how to find a ring with a metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders

Metal Detecting Service – Lost Wedding Ring – Found – Indiana, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery and metal detecting specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…I am also pleased to announce I am beginning to search for lost rings in vehicles!!

Who says there is never a ring finder around when you need one??? LOL. I was driving home and I live close to a golf course so as I was passing by I saw a friend’s car and pulled in to say hello. It looked like he and a few other people were looking for something…low and behold – a lost ring. He started laughing and said your ears must have been burning. I got out chatted for a few but I did not have my equipment and the person who lost the ring was not there. I told my buddy – I will be back to find it in the morning.

So the next morning I went back and met with Dean. He was taking his jacket off and his ring got caught in the sleeve and flew off. He was in a parking spot right next to the driving range and the ring was somewhere in the grass. I immediately got to work. After about 45 minutes I located the ring. I dont always have the opportunity to do it but I measured…the ring flew 18 feet away from where he was when he lost it.

Dean was very happy to have his ring back and I was glad to have been able to help!

Quick Ring Return in Rockford IL

  • from Rockford (Illinois, United States)


I received a call from Santiago around 3:30 p.m. as I was getting off of work.  He told me that he had just lost his wedding ring in his backyard while raking. He told me that he felt it come off and just couldn’t locate it.  I arrived at his house around 5:30. He took me into his backyard and showed me the area where he felt the ring slip off of his finger.  He had recently removed a swimming pool and the area was all sand. First hit was a rusty bolt, the second signal was a solid 13 on the Equinox.  I pushed the pinpointer into the soft sand and exposed the edge of his ring! Probably less than 2 minutes!

Another smile for the book!!


Cartier Love Bracelet Lost in Grass at a Newport Coast Park, Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)























I received a call from Sosan asking for help to find a piece of jewelry lost in grass at a private park in Newport Coast, Newport Beach, CA. The call came an hour before sunset and they had been searching for hours. I was only 5 miles from the location, so we made arrangements to get me through the security gate and I was there soon after the original call.

I met Sosan’s husband who was able to tell me some of the details of the lost Cartier Love bracelet. It had been a large party at the park with a awesome venue. She had been in a specific area when she felt her two piece bracelet was loose. A few minutes later the bracelet had fallen off her wrist. The first half was easily found visually, soon after. The other half was another story. It was hiding in the deep grass and should have been close to the other piece. It was also amazing that such a large piece of jewelry could be completely hidden out of site in the deep grass.

I was also sure the large 18k (17 grams ) gold half of the Cartier Love Bracelet would be easy to find with my Metal Detector. You just never know, It did show up over 30 feet from where the other half was found. It was getting a bit testy when I had to expand my search area. Persistence paid off and we had a special celebration as the sunset. It was my pleasure to meet Sosan and her husband to help them find the sentimental piece of jewelry.

If you need help finding a lost metallic item or text  Stan 949-500-2136 .. I will try anywhere.

Men’s Family Heirloom Wedding Band…FOUND with Metal Detector in Mount Olive, Alabama!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

Just before lunchtime on Saturday (March 19th, 2022), I received a call from Daniel stating that he had lost his white gold wedding band two days prior while laying hay and seed in his front and back yard.  He normally wears a silicone wedding band, but he let his daughter play with it and it came up missing.  The ring that was lost while doing the yardwork was actually passed down from his great grandfather and had been in the family for more than 80 years!  Daniel was disappointed about losing the wedding band and really wanted it back, so that it could continue on in his family.  Daniel had tried looking with an older Garrett metal detector, but realized that it couldn’t detect white gold when he scanned his wife’s wedding ring.

When I received Daniel’s call, I was about to have a quick bite to eat and go metal detecting with a friend.  I’m always happy to help someone look for a lost item and prefer that over a hobby hunt any day!  I made a quick change of plans.  I ate, grabbed some extra gear I might need for the search, and was on my way to Mount Olive, Alabama!

I met Daniel and he showed me the area in the front yard where he was laying the hay and seed.  I started searching the hay area with my Minelab Equinox 800.  The first two targets I checked ended up being trash or too deep.  The next signal I had was lower on the ID scale, but came in shallow and had a solid target tone.  I bent down to check it, scraped away some of the hay, and spotted a ring!  Daniel hadn’t noticed, because he was nervously pacing.  I said, “hey Daniel, I think we got it!”  He came over and said, “that’s it!”  Pure happiness, relief, and the moment every Ring Finder loves!

Daniel called his mom, Paula, to tell her the good news.  She arrived shortly after and gave me a big hug and thank you!  Paula told me that she knew about The Ring Finders, because she had actually witnessed Ring Finder, Allen Zenker, recover a ring from the ocean in Sanibel Island, Florida.  So, when Daniel called her and said that he had lost his ring, she knew exactly where to turn!

I praise God for another successful ring recovery!  I’m so happy that this heirloom wedding band gets to remain in the family and continue on its story.  Proud to be a member of The Ring Finders, and looking forward to the next adventure…

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.

Women’s Lost Gold Ring…FOUND by Ring Finder in Muscle Shoals, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Tuesday (February, 22nd, 2022), I received a text message from Amy stating that she had lost a very important family ring on her farm in Muscle Shoals, AL.  Amy had been filling a tractor with diesel fuel.  She got some of the fuel on her hand and it caused her ring to slide around.  She took her ring off and put it in her pocket.  Amy then used the tractor to move some dirt and debris around from point A to point B and C.  After she finished the yard work, her ring was no longer in her pocket.

Amy mentioned that she had actually lost her ring around the beginning of December.  She thoroughly searched the area she was working and even bought a metal detector, but was unable to find her ring.  After a couple of months had passed, Amy thought that she might never see her ring again, but she then she came across The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service!  Amy was reading a book that told a story of how a ring was lost during a wedding ceremony.  Someone mentioned that they should call a “Ring Finder”.  This prompted Amy to go on Google and was soon led to The Ring Finders website and discovered that I was listed nearby.  We scheduled a search for Sunday, February 27th, when we were both off from our regular day jobs.

I met Amy at her farm in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, early on Sunday morning.  Amy proceeded to show me where she was working and exactly what she was doing at each location.  I told Amy that she could go inside and warm up while I conducted my grid search of the area.  It had been raining almost nonstop for the past week.  Thankfully, the rain held up long enough for me to conduct a search.

I started my grid search with my Minelab Equinox 800 in front of the shed where Amy had been refueling her tractor.  Just a few minutes in and I received a solid tone in the women’s gold range.  As I moved my coil to the side, my eyes locked onto the gleam of a ring just barely sticking out from the grass.  What a beautiful sight!  I didn’t move the ring, because I wanted to show Amy just how easily rings hide.  Our eyes play tricks on us and it’s almost impossible to find a ring with just eyesight alone.  I snapped a few pictures and went to knock on the door and tell Amy the good news.

Amy couldn’t believe how fast I found the ring!  I took her to the spot and gave her the honor of picking up her gorgeous 10k gold ring from where it’s been hiding these past few months.  Amy was so happy and thankful that she had her ring back!  She gave me a big hug and I could feel the stress melt away.  These returns are really one of the best feelings in the world and one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done!  I thank God for another successful ring recovery!

After the search, Amy and I were chatting for a while.  She told me that she enjoyed reading my blog posts about my prior recoveries.  Amy then said that she really hoped that her story would turn out the same way…a happy ending.  Well, it sure did!

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.

Lost Engagement ring found in Roscommon, Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

This adventure started with a text from fellow ring finder Chuck Raison. He asked if I could go to Roscommon to look for a ring. He had commitments the next two days and Karyn would like some sooner. That turned out to be a good idea on Karyn’s part.

I met Karyn at 6:00 pm at a cross country ski shop and got the details. She had lunch outside on Friday with a friend then they went skiing. She did not realize the ring was missing till after she woke up Saturday morning. She had searched her house and car and could not locate the ring. That’s when her thoughts took her back to Friday and spending time outside in the cold. Her Fiancee did an internet search and came up with The Ring Finders and here we are on Monday night.

I started the search in the parking lot in the area her car was parked. I search the intimidate area where the car was and the area where they plow the snow. I searched the snow piles and had no luck. Then the search moved to the front of the building and the sides of the road. The trails are across the road from the business. No luck in those areas also. Then we moved the the deck where she had lunch outside. I searched the outside areas where they shovel the snow off the deck and had no luck. Then, I moved up on the deck and the area was shoveled clean and I thought there is no chance the ring is up here somebody would have picked it up. I walked around the deck area and once I rounded a black plastic spool they were using as a table, I spotted a round shining ring on the ground. I called Karyn over and said is that your ring? She picked up the ring and we were both in disbelief on how the ring sat in plain view since Friday and nobody picked it up.

Lost diamond ring in surf, Ormond Beach, Florida….found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Geoff emailed me after searching the web for someone to help find his daughters lost engagement ring in the churning ocean! She had just gotten the ring a few months before and the poor young lady had been crying for the last three days. So many times it happens….folks receive or purchase a nice piece of jewelry and then in a moment….it is gone! In this case they were enjoying the beach, the water and the waves and as they were wading out into the surf all it took was one split second for an unexpected wave to hit them while their backs were turned and BAM!! We all have been hit by these waves and many have lost sunglasses, chains, goggles, hats, ear rings, and in this case…a very beautiful and meaningful diamond engagement ring.

Geoff, the young lady’s father, was also heart broken for his daughters loss and wanted to do all in his power to help find her ring. And as impossible as it may seem, he began to have a glimmer of hope as we emailed back and forth. I asked my usual stream of questions and we decided to meet the next day on the beach two hours before low tide. (I am also very optimistic when someone looses something during high tide because that usually puts the item further up on the beach-instead of way out past the first sandbar where it can be quite rough and much more difficult to conduct a thorough search!).

I met Geoff and his dear wife the next day and we walked out onto the beach where his daughter, four days earlier, had lost her ring. I tried to stress how important it was to try and remember exactly where she was when she lost her ring…and thankfully Geoff answered by pointing to a large hotel and indicated where they had parked their vehicle. Then he went on to show me where they had been in the water and I was very thankful that the area was relatively small. I set out my favorite pink flags, marking an area on the wet sand, to help keep me going in straight lines in and out of the water and then I began to swing my water proof metal detector slowly back and forth. It was a beautiful day and normally these types of searches can take a few hours but within minutes I began to dig signals in the sand. First a coin, then a rusty nail and 20 minutes later up pops a very stunning diamond ring. All I could see at first was a rather large diamond sticking out of the sand and I wondered if I had actually found someone else’s ring. I picked it up and was amazed at how beautiful it was. I motioned for Geoff to come see what I had just found and then I asked them to describe his daughter’s ring. They both quickly blurted out a perfect description and as I opened my hand to reveal the ring, Geoff let out a string of expletives and was visibly stunned in unbelief. He quickly apologized for his language but continued to walk in circles saying how he could not believe I actually found the ring.

It was an honor to help Geoff and his family and I am available to help you!

Lost something? Call, text or email me ASAP!

Mike McInroe….dedicated member of

Lost engagement ring, Casselberry, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Michael, a newlywed of two months, emailed me asking about theringfinders service and if I would be available anytime soon to help look for his wife’s lost diamond engagement ring! I assured Michael that if he was confident about the area where she lost it then there would be a very good chance of finding it. Often people think they’ve lost something in more than one location and that usually means allot more work trying to locate the missing item. And thankfully in this case there were only two locations that they felt very confident about.

Gaby, Michael’s dear wife, had put her ring in her pants pocket along with her ear bud cord and she remembered pulling the cord from her pocket a couple of times while they were out taking some photos around a small pond in their neighborhood. And as with many ponds and water ways here in Florida come the usual wildlife that make themselves at home. And in this case there are allot of ducks…and Gaby was sure one of them had picked it up and possibly ate it!

I met Michael and Gaby the next morning bright and early and followed them to the first location where Gaby had posed for some photos. And after a 20 minute search of all the possible areas that she had walked the previous day…NO RING! So we walked along the sidewalk to the other side of the lake where more photos were taken. They again explained where Michael stood with the camera and the two places where Gaby had posed. So I set out a few marker flags and again got to work grid searching the final area. All along while searching I would get various sounding signals and when looking for a lost ladies wedding ring it is best to double check all the small foil like signals to be sure it is not the ring. Plus when looking for a recent drop it is almost sure to be just down in the grass and not buried in the dirt. And sure enough just as I was finishing up the final corner of the search area I got a loud signal reading of “44” on my Garrett ATMax metal detector and showing it was down two inches. I checked the target with my Garrett pin pointer and there hiding under the grass was Gaby’s lost engagement ring! So I laid the pin pointer on the ground with the ring laying just off the end and motioned to Michael and Gaby to come over and look at what I had just found. As she picked up her precious ring I said a heart felt thank you to God for allowing me to find her lost treasure.

Maybe you’ve lost something recently and would like some help. Call, text or email me ASAP and I will do my very best to help you recover your lost item.

Mike McInroe…ready to serve you in your time of need and proud to be a member of

Lost & Found Rings Vancouver, BC.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your ring? Call Chris Turner metal detecting specialist in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. 778-838-3463  I’ll find what you thought was lost forever. Call ASAP! A trusted service since 1995.

I woke up to an email today from a young lady who said she lost her grandmother’s ring that was gifted to her from her mother. I saw the email came in around 11:30 PM last night, I emailed her back at 6 AM asking if she could call me as soon as she got up. I know it’s very important to act quickly due to the fact it was lost as a local park.

I received a call from the young lady at 8:07 AM and we arrange to meet at the park after she did a search herself for the ring. Twenty minutes later she phoned me back to ask for my help, Beverley and I loaded the car with our detectors and headed out to the park in Vancouver about 40 minutes away. When we got there we met Chloe and she showed us the areas she believe the ring may have come off her finger, even though she found it to be quite odd as the ring fit tightly. We asked Chloe to take the cones and put out a grid for us to search in.

Beverley and I started at the far end of our grid and work towards each other, within a couple of minutes I got a nice loud signal so I bent down with my pin pointer and saw her gorgeous ring. Because of the coronavirus I have to figure out a way to surprise people on my video now because we are not allowed to get close to someone, it’s hard to get the true reactions of the find. I will work on this and make it better as time goes on, so thanks for your patience.










Chloe Beverley and myself were very happy to see the ring back where it belongs, her grandmother doesn’t even have to know that her granddaughter lost it. The best part of what we do is seeing the smiles it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old everyone’s ring has a beautiful story attached to it and we are so happy to be able to continue that story for Chloe.

” Challenge” Sharing is Caring, please tell your friends to tell their friends on social media about with your help, imagine the Smiles we can find.


Watch video of the search…



Lost Tiffany Rings in the Sand at San Clemente, CA. Beach.. Found and Returned by Member of TheRingFinders

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)














Stan the Metal Detector Man  .. Call Now .. 949-500-2136

**** Aly and Matthew were on the beach near the pier in San Clemente, CA. to watch the sunset. Aly lost Tifanny interlocking circle ring while waving her hands to chase seagulls that attack their snacks. They spent quite awhile searching the dry sand and it was beginning to get dark.

Mat found my contact information while searching the internet for help. I met the couple on the beach with my metal detector and a very high powered search light. We had two positives going for us. Aly had felt the rings come off her finger and marked the location with a stick. Secondly they were able to stay at the location of the loss till I arrived.

There was a 10 ft. slope on the dry sand where they had placed the marker. Even though I don’t depend on VDI numbers, I knew any high number or high tone could be Aly’s silver Tiffany double rings. Within the first couple minutes I got a high tone which I mistakenly told them, here’s your ring. Wrong! It was only a dime. Then, closer to the marker I got a another high tone which just turned out to be a quarter.

The search area had been grid searched in one direction, so I started a cross grid in the other direction, expanding it another 20 feet. I wasn’t quite sure of the size of the ring. A small silver ring on edge could have been missed, but in this situation that wasn’t the case. I found the ring 15 feet further away from where she was standing when the ring set came off her finger. It must have come off at the end of her arm movement.

Aly was very happy to have this special ring back, as it was a gift from her grandmother several years ago. Mat was also the hero for finding a RingFinder using his smartphone.