metal detectors Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Diamond Earring Stud in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost earring stud with backing. Both was lost while trying to swat away a mosquito in a grass area. I schedule time to perform the hunt in the evening. Started the search with no luck then got a hit and while moving the grass aside there was the earring stud. Continue the search for the earring backing. After a few more minutes got another hit and there was the backing. They was very happy to have the gold diamond earring stud and backing returned to them.

Lost Gold Diamond Earring Stud in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Earring Stud in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Earring Stud in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Earring Stud in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Earring Stud in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Earring Stud in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”



Ring Finders South Jersey Featured on PHL17 Morning Show with John Favano in Ocean City NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

On this edition of PHL17 Down The Shore, Jenna Meissner visited Ocean City New Jersey.

John Favano of South Jersey Ring Finders showed Jenna how he helps people recover their lost valuables.

Click link to view

Ring Finders South Jersey in Ocean City NJ

Lost White Gold wedding rings, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

  • from Moose Jaw (Saskatchewan, Canada)

Lost White Gold wedding rings Moose Jaw Saskatchewan


I woke up at 7:00 in the morning to a 4am text from a young lady who asked if I could help her find her lost ring… She told me the ring fell off her finger and went over her raised deck. After reading her texts I had a gut feeling that this ring had been thrown.

After arriving to the location and meeting her and as she was describing the area where she thought the ring was lost she told me that she got mad and threw the ring at her husband. This happens more than you know, the only thing is not many people don’t want to talk about it …

She opened up and told me that she got mad and in the heat of the argument threw her ring at the glass table top beside her husband. She then turn and went it the house the husband told her the ring was missing and went to bed. Distraught she spent the night looking in the dark for it, and she found the ring finders and contacted me by a text.

 The deck had a four foot wide hedge of bushes around it and most of it about five feet higher than deck rail. After a 5 hour search of the yard and thick brush area around the deck I didn’t find the ring and had to head to work, I told her I would return the next morning and search the tops of trees and bushes surrounding the deck after work. At about 8pm that same day she text me and said they found the ring stuck in the top of one bigger trees behind the table.

She thanked me for my time and support. I was just happy that she was able to find it.


Lost Gold Krugerrand Coin at UBC…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I was out searching the beach at Point Roberts when I got a 911 call in regards to a lost family heirloom at UBC. I listened to the message and could hear the desperation in the young mans voice and just how important it was to help find his friends lost item.

I called them back and we talked about the search, I headed back across border and straight to UBC. When I arrived at UBC night was fast approaching, I met the two young men, Isaac & Jackson, who are majoring in iron engineering. We discussed the search and where they felt the gold coin could be…I had lights with me so I was prepared to search into the night, if need be so.

I started my grid with Isaac following my every footstep and watching every signal that I checked with my pin pointer. After 15 minutes of doing my grid I saw the gold krugerrand coin right in front of me! I stepped on the coin and put down my detector and turned on the camera on my iPhone 7+














I calmly reached down and said… Is this what you’re looking for? I loved his reaction as he was speechless! Jackson was just as happy to see his best friends gold coin!













Jackson was a huge reason why his best friend got his gold coin back as he was the one who searched online and found TheRingFinders. I always wonder how many people walk away and give up the search for their lost items. Thankfully the internet has made it possible for people to reconnect with their cherished keepsakes.

With close to 400 memebers on TheRingFinders directory… If you’ve lost something sentimental and  irreplaceable contact a member nearest you…Your second chance to find what you thought was lost forever!


I love my job!

Watch the video of the search below…


Luck of the Irish – Returning a lost ring on an Hawaiian Island beach!

It didn’t take us long to meet up with newlyweds Paul and Barbara on the beach after we’d gotten their call.

Paul was an Irishman with a new American lass for a wife – but Barbara had done all of the talking on the phone as Paul’s Irish accent was so thick. “Are you Ring Finders?” she asked.

As soon as we heard that Paul hadn’t seen his ring all day we knew we’d have a challenge. And they didn’t know where it could have been lost…!

Paul and Barbara had been married just five days earlier and were enjoying the restaurants and shops near their hotel here on the Big Island of Hawaii. As Paul tried on some Maui Jim sunglasses, he looked as his hand to admire this wedding ring – which was missing!

They’d seen a detectorist in the early morning combing the beach and didn’t want to loose their ring forever – so looked us up online to find and return their ring. We got to their hotel as soon as possible and decided that the small bay they’d spent the morning swimming in was a good place to start. Again, they weren’t sure if it was lost in the water, the sand, the hotel or the shops…!

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Brent Madison of Big Island Metal Detecting explains the basics of the Excalibur II metal detector and how small, lost gold rings can turn into big, found signals for recovery. Big Island, Hawaii.

Paul wasn’t a strong swimmer so we were confident that scuba wouldn’t be necessary though we’d packed our dive gear in the car.

I looked where Paul had rented a stand-up paddleboard while Sylvie searched the sandy bottom where Paul had remembered swimming in the warm, tropical waters of the bay.

Sylvie and I started our grid pattern searches with our metal detectors.

Beaches on the Big Island of Hawaii are so heavily searched by treasure hunters that neither of us hit any of the trash often found on other beaches around the world. We were well into our search pattern – at least 45 minutes – when I heard my name called and saw Paul and Sylvie “high-five’ing” nearby.

Sylvie had been carefully following her search pattern and talking to Paul as he snorkeled and bobbed around her. Suddenly she’d hit a “huge target” in her underwater headphones – then as suddenly, lost the signal. She was so deep in the water that she couldn’t hold the target under her detector and dig the target at the same time.

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Sylvie Madison of Big Island Metal Detecting gears up with her Garrett Sea Hunter metal detector to look in the water for a lost, men’s wedding ring. Big Island, Hawaii.

“Hold the detector here!” she told Paul, handing him her Garrett SeaHunter II, after she’d reacquired the signal. Sylvie dug and nothing. Then dug in the sandy bottom again.

In her scoop was Paul’s lost ring straining out of the sand. Barbara had been watching from beachside and rushed into the water when Sylvie pulled it from her scoop.

We all stood in the water admiring their newly found wedding ring, delighted together in Sylvie’s find. We laughed that Paul could start relaxing again on his honeymoon!

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A platinum wedding ring which was lost and found on the beaches of the Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii.

Not knowing where they’d lost it, it seemed it had been the luck of the Irish to reunite them – a small ring in such a large world! Barbara was quick to qualify the reason – she’d been praying to St. Anthony, her patron saint, since they’d discovered the ring had been missing.

God knows the reasons some rings are found or not – and in the end, Paul, Barbara and us at Big Island Metal Detecting are all thankful that we could be part of the discovery of their lost treasure. Especially so early on in their new marriage!

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Sylvie, Paul, Barbara and Brent give the Hawaiian “shaka” after their successful recovery of Paul’s lost wedding band. Big Island, Hawaii.

Lost Wedding Band found in River near Calgary/Cochrane by Metal Detecting

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Lost Wedding Band found in River near Calgary/Cochrane by Metal Detecting.  In  the Wiaparous area.The ring was found in the rapids.The water was very cold but ring was found. It was found on the guys birthday. What a great Birthday gift. He lost it while rafting down the river.


The happy husband




One happy guy


            14 k gold wedding band


Lost in the Waiparous /Cochrane area


Lost Gold Diamond Pedant in Calgary Alberta

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

I received a call a young lady. She said she had lost her gold diamond pendant. It was given to her from her boyfriend. She said she had lost it while she was riding her horse. She had been jumping her horse in the outdoor area plus the inside one.She said it could be anywhere even the barn. I told her I would start on the out door arena around all the jumps first and grid the whole area. It was a very hot day about 30 degrees.I started finding lots of stuff but it was a lot of nails which I picked up so the horses wouldn’t pick them up. I hunted for about 3 hours about to give up and I thought I would give it about another half hour. Just about the last couple of minutes bam I found it.So I went the the indoor arena where she was teaching young riders. She came over ans asked if I found it I showed her all the metal and nails.She looked sad and said thanks for trying.Then I showed her the gold diamond  pendant  she screamed your my hero I’m so happy thank you so so much. Well another successful hunt and a very happy girl. Kevin Niefer Ring Finders Calgary Alberta



Lost Gold Wedding Ring Redington Beach

Tom Jones, Daren Farfante and Tim Swenor

Darren Farfante came home from work to find that Tom Jones and Tim Swenor had already returned his gold wedding ring to his wife.

Darren went on while on his lunch break and contacted the Suncoast Research and Recovery Club president Tom Jones. Darren gave Tom specific reference points to where he had lost his ring. Tom then  organized a hunt and with two metal detectors working, found the ring and returned it to his wife before Darren got back to the beach resort after work.

Great Smile Darren.