platinum wedding ring Tag | Page 8 of 9 | The Ring Finders

Lost: White Gold Wedding Band Middletown, Delaware ………….. Found

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

I received an email from a gentleman requesting help in locating an engagement ring and wedding ring belonging to his wife that had been lost in the front yard of their residence. The gentleman stated that his wife had lost the rings in their front yard while she was mowing the grass with a push mower and after putting on sun screen. I arrived at the private residence, interviewed the gentleman and then began my search of the front yard. After about fifteen minutes of searching I was able to locate the wedding band with no problem. After searching the rest of the front yard for about two hours the engagement ring refused to be found.






Wedding Band Found at Woonsocket, RI, Home

  • from Woonsocket (Rhode Island, United States)

I received a call today from a friend who knew I was a member of The Ring Finders.  He asked me to look for a ring for his stepdad’s mom, Cecile.  Cecile lost her husband about a year ago and has worn his wedding ring on her thumb ever since.  That is until yesterday when the ring was lost while she was doing yard work.  She was so upset that she looked for the ring until late last night with a flashlight and prayed to Saint Anthony.  After searching the grass in her front yard for about 45 minutes this evening, I found her husband’s wedding band.  Cecile was so happy to get the ring back that she cried and hugged me when she saw it.  She said she felt blessed, but not as blessed as I felt to have been able to return it to her!



Gold Signet Ring for 8yr Old found after 3 weeks

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)


Hello from Don & Ellen Wilson in Dallas, Texas.  We got a call today from Mrs Bundy, her 8yr old daughter, Briar, had lost her Gold Signet Ring at the playground of the local Country Club.  We met at the Country Club and began searching the area where the daughter said she saw the ring fly off her hand.  She was playing Queen of the World by standing on top of a picnic table and threw her arm out like she was Queen. The ring came off of her hand and was lost.

After 3 weeks of searching by Briar, her parents, other family members and the Country Club grounds & Management staff everyone had given the ring up for lost.  Mrs Bundy’s sister in New York read an article about  “The Ring Finders” and told Mrs. Bundy she should check the website and see if there was a “Ring Finder in the Dallas area”  She did and found my wife and I.

After about an hour of searching we were about to call it quits when I asked the little girl to get back up on the picnic table and re-inact the event.  She did, then my wife said “no wait, do it again and close your eyes and do it the exact same way”.  Briar did as we requested and did it completely different than she had previously showed us.  This time I saw that it was possible the ring may have  flown in a different area of grass.  We began to detect this area and in 5 minutes the ring showed itself.  I called the little girl and her mother over and asked, ‘is this your ring’?  They were so excited and so grateful.

Another great day in the life of “The Ring Finders in Dallas,Tx”

God I love this hobby!

Don & Ellen

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Forest Hill Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

Once again I am proud to say that my 100% recovery success rate is still in tact! Earlier in the week I received a call from Michael telling me that his wedding band slipped off while doing some yard work and asked if I could come out and see what I could do.  Luckily I work about 25 minutes from his residence so we made plans to come out the the next day. Michael had a plane to catch in the morning so I ended up meeting his wife Gina when I arrived. Here’s how things went down in her own words….

My husband was out in the yard spreading grass seed a couple weeks ago. He came into the house and told me that he felt his ring fall off while he was sifting through some of the excess seed with his hands. I went out to where he said that he was and we both spent about 20 minutes before we gave up on it. We both went out the next day and spent another 15 to 20 minutes looking for it and still no ring. We decided to buy a metal detector and had the same result..NO RING! We were both dumbfounded and ready to chalk it up as a loss. I decided to try once last attempt on internet to search for a company that specializes in recovering lost jewelry. After about 10 minutes and different google entries, TheRingFinders website came up. I found Jim’s name and read his blog and my husband called him. He was very pleasant and informative during the conversation. You could really feel his enthusiasm for what he does as a “hobby”.  He was able to come by after work the following day and begin the search. Jim had full confidence that he would find it and I was trying to be as positive as he was about it. After about an hour, all that was found was a flat soda can, aluminum foil and a  juice top, I was having my doubts but Jim kept reassuring me that the ring would be found. He began to search the other part of the lawn where it could have possibly fallen off with no such luck. He then started to go over the initial area where my husband said he felt it slip off. I went inside for a few minutes and came back out to see Jim on the ground digging at something. He turned around and said, “I found it”. I couldn’t believe it when he showed me the spot where it was. It was lying under some grass about 8 feet from the initial area. I was completely amazed and so excited when he held it up. We can’t begin to thank him enough for his professionalism and true passion to help people. I would not hesitate to use him again or recommend him to anyone in a similar situation. Thanks again and congrats on a perfect recovery record!!!


Take Care,


Gina & Michael

I’m glad I was successful Michael/Gina….for your sake and for my own personal track record!


Hiding in the grass!


She said she may charge a ransom once her husband gets home!




Lost Locket & Gold Chain found! Arlington,Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We  received a panic call from a young man about 8pm one night saying that his girlfriend had lost the locket and chain he had given her somewhere in his front yard.  He wanted us come that night but we were tied up and promised to come early the next morning.  We arrived around 7am and he explained that he and his girlfriend had been playing around in the front yard when the incident happened. She had placed the item in the pocket of her hoodie prior to playing around.  She was extremely upset with him and he was really upset that he couldn’t find it himself.

We got out our detectors and began scanning and in just 5 minutes or so we got a HIT.  We found the locket and chain. He was shocked and happy and could not thank us enough.

What a thrill to have another successful hunt for “The Ring Finder”.

Don & Ellen Wilson – Carrollton,Texas

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered in Ashburn, Virginia!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I’m very proud of my perfect recovery record thus far as a member of The Ring Finders. The most recent recovery gives me a perfect 4 for 4 record!  I must admit, this time it was my detecting buddy who I asked to come along with me that actually found the lost platinum ring we were looking for, but nonetheless the recovery was a success! Being able to make a  couple’s St. Patty’s Day extra special sure was nice. I’ll let Sarah tell you the rest of the story in her own words….

My husband was out in our yard doing some gardening including spreading grass seed and pulling up weeds and throwing them over an embankment in a wooded area behind our house.  A few hours after finishing the yard work, he noticed that his ring was missing.  Even though he wasn’t sure he had lost it in the yard, he immediately went out there searching for hours with no luck.  He was even able to rent a metal detector and searched the area and still had no success.  He finally gave up and decided that the ring was lost for good.  When he told me, I wasn’t sure that a metal detector would pick up platinum so I did a search online for lost platinum ring and I stumbled upon Jim’s blog.  I sent him a quick e-mail asking if it would be worth it for him to come out if my husband had already searched with a metal detector.  Jim wrote back right away saying that the skill of the detector had a lot to do with the ability to find things, so I figured we’d give him a try.  Jim came out about a week later on St. Patrick’s day with his friend Lance.  They both brought their metal detectors and after my husband gave them a description of his yard work activities they began searching in what they thought were the most likely areas to find the ring: over in the area where he was throwing weeds and in the area he had been planting the grass.  Maybe 15 minutes after they arrived, I started to head out to meet them and my husband said to me “I hope you don’t get your hopes up.”  I said I hadn’t, but I really had!  I stepped outside and asked if they had any luck yet and they said they had found it already!!  It was located in the area where my husband had been planting grass and was under about an inch of dirt.  My husband and I couldn’t believe that they had found it so quickly!  I think it took longer to write this letter than  it took for them to find the ring.  I later realized that it was the 5th anniversary of us getting engaged.  So five St. Patrick’s days ago he had given me an engagement ring and on this one, he had gotten his wedding ring back!  Now St. Patrick’s day is twice as lucky for us.  Thanks again Jim and Lance!

There she is!

Lance and one happy camper!


Back where it belongs!

Platinum wedding band found in Denver, CO parking lot

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Chris's platinum wedding band

Sunday night December 4, I am sitting in my bed reading my favorite metal detecting magazine when I hear our phone ring at 10:30 pm. My wife’s mother was expected to call that evening so I assumed that that was who was calling. Within a few seconds I hear my wife walking up the stair talking on the phone. Diane hands me the phone and says it is somebody who has lost a ring. I answer the phone and Chris Tatum is on the other end, he is in the parking lot of a pizzeria where he has just lost his ring. He tells me that he has searched the area around his car but cannot find his ring and was wondering if I could come out that night and look for the ring. There are a couple inches of freshly fallen snow covering the parking lot and the temperature is 11 degrees. I realize that timing is critical because this parking lot will more than likely be plowed first thing in the morning. I let Chris know that I will be at his location in about a half an hour.

I get dressed, start getting my equipment together and then I have to explain to my wife why I am heading out of the house at 10:45 with my metal detectors while snow falling in bitterly cold temperatures. But we both agree that this search has to occur now so out the door I go.

I arrived at the pizzeria and introduce myself and Chris explains how he was wiping snow off his driver’s seat when he heard his platinum wedding band hit the asphalt parking lot. It was quite obvious where he and his wife had searched for the ring without any luck. I prepped my Whites XLT with Bigfoot coil and began my search. I began my search over the areas that they had searched by eyeballing the site. Soon I expanded my search beyond our original search area, still no luck. By this time my hands are numb and I need to get my gloves out. I continue my search beside a concrete wall that is loaded with steel reinforcing where I heard the definite sound of a ring come from my XLT. I carefully dug through the snow and got my hands on Chris’ ring. The ring laying under 3 inches of snow 20 feet away from where I had expected it to be. This search took only 20 minutes but it was a pretty intense 20 minutes due to conditions.

Ring recovered December 4, 2011.

A frigid Chris holding his wedding band

Platinum wedding band found in Denver, Colorado yard

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Mark very happy to be holding his ring once again

Mark Rubinstein was hanging out in his back yard having a couple of brews with a buddy on a cool September evening. Guys being guys they ended up in a friendly slapping match, the kind where it is all fun and games till somebody loses their wedding ring. The pair searched in earnest that evening trying to find Mark’s platinum wedding band without any luck. The next day mark searched the area one more time on his hands and knees pulling the grass apart and visuallysearching, again no luck. A couple of weeks went by with sporadic but intense searches yet still the searches were fruitless.

Mark sent me an email regarding my services and explained that the ring was lost in him back yard. I assured him that if the ring was truly in his back yard I stood a very good chance of recovering it. But I also made no promises about the rings recovery as I have made searches that were not successful.

Another week went by and I did not hear from Mark so I sent him another email and also left him a message on his cell phone.  After a couple more days Mark sent me an email and we arranged for me to come to look for his ring the following day at 1:00 pm.

I arrived at the address Mark gave me at the prescribed time, Mark was in his car taking care of some business on his cell phone. He showed me to the back yard and explained what had occurred the night that he lost his wedding ring. I readied my Whites XLT with my Bigfoot coil and prepared to search.

Mark needed to take care of a bit more business so he excused himself and left me to my search. Within 10 minutes of starting I had recovered Mark’s ring. The ring was well hidden by the grass and not visible to the naked eye, but the ring was quite visible to a metal detector. By the time Mark made his way back I had already taken close-up photos of his ring and was just hanging out on the deck.

Mark was elated that I had found his ring as he thought that it could possibly be gone for good.

Ring recovered October 21, 2011.

Mark's platinum wedding band


Found, Lost platinum wedding ring in West Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)










I received a call from a young man that owns a landscaping company here in West Vancouver.  He said that he’d lost his platinum wedding ring of ten years some where in his clients back yard.

He rented a metal detector and searched with 4 of his employees for over 4 hours but didn’t find the ring. He then went on his smart phone and found ”The Ring Finders” (That is a smart phone!)

We made arrangements to me meet later in the day, when I arrived he showed me the area he believed the ring was lost in and I began my search. Only minutes later I found his wedding band, needless to say he was excited but couldn’t understand why he couldn’t find it as he and his employees were searching for hours in the same location…


I have had close to 70% of the people who hire me rent metal detectors first and after searching for hours give up the search and call me. My equipment is much better then the ones they rent and also it could be a little overwhelming for the person who has never used a metal detector.

Every ring has a story and it’s always a great feeling to help continue that story for the people I help.

Thanks for reading my blog!

If you have lost something and need help finding it please call me ASAP!


I love My Job!

You can watch the video below…

Ring found in yard near Longmont, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Marshall Lipps lost his platinum wedding ring while doing yard work in the spring.  He had trimmed some ornamental grasses and bushes and taken the clippings to a composting pile towards the back of the property. Since they live on a small acreage the ring could have been along a sizable path or someplace not thought of. Marshall even went to a rental place and rented a metal detector twice in an attempt to recover his ring. But he was not able to locate the ring using the rental detector.

Marshall then came upon the “Ring Finders” site and contacted me to assist in the search for his ring. By now it had been three weeks since he had lost his ring. Marshall and I walked the area where he was working and talked about what it was he was doing along with a demonstration of his actions.

I set out the search for Marshall’s ring searching the area of the ornamental grasses and the path to the compost pile. I ended up finding it near the compost pile but in an area that wasn’t expected as he didn’t recall being quite that far to the side of the pile. Marshall was happy to see his ring, but his wife was even happier.

Ring recovered on Mar 20, 2011.

Marshall reunited with his ring