lost gold ring Tag | Page 32 of 42 | The Ring Finders

Ring Found and Returned in Riverside,RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

Mary and Gene were enjoying a campfire in their backyard until she lost her engagement ring and wedding band.  Frantic to locate the rings, Gene searched for hours on his hands and knees.  He was able to locate the engagement ring, but the wedding band couldn’t be found.  Gene even purchased a metal detector but returned it because he was inexperienced with its operation.  Mary searched the internet for help and located the Ring Finders website.  Gene contacted me and asked if I could search their backyard.  In less than a half hour, I located the wedding band in the grass.  It was a pleasure to help this nice young couple!



Found lost Wedding Ring East Spokane

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)


The weeds were at it again. This time a hard working gardener was trying to be wise while tending to her garden beds and took off her rings. After placing them in her pants pocket the inevitable had begun. She remembered taking  her fit bit out of her pocket but not the rings. So the next morning when she saw that her rings were not on, she looked in her pants but only found her engagement ring. Two days of searching went by with no sign of the ring. She even rented a metal detector and tried looking for the ring, with no instructions  from the rental company.  Then on Google with a few key phrases Diane found me through my Craigslist post. I showed up that Sunday afternoon with a confidence that her back yard was hiding something from her. I swung over the area where she took out her fit bit without finding the ring, so I decided to grid the whole back yard. It took two grid lines to get me near the ring. Then my V3i detector screamed at me. I looked down in the grass as I pinpointed and saw the golden rim of her ring. It is so much fun to be out there trying to find lost items. This was the first ring find of the summer for me and I’m glad Diane has her 32 year old wedding ring back on her hand.

the reaction

the reaction



Clemson class ring returned in Denver, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Tim Hadsell was visiting his sister in the Denver area from his home in Virginia when he lost his beloved Clemson class ring. It happen during a bit of a snow ball fight after a 20+ inch snow fall. A search for Tim’s ring followed but partially due to the time of day, 10:30PM, the ring was not found. They then found my information on TheRingFinders and contacted me the next day. Due to commitments that evening I could only search the following morning and maybe a few minutes that evening.

That following morning I arrived at the search site around 7:30 and searched for 2 hours. But with 16-20 inches of snow the search was unproductive. After work I returned for a few minutes of searching that evening. I expanded my search area and still nothing. Upon returning to the main search area with a good reduction of snow during the day I heard a faint signal from my CTX. I pulled away 12+ inches of snow and  rechecked the signal which had moved. I chased the signal around a bit and suddenly Tim’s ring revealed itself.

Tim got to return home with his ring just a couple of days later.


Ring recovered 3-25-2016

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Ring lost at Mission Bay found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

After returning from a trip out of state, I received a call the next morning from a distraught Mary who had lost both her wedding and engagement rings at either Mission Bay or Mission Beach. She had removed her rings and put them in a pocket for safe keeping while at the beach with her family. After several hours and a couple of different locations, she discovered they were missing from her pocket. They searched and even rented a metal detector, but, failed to find them. They talked with a kind woman that lived close by to where they were staying, who went online for help. TheRingFinders.com was recommended and they called me. I met Mary’s husband Conor at the beach by where they had rented a house for the week. They were on holiday from Ireland with their children and were supposed to leave that day, but, extended their stay hoping to find the rings before they had to leave. Conor took Mary and the kids to Sea World and then came to show me the search locations. They spent most of their time on the bay side beach, but, also had a short trek over to the ocean beach where Mary had to scale a sea wall…..another likely spot for those rings to jump out of a pocket. I started my search where they were sitting on the bay side beach while Conor went to the store and ATM. He hadn’t been gone for 2 minutes when I got a couple of great gold sounds a few inches apart right about where they had placed their beach chairs. Sure enough, the first target was the wedding band with the engagement ring a second later. It could have been a long afternoon as the search area just on this side was about the size of half a football field, and after two days had passed, it could have already been found by someone else. We got lucky this day.

When Conor returned, he saw me still detecting and figured I still hadn’t found them. I was actually just killing time until he returned. I pulled out the rings and asked if they looked familiar? He was initially dumbfounded and speechless, but, finally found his voice and thanked me profusely. The neighbor lady (sorry I didn’t get her name) saw us from her balcony and asked if we had any luck. Conor held the rings up and everyone cheered. Mary then called to check on the progress. Conor was going keep it a secret and surprise her by presenting her with the rings and a reproposal on bended knee at Sea World, but, then thought the better of it and told her they had been found. I could tell by her response that she was also overcome with emotion and had trouble getting the words out.  A pleasure to meet you Conor and with talking to Mary. Hope you both have had a great stay in San Diego and a now more pleasant trip back home. Thank you very much for the reward. If helps keep this service going.

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Lost ring at Mission Bay found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

My wife and I were packing our car for a short trip out of state, when I received a call for help finding a class ring at Mission Bay. Sahba was playing a game with her husband and a group of friends two days previous, when her ring came off and disappeared into the sand at De Anza Cove beach.  They all searched on their hands and knees and even using a sifter, but, without success. We met them on our way out of town and hoped for an easy return. It wasn’t all that easy, even though they knew the exact area and it wasn’t all that big. LOTS of iron and other junk made it a slow process. After gridding and cross-gridding, it finally came to light. A pleasure to meet you two and thank you for the reward.

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Ring lost in Bonita found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

John called me hoping that I could find his lost wedding ring. He was heading out to Brazil to met his wife in a couple of days and didn’t want to have to explain why he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring. He had been playing with his son at a local park and while reaching up high to catch a soccer ball kicked by his son, the ball smacked his hand and popped the ring off and into the grass. He searched for some time without success before he gave me a call. We met at the park and he showed me the search area and demonstrated what happened. I started a grid and expanded the area as the ring was being elusive. I then changed my search direction 90 degrees and after a few passes, I got the sound I was looking for. I looked down and it was in plain site! Hard to believe we both missed it visually, but, the grass it was in was a bit brown which camouflaged a yellow gold ring to the casual naked eye. John can now make his trip without worry. Great meeting you John and thank you for the reward.

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Gold diamond ring found

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Mid last week a lady called me to search for her gold diamond ring that was of great sentimental value. She had lost while shredding lots of documents. Seven bin bags to be precise.

She said it may not even be in that lot as there was a possibility it could have been lost while removing her glove so it could be anywhere?

I agreed to the search which we carried out indoors as the weather was nasty outside. Being fully aware of the problems of indoor detecting, I detuned my AKA Sorex Pro with 6×10″ 14 kHz coil and found the cleanest spot in her sitting room, I had a few iron signals but no non ferrous.

I carried out a quick test with a pound coin to gauge sensitivity through shredded paper and staples etc. Then I carried out the search, there was shredded paper all over the place as it was necessary to empty at least half of the bag so it would flatten out enough. Bag after bag was searched with no joy, but then she said “I have another two bags in my car”. Beginning to loose hope at this stage but carried on to the last bag. then “PING” a great big solid signal that was either a coin or a ring. There was the ring that could have easily been recycled.

Another very happy lady.

Lost Wedding Band in Lafayette Louisiana – Found

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

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We received a call from Kevin on January 3, 2016, Sunday evening. He had lost his wedding ring while taking Christmas lights down. The ring was very large and has 5 diamonds in it. Kevin was upset about the loss, but even more so because the diamonds were from him Mom. Kevin lives only about 6 miles away, but it was late so we made plans for Monday morning. Sid and Kevin both had to work, but Carrie met up with Kevin’s wife Kathryn to start the hunt. Kathryn showed me where the lights had been and the area where Kevin had rolled up and boxed the lights. Kevin had also blown the leaves in the yard and around the sidewalk and driveway area. The search area may need to be expanded. Our son James was off work so he said he would help. James has never used a metal detector before. After talking with Kathryn, I set James up with Sid’s detector and pin pointer to work around the driveway area. I went hunt in the front yard. I was checking the flower bed around where the lights had been in the bushes, but decided to check the yard area where he rolled up the lights first. Then would come back to the flower beds. Well, I turned around, took about one step and there I heard it, the sound of gold! I looked down and there it was laying on top of the grass, in plain sight. Only took a couple of minutes to end the search. I knocked on the door, and needless to say Kathryn was shocked that it was found so quickly!

Thanks to Kathryn and Kevin for the nice reward.

PS: James found his first pull tab!

Lost Gold Ring Near Strathcona Farmers Market Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


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Michael  called me this morning to see if I would be available to help him find his lost gold ring. It belonged to his father and was of huge sentimental value to him. I told him I would be there in forty five minutes.

Michael had been checking his parking meter to see how much time he had left, lost his balance, and felt the ring fly off his finger but had no idea in which direction it had gone.  He thought it ended up on the Church property and had spent a couple of hours with his friends looking for it with no luck.  He had even had the Edmonton Police with a hand held detector looking for him.

I did a quick search of the area but did not find the ring so I decided to check the street.  With all the traffic, I had to dodge cars, and I felt my chances were slim that I would find it.  I did detect a tone, which  turned out to be a pop can.  I swung my coil again and only inches away from the pop can I heard the same tone again. Packed in about 2 inches of snow was the ring in perfect condition.  Considering that he had lost the ring 3 days prior, and all the traffic on that street, he was very, very fortunate.

Another Happy Client! Thank you Michael for your generous reward.

Lost Wedding Ring .. Santa Monica Beach, CA. .. Found In Sand Near Swings

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











Sunday 10:00 am first call from Jeff

“I think my ring came off while playing with my kid on the swings at Santa Monica Beach.”

Jeff called me late Sunday morning about 10:00am. He had been at Santa Monica Beach Saturday afternoon with his family. After returning home he discovered his rose gold wedding band was missing. He believed it may have come off while pushing his son on the swings in a public recreation area on the sand, located just a couple blocks south of the Santa Monica pier.

This part of the beach is a high use recreation zone. It gets bombed by metal detectors especially on weekends. I told Jeff that I would give it a try. Jeff couldn’t meet me but I knew exactly what swings he was talking about. I have the advantage over other detectorists. I know there is a ring lost near the swings.
It was about noon when I started my search. I had to time my search when people were not using the swings. It started out good, finding coins and one junk ring which is a sign that other detectorists have not worked these swings. After a few minutes I got the gold ring sound and VID reading that was alluding me. Digging the target with my sand scoop I could see Jeff’s rose gold wedding band in the scoop.
Sent a text photo to Jeff’s smart phone. He was able to meet me on the beach within 20 minutes. Thanking me for saving his marriage. I get that comment a lot. This was another learning opportunity for me. I will try anywhere, it doesn’t matter how many people may have detected the place. They can’t get everything.

Found and returned Sunday 11-31-15       Using a Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector