I got a call around 7:30p last night from a woman who asked for my help in recovering a piece of jewelry. A high school football player had lost a necklace on the field during practice and despite friends and family members searching (including one with a metal detector), they had been unable to find the necklace. I grabbed my detector and headed over to the school to help search. After an hour and a half, I had only covered about half of the football field, but called it a night and returned this morning to continue. After about 45 min of continuing my search in the field, I located the necklace. It was 10 or 12 feet outside the playing field, but was nestled down in the grass and almost impossible to see from above. Up to this point, it’s a fairly normal search and recover story. It turns out that the young man who lost the necklace had a twin brother who tragically passed away 2 1/2 years ago. The necklace had the initials of the brother who had passed and angel wings as part of the design – a beautiful tribute. As you might imagine, the necklace holds tremendous sentimental value for the family.
As I recovered the necklace just before the start of the school day, the Head of School called the young man and asked him to come by when he arrived at school. (Not the kind of request a student ever wants to get from the principal!) When he arrived, the Head of School and I met him in the parking lot and I was able to return the necklace. It was an emotional moment and I was glad to be a small part of it.
I’m always happy to reunite folks with the items they’ve lost, but some recoveries really stand out…like this one.