Testimonials Category | Page 3 of 58 | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring in Backyard-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I was contacted by Jessica to find her husband’s ring he had lost in the backyard while throwing balls for his dog. Along the way they had borowwed a metal detector to look for it themselves, but they didn’t know how to use it, so they hid her ring in the grass to test it out and see what it sounded like, and that’s where it got more complicated. The detector and their ears were overloaded with all the metal in the ground they didn’t know was there. Then they couldn’t find her ring either. That’s when she contacted me.  They had marked out a spot where she thought her ring would be, and it was a fairly small area, maybe six feet by four feet. I covered that area quickly and no ring, so I expanded the search area to beyond where she had marked out.  I had made one pass, turned around to parallel my path and I was facing the sun. After two steps I caught a relection in the grass of something silver colored before my coil passed over it. It was her ring. The entire search for her ring was less than ten minutes. While I was talking with her and taking a couple of photos the sun was directly in my eyes so I shifted position a little.  When she was looking at me I noticed she had fixed her attention to somewhere over my right shoulder. She said hold on a minute, and took off to the side of the yard and came back with his ring. If my memory serves me correctly it was dark colored, titanium maybe.  From the position we were standing she happened to see it laying on the ground in a clear area that was free of grass. So both rings were recovered in around fifteen minutes.

Lost Gold Pendant in Public Park-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I got a text from Jae late Thursday evening and she said she had lost her gold pendant in a local public park.  She and her friend had looked all evening until around midnight that night.  The pendant was made from the engagement ring her grandfather had given her grandmother in 1942. So it was very sentimental to her and all she had left of her grandparents.  The grass in that area was pretty deep, so finding it by sight was nearly impossible.  I got there by around noon the next day on Friday.  She had the area marked where she noticed the broken necklace.  I had marked out a block for my search that was about 75 feet by 50 feet.  That search area bordered a sidewalk on one side.  Being a public park I assumed the ground there would be very contaminated with metallic trash and other items, and it did not dissapoint.  Fortunately, with the Manticore metal detector I was able to differentiate between what was on the surface and what was deeper.  That still lengthens the search time because every target has to be inspected before moving on.  I completed the grid search in the block I had marked out and found nothing except pull tabs and a nickle.  So I moved down a little and marked out another block, this one a little smaller.  About halfway through that search area I was about 12 feet from the sidewalk and I got a 41 on the Manticore that was on the surface.  The grass there was about 3 inches deep so I pulled out my pinpointer to locate whatever it was.  The pendant was there, completely covered with grass and was not visible to the eye.  My total search time was about 2 hours.


Lord of the Rings

  • from St. Louis (Missouri, United States)

Jeremy, thank you so much. Backstory: this is a custom wedding band that reflects our shared love of Lord of the Rings trilogy story. We’ve read the books and watched the movies many, many times. I was doing yard work and pulling weeds. I noticed the ring was missing when I went to throw the weeds in the yard waste dumpster. I was searching through the yard waste dumpster, the trash bag I had just taken out, and crawling around the area I was doing yard work for 2 days. That’s when we found your website. You found the ring within 10 minutes or less and were a pleasure to work with. We’d recommend you to anyone who is in need of your services. Thank you!!


  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

Faith was by the Shopping Centre, and was wandering around her car on the boulevard when she noticed her Engagement Ring was missing.  Devastated and not wanting to tell her fiancé, she purchased a Metal Detector to try to locate it, after 2 hours she gave up. The Detector Salesman told her if you don’t find it, call this professional on The Ringfinders. That evening her fiancé knew something was wrong, and he got the information out of her. The next day she called me, and I responded right away to her location, after her story, I checked the area she suspected with no luck. The lost item often is not in the specific location they mark, so I gridded further out on the boulevard and found the Ring, restoring happiness to the engaged couple.



  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING LOST IN GRASS FOUND AND RETURNED BY JACKSONVILLE BEACH RING FINDER Adam Greenburg-TIMING IS IMPORTANT .. call or TEXT Adam ASAP .. 714-785-5111 .. With all the spam calls if I don’t answer please TEXT..
I received a call today from a couple who stated she lost her diamond wedding ring last week on her lawn in the rain. They told me they have been searching the lawn for a week and even used a metal detector, still unable to find it. Their friend told the tp look me up on TheRingFinders website. I told them I was going to grab my equipment and head over. It took me less than 10 minutes to find the ring and return it to the owner. She later wrote me a nice testimonial / review on Yelp.
Testimonial / Yelp Review
A VERY happy ending to one of the longest weeks ever, for me and my husband when I dropped my wedding band running in the rain from the car to the house. We spent a SOLID sleepless week searching night & day for it. We used recruitments magnets, probes, flood lights, black lights, metal detectors, rakes and even removed patches of sod but came up empty handed. Our neighbor had heard about Adam Greensburgs success in reuniting people with their lost treasures and so we reached out to see if Adam could help us. After gathering the details surrounding our event he said I’m loading my equipment and heading your way, which was amazing and unexpected. From the minute I meet Adam I no longer felt hopeless. His presence exuded a sincerity and positive vibe that he was going to do whatever he could do to find my wedding ring and he did just that within 10 minutes You have a gift Adam, thanks for blessing our family in superhero fashion.

Diamond Engagement Ring Lost In House.. Jacksonville, FL. Found 1 Week Later

  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)

Andrea called me pretty frantic. She explained how her wedding ring set has 3 pieces and after returning from the gym she walked into her bedroom to prepare to shower. Before she was able to take her rings off, two of them just fell off her finger onto the floor next to the bed and nightstand. She was able to find one of the weddings bands and the other was still on her finger but her diamond engagement ring was nowhere to be found. She and her husband searched for an entire week even taking the bed and nightstand apart, still unable to find the ring. She said they were about to make an insurance claim but wanted to hire someone with expertise to search before making the insurance claim. I assured her that the ring did not vanish and we would find it. I arrived at her house with the tools needed to find her ring. Her bedroom floor was a laminate which would allow the ring to bounce. Within 2-3 minutes I was able to find her ring wedged into one of the nightstand legs. The ring was not in plain sight to the naked eye and somehow when the ring fell off her finger it bounced off the floor and under the nightstand, then wedged into the corner of the nightstand leg which had a wood support about 3″ off the floor. Her husband started that he had taken everything out of the nightstand and turned the entire nightstand over searching of the ring. She was so excited that it was found she asked if she can hug me, then her husband asked to hug me also.

If you’ve lost a valuable item call an experienced metal detector expert. Timing and persistence is important.. A phone call or text anytime 24/7 will give us  the best chance to recover your sentimental keepsake .. Adam .. 714-785-5111

Necklace lost in lake, Metal Detector near me, Egg Harbor City NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Karla sent me an email asking if I could help find her necklace, which had been lost in the lake a few days earlier. After gathering the details, she seemed confident I could assist. We arranged to meet after dinner on a day that worked for both of us.
I arrived early and waded into the cold lake water to begin my search. Starting in knee-deep water, I planned to work my way deeper if needed. When Karla arrived a short while later, we confirmed that the area I was searching was a good spot. She was certain the necklace had fallen off somewhere within a 50-foot section. So, path by path, I combed through the water, moving deeper each time—eventually up to my chest—without detecting much.
I started to wonder if someone else with a metal detector had already been there. Then, suddenly, my detector gave off a signal. This time, I was almost certain it was Karla’s necklace. Moments later, I scooped it up.
I made my way back to shore slowly, keeping my head down, not wanting to give anything away just yet. Karla and her friend were waiting, and from the look on her face, she seemed to think I was about to give up. But when I held up the scoop and told her to take a look, her eyes lit up instantly. Tears of joy rolled down her face as she realized her necklace was found.
We talked for a while, and she shared some of the history behind the necklace. It was clear how much it meant to her. Another recovery in the books for the 2024 season.

Follow my Facebook page for the most recent recoveries. 

Wedding Ring lost in the sand, Surf City NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

It was a beautiful day at the Jersey Shore, the perfect opportunity for Lisa and her friends to enjoy some time at the beach. What they didn’t plan for, however, was losing her rings in the soft, sugar-like sand so typical of these beaches. After searching for a while with no luck, someone in the group suggested calling NJ Ring Finder for help. Having heard about many successful recoveries on Long Beach Island and nearby areas, they were hopeful it wouldn’t be a wasted call.

Once I got the call, we arranged to meet shortly after. As I walked down the dune path towards the beach, I saw the group gathered in a large circle around their chairs, securing the area where the rings were lost. After a quick conversation to get the details, I got to work, carefully moving my metal detector’s coil back and forth across the sand.

Within just a few passes, the detector gave off a low, steady tone. I had a strong feeling this was it, and sure enough, BINGO—it was her ring! Everyone was amazed at how quickly the recovery happened.

Another successful search in the books. I love this job—saving vacations and creating lasting memories!

Follow me on Facebook 


Engagement Ring lost on the beach, Ship Bottom NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

It was a beautiful day when Shari and her friends decided to spend some time at the beach. Not long into their day, Shari had a little mishap that would lead to me recovering her beautiful ring. It had disappeared into the soft, white sand of the Jersey Shore. After searching for quite some time, Shari realized it was time to call a professional.
I had just received another call for a ring recovery, but it was in the dry sand, with no danger of being lost to the rising tide. Shari’s ring, however, was right near the high-tide line, and she was worried it would be swept away. I assured her I would get there as soon as possible and decided to prioritize her recovery to beat the tide. I sent her my ETA, and just before I arrived, she informed me that both calls were actually for the same ring. I hadn’t even looked at the other pin location—I just knew both were in Beach Haven, LBI.
Well, all’s well that ends well. Shari’s ring was in my scoop within a minute or so. You may be wondering about the conflicting stories. Both were true: the ring was in the dry sand, with no real danger of the tide taking it. But in Shari’s eyes, since it was so close to the high-tide line, she believed it was at risk of being washed away. Two different perspectives, but both valid.
Follow me on Facebook for more heartwarming stories.

Lost and found Rolex watch in Rideau river Ottawa

  • from Cobourg (Ontario, Canada)

Today was a very special recovery and a four weeks in the making. Chris was swimming in the Rideau river. As he slowly let himself go from the ladder off the back deck, the clasp of his heirloom Rolex watch came undone and watched in horror as the watch slip off his hand and sank into the water. This special watch was purchased by his mom, and given to his dad to celebrate his retirement after 33 years of loyal service with the Canadian Navy. It was given to Chris when his father passed. After having Scuba divers try to find the watch, on three separate occasions and some with underwater metal detectors, he started to loose hope of ever seing his watch again. Fortunately, he was able to put me within a twenty foot radius of where he believed the watch had fallen into the water. Unfortunately, had to deal with about five inches of silt which brings visibility to zero once you start swinging your coil. But, after finding multiple various metal items, I was finally able to feel the watch with my fingers under the coil of my detector. After surfacing, I was able to give Chris his father’s watch and get it back on his wrist. He was extremely happy and emotional and was a great moment for all. Another happy and special recovery. Life is good!