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Wedding Ring – Goes Airborne in The Heights – Houston, Texas by John Volek

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring – Goes Airborne in The Heights – Houston, Texas by John Volek
Wedding Ring Accidentally tossed into the ruff while doing a little after dinner house cleaning…

I was contacted by Randy from the Height i n Houston regarding his wives lost wedding ring…Randy reported following an evening meal with his wife, he had rolled up the table cloth full of crumbs, and later took it outside to shake off the crumbs. Randy said, he was unaware that his wife had taken off her ring and had set it down on the table during that meal.

Randy said he and wife back tracked there steps and realized that the ring must have been carried outside in the table cloth and shaken out with food crumbs. Randy said, he began an intensive search in the ground cover of the rear patio of his home. Randy reported, he had shaken out the table cloth quite vigorously and believed the ring flew into the ground cover.

Randy set out by grid searching the area, but soon realized the task was daunting…the ground cover was thick and deep.

Randy reported, he did a little internet search and came across my name while searching “lost ring Houston”

Arrangements were made to meet with Randy the following day…you can see from Randy’s Smile it was a good day!



























The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

“Don’t Wait-Call Now!”

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!



Finding Lost Texas A&M Class Rings in College Station, Texas by John Volek

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Finding Lost Texas A&M Class Rings in College Station, Texas
Texas A&M Class Ring Lost in Creek during classroom exercise in College Station,Texas (found) by John Volek

I was contacted by Ryan from College Station, Texas regarding his lost Texas A&M Class ring…Ryan stated while out on a fishery conservation class he had the misfortune of loosing his class ring. Ryan said, he and classmates were capturing some fish in the creek as part of the classroom assignment, and during that process he lost in ring somewhere in the creek.

Ryan indicate he believed the water depths of the creek ranged from a few feet to possibly eight foot deep in the center of the creek. I made arrangements with Ryan to meet him the following week to search for his lost ring.

Knowing the depths and terrain, I felt pretty confident the ring could be recovered with the right personnel, gear and equipment…I contacted my dive partner Carl…we looked over the details of the recovery and set out the following week to recovery Ryan’s ring.

Once on site, Carl drew the short straw and had to gear up for the underwater side of this search…I would be taking the shallower waters around the deeper portion of the creek.

Once Carl was set-up and underway, I began searching the edges of the creek…I pulled up a few possible signals (fishing lures, and a few bottle caps) before hitting a very distinct signal in about 4 1/2 foot of water…I pulled up a scoop full of rocks and other debris, along with a nice Gold Texas A&M Class ring.

I feel pretty confident Ryan and his father were shocked on how fast we were able to recover the ring!

Check out the video to see the search conditions, no clear blue water here!





























The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

“Don’t Wait-Call Now!”

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!



Busted Water Well Pipe “versus” Lost Titanium Wedding Ring…found by John Volek

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Busted Water Well Pipe “versus” Titanium Wedding Ring…
Titanium Wedding Ring lost in a mud pit while repairing a busted water well pipe in Katy, Texas…(found) by John Volek

I was contacted by Brooks regarding his lost titanium wedding ring…Brooks reported he had been repairing a busted water well pipe at his home when he realized he had lost his ring. Brooks stated he was sure he lost his ring while digging around in the wet muddy ground where he had repaired the broken pipe. Brooks said he spent a few hours sifting the muddy ground in an attempt to find his lost ring…but had no luck.

Brooks said a quick search on the internet on how to find a lost ring, and he came across “The Ring Finders” and made the call!

Brooks lost ring was found just in time for Christmas!

Check out the video of the recovery of Brooks’ Titanium Wedding Ring.

























The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

“Don’t Wait-Call Now!”

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!



Wedding Set, Snow recovery at the Jersey Shore found by Dennis Burlingame

Got a call from Andrew asking if I could help find his wife’s Kelly wedding set she lost in the snow while playing with her child. Told him I could be there the next morning. When I got the I was greeted by Kelly and she showed me the area she felt the rings come off when she brushed the snow off. There were multiple targets in the ground so I had to check them all but after a bit I came across the first ring and knew the second one wasn’t to far away. A few more swings of the detector and out comes the second ring. I’m glad I could reunite Kelly with her rings and just seeing that big smile that comes when I find it is all worth it. Another Happy recovery……

The Ring Finders New Jersey
The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook

Frigid weather in North Texas means lost Rings!

  • from Fort Worth (Texas, United States)

When the weather is frigid, fingers contract, and that means people loose more rings than in warmer weather. So if you want your lost ring to find you, give us call!

Lost White Gold Ring with Diamonds Found In The Snow In Allen Park Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

A Joyful New Years Day……

…..was had for the pictured couple who’s ring I found for them in the snow today. He presented the new ring to her for Christmas to celebrate their first year of marriage. She was taking the holiday trash out last night and the ring came off. Being nighttime, they weren’t sure where it was even tho the area where she was wasn’t very large. They had checked the can and bags prior to my arrival to no avail. They tore up the house searching everywhere. He went today and bought a toy type detector which only caused more frustration. When I got on site I noticed he raked and salted the area where they thought it was. The area was composed of gravel for the driveway, spruce needles, cones and the aforementioned salt, snow, ice. The scent of the spruce trees and the cones on the snow was peaceful to me, reminding me of being out in the woods hunting for relics. Firing up the MXT I gridded the area and got mixed metal signals, nothing close to where this ring material type usually shows up. There was also a car that could not be moved and a aluminum sided post for the porch overhang.
Reducing the sensitivity as much as possible to get close to the large metal objects helped but I still got an overload signal. Scanning slowly towards the post and moving around it I got a suspect +12 /+18 mixed with an overload signal right near the base of about a 5″ snow pile. Probing with the garrett carrot I got that good vibration that we all know what it means. Brushing the snow around revealed this gorgeous white gold ring with diamonds! They couldn’t believe that it had been in a total different area from where they thought. It made their New years day even better as they thought it could not be found…. and something wonderful to look back on as they grow older together.

Lost White Gold Ring With Diamonds Found In The Snow in Port Huron Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

It’s Gonna Be A Happy New Year…..

……For the pictured couple who’s ring I found today in the snow. They got engaged on Christmas and were unloading gifts yesterday when the ring came off. I searched the area between the house and car where she thought it slipped off but noting came thru on the MXT meter where a typical ring like this will come up. The next place to look was where the cars were parked, so he moved them and I searched the area and the MXT was sounding off on lots of junk signals and I learned there used to be a garage where the conc. pkng lot is now. Carefully gridding from different directions and a +8 came up with a good hard signal, brushing away the snow revealed this gorgeous specimen that had been been driven over and had we not moved the car would not have found it! I mentioned to them to take the ring where they got it and check that the diamonds had not loosened up due to the impact of driving on it. They were so thrilled and it made the new year even better and something to look back on when they wed in September 2018!

Lost Platinum & Diamonds Wedding Ring at Ala Moana Beach Park…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began this morning when I had an email from Patrick who lives in Chicago. A little after midnight he sent an email request for ring finder services at Ala Moana Beach Park near Waikiki. While playing catch with a football in waist deep water and while Patrick was making a catch the football hit the ring and it popped off his finger. He wasn’t quite sure which direction it went and his unfamiliarity with the beach he felt somewhat hopeless in finding the ring. I responded to the email and told Patrick to call me ASAP as that beach is constantly being detected. Losing it at 2:30 the previous day is an eternity of time for that beach. Moments later I got the call. We agreed to meet in 30 minutes at Life Guard Tower 1E which was near where the ring came off. As I arrived Patrick showed me the extreme ends of the grid and waist deep water is alot to cover. I figured it was near high tide the day before when he lost it so the ring should be shallow. I started my grid search and Patrick was my seaward marker thankfully as there ain’t no objects to line up on there. After a few grid lines I only found a few pieces of foil. I was beginning to think this ring was found already. After about 45 minutes Patrick was shivering and looking as if this was going to be a hopeless cause. Then suddenly in thigh deep water BOOM! My detector screamed in my ear. I knew instantaneously it was going to be his ring. Patrick wasn’t looking my direction and I did a quick scoop and there in the basket was an awesome platinum and diamonds encrusted ring. I started walking towards Patrick and probably from the look on my face he said, “You found it?” “I think so”, I said. Does it have several diamonds? “Yes all around the ring,” he said. “Oh then this must be it”, as I handed him the ring. The look of total elation and relief came over Patrick’s face. He was so thankful and told me he didn’t think we were going to find it. What a Great way to end 2017. Aloha to Patrick. On a side note he didn’t have to tell his wife he lost the ring. Whew!

Lost Wedding Ring Found and Returned on Texas Ranch – Chris Dean

  • from Kerrville (Texas, United States)

Stuart lost his wedding ring while installing a 3400′ water line on a beautiful 240 acre Central Texas ranch. He already had knowledge of because fellow member John Volek (Houston Metal Detecting Services) had recovered a friends ring early this year on a Gulf Coast beach (John’s recovery). Stuart made the right decision because his lost wedding ring is back on his finger!

Remember, don’t rent a metal detector. Contact an expert metal detectorist to find your lost ring, jewelry or other valuables! Recovered with a Garrett AT Pro metal detector.

Lost man’s tungsten wedding ring found in Mead WA

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Yet another snow covered car steals a man’s wedding ring. That man Jared, was just closing the door to his car and with the slam of the door he also heard the ting of his ring hitting the door. Thinking the ring couldn’t have gone far, he and his wife looked for an hour. After not succeeding, Jared took to his computer to find a metal detector to buy. Low and behold the internet led him to the Ring Finders and so begins my latest Ring Finders tale. I got an email from Jared about his ring and dawned my snow bibs and took off to his house. The car that stole Jared’s ring was still parked in the spot where he had lost the ring. So knowing a thing or two about how conductive cars are I stayed away from the car and grid searched around the door he had closed. “The ring is being hidden by the car” I told him. He moved the car backwards but still no ring, he moved the car forwards and then I heard the sweet sound of the lost but now found ring. I said ” I bet this is it”, I swept the snow with my foot and Jared’s ring landed in front of him. He was wearing a smile when he bent down to pick it up and an even bigger smile with his ring back on his finger.