LBI Tag | The Ring Finders

Engagement Ring lost on the beach, Ship Bottom NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

It was a beautiful day when Shari and her friends decided to spend some time at the beach. Not long into their day, Shari had a little mishap that would lead to me recovering her beautiful ring. It had disappeared into the soft, white sand of the Jersey Shore. After searching for quite some time, Shari realized it was time to call a professional.
I had just received another call for a ring recovery, but it was in the dry sand, with no danger of being lost to the rising tide. Shari’s ring, however, was right near the high-tide line, and she was worried it would be swept away. I assured her I would get there as soon as possible and decided to prioritize her recovery to beat the tide. I sent her my ETA, and just before I arrived, she informed me that both calls were actually for the same ring. I hadn’t even looked at the other pin location—I just knew both were in Beach Haven, LBI.
Well, all’s well that ends well. Shari’s ring was in my scoop within a minute or so. You may be wondering about the conflicting stories. Both were true: the ring was in the dry sand, with no real danger of the tide taking it. But in Shari’s eyes, since it was so close to the high-tide line, she believed it was at risk of being washed away. Two different perspectives, but both valid.
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Bangle Bracelet lost in the sand, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I notice a text from Christopher requesting some help in locating Sandra’s David Yurman bracelet she had somehow lost on the beach in LBI the day before. They were not exactly positive that it was lost on the beach, but figured it was the most likely place it could be. The day before Sandra and some friends were doing some whale watching from the beach, and getting some excellent drone footage of the whales at the same time. That made me just a little nervous, as the whales move rather quickly up and down the beach, and it was very possible Sandra did the same. We arranged to meet at the house and walked up to the beach, while we discussed exactly what area they had spent most of the day prior. I asked Christopher to walk in front of me to box out the spot, as I followed behind, dragging my sand scoop around the perimeter.  It was just a short while later, right in front of a group of people, that actually follow NJ Ring Finder on Facebook, where my metal detector got a loud signal, consistent with the bangle bracelet. Sure enough, It was Sandra’s bracelet, safe in my sand scoop, after spending two days buried in the Jersey Shore sand. Another near tragedy turned into memories !!!!

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Lost cross found with metal detector , Seaside Heights NJ (Sunset Beach) recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

The night prior to Carries phone call, her son and some friends were over in Seaside Height NJ, on a small but well-known beach they call Sunset Beach. The were messing around like all teenage kids do, when his chain broke and his cherished cross went missing. It was pretty dark that night, but that did not deter their search efforts. Unfortunately they came up empty handed. They returned the following morning and again had no luck. The cross and location were posted on one of the local Facebook pages, where Carrie grabbed my number and called to set up the recovery. She gave me exact details of where the chain had broken, and within minutes, the cross was in my scoop. I immediately called Carrie, and we agreed to meet down the road in about 15 minutes.  Another fantastic recovery of a cherished keepsake in the books.

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Necklace and Engagement Ring Lost, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

It was another fantastic day in New Jersey so Denise and her family decided to pack up and head to the beach. Denise’s nephew loves the beach, especially flying kites when the wind is just right. Prior to flying the kite, she removed her necklace and engagement ring. Denise slipped the necklace through her ring and secured the clasp, then placed them both in her top pocket for safe keeping. They both had ran all over the soft white sand, almost covering the entire block, well about 2/3 of it anyhow. It was later on when she looked in the pocket and , OH NO, both were missing. Everyone searched the area for quite some time when they decided a metal detector was needed. They headed down to the local store and purchased one, figuring the necklace would soon be located. Well, unfortunately that did not work, so they decided to call in a professional. Once I arrived and got all the details, I covered the entire area where they were flying the kite, figuring that was the most  likely area they would have fallen out of her top pocket. With nothing to show for my effort, we decided the next most traveled area was the top of the tide line, and down a bit to the low tide mark. After a few passes, I asked them to move back a little, and sure enough, very close to the chairs, was the spot my metal detector sniffed out the ring and necklace. Everyone was totally amazed, and the best I can figure, either the necklace never made it into her top pocket, or coincidently it fell out right in the area they had set up the chairs and stuff. Regardless another happy ending !!!!

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Wedding Ring lost on the Beach, Surf City NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey

It was a beautiful afternoon at the Jersey Shore when Bill and Barb decided to spend the day on the beach in Surf City LBI. They were in town for a wedding and decided to soak up some rays when things went wrong. Barb had placed her wedding ring in the side pouch of their beach bag, and a little while later Bill needed a napkin for his hands. Not aware of the rings presence, he pulled out a napkin, and the ring obviously came out with it. He knew about my NJ Ring Finder service on LBI, and quickly reached out to see if I could assist in recovering the ring. Obviously I shot right down to his Surf City location ASAP, and after getting the details, within minutes their precious ring was in my scoop.

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Lost wedding ring, Beach Haven NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)


It was a beautiful afternoon when I took a glance at my phone. I noticed I was tagged many times on a local Facebook page, where Jim had posted about his lost wedding ring on a local beach on LBI. His post was worded as a last chance effort to locate his wedding ring he lost the prior day in the sand in Beach Haven. Not long after Jim called me, and he basically wrote this off as a LONG shot of ever seeing his cherished wedding ring again. After getting all the details I explained I was at a family party and would be able to go later on around dinner time, and requested for him to leave some chairs set up to secure the location he believed the ring to be hiding. He agreed, but really didn’t seem to have much hope, as he had stated “its a long shot”. I got to the beach and with the beautiful warm temperatures inland, and the cold ocean water, the beach was socked in with heavy fog. When I got to the dune walkover I didn’t see any signs of the location he marked, but once I walked about half way to the ocean, I could vaguely see a lonely folded chair, on a damp and dreary beach. I turned on my machine, and walked in the direction of the chair. about 20 feet from the chair, in a direct path to the dune walkover opening, my metal detector let off a tone which I call BINGO !!!! And sure enough, Jims ring was in my sand scoop. I snapped a few pictures as usual, and sent them to Jim in a text. He responded in total amazement, as I just performed what he had considered impossible. Jim was just down the road having dinner at one of best locations in Beach Haven NJ, and agreed to meet next door in the Wawa parking lot. Another fantastic recovery in the books, doing what many write off as an impossible task. Its the heart felt expressions, and the challenge of the hunt that drive me.

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Wedding ring lost in ocean, Seaside Park NJ, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

lost ring lbi nj ring finder jersey shore lost ring finderJersey shore ring finder ring finder Its a beautiful afternoon in one of New Jerseys finest beach towns, Seaside Park. The oceans were calm, winds light and variable, which made for a perfect day of shell collecting. Dylan and his daughter set out to do just that. Unfortunately all the absolutely beautiful shells they had gathered together, just couldn’t make up for what had just happened. They were down at the very bottom of the tide line, by the drop off, picking up just one last shell, when Dylan decided to rinse off his hands and call it a day. At that very moment he watched his ring slip off his finger, and drop into the sand, just as a wave was rolling in. Even thought the ocean was as calm as we will experience here, Dylan had absolutely no luck over the next two days locating his beautiful wedding ring. When he called me and told me it had already been two days, and that it was just about dead low tide where his ring slipped off, I didn’t have a good feeling about the recovery, at that moment. What he did have in his favor was the fact that it had been dead calm, and was going to continue that way for the next few days. I told Dylan I would be on the beach for the next low tide which was day 3 of his ring being lost on the bottom of the ocean. I was out at 4 AM scouring every inch of the location he had marked with his phone in google maps, with not even one signal. Unfortunately I had prior obligations the next 2 days and would not be able to return until the following morning low tide. It was 5 AM or so, and here I am wondering around in the ocean again, but this time in about thigh deep water my machine sounds off a perfect low tone that you can tell almost in an instant was Dylan’s ring. I missed it in the first scoop, then BINGO !!!! I had his ring after 6 full days in the ocean. Believe me friends, this situation almost never exists in the state of NJ, but luckily for him it did that week. I messaged him asking for a detailed description, because all we had mentioned was white gold in our other conversations. I was pretty positive this was his ring, and the pictures confirmed that. I texted him pics and he was in total shock. We agreed to meet a few hours later for the monumental return.

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Lost Cross at Beach, Brant Beach NJ, LBI, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Brant beach LBI ring finder

How to find a ring in the sand

Ring finder lbi beach haven ship bottom I was at a family picnic when I received a call from Anthony, stating that he had just lost his beautiful cross on the beach, somewhere in the area they were sitting. It was early afternoon and I told him I would be able to swing by soon, and to secure the area so nobody else came and setup their beach things in the exact same spot. Anthony assured me that was not a problem because they were there for the entire day, plus the fact he was very anxious to get his cross back where it belonged around his neck. We spoke about the events leading up to the mishap, that’s when he told me about the big creator he and his friends had dug that day in the sand where they were sitting. He said they had all been digging around looking for the cross for quite a while, but were positive it must be there somewhere, because he had spent the best part of the morning there, digging. It was then I asked them to please stop digging otherwise the cross may get buried to deep for my machine to pick it up. When I arrived I could see the creator from the dune walkover, and it was pretty big. Sure enough, it was close to 4′ deep, and roughly 6′ in circumference. I hopped in, scanned the entire bottom and the walls, without even a squeak of a sound from my metal detector. Next, I scanned the piles of sand they had pulled out of the hole with no luck either. I asked them to pull the piles down lower, to an average of no more than 10″ higher than the regular beach level. Once again, no luck anywhere, so only one more place to look was the bottom, after they pulled about 10″ of sand out. Now, with all the sand moving, I assured that the cross was positively NOT in, or anywhere around the crater. So, back to the drawing board, where he mentioned they were tossing a football on the tide line earlier, and that his friend did tackle him there. I told him I really wish he mentioned that earlier, as the tide had been rising very quickly. Once he showed me the area, the cross was in my scoop within 2 minutes. If Anthony told me that one detail of the day, my search would have started there, and all the sand moving could have been eliminated. Lost of detective work is needed to rescue items from their hiding places.

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Lost jewelry at NJ beach? These experts can almost always find it! Featured on 101.5 FM in New Jersey!

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Read the Feature article here. 

Find me on my website to learn about more lost rings on the beach in New Jersey.

Jeff Laag, Cape May Ring Finder, Metal Detecting Service, Cape May Ring FinderRing Finder New JerseyMargate Ring Finderavalon nj ring finderJersey-Shore-Ring-Finder

find a ring on the beach ring finders Lost Ring Finder find my lost ring longport NJ Ring Finder Sea Isle City


Lost Caduceus Ring in the Ocean, Harvey Cedars NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finders

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Trish called and said she was at the beach with her son Shawn, his ring slipped off his finger in shoulder deep water. It was a large med school ring that I figured wouldn’t travel to far due to its size. She gave me all the details and that she also spoke to the lifeguards, and they were going to keep an eye open for it.  Luckily we have had very light breezes, and a pretty calm surf for New Jersey.  We arranged to meet at the next low tide, and that’s where I started, right at the waters edge.  After one pass I went right into the trough, it wasn’t easy working there with the waves breaking, and the strong moon current pulling. I only worked a small area because the life guards had pointed to the spot they were standing when the ring slipped off. I got a nice strong signal and prayed it wasn’t a penny, knowing the ring was quite large, and would signal the same. With a few small shakes to clear the sand I felt klunk, klunk, and was almost certain it was the ring, YES!!!!!!! it was. This ring is extremely special, Shawn’s dad had given it to him for his Med School graduation, and unfortunately he passed  last year.