Lost & Found Category | Page 447 of 463 | The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Ring Found… Cedar Falls, Iowa


My neighbor lady approached me last week and said her son-in-law had lost his wedding band while building a privacy fence at her sisters house last weekend.

They rented a detector right away and couldn’t find it. I guess she didn’t think I would drive up that far but I told her that is what I do!

I arrived this morning about 10 a.m. and searched the entire backyard on both sides of the fence first. It was a fairly new house and there wasn’t many targets or much junk. The ring would have screamed out if it was there. She told me they were worried that it was buried in the two foot deep cement they used for footings and I was beginning to wonder if it was.

I told her I would search the side yard and the front yard too. I made one pass in the side yard coming towards the front yard and got a good signal. I looked down and through the grass I could see it. What a great feeling!

Unfortunately the young man wasn’t there for a picture but here is a picture of his ring.DSCF1638

Good luck to all you ringfinders,

Norm Slaymaker

Lost White Gold Wedding Band Recovered in Raliegh, N.C. on 10/29/2013

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

Lost White Gold Wedding Band Recovered in Raliegh, N.C. on 10/29/2013..

Only took about 30 minutes recover this lost ring for Mr. Evan L. who lost the ring 4 days earlier in his back yard.


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Men’s platinum wedding band reunited with owner in chicago, IL

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)


The ring was lost while cleaning out the back of his SUV. He had just transported a grill and it had some residue in the back that he was sweeping out with his hand. I searched the area that he told me that the ring had landed in. He said that he saw it bounce off the grill and it landed in a very specific area. Two and a half hours later, having gridded the area numerous times, NOTHING! I even hunted in all metal. Dug lots of junk.
I basically was giving up and walked over to tell him. The ring was sitting right on the surface in a completely different area!

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Lost my Texas Aggie College Ring while Toilet Papering a friend’s home!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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We got a email from a young man who on Saturday evening was having some innocent fun with friends and lost his Texas Aggie College Ring.   I responded quickly to the email and called the man and we chatted about where the ring was lost, what kind of ring it was, and the address where the ring was lost.   He told me that Saturday evening he had been playing football in the front yard of a friend’s  home and his ring flew off and he could not find it in the thick grass.

We set a time for us come out, this was 3 days after he lost the ring.  He was there to meet us.  I ask him to show us where he was standing and how he threw the football.  He looked at us and said well the truth is we were here “Toilet Papering” my friends home and then he pointed up!  We looked up and the trees still had toilet paper waving around.  I told him I thought it was great he could have that kind of fun, we had a nice laugh and began to search.  It did not take long before Ellen hollered “Is This Your Ring!”,  he jogged over to where she was and was so excited.  Ellen is 2 for 2 on our last hunts! It is so great to be able to enjoy this hobby with my spouse of 39 years.

Another successful hunt for The Ring Finders!

Don & Ellen Wilson – The Dallas Ring Finders!


Lost my Wedding Ring Playing Volleyball!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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We got a email from an very nice young man who was in a little bit of a panic.  He was playing volleyball  with his team at the local “Bump & Drink Volleyball Club” and realized his wedding ring had come off sometime during the evening.  This was about 8pm, he had spent the next 2 hours on his hands & knees with his friends going through the really deep sand on the court he had played on.

His wife is 8 months pregnant and he really dreaded going home without his wedding ring and then having to tell his wife about it.

He found “The Ring Finder” website and sent us a email.  I responded immediately because I knew exactly what Volleyball Club he had been at, we had been called in before to find rings for other customers.  I immediately call the club and spoke to the manager, most of the Volleyball clubs are very strict about not allowing detectorists on to their courts, but this manager remembered us and said we could come in the next day 30 minutes before they opened.

Ellen & I arrived at 3pm on a Friday and began our hunt.  Understand this sand is awesome, but it is 12-20inches deep all over the 8 courts.  We had to use our beach scoops as we detected.  We knew what court he had played on and where he had wash off the sand at the end of the night, so we began our hunt.

We cover the court 3 times with no luck, I began covering the area I believed the customer would have walked to the wash off station”aka water hose!  Understand that Ellen & I both use Garrett ATPro’s and Garrett Pinpointers, I was digging in the sand and Ellen walks over and says “what did he say his ring looked like”, as I looked up she had this sheepish grin on her face and on her finger was a Platinum Wedding  Ring.   I started to get up, and she said don’t stop looking this might not be his ring!  We have had that happen more than once, we found a different ring than the one we were hired to find.

Well the customer was on his way, he was stuck in Friday afternoon Dallas 5pm traffic..YUK!  When he arrived, we shook hands and I said “my wife has a question for you”  she walked up and said “is this your ring”.  He was awestruck, his mouth dropped open, he was so excited.  He must have told us 3 times how much his wife was going to be happy…

This hobby is so much fun.

Another successful hunt for The Ring Finders!

Don & Ellen – Dallas/Ft Worth

Lost Wedding Ring Returned on Siesta Key, FL

Brandon and his wife were launching a kayak off of his parent’s dock when all of a sudden his wedding ring slipped off into the water. They could see the ring sitting on top of the silt and decided to try and net it with the pool skimmer. When they dipped it in the silt was stirred up and the ring sank deeper into the muck. After the water cleared the ring was gone. They got some swim masked out and tried to relocate the ring, but no luck. Brandon’s Dad searched the internet for help and found us. Brandon called and we scheduled a search for the next morning at 9:00 am. Brandon had to go to work so we met his Mom at the site and within 1 minute we located the ring and returned it to his Mother. As you can see she was very happy!!!!.


14K Mens Wedding band Found in Streamwood, Illinois

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call from a gentleman who had lost his ring while mowing the lawn. When I arrived I asked him what type of mower he used and did it pick up the cuttings. Since it did bag the clippings, I asked him where he dumped the cuttings.He directed me to a compost and said that he had checked it. He pointed to the area that he had checked. I turned on my detector and searched the whole compost. I told him that I detected something metal six inches down. I used my handheld, reached into the grass and pulled out his ring. Total time on site 5 minutes or less.

LOVE this Business!!IMG_1299

Diamond Engagement Ring found in Fire Pit in Batavia Illinois

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Received a call to look for an engagement ring that was lost on the lawn while collecting leaves.

The client was throwing some leaves onto a fire pit and later discovered that her diamond engagement ring was gone. She searched endlessly on her knees an even used a metal detector to search for it. They had dumped the ashes from the fire pit and could find nothing.

I arrived and asked her about what she was doing at the time. I immediately told her to put some water in the fire pit and we emptied the water. Nothing! I search the yard. I gridded it for over an hour, Nothing. Then I went back to the pit. The interior was metal so I could not use the handheld pinpointed. I looked very closely at the silt that remained in the pit. BINGO!!

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Lost Diamond Wedding Ring on Maderia Beach, FL

Dale’s wife had just left town to attend her class reunion so he decided to go for his weekly swim down at Maderia Beach. As he dove down to swim under water he felt his wedding ring slip off. He stopped right then and called someone over to stand in the place while he walked down the beach looking for a dive mask. He returned and hunted the bottom for over and hour but had no luck. He didn’t want to have to tell his wife about losing his wedding ring just when she left town so he contacted us and we did a hunt the next day. We were not successful the first time and he ended up telling his wife when she returned from her trip. As you can imagine she was not to happy with him. I scheduled another hunt at the next good tide and within an hour we had his ring. He was one happy man and I bet his wife was too.


Lost Wedding Ring Northwest-Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring Recovered Northwest-Houston, Texas


Received a call, regarding a lost wedding ring in the backyard of a residence in Northwest Houston.

The caller Allen was wanting to check on my availability in the event he could not find his ring.

Allen reported he had placed his ring on his cellphone in his backyard, and later when he grabbed his phone the ring flew into the grass.

Allen said he was going to continue trying to find the ring himself, and was going to borrow a Metal Detector from a neighbor.

Allen said he would call ne tomorrow if he was unsuccessful at finding his ring.

I am not sure if Allen’s wife Nikki made him sleep outside that night, but he seemed pretty happy to see me the next day 🙂

Allen had to leave for work upon my arrival, but you can see from the smile on Nikki’s face it was a good day.



























Equipment used:

CTX 3030

