metal detector rental maine Tag | The Ring Finders

Two Diamond Engagement Rings found with metal detector at Pemaquid Beach in Bristol, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from Don who explained that his wife Emma had lost two diamond engagement rings in the sand at Pemaquid beach in Bristol, Maine the day before. One of the rings he gave her and the other was one that had  belonged to her Great Grandmother. I met Emma at the beach and she took me to the general area where they had been sitting, after a few minutes of searching I was able to locate both rings and reunite them with her.

Lost Gold Wedding Ring found in Waterville, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

After being referred by fellow Ring Finder Dennis Boothby, who was unavailable, I took a ride up to Waterville this morning to reunite Sidney with his lost wedding band. The ring had been lost at the beginning of the month while clearing grass and brush on his property. Although he had rented a metal detector and tried finding it himself, he was unsuccessful. The search area was large about the size of a football field, but my decision to start at the brush pile proved to be the right choice with a new record for me set, by locating the ring in under a minute from beginning the search. I guess we can both give thanks for a second day in a row, Sidney for having the ring he has worn for 32 years of marriage back on his finger, and I for having picked the right end of that football field to start from. With Christmas coming I will be directing a portion of the generous reward I received toward sponsoring a local child’s Angel Tree wish.


Lost Gold Signet Ring found in Long Lake in Mount Desert, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I went to Long Pond in Mount Desert after receiving a call from Luke, who had been referred by fellow Ring Finder Bill McDougall who assessed this recovery would require diver search capabilities. Luke had lost this heirloom signet ring that had originally belonged to his dad and had been passed down to him. The ring was lost last summer in 4 feet of water while kayaking in front of the family camp, his Great Grandmother had purchased about 90 years ago. The bottom was particularly soft with 8 to 12 inches of mud and quite a collection of branches, leaves and lily pads. After a substantial search that yielded a slew of pull tabs, nails, and bottle caps, I was able to locate the ring which had settled down into about 6” of mud. The signet inscription “en tout fidele” means “in all faithfulness” and just as he and his family have been faithful in their stewardship and preservation of their camp for several generations, this ring has been saved and can someday pass to another generation as well. As always a portion of the generous rewards I receive will be directed toward a worthy cause, so I feel it is fitting to contribute to the badly needed roof restoration of the Conway Homestead & Cramer Museum in Rockport, ME so that this local treasure too may be saved and passed on to the future generations of our community and its visitors to enjoy.

Two Lost Gold and Silver Family Birthstone Rings Found in The Sand and Returned

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Thursday July 20, 2023, I received a text, just after 8:00pm, from Leslie. Leslie’s text stated, “Hi! I’m on my annual girls’ trip. At the beach all day and accidentally lost my two family birthstone rings in sand. Can’t find them. Retraced my steps. It’s getting late and I think they go over sand in the early morning. Can you help me? – Leslie”. She is concerned that the town of Old Orchard Beach, Maine cleaning machine would be there early in the morning and swallow up her rings and they would be gone forever. I immediately made plans to meet Leslie at 8:45pm, at the location where she lost the 2 rings. When I arrived , just prior to 9:00pm, I was surprised to see so many people at the beach, sitting on blankets and listening to music from a local beach bar and awaiting fireworks that were to start in less than an hour.
Leslie explained that there were 11 friends sitting around all day and she had taken the two rings off to apply suntan lotion and placed them in the cup holder, on her beach chair. As the day progressed, she had forgotten the rings were in the cup holder and when it was time to leave, folded up the chair and left. Once she realized the rings were missing, she and her friends searched the area they had been sitting in, without any success. They also retraced her steps after leaving the area with the chair, again, with no success. Leslie then attempted to find and rent a metal detector in a Beach store, next to where she was staying. The beach store owner told her they didn’t rent metal detectors but knew of me and recommended that she contact me and he gave Leslie my contact information.
Once Leslie showed me where they were all gathered and sitting for the day, I immediately started to grid the area. After about a 1/2 hour, I had covered the area they had been sitting in. She then told and showed me thecpath she took after leaving the area, with the folded up beach chair. Unfortunately, the path she took was full of people sitting around , listening to music and waiting for the fireworks to start. Still cognizant of the fact the beach cleaning machine would be cleaning the area, early the next morning, I told Leslie that I would be back down at 5:00am and search the area, before the beach cleaning machines could rake the area.
I arrived back at the beach, just before sunrise and immediately started to grid the area. I needed to be fast and through as I could see a beach cleaning machine just about 100 to 150 feet from where I was. I decided to re-grid the the area I had done the previous night, as this was the area where the cleaning machine would be heading next. Still nothing in the area I had done last night but I received a signal about 3-4 feet outside the area I had gridded the previous night. The signal was jumping all around and was not repeating. I slowly passed the coil lover the area and I received a nice solid 12-13 on the CTX-3030. I brushed some sand around and saw the gold ring. Passed the coil over the area again and received a very strong 12-47 and I just knew it was the silver ring. Brushed some sand away and there was the silver ring. Both rings were within 6 inches of each other. Being it was still only 5:20am, I sent a text to Leslie to inform her of the good news. Leslie replied a little while later and was ecstatic. We then made plans to meet up in the early afternoon and she would be reunited with her rings. Upon receiving the rings back, Leslie explained that the gold ring with three stones were the birthstones of herself, her mother and father. Her mother has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Leslie had expressed her deep gratitude to me for finding her such sentimental rings.

Lost Wedding Ring Found in A Maine Lake With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Saturday July 8th, I received a call from Amy. Her husband, Johnny, had lost his wedding ring, in the water, at their lake house, in Raymond, Maine, the previous day. After searching the shallow water with sifters and rakes on Friday and Saturday morning without finding the ring, they decided to do an online search for help. They found me on The Ring Finders site and Amy made the call. They were located on Panther Pond, in Raymond, Maine. I knew the area fairly well as they were very close to Sebago Lake, which I have previously been to. I immediately got my equipment together and loaded in my vehicle and made the 45-50 minutes drive to their lake house.
Johnny immediately met my wife and I as we drove up to the house. Jonny explained that he just got married 5 months ago and was very upset with losing the ring in the water. He had been roasting marshmallows over a fire and had gone into the lake to wash his hands. After washing his hands, he shook his hands to dry them off and the ring flew off into the lake. Johnny showed me the area he was in when the ring flew off. I started my slow sweeps along the sand bottom of the lake, with the Minelab CTX-3030, and in less than two minutes I received a nice low tone signal, reading 12-20 on the VDI screen. I got the pinpointer out and located the target. A couple of scoops of sand with my hand and I saw a bright and shiny gold wedding ring. I picked the ring up and showed Johnny, Amy and extended family and friends that were watching and received a big round of applause that made me feel just great. To see the relief and smiles on Johnny and Amy’s faces makes me feel so proud and lucky to be able to help people in their time of need. What a great hobby. Here is wishing Amy and Johnny many many happy years of marriage.

Lost Gold Class Ring recovered Boothbay, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I traveled to Boothbay, Maine this morning to reunite John with his 1968 class ring from Kansas State University, a reminder for over 50 years of the efforts put forth in earning a degree in physics. The ring was lost as he worked to free his boat from a ledge she had become fetched up on after dropping some friends off at the dock in front of their home a few weeks prior. The search commencing at low tide, took about an hour and half being far from graceful as I sloshed and slipped while scouring the seaweed covered ledge and surrounding mud flats with John anxiously watching from the red Adirondack chair on his friends front lawn. When the cherished ring had been recovered and safely returned to his finger, we chatted for a while about our military service having noted each other’s veteran license plates and I enjoyed hearing about his time as a Air Force pilot during the Vietnam war. To honor his service and that of all our fellow veterans, I will be directing a portion of John’s generous reward to the American Legion Post in Camden, ME.

iPhone 11 lost in the fresh Bangor Maine snow, recovered.

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

As he was out of state on a vacation road trip, I was referred to Julia, by Bill McDougall the more local Ring Finder to see if I could assist in finding her lost phone. She had been sledding at Bangor City Forrest with her boyfriend, when a wipe out caused her iPhone 11 to be buried in the foot or so of snow last Saturday’s blizzard had deposited on the area. Julia had wisely recorded her phones GPS coordinates before the battery died through an interface with her laptop, and had a good starting point to search. The couple had attempted searching by sifting through the snow, at night, after long days of work and Grad school classes, but had been unable to locate the phone. I drove to the site and following my own GPS hiked to the large area they had excavated during their search. Expanding the search  I was able to find the phone about 6-8 feet beyond the perimeter of the excavated area. I plugged the phone into my trucks charger and it quickly came to life with numerous intermittent vibrations for several minutes as a ton of messages and missed calls came rolling in. I guess Julia is quite popular or her cars extended warranty is about to expire any minute now. Regardless she is happy to have her phone back.

Heirloom Wedding Ring lost while swimming in the ocean recovered.

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

The long day began with a 4AM wake up and two hour drive to catch the first ferry out to Little Cranberry Island, Maine. My objective to search for and recover this heirloom diamond wedding band which had originally belonged to the owner’s Great Grandfather. The ring was lost over a week earlier on Friday the 13th while swimming at Sand Beach, the day before his vacation ended, he returned home thinking the ring was gone forever. A friend recommended he look for a Detectorist online, where he found my page on The Ring Finders site and gave me a call. The search took about 7 hours during which the 10 foot tide rose and then partially receded, ending with a successful recovery. On a side note, since this beach frames a working harbor my rusty nail, pull tab, bottle cap and unidentifiable metal shard collection grew significantly during the hunt for this ring.  A portion of the generous reward received will be donated to the Mid-Coast Leos (sponsored by Camden Lions Club) to help with their community service projects, which I am blessed to part of as a Leos Advisor.

Metal detector recovery of lost Citadel Class Ring in Boothbay Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from Miranda to come search for her husband Tyler’s Citadel class ring, which was lost while he tended to his cattle at their home in Boothbay, Maine. The search took about 2 hours and ended with the ring recovered for Tyler and the cows happy to see me depart their pasture. A portion of their generous reward will be used to purchase locally farmed food that will be donated to The Camden Area Food Bank.

Lost Ring Old Orchard Beach, Maine. A ring finding tale in reverse.

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

Most of my Ring Finder post stories begin with someone contacting me to come search an area where they lost a ring. In this case however I found a ring while casually detecting at Old Orchard Beach and then had to try track down the owner. A plea on Craigslist and in the Friends of Ocean Park FB page asking for anyone who had lost a piece of jewelry on the beach to contact me with a description did result in a few inquires, including the person who lost it while vacationing. He gave a description along with sending a photo from their wedding album to confirm. The 14k gold band is now back in New Hampshire on the finger of a man named Dave where it belongs. Dave needed a Ring Finder, and luckily a Ring Finder found his ring and then found him, because the road to reuniting someone with their lost jewelry is sometimes a two way street.