lost ring Tag | Page 116 of 151 | The Ring Finders

Angry Wife Throws Three Rings .. Orange County, CA. .. Found 24 Hours Later

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I spent the afternoon doing a water search at low tide. I do not carry my celphone in chest deep water. When I returned to my car I found a voicemail on my phone from Jane Doe. She was very upset asking for my help finding three rings lost while taking an evening walk near her home.
When I called she said they had found two of the rings after searching all day but the third ring was still missing. If it was possible she could still use my help. I agreed to drive to South Orange County because we still had a couple hours of sunlight.
When I arrived Jane met me at the security gate of the gated community. We drove to a corner a couple blocks from her house. That’s where she got honest with me, telling me that she was angry and actually threw the three rings. I assured her this was more common than people know. It does help the search to understand what really happened.
Jane showed me where she was when she threw the rings. They had purchased a metal detector but had no success using it. The two rings they found were found about 30 feet away and in plain site. One on the sidewalk and the other in wood chip garden. I searched the most likely grass and wood chip garden. As I was beginning to search the difficult heavy bushes and rose garden, I asked Jane to double check the street because it was begging to get dark. Ten minutes later I heard her yell out, I found it.
It had been 30ft from the other rings more than 60 ft. from where she had been standing. It must have landed just right to roll that far. If you look at the ring you can see that the design would allow it to roll on a hard surface.
I didn’t find the ring but Jane gave me credit for having her double check the street where her ring had been lying in plain sight for more than 20 hours.

Lost ring in Lake Harris, Florida…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Dawn and her son, Tristen, were swimming at their favorite spot on Lake Harris and enjoying the cool water and digging clams. They would feel in the sand with their toes and when they found a clam they would dig it up and put it in their bucket. Now and then they would find old bottles and an assortment of junk. Some of the items were down right dangerous to be stepping on, especially in the water, and this made Dawn and Tristen tread very lightly. One of the clams was buried rather deeply in the sand and as Dawn tried to dig it up she actually felt her ring slip off of her finger. She frantically dug down into the sand trying to feel for it and after numerous failed attempts she gave up. This special ring was her son’s birthstone ring and Dawn had been wearing it for at least 8 years and now it was gone. Dawn’s heart was broken and she felt she would never see her ring again and that thought led her to do an internet search on “How to find a lost ring in the water”!
Dawn found one of my stories on theringfinders.com and sent me an email that morning. As she waited for my response she decided to just give me a call. I could tell by her voice how anxious she was to get her lost ring back, so I made arrangements to meet her later on that afternoon. If she was fairly sure of the exact location in the water and where she was standing when she lost her ring–then I told her that her lost ring was still there waiting to be found and that gave her some much needed HOPE!
Two hours later I met Dawn and Tristen at their special swimming location and as I waded into the cool water it was obvious why they loved this spot so much. The large cypress trees provided the perfect shade from the warm Florida sun and the sandy bottom felt so soft under my scuba boots. My first signal was the top of an old beer can and along with the aluminum target were various pieces of glass. Then my second signal was another piece of aluminum accompanied by more glass! I soon realized that this peaceful looking place could be very dangerous and I needed to be real careful. It took a total of maybe 10 minutes and there in my floating sifter, surrounded by pieces of glass and clam shells was Dawn’s beautiful ring! She was shocked that I had found it so soon but oh so thrilled to have her lost ring found.
Maybe you know where you have lost something that you would really like to have found and returned? If so, send me an email or better yet, give me a call ASAP! I am here to help!
Mike McInroe—honored to be a member of theringfinders.com

White Gold Diamond Wedding Band Lost In Grass .. Near Disneyland, Anahiem,CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Brittany sent me a text about 4pm from Disneyland while waiting in line for one of the amusement rides. She had lost her wedding ring earlier that morning in a lawn near their hotel. She asked if I could help explaining they would be leaving tomorrow.
I called her to get some details, telling her that I could meet them after they return to their hotel later that night. She was able to send me an address where we could meet. We had a little delay meeting because it was Disneyland parking lots are very congested at closing time.
It was 10pm when Brittany’s husband Justin walked me to an small lawn in front of a RV park. That morning as they walked on a public sidewalk to a nearby restaurant Brittany made a jester with her hand and both rings of her wedding ring set went flying into the 8’x 20′ lawn area. They found the engagement ring on the sidewalk but after an hour searching the lawn they had to leave to share the day with their two children at Disneyland.
I thought this was going to be quick and easy. I got my CTX 3030 metal detector out of my car and started to search the lawn. A security guard walked up to me asking me to leave as this was private property. I asked him when the office would open in the morning, thinking it would not be a problem if I talked to the daytime manager.
We were sure the ring was there and it would not go anywhere before the next morning. I drove back the next morning to talk directly to the RV park manager. Again the same response that I got from the security guard, company policy would not allow me to use my metal detector on that small lawn. The manager did say we could look, but ” no metal detector.”
I tried to be polite thinking this may take days to go through the upper management to get proper permission. Nevertheless I went out the lawn and began a slow eyeball search. I did have a handheld pinpointer in pocket. ( it doesn’t look like a big metal detector).
It did take about a half hour on my hands and knees but the wedding ring showed up 8 ft. away from where the engagement ring was found. It was not in the grass. It was not visible and was under some leaves in shrubs.
Brittany had been busy with her two youngsters and trying to talk to the manager of the RV park. I met her as she was walking out to tell me thanks and that I shouldn’t look any longer. She had given up. I then showed her the ring which brought tears of joy to her face and a big smile.

Lost Ring Ventura County Beach… Found

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)

My name is Dave Mac Donald and I’ve been a dedicated metal detector since 2009. I’m just as comfortable digging in shallow water as I am digging in the dirt and I’m relentless when it comes to finding something lost. I’ve found rings for people before via word of mouth and I recently was made aware of the awesome team at The Ringfinders and I joined them immediately. I’d love to have the opportunity to reunite you with your lost items and trust that you will be pleased with my effort. I’m well aware that there is more to your ring than just the financial value. A special person in your life likely gave it to you and I’d like to put that smile back on your face. Visit me at www.venturacountymetaldetectingservices.com or call me at 805-290-5009 today!

Wedding Ring Lost in Panorama City, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I received a call from Joe this morning explaining how he had lost his wedding ring while washing his car yesterday, hoping I would be available to help him. He told me that the grass was  very deep, and to find the ring in that thatch was not something he was able to do. We arranged to meet at his house at 12:30 PM to conduct the search.

When I arrived I could see that the grass was deep, and definitely a good set up for my AT Pro with the 5×8 coil. A few passes around the area of the wash, with no ring, then time to move out. I was only working the edges Joe had shown me, ready to expand into the main lawn are if necessary, when I received a great hit in the head phones. I grabbed my Pro Pointer AT, stuck it in the grass, and pulled out Joe’s ring. I was able to hand him back his token of commitment which he wasn’t sure would be found again. His wife Sarah came out excited that the ring had been found. That is when I found out they had just been married 6 months ago. So precious is the ring with such a fresh memory, what a great day!


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.


  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Everyone’s jewelry has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… The Ring Finders service will help bring their story to life again and continue that story by finding what people thought was lost forever. Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants…

People who have given up the search now have a second chance! A chance to have a professional treasure hunter search for your lost item with the best equipment and know how.

The Ring Finders cover all South Jersey Shore points from Brigantine to Cape May including Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Stone Harbor and the Wildwoods!

Diamond Stud Earring Lost in Sand .. Manhattan Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Dustin called me from Manhattan Beach. He and his friends were actually on the beach at the volleyball courts where they had been playing.
Trisha was one of their friends that was just sitting on the beach as a spectator. As she began to leave she realized her 2 ct. diamond stud earring was missing. She assumed that her 3 year old daughter may have pulled it from her ear while they were watching the volleyball game.
Chelsea was one of the friends who told her about TheRingFinder.com.
When I received the call, I asked if they had the other earring? It was a one of a kind, no matching earring. They also told me that four people had been scouring the sand for the small earring. Those were not good things to hear, but I agreed to meet them within an hour if one person could wait. Chelsea and Dustin would stay as Trisha had to get her child home for her afternoon nap.
I have just purchased a high frequency coil for my XP Deus metal detector for this type search. I also brought three different sifting screens to use if I couldn’t get a decent signal from my detector. It was a small area 20’x 20′.. I set up my detector with the highest sensitivity and at 55 kHz frequency ( good for super small objects). The first pass only turned up one small piece of aluminum. At least there wasn’t too much trash that could hamper the search.
I did my cross grid getting a faint repeatable signal. With a small handheld screen I scooped fairly deep (3″+). Bingo!! diamond stud earring in the scoop. Total search time was less than 15 minutes. It was a beautiful stone sparkling in the sunlight.
Everybody was surprised, they told me that they believed it may have been lost before Trisha got to the beach. They were also ready to go home because I had alerted them that this could take a few hours if we had to go to sifting mode.
This call was referred to me by a Steve Smith also a member of TheRingFinders.


Lost Ring Playing Volleyball .. Corona Delmar Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Marius contacted me, asking if I could help him find his Tungsten Carbide wedding ring. He was at Corona Delmar beach playing volleyball with his friends. He was still at the location when I arrived.
Marius did not feel the ring slip from his finger but he did know it was on when he started playing. When they stopped to take a break, he discovered his ring was missing.
I like this type of search because it was a fresh drop, defined location and large ring. He did play on both sides of the volleyball court but this should not take long to grid search.
After about an hour I started to lose my confidence. My head started to question whether Marius really gave me the correct information. I started a cross grid in the opposite direction and expanding 15 feet outside the court.
It only took about five or six passes before I got the strong signal I was looking for. After digging the signal, it turned out to be Marius’ wedding ring.
Another learning experience for me. I felt this was going to be fast and easy, ( wrong ). The ring was actually 15 feet outside the court very close to their beach chair and personal items.
Marius said he will never wear his ring while playing sports. He wasn’t looking forward to tell his wife how careless he had been.

Lost House Key .. Huntington Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Carol was taking care of her friend’s house and dogs while they were on vacation. After locking dead bolt lock on the door from the outside, she walked to her car parked on the street. That’s where she noticed only house key she had was missing from her key fob.
Carol’s mother, Debbie came to help her look for the key. After two frustrating hours they were unable to locate the single key. Most of the short walk to the car was cement except for about 40 feet of grass between the sidewalk and the street.
When they contacted me I was only a mile away. We met about 20 minutes after the call. After hearing Carol’s story, I planned to eliminate the grass area first using my normal metal detector. Then I would take my hand held pinpointer detector to search the small planters in the patio entry area.
A neighbor saw me with the metal detector and joined in on the search by visually searching the patio area. Bingo, the key had dropped into a planter and the neighbor was able to see it before I got out my pinpointer. The important thing was Carol had her key back so she could feed the dogs.
This call was a referral from Steve Smith a fellow member of TheRingFinders metal detector service.

Engagement Surprise .. Laguna Beach, CA. .. Using Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Chelsey had called me with a strange request. Her brother, Arron was planning a special way to ask his girlfriend to marry him. He wanted to take her to dinner at the Montage Resort in south Laguna Beach, CA..  His plan was to walk on the beach after eating and to have me find a small treasure box next to them with my metal detector.
I wasn’t sure how we would accomplish this but I met Arron’s sister on the beach known as Treasure Island. We buried the box with the engagement ring. She marked the location with some small sticks. It was a beautiful location and it was about to be sunset.
Arron and Mandie walked out onto the beach while I was detecting near them. As They stood almost on top of the box, I approached them with my detector. I had the speaker mode on, so there was an audible signal they could hear.
When my detector sounded off, I looked at them, saying there is something big just under the surface. I asked them if they could retrieve it. Mandie looked confused, but Arron reached down to scoop up the box. I turned and walked away. He opened the box where a beautiful engagement ring was. Then he dropped to his knees presenting the ring to Mandie, asking her to marry him. We also had a photographer who was sitting on the beach. She recorded everything.
It was a fun to be a part of this special moment for Arron and Mandie.

Arron and Mandie just after he proposed to her.

Arron’s sister Chelsea burying the treasure box.