recovered ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Missing Ring Recovered – Reposted from Facebook page.

  • from Chisago City (Minnesota, United States)
Prayers have been answered!
It’s been a very long and emotional week. A kind samaritan loaned me her metal detector and after hours of searching with no luck, I hit the internet for help. I was able to find a website called The Ring Finders. Feeling apprehensive, but desperate about it, I sent a text to a couple specialists in Minnesota. Within moments, Paul texted me back saying he was loading up and would be to Mille Lacs within 2 hours.
I got him familiarized with the area and on day one he spent 4 hours looking. No luck. He was such an incredible, positive human that he reassured me, “Don’t worry! It hasn’t gone anywhere! It’s here.”
Day 2 he came up again, we both searched for hours, coming up empty handed. He was still positive – “don’t worry, we will find it!”.
Day 3 my husband and I took our pontoon out to the exact spot we were at during Flotilla – about 45 feet from what the GPS coordinates said on my Navionics App and where we were looking (sorry fisherman, GPS lies!). Paul was kind enough to loan us a metal detector until he came back out, so we searched for another few hours. No luck, except for a couple cigar stickers from our group – we knew we were close! I text Paul that night to tell him our findings, explaining we were off by about 45 feet, but I could help get him out to our spot when he came up again.
Day 4, Paul texts me, “are you going to be around today?”, of course, I was ready to head out and look again for the ring. Being the positive person he is, he said “are you ready to hear what a ring sounds like”. Of course! Let’s find some gold! Moments later he texts a photo of my ring in his hand!!!!
The cheering squad on the beach is going wild (you know who you are❤️). I’m going crazy, sprinting through the shallows to hug this amazing person who has found my missing ring!
I cannot thank Paul from Ring Finders enough, he is a true angel on Earth!!! If you have anything missing in this lake PLEASE CALL HIM!!!!! His tenacity, dedication and positivity is commendable. TOP NOTCH!!!
To everyone that helped during Flotilla that afternoon THANK YOU. What a call to action and I am so grateful you took time to help. To everyone else that offered advise and suggestions on my previous post, thank you also.
God is good!

Lost Wedding Ring Recovered Minnesota Metal Detecting

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Lost wedding band recovered at a Fall Festival in Minnesota –


Lost ring recovered Minnesota ring find metal detecting

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

While driving around with her husband, Caitie decided to put some lotion on her hands. She removed her ring and applied the lotion, while trying to put the ring back on, it slipped and disappeared into the car. She searched everywhere and couldn’t find it. She started a google search for help finding her ring and came across “theringfinders” website. She contacted me and I told her this is a little different situation as we can’t use metal detectors in cars. I do however have special lights and mirrors I use to look into crevasses hidden to the eyes. We agreed on a date, time and location to meet, so I could give it a shot. I searched the passenger seat from the front and from the back and I wasn’t coming up with anything but coins. I went back to the front of the passengers seat and saw an old Covid mask bunched up and hidden under the carpet. As I removed the mask, I saw the beautiful glitter of gold – there it was!!!!

Glad I could help out Caitie, it was nice meeting you.

Take care ~


Lost Ring Recovered Scuba Diving Minnesota Gold Wedding

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Lebo and Brian went to their family cabin on a lake up north Minnesota for some rest and relaxation. Just an extra bit of info – They are also proud parents to a newborn baby, congrats!! :O)

In August the weather can get quite hot, I believe it was high 90’s the week they went up. Lebo decided to cool off and go for a swim off their dock. Before jumping in, she took off her wedding ring and put it in her towel for safe keeping. After her swim she got back on the dock, picked up her towel and started to dry off, just realizing her ring fell between the slats of wood into the lake. Don’t feel too bad Lebo as this happens more than you can imagine. Brian searched the web and found “” and called me. We set up a day & time and I met them as soon as I possibly could. We performed a test with a junk ring I brought up to see how far the ring would go while picking up the towel. It dropped just a couple feet and rolled into the water. I put on my scuba gear and hopped in – It only took a couple minutes, and I recovered both rings right next to each other.

It was really nice meeting both of you! Tell Lebo’s Dad I said it was nice to meet him also….Congrats on getting your wedding ring back, truly glad I could help out.

Take Care –




Quick Ring Recovery on Pass-A-Grille Beach, Florida

Quick Ring Recovery On Pass-A-Grille Beach, Florida

Maria was at Pass-A-Grille Beach with family enjoying a hot July day when she suddenly felt her ring slip off her finger! Thinking quickly, Maria asked her cousin to stand where she thought she dropped the ring as the others tried to find it. Having no luck, Maria searched “lost ring help” and located SRARC on the Internet.  Maria asked the cousin to stay in the water while she contacted team member, Stan Flack.  Stan passed Maria’s phone number on to Joe Szemer.  After speaking to Maria, Joe geared up and was at the beach within 30 minutes. Searching near the patient cousin, Joe decided to slightly expand the area and found the ring in just a few minutes. Everyone was elated with hugs and high fives all the way around! Nicely done, Joe!

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard.  If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Custom wedding band recoved from Dever area school grounds

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

On December 29, 2013 Ryan Law was out playing with his dogs at a school football field that was near his house. During this play session his beloved custom made white gold wedding band had gone missing. The ring is a tad large and had become even looser by the cool temperatures that afternoon. Ryan spent the rest of the afternoon searching for his ring with no success. He called me that evening and we arranged for me to come and search for his ring on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve.

I arrived for my search and Ryan and I went over the events of the rings loss and he showed me the areas that he and his dogs were in that day. I began my grid search of the area closed to the gate that we came through to get into the sports field. For being the last day of the year of the year the weather was unusually warm but after just over 2 hours of searching I had not recovered Ryan’s ring. Ryan needed to go to work so I told him I would be back the following day to continue the search.

New Year’s Day morning we were receiving a rain/snow mix so my search had to wait till afternoon. I drove to the school grounds and started my search of the area that had yet to be searched. After an hour and a half or so the ring was recovered by eyeballing it on the cinder running track that surrounded the football field. I called Ryan to let him know I had the ring but he was out of town. Just as I got to my car to put my gear away the snow started to come down, good timing.

Ryan ended up coming to my house that evening to claim his ring. He and his wife were quite happy to get his ring back.


Ring recovered 1-1-2014

Ryan Law - Custom white gold ring Ryan Law - happy to get his ring back

Lost Gold Diamond Pedant in Calgary Alberta

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

I received a call a young lady. She said she had lost her gold diamond pendant. It was given to her from her boyfriend. She said she had lost it while she was riding her horse. She had been jumping her horse in the outdoor area plus the inside one.She said it could be anywhere even the barn. I told her I would start on the out door arena around all the jumps first and grid the whole area. It was a very hot day about 30 degrees.I started finding lots of stuff but it was a lot of nails which I picked up so the horses wouldn’t pick them up. I hunted for about 3 hours about to give up and I thought I would give it about another half hour. Just about the last couple of minutes bam I found it.So I went the the indoor arena where she was teaching young riders. She came over ans asked if I found it I showed her all the metal and nails.She looked sad and said thanks for trying.Then I showed her the gold diamond  pendant  she screamed your my hero I’m so happy thank you so so much. Well another successful hunt and a very happy girl. Kevin Niefer Ring Finders Calgary Alberta