We got a call about 5:30pm from a customer that we had help several months ago, her daughter had lost daddy’s very special knife in the high grass. We were able to find it and created a happy customer.
This same lady’s neighbor’s daughter grabbed her mom’s car keys and ran through the yards of about 5 homes chasing a dog and then ran back to her house. Now you need to understand these are hugh yards, 100-200 ft across per yard. All the neighbors and family had been looking for 1 key and key fob that had fallen off.
Our previous client came home and heard about the keys and immediately said “I know who to call, lets call “The Ring Finders”, she gave us a call and explained what happened and we said let a us grab a quick dinner and we would head that way.
We arrived and chatted with the owner of the keys, the little girls dad, the little girl was in bed being punished for losing mom’s keys. He explained where she had run and told us we had permission to scan all 5 of his neighbors yards. Ellen & I got our Garrett ATPro’s and began to search, some areas were very thick grass. About 5 minutes after we started my son and his girlfriend arrived to assist. Sometimes just more eyes in a situation helps, it was starting to get dark.
We all spread out and it 5 minutes I hear my son say “Found It” we all ran to him, including the owner and all his neighbors, my son was not even using a detector, just walking and looking. As I told him, son we do not care how it gets found only that it gets found.
Everyone was happy the father said it would have cost him $300-$400 per replace the key fob for his wife’s car.
So from a referral comes another successful hunt for “The Dallas Ring Finders”
Don & Ellen with assistance from Tripp & Shannon