Lost & Found Category | Page 455 of 464 | The Ring Finders

Lost earring in Toulon, France

Yesterday, I went to the beaches in Toulon. I decided to use the BHID instead of the Surf PI (I alternate them). After 3-4 hrs of detecting the wind increased I decided to  go home. This beach is lined with several restaurants and since it was lunch time, all of the outside tables were full of people. As I walked back to the car, I continued to  detect along the sandy beach passing one of the restaurants. Shortly after passing the restaurant, I heard a woman trying to get my attention. After removing my earphones, I listened to her story about her granddaughter (about 8 yrs old) who had just lost one of her earrings on the beach near the restaurant and she asked if I would try to find it.

We walked back to the beach area where the granddaughter lost it (about a 12′ x12′ area). It was deep white sand and I asked to see the other earring. It was soooo small. Although it was a difficult challenge I decided to try. The earring was in a silver outline of a heart (just a heart on a post for pierced ears). You could see by the look on the granddaughter’s face, she was really broken hearted (no pun intended). I told the grandmother that it would be a difficult search due to the conditions and the very small piece of jewelry. I found several targets (junk) and sifted the sand as best I could with no luck. After about 10 minutes, I still had not found the the girl’s lost heart. Grandmother rejoined her husband at the lunch table (not more than 15′ away) as did the granddaughter. All the other customers knew what was going on and you could tell that they did not believe there would be a happy ending. Shortly thereafter, I followed up on a rather good signal very carefully. All of a sudden, I caught just a little glimmer of something shiny.. I reached down and carefully moved some of the sand and there it was… A REALLY small  heart shaped silver earring. I interrupted the luncheon with, “Madame”. She came over to me and I handed her (to her disbelief) her granddaughter’s earring. The granddaughter was clearly pleased and I smiled. The grandmother immediately told the other luncheon crowd that I had found her granddaughter’s earring.
I am pleased that I was able to find this very small, but important, earring for this young girl. You could see that she was really pleased to have this item back where it belonged.
If I could find this item, then I am sure that I can find other lost items for you. Call me.
Larry Griffith
Provence, France

Lost Ring Found at Erin’s Snug Irish Pub, Madison WI

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


I typically look forward to getting calls from The Ring Finders directory for lost rings, lost keys, lost cell phones, you name it.  However, on this day I was a little hesitant to answer the phone.  You see, it was not just a typical WI winter day … it was -10 degrees below zero outside!  Brandon had lost his ring in the parking lot of Erin’s Snug Irish Pub and Restaurant in Madison, WI.   On the call, he explained that he was wiping the snow off his windshield wipers when he lost his ring.  He did not have any gloves on (what was he thinking!) and when he went to flick the snow off his hand … he ring flew off.  He knew right where it was, but after digging for awhile gave up.

Gold is extremely heavy, and when dropped into a snow bank, will drop pretty quickly to the bottom.  Even though Brandon saw the entry point, he could not find the lost ring in the 4 foot snow bank.  He searched on Google hoping to rent a metal detector the next day.  He entered a bunch of different phrases, “rent metal detector”, “metal detector rental” and “how to find my lost ring”.  Fortunately for him, he found The Ring Finders Page and my blog. http://theringfinders.com/blog/Dan.Roekle/.  He said he couldn’t believe such a service even existed, and there was a member right in Madison.  He couldn’t believe it.  He also couldn’t believe that I was willing to head out that same day … the same day that it was -10 degrees below zero!

I brought my son along on the hunt, and after bundling up, we headed out.  We hunted in 5 min increments, because it was that cold.  I am a pretty tough guy when it comes to cold weather, but with temps -10 below zero, you don’t want to mess around.  We kept our van running to warm up.  The problem with hunting in a parking lot in the winter, is that all the junk from the parking lot is picked up by the snow plows and dropped right on the curb.  This is of course right where Brandon lost his ring.

My son and I are usually not quick to give up, we don’t like to leave a lost ring that we know is within reach.  However, did I mention it was cold.  We agreed to do one more 5 min search.  Good thing we did, because we got a strong signal on the metal detector … and pulled out Brandon’s ring.  We didn’t even look at it closely as we both ran to the van to warm up.  Our first stop was McDonald’s for some hot chocolate, then to Brandon’s house to return the ring.  He gave us a very generous reward for our hard work and an extra bonus seeing it was so cold.  He could not have been more appreciative for our hard work and for finding his lost wedding ring.

Remember, don’t rent a metal detector, rent a Ring Finder!


New couple to Calgary Canada lost Ring at motel 8

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)
14k wedding band

14k wedding band


New couple to Canada from Australia lost his 9k white gold wedding band. He lost the ring while taking stuff out of the car at the motel 8 where they were staying.He dropped it in the snow.They serached for a couple of hours.With no luck they found ringfinders and called me out.I went ot right away about 9 pm. It was very cold out -9 and windy. I sreached for about a hour couldn’t find it.I thought it might be under one of the other cars.I went back the next day and recovered it and returned it to the wife they were very happy.Another happy couple.





Lost Woman’s Diamond Engagement Ring in Lancaster, OH “FOUND”.

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call from a guy on New Years Day about a lost White Gold and Diamond Engagement Ring. The ring was lost in the snow during the night before. I showed up a couple of hours later to search for the missing engagement ring. After asking more questions, I found out that the ring was thrown. I searched in the freezing temperatures in 3 inches of snow for a hour and a half with no luck.

A week later he wanted me to come back out and try again. Since the snow was mostly gone and more grass was visible. About a hour later of searching there was the ring laying on the grass beside the melting snow. I am very happy that the ring was found. He recently bought the ring for her and I wish them a happy engagement.










Lost Woman’s Diamond Engagement Ring in Lancaster, OH “FOUND”.










Lost Man’s Wedding Ring in Hilliard, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received an email from a women asking if I could find her husband original wedding band that was lost, back in the fall of 2009, in the backyard from pulling leaves off the rake. He always talked about his original ring.  She wanted to try to get his ring back for their wedding anniversary in a couple of months. After searching the non sun barring with frost on the grass for an hour using a grid search I found the ring. I showed her the ring and she was very surprised and happy that I found his ring.











Lost Man’s Wedding Ring in Hilliard, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Man’s Wedding Ring in Hilliard, OH. “FOUND”




  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

On the afternoon of 12/9/2012 I recieved a phone call from a gentleman by the name of ( Mr. Joe D ). who explained that his father, ( Mr. Tom D. ) lost a 14K gold ring while working in his yard a week earlier.. After speakin with ( Mr. Joe D.)  , I then called his father , ( Mr. Tom D. ) to speak to him and he explained the story of losing the ring as well.. I then agreed to meet them about a hour later and when I got there, I had ( Mr. Tom D. ) walk me through what he was doing when he lost his ring.. He explained that he had searched for it with no luck and even had the neighbor help.. He told me that it could be in one of the many bags of rakings or around the bushes which is where he was when he lost it.. Rather than go through all the bags and dump out all the leaves etc which would be alot more work to clean them up again, I got out my Long Range Metal Detector / Electroscope and proceded to scope the area around the Bushes where he was when he lost the ring.. Instantly I was able lock onto a target by the bushes where he was working using my Long Range Metal Detector and in under ten minutes I was able to recover his lost ring for him.. I am so glad I was able to help him.. I hope they have a Merry Christmas and wish them a very Happy Holidays.. In the pictures you with see the ring and me holding my long range metal detector standing beside Mr. Tom D.

Lost Wedding Ring City of West University, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)



I was contacted by a homeowner from the City of West University (Houston) regarding a lost men’s Platinum Wedding Ring. The homeowner indicated the ring was possibly lost in one of two locations, one a little league baseball field, and the other the hedges in their front yard.  

Several days ago, I conducted a search of the baseball field with unsuccessful results. A follow-up search today at the homeowner’s residence was successful.

The homeowner will be extremely happy to learn his Platinum Wedding Ring was recovered.

The homeowners in the case wishes to remain anonymous. 


  John Volek



Lost Knife in Dallas,Tx Found

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We received an email from a very nice lady stating that her husband’s small pocket knife was lost in their yard.   We thought it was a little unusual to get a call on a knife but we are always excited to help people .  As we talked further we found out that the family had gone out and cut down 2 Christmas Trees this year and had strapped them to the top of the family SUV.  Upon arriving at home the father had pulled out his very special 3″ knife that his wife had given to him as a gift on their wedding day.  He used it to cut the rope holding the Christmas Trees to the SUV and then gave it to his oldest 10yr old daughter Ally to cut the other side.  She cut the rope and put the knife in her top pocket of her jacket and helped her dad and sisters drag the 2 trees into the house.  After getting the trees inside, she realize the knife was no longer in her pocket.  After 3 days of searching the 3″ thick grass cover in large leaves they had nearly given up.  10yr old Ally was heart broken at losing her daddy’s special knife. 

Ally’s mom got on the internet and found our “The Ring Finders” website .  She called and my wife and I set a time come by.  Upon arriving at their home we had a roughly 80ft by 40ft area of thick grass and leaves.  We got out our equipment and I began the search.  My wife’s ACE250 was acting funny  and she decided to just let me hunt.  She had her pinpointer with her while talking to the customer.  As you can imagine at every beep our detectors or pinpointers made the 3 daughters were right their with us looking for the knife.  Finally I suggested to the mom that they go check the SUV one more time while we continued the search of the yard.  My wife just sat down in the beautiful yard and kinda of just moved her pinpointer around and it went off.  She said “Don, go get the girls, I GOT IT”.   Ally the daughter who lost the knife came running out and grabbed the knife out of the yard and held it to her chest, she was almost in tears.

Ally and her family thanked us and thank us and then even took pick pictures with us and our equipment so they could so their dad.  Just another happy customer for “The Ring Finders”.

This hobby is so much fun!

Don & Ellen Wilson

The Dallas Ring Finders!

Lost Texas A&M Class Ring

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)



 Open Case in Houston: Lost Men’s 2013 Texas A&M Class Ring-Engraved (EW Arnold)

The actually location where the ring was lost remains unknown, possibly in the West University area of Houston.

A reward is being offered for the recovery of this Texas A&M class ring.

 A metal detecting search of a possible location lost has been exhausted.

Thank you,


Lost Class Ring in College Station, Texas Update-Found

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)
                        Update-Case Closed Ring Found
    The following was informatin was forwarded to me from Detectorist B.
    Sloan  from College Station.
Good morning John,
Last night I got a phone call from Kelly Walker, she found her ring. Some how, her ring had ended up in her couch, and as near as I could understand, her phone was breaking up, for some reason, they were shaking the couch and her ring fell out. Just wanted to let you know about the happy ending.
Best of luck, and stay safe,