Lost Ring in Backyard-Found!
I was contacted by Jessica to find her husband’s ring he had lost in the backyard while throwing balls for his dog. Along the way they had borowwed a metal detector to look for it themselves, but they didn’t know how to use it, so they hid her ring in the grass to test it out and see what it sounded like, and that’s where it got more complicated. The detector and their ears were overloaded with all the metal in the ground they didn’t know was there. Then they couldn’t find her ring either. That’s when she contacted me. They had marked out a spot where she thought her ring would be, and it was a fairly small area, maybe six feet by four feet. I covered that area quickly and no ring, so I expanded the search area to beyond where she had marked out. I had made one pass, turned around to parallel my path and I was facing the sun. After two steps I caught a relection in the grass of something silver colored before my coil passed over it. It was her ring. The entire search for her ring was less than ten minutes. While I was talking with her and taking a couple of photos the sun was directly in my eyes so I shifted position a little. When she was looking at me I noticed she had fixed her attention to somewhere over my right shoulder. She said hold on a minute, and took off to the side of the yard and came back with his ring. If my memory serves me correctly it was dark colored, titanium maybe. From the position we were standing she happened to see it laying on the ground in a clear area that was free of grass. So both rings were recovered in a
round fifteen minutes.