Saco Maine Metal Detector Rental Tag | The Ring Finders

Two Gold Necklaces Lost In The Beach Sand, In Saco, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Sunday Morning, July 21st, I once again, was being tagged and PM’s were being sent to me, at The Ring Finders of Maine, Facebook Page.

A local Facebook site had a post about 2 lost Gold Necklaces, one with a Diamond.
This is the Facebook post, below

“This may be a stretch, but it’s worth a try. My daughter, lost her gold necklaces at Ferty Beach today. One has a diamond, the other a rectangular charm. We were at the main entrance you may call it where there are 2 parking lots below and 1 closest to the beach entrance. We parked in the lower lot directly across from upper lot.
We were to the right on the beach when you enter. Towards the back fairly close to a landing/deck with many white chairs, I assume for Airbnb customers possibly. We left today around 2:30. They were left in the mesh cup holder of her beach chair. 😞
I suppose there could be a chance of it falling on the ground in the parking lot too. She is really bummed and we have returned home to VT now.
If someone happens to find, we would be forever grateful! Please DM me.”

At this point, I saw another PM, come in. It was from Arla, the originator of the Facebook post and it was her daughter that had lost the two gold necklaces. The PM said

“I would appreciate your help!”
My daughter, Kaitlyn, is on the right wearing the necklaces
I parked here and my daughter loaded the beach chair. It is possible it dropped out of the mesh pocket of the chair at this time. Who knows”

I immediately replied, telling Arla

“Ok, I can go now. Hopefully not to many people there yet. Also hope no one detected the area, last night”. It was determined that Arla was at Bayview beach, Saco, ME and not at Ferry Beach State Park.

I then left and headed to Bay View Beach. Once I arrived, I walked over to where Arla and Kaitlyn, had parked. I just wanted to perform a visual search, of the asphalt, from where they parked, to the beach. I didn’t see the necklaces. Once I arrived, at at beach, I started searching, as I made my way, to where their chairs had been. Nothing found. Once I arrived at their location, from yesterday, Arla and I communicated, via FaceTime, to be certain I was in the correct location. Since Arla and Kaitlyn had already returned home, to Vermont, this was the best way to verify, I was where I needed to be.

I performed a vertical grid of the area, with no luck. I decided to continue with the grid search and work my way towards, the Lifeguard Stand and beach access path. This would have been the path they took, as they left the beach. The beach was starting to fill up and a few beach goers, were now in the area. I did the best I could, to go around them, but potentially missing the necklaces, because of their blankets and chairs. After going around, one such beach set up, I suddenly received a nice loud signal, through my headphones. I looked down at my coil and I couldn’t believe it. I could actually see part of the necklace and the rectangular pendant, still partially, on top of the sand. I reached down and picked it up. When I pulled the rectangular pendant out of the sand, the other necklace, with the diamond, came out with it. I had both necklaces. The necklaces were all tangled up , with each other.

I immediately took a photo of the entangled necklaces and sent the photo, to Arla. She immediately replied


Arla then confirmed those are the necklaces, that belongs to Kaitlyn. The necklaces were a match, to the ones, in the photo, that Arla had sent me. We made plans to communicate, once I got home and Arla had left church.

Later in the day, I received the shipping address, so I could mail the necklaces back to her. Arla and Kaitlyn are extremely happy and grateful, to be getting the necklaces back. The necklaces are very sentimental. Arla told me

“The diamond was given to Kaitlyn, by me years ago and the charm was given to her by her best friend who got it from Spain”.

Just so thankful that I was able to help Arla and Kaitlyn , in their time of need.

Platinum Engagement Ring Lost In The Beach Sand, Found With A Metal Detector, In Kennebunkport, Maine

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Wednesday July 3rd, Leah and Greg were enjoying a beautiful summer day, on Goose Rocks Beach, in Kennebunkport, Maine, with Family and Friends. Leah took her Platinum Engagement Ring off, to apply suntan lotion. When Leah took her ring off, she tucked it into her bathing suit, for safekeeping.
A short time later, Leah realized she didn’t have her ring on and when she checked her bathing suit, it was missing.
Since Leah, Greg and everyone else, in the beach party hadn’t moved around the beach, a lot, they knew the ring must be in an area of 10’ X 10’, or so. They all started searching the sand, by running and sifting the sand, through their fingers. After they realized that this was fruitless, and worried they may be moving the ring further from the area or pushing the ring deeper into the sand, they stopped searching.
It was at this point that I received a text, from Erin. Erin is a friend of Leah and Greg and her text said

“We’ve lost a ring at Rox Beach. Are you guys nearby”?

The phone number had a 617 prefix, telling me it was from Massachusetts. I did not know of any area beach, by the name of Rox. I immediately texted back and asked where the beach was located and Erin, immediately texted back “

“Goose rock. Sorry”.

I am very familiar with Goose Rocks Beach, as it only 12 mile from my home. I asked her if the ring was lost, in the water or on the beach. She replied

“On the beach, we know the general vicinity”.

We then made plans to meet, at GRB and I loaded my equipment up and arrived at the beach about 20-25 minutes later. Being retired is a definite advantage to getting to an Emergency situation. I can usually reach any southern Maine beach, in 30 minutes or less.
I was met by Erin, Leah and Greg, at the agreed upon location. They immediately took me down to the area, on the beach, they thought the ring would be in. The area had been cleared out of all the chairs and towels. I turned the detector on and started searching. Maybe 30 to 45 seconds later, I received my 1st signal. A 12-09 on my Minelab CTX-3030. The first number tells me it is most definitely, a non-ferrous item and the second number tells me it is a low conductivity metal. A perfect signal, for gold or platinum. Unfortunately, aluminum foil, brass and a few other metals, will also ring up in this range. The signal got my attention, But what would it be? I then pulled out my pinpointer and searched the very fine sand, until I located the signal. I put my hand, into the sand and pulled it up. No target, in that handful of sand. Placed my hand, back into the small hole and went a few inches deeper. As I was pulling the sand out, I felt and saw a big beautiful Diamond and silver colored ring. I had found Leah’s Ring and in less than 45 seconds . As everyone realized the ring had been found, I heard Leah, Greg and the rest of their group , giving me applause, genuinely thanking me and voices all around, telling me what a great job, I had just done. I almost started to blush, as everyone in the area started looking over at us. But it made me feel so happy that everyone took the opportunity to thank me like that. It’s what keeps driving me to help everyone. A truly amazing moment for me and it never, ever, gets old.
Leah and Greg were just ecstatic with joy and happiness, with smiles all around. As Leah and Greg, walked me back to my vehicle they never stopped thanking me. They were just so appreciative, that I would drop everything and come down to help them. Their constant appreciative talk, kept me on cloud 9 and will keep me there, for quite awhile. Now they can start enjoying their vacation again. I just love being able to help people out in their time of need.
I later texted Erin back, to thank her, for reaching out to me and placing her confidence, in me, to go out and search for Leah’s ring. I then asked her how she had found out, about The Ring Finders of Maine’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service. Erin told me that she had performed a Google search and my name popped up at the top. She then texted me and the rest is history, as they say.
If you ever need my Emergency Metal Detecting Services, please follow my Facebook Page, The Ring Finders of Maine. If you do this, you will not have to perform a Google search. You will be able to quickly find me with your Facebook account and you will also be able to contact me, directly from my Facebook Page. That’s right, you can call me, directly from my Facebook Page. How easy is that? — in Goose Rocks Beach, Maine.

Apple AirPod Found With A Metal Detector on A Beach In Southern Maine

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023, I found an Apple AirPod, as I was Metal Detecting a local beach. I didn’t see it at first because it was among the White Sea shells and blended right in with the shells, but the detector kept going off. Once I saw it, amongst the shells, I scooped it up and looked around, hoping to see someone who may have just dropped it. Absolutely no one in the area. The Apple AirPod was not wet at all and must have been lost earlier in the morning.

I then started a grid to see if I could find the other AirPod. I was unable to find the matching AirPod and thought that the owner, may have only lost the one. Now I needed to find the owner.
Once I got home, I placed several posts on Facebook asking if anyone had lost an Apple AirPod. I placed the post on Lost and Found – Maine, and a couple of the local community sites. I had asked if anyone had lost their AirPod and if they had, where did they lose it. I had a few people contact me but the AirPod was no where near the areas that they had lost theirs. Then, on Sunday October 8th, I saw a message from Rita. Rita had lost her AirPod’s and it was exactly where I had found it. Now I had found the rightful owner. Unfortunately Rita had lost both of her AirPod’s but was happy to be getting one of them back, as she could still use the one I found. Rita thinks she lost them while walking her dog on the beach. The dog had broken away from her and she put the AirPod’s were placed in one of her shallow pockets, to chase after the dog. They must have fallen out of her shallow pocket as she chased the dog.
We made plans to meet up a few days later, so that I could return the AirPod. Today, October 12th, we met and I was able to return her AirPod. Now, I will be on the lookout whenever I go to the beach.

Property Markers Found In Saco, Maine With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I had received a call last week from Kathleen and her husband Bob. They were interested in finding their property markers that they hadn’t seen since the home was built, 30 years ago, here in Saco. We made an appointment for me to search for the markers for today, 10/11/23.

I showed up promptly at the agreed upon time and both Kathleen and Bob were there to greet me. The 1st marker we searched for was the right front corner of the house, as you faced it. When I turned the detector on, it went haywire, with it constantly going off and I couldn’t get a good signal. I was then told all the utility wires were buried there. I made an adjustment to the detector, still no help. I tried another detector, still lots of interference.

So, Bob suggested we check the front left of the home, near the culvert. Thankfully, no interference but lots and lots of iron objects were being dug. Nails, pipes and iron objects we didn’t even recognize. Bob then told me when the house was built, it was the last house on the street and where the property marker was , there was not a road or culvert yet. When the housing development expanded, a road and culvert were put in and those improvements were done with fill. Could the property marker been moved and or buried with all the infrastructure improvements? Not sure but after many, many iron objects and no marker, Bob and Kathleen suggested we go to the back, wooded area of the property and search for those. We started on the right backside of the property and after digging a few iron objects, we thankfully found the marker. We then went to the back left side of the property, the same side as the culvert, and Bob and Kathleen were not very optimistic about finding this one because along the small stream, many large trees had come down and according to Bob, the stream looks like it has been altered some, by the downed trees. We did our due diligence and search up and down the banks of the stream, without any luck. Could the marker be under one of the fallen trees or swept away by the stream changing course? Not sure but it was not in the area they thought it would be.

I decided to try looking for the 1st marker, near the buried utility wires. This time, knowing where the back right marker was, I searched about 10 feet to the left of where I had been searching earlier. This area lined up better with the back property marker and thankfully, there was no interference from the utility wires. Our 1st target turned out to be a nail. Our second target was exactly what we were looking for. The property marker had been found. Bob tells me that the city is coming out in the next month or so to do some culvert work, after all the heavy rain we have had the year. When the city is working in the culvert, Bob will measure from his other front marker and find the exact area of the missing marker. Hopefully when the culvert is being worked on, the city will take some of the fill out. At that point, I will return and see if it is still buried or still to deep from the fill that was placed on top of it. Kathleen and Bob were both very pleased at the outcome and can’t wait until I return.
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Very Sentimental Gold Necklace Lost In The Water, Waves and Sand, At Low Tide

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Saturday, July twenty 29th, 2023, I saw a post on Facebook, by Kelli,  about a MISSING GOLD CHAIN WITH A CROSS, being lost on the beach. Later that morning, I received a text from Kelli wanting to know if I could help. After talking with Kelli, I found out the Gold Chain and Cross Pendant had been lost 2 days earlier, in the surf, approximately 1 1/2 hours after the low tide. Since it wouldn’t be low tide for another 4 hours, I told Kelli that I would meet her in 2 hours at the Old Orchard Beach, Maine location, where the necklace had been lost, 2 days earlier.
Once I arrived, I met Kelli and her boyfriend, Jake. Jake explained that the waves were really rough that day and the necklace somehow came off his neck and disappeared, into the Waves, Water and Sand. I told them that I would grid the beach, parallel to the water and follow the tide out, hoping the necklace would then appear in just the wet sand and no longer under the water.
I was performing the grid search for approximately 1:20 minutes, when Jake came down to me , near the low tide mark. He explained that he and Kelli had to leave and and were leaving tomorrow morning to go back home, In Massachusetts. I told Jake that I would contact him if I found it and if not, I would be back the next day, at low tide and expand the search. After Jake left, I decided to try the shallow water, as low tide was now upon us. I started a grid search in the water and was working my way towards shore. I finally received a decent low tone signal, reading 12-04 on the Minelab CTX-3030 and put the scoop into the wet sand. I caught a glimpse of 1 gold link of a chain in the wet sand. I reached down, grabbed the link and pulled it out of the sand. I had Jake’s necklace. On 20 minutes had passed since he had left and I immediately called him. Jake and Kelli came right back and I returned the necklace. Jake the told me that the necklace had belonged to his father and that his father just passed away, 6 months earlier. Jake explained that he has  absolutely devastated , the past 2 days and thinking he would never see it again. I am so proud and happy to be able to help people like Jake, in their hour of need.


Gold Necklace Lost In The Water And Waves At Low Tide, Very Sentimental

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I had seen a post on Facebook, by Kelli,  about a MISSING GOLD CHAIN WITH A CROSS, being lost on the beach. Later that morning, I received a text from Kelli wanting to know if I could help. After talking with Kelli, I found out the Gold Chain and Cross Pendant had been lost 2 days earlier, in the surf, approximately 1 1/2 hours after the low tide. Since it wouldn’t be low tide for another 4 hours, I told Kelli that I would meet her in 2 hours at the Old Orchard Beach, Maine location, where the necklace had been lost, 2 days earlier.
Once I arrived, I met Kelli and her boyfriend, Jake. Jake explained that the waves were really rough that day and the necklace somehow came off his neck and disappeared, into the Waves, Water and Sand. I told them that I would grid the beach, parallel to the water and follow the tide out, hoping the necklace would then appear in just the wet sand and no longer under the water.
I was performing the grid search for approximately 1:20 minutes, when Jake came down to me , near the low tide mark. He explained that he and Kelli had to leave and and were leaving tomorrow morning to go back home, In Massachusetts. I told Jake that I would contact him if I found it and if not, I would be back the next day, at low tide and expand the search. After Jake left, I decided to try the shallow water, as low tide was now upon us. I started a grid search in the water and was working my way towards shore. I finally received a decent low tone signal, reading 12-04 on the Minelab CTX-3030 and put the scoop into the wet sand. I caught a glimpse of 1 gold link of a chain in the wet sand. I reached down, grabbed the link and pulled it out of the sand. I had Jake’s necklace. On 20 minutes had passed since he had left and I immediately called him. Jake and Kelli came right back and I returned the necklace. Jake the told me that the necklace had belonged to his father and that his father just passed away, 6 months earlier. Jake explained that he has  absolutely devastated , the past 2 days and thinking he would never see it again. I am so proud and happy to be able to help people like Jake, in their hour of need.


Engagement Ring Lost , Found, Returned, With A Metal Detector, In Ocean Park, Maine

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Wednesday July 5, 2023, I received a call from Lisa. Lisa explained that her friend had lost her engagement ring at the beach, in Ocean Park, Maine, within the last hour. Lisa went on to explain the her friend was still at the beach, searching for the ring with toy sifters and just running her fingers through the sand. I told Lisa that I would be right there, as I only live about 4 miles from where they were.
I arrived and Lisa met me out on the street and took me to where her friend, Sharon was , and where the ring was lost. Sharon explained that when they arrived at the beach, she sat in the beach chair to apply her sunblock lotion. She removed her ring and placed it in her lap, to apply the lotion. After applying the lotion, Sharon got up, forgetting the ring was in her lap. She immediately realized that the ring was now in the sand and started sifting the sand with her hands, fingers and kids Beach toys. They had no luck with this method and realized they needed a metal detector. Lisa found me by asking a local town association if the had a metal detector. They did not but they did have my business card and Lisa called me immediately.
I had them move their metal Beach chairs and searched the area where Lisa had been sitting. No signals around where the chair was and I started moving away from the chair. About 5-6 feet away from the chair, I received a nice low tone signal and a VDI readout of 12-06 on my CTX-3030. Yup, the engagement ring had been found in literally 2 minutes of searching and Sharon was very very happy to have it back on her finger.  Total time from receiving Lisa’s call to recovering the ring was 25-30 minutes.
This will be a birthday that I will never forget.

Lost Gold Engagement Ring Found and Returned, in Old Orchard Beach, Maine with a Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Hello, my name is Dennis Boothby and this is my 1st blog a a member of The Ring Finders. I have been an avid Metal Detectorist since 2001, almost 22 years. I retired in July 2021 and now have more time to devote to the hobby that I love, Metal Detecting. I find extreme pleasure, joy and personal satisfaction from returning lost rings, jewelry, phones, key fobs or any other metallic objects, to their rightful owners.   I am now a member of the The Ring Finders, a World Wide metal detecting organization whose sole purpose is to return lost items to the owner. How wonderful is that?.  Over the years I have found many rings, phones, jewelry keys, key fobs, etc and have been so fortunate to have returned many of those items to the rightful owners. Most days I can be found metal detecting on the beaches, parks, woods and fields,  in Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Pine Point and Kennebunkport , Maine.  I would consider it an honor to look for lost jewelry or other items that you may have lost. I will hunt beaches, parks, farms, RV parks, yards and other places, as long as permission is granted and it is safe to detect. I can also metal detect in Saltwater and Fresh water, waist to chest deep, as long as I can safely detect the body of water.  If you lost your item where the use of metal detectors is restricted, you would have to gain permission for someone to look for your item with a metal detector and transfer that permission to me.  While I usually metal detect in the Southern Maine counties of York and Cumberland,  I occasionally will travel further.  You may call me to discuss your location.   I charge a $25.00 call out, trip fee to cover travel expenses (fuel, parking, tolls, etc.). Requesting I travel outside my local area would likely increase the trip fee, usually .50 cents per mile over 30 miles from my home,  but that will be discussed at our initial contact.  I work on a ”Reward Basis Only”… that means you pay what it’s worth to you and what you can afford to have me find your lost item.  I am a member of The Ring Finders and you may find out more about this organization on their website.  You can also search  on YouTube for “The Ring Finders” to see many videos of successful recoveries of lost items.  If you have lost a treasured keepsake or other types of valuable items, please call or text me today, to see if I might be able to help recover it. Why rent a metal detector when a professional from The Ring Finders can help you ?

Thank you and I am looking forward to helping reunite you with  lost item.

Dennis L. Boothby

Cell Phone – 207-423-3027