  I said OK and ask for the details.  She described it as a Men’s gold wedding ban.  I ask her where is was lost and she said in her backyard.  I ask as I always do, “are you sure that’s where you lost it” and she said she was positive.

I said OK then we can find it, then I asked the most important question.  How was the ring lost, what was he doing when he lost it……. there was a long silence and she said “I know it’s there because I threw it there”.  I said that was no problem and we would drive the 28 miles to Trophy Club,Tx around 7pm to let the heat go down, it was 101 degrees warm.

We arrived at a beautiful home, got our equipment out, the lady kindly showed us where she was when she threw the ring and then my wife her re-inact the event (this is a must we have learned).  We spent maybe 20 minutes detecting the yard and there was a lot of underground trash.  We knew the ring would “Hit Hard” on our detectors because it had only been 3 days since it was lost and men’s wedding bands are typically large in size.

We were correct in our assumptions and the Ring was returned for another happy customer for “The Ring Finders”.


Don & Ellen – The Dallas Ring Finders”

PS…. the husband was in counseling while we were looking for the ring.


Lost Ring Conroe, Texas (Lake Conroe) Recovered

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Service Call July 2013

Wedding Ring Recovered in Conroe, Texas (Lake Conroe)

Details of lost ring:

It is three bands that have been soldered together. The inner band is yellow gold and the outer bands are white gold. It
is about 3/4 of an inch wide and a size 10 (as mentioned, it is a pretty big and heavy ring).

I will be traveling back to Houston so I can meet you at my grandmother’s house to supply details of the location it was lost. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you again for your services and optimism!


Christopher reported he lost his wedding ring while in Lake Conroe, you can see by his smile it was another good day.

























Good Day Today






Wedding Set Lost on Day of Anniversary at Rehoboth Beach: Found

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

Michael OMalley Ring Recovery 001Michael OMalley Ring Recovery 002










I received a phone call at 7:30 am on May 27th 2013 regarding a Platinum Wedding  set that had been lost the day before on May 26th 2013 in the sand at Rehoboth Beach, Del. The story was that the couple were celebrating their wedding anniversary on May 26th and that they were at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The owner had taken her rings off and placed them in her lap in order to put suntan lotion on the couples child. Forgetting that she had placed the rings in her lap she stood up and the rings fell into the sand. There were attempts made to recover the rings by sifting the sand, but the rings were not to be found. Upon getting the phone call I arrived at the beach about an hour later only to find that the beach had been raked by the city workers using a tractor and a sand rake. My fear was that the rings had either been gobbled up by the sand rake or that they had been carried in an unknown direction down the beach by the sand rake. I began my search in an area that was pointed out by the ring owners husband with negative results. I then adjusted the area of my search due to the husband believing that they had been closer to the water than he originally thought. The husband left the beach in order to help his wife pack as they were to leave to go back  home on this day, I told him that I would call him with the results of the search. The husband had’nt made it back to his parked car before I recovered the 1kt diamond Platinum ring right in the area where I began my second search. I called him and told him that he might want to come back down to the beach which he did and at that time I returned the recovered ring to him. I then conducted a spiral search from the area that the diamond ring was found and I failed to locate the wedding band. I then searched north of that same location without recovering the band. Then a search of the area to the south of the recovered diamond ring resulted in the recovery of the wedding band sixty feet south of where the diamond was recovered. It appeared that the sand rake had moved the wedding band from the area of where it had been dropped. I actually saw several of the small diamonds on the wedding band glistening in the sunshine before my metal detector passed over top of it. A small portion of the top of the wedding band was exposed just above its hiding place in the sand. The wedding band was recovered and returned to its rightful owner. Another anniversary saved by the Ringfinders!

Metal Detecting Houston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


Metal Detecting Specialist

John Volek

certificate Volek

Lost Texas A&M College Ring Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


I was contacted by Chris a resident in Houston (North Houston) regarding his daughters lost Texas A&M College Ring (Aggies). Chris said he believes his grandson had picked up his daughters A&M ring and dropped it somewhere in his front yard. Chris said earlier in the day his grandson had grabbed the ring off of a counter in the house, and was seen playing with it, Chris said they took it away and placed in an area out of his reach. Well thats what they thought, they later discovered the ring was again missing. Chris said after throughly searching the house and not finding the ring, they knew the only other place it might be is in the front yard. Chris said his grandson had been in the front yard the day the ring went missing.


I made trip up to north Houston, and met with Chris who outlined the areas he believed the ring might have been lost. Chris’ house was a corner lot, and when I arrived, I was thinking this is going to be a long hot day.

I used a little marking paint on Chris’s lawn to establish a search grid pattern and was preparing for an extensive search of his front and side lawn. I opted to start the search near his front door and hit the first foot of grass and “Hello” Texas A&M.

Must be my fastest recovery to date, nice when it all comes togehter.

Running the CTX 3030 on this call.


