Lost Apple Watches found in Lake Geneva
Treasure Hunters
Anyone can be a treasure hunter. Treasure hunting does not require owning a metal detector. It starts with simply getting outside and looking around. Surface finds, items literally laying on the surface that anyone could see, are everywhere. I found $30 walking into a Cracker Barrel restaurant, a $100 bill in a Walmart aisle, coins in parking lots, sunglasses, toys, and jewelry left on the beach. And if you have some moderate swimming ability, and some goggles and snorkel, you too can find treasure patiently waiting on the bottom of every beach in your county.
In June 2022 while snorkeling/detecting around Lake Geneva’s swim piers, I found two Apple watches sunk to the bottom. I could see them from the surface as the water is calm and clear most mornings. Both worked, although I did have to charge
one up at my neighbor’s house before I could retrieve contact information. I don’t own an Apple watch. Claudia’s text read, “No way!! Thank you SO much for texting me! Best text I have ever gotten. Ha ha. You are the best for actually letting me know! I am so thankful!! Thank you!”
Claudia’s watch was underwater for a week. Kyelar’s was a more recent drop. It’s exciting to find a lost and valuable item, but the real high is seeing the smiles and appreciation when it is returned.