The Ring Finders Blog | Page 2 of 936

How to find a lost wedding ring in the sand?

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you’re on vacation And lost a valuable piece of jewelry on the beach or in the ocean give me a call/text (Louis) 305-608-1870 I have a Metal Detecting service and can find your last item for you.  Be sure to check out my other recoveries and blogs (over 100).  This couple was in town at Miami Beach from Switzerland and placed his wedding ring on a towel while they were putting on sunscreen and picked up the towel and the ring went flying off. They tried for hours to find it with No luck. They came across my information on the Internet, and I was able to find it for them Within a few minutes.  If you’re in the same situation, don’t wait. Give me a call.

Lost Rose Gold, Tungsten and DIAMONDS Wedding Band at Pililaau Army Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call this evening from Chief Warrant Officer Dustin who was having a vacay with his family at Pililaau Army Recreation Center.  While enjoying time at the beach at some point his Rose Gold & Tungsten Diamond encrusted Wedding Ring went missing.  He was sure it was in the dry sand but he had also gone in the water briefly.  I told Dustin I would get there as quickly as I could but Google Maps was saying an hour.  It was late so I brought my headlamp and a backup flashlight.  When I arrived Dustin met me at the gate and then brought me down to the beach where his lovely wife Sarah and the kids were still looking in the sand for the ring.  I asked Dustin to draw me a box where he thought I’d find the ring.  After starting my grid search the first target of course was a pulltab.  Continuing on the third leg of the grid gave a booming #57 solid on the Manticore and after two scoops there was Dustin’s amazing ring in the scoop.  I yelled “BINGO” and Sarah and Dustin came running over as I pulled the ring from my scoop.  OMG!  A few hugs and well wishes and then I headed home as it was now dark.  So happy I didn’t have to go in the water.  Aloha to Dustin & Sarah!

Lost Wedding Ring found… Quad Cities Area, Iowa


I received a call about a lost wedding ring that happened after a wedding. A friend of the groom’s father attended and lost her wedding ring at the venue while playing football.

I searched the area for about an hour and came up with it. This is a picture of the couple who were married they will get the ring back to the owner.



Lost gold wedding band at Centennial Beach… Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)


If you’ve lost something sentimental, don’t weigh call or text ASAP, 24/7, Chris 778-838-3463

I received a text message earlier this morning in regards to a lost Ring possibly at Centennial Beach. The thing was he wasn’t 100% sure he lost it there but it made the most sense to go back and have a look. He told me he didn’t sleep very well that night, because he only  had been married one and a half weeks and already lost his beautiful white gold wedding band.

I was excited for the challenge, when we met up at the beach we discuss the searche and he show me the area he was sitting eating pizza. I began my search and within only five minutes I had found his beautiful white gold wedding band. I was so excited to be able to surprise him with it, knowing how much it meant to him and how it would get him out of the doghouse lol

I love my job! if you’ve lost something contact me ASAP 24/7. Chris 778-838-3463 The sooner we search the better chances we have for making a recovery. Look forward to finding your smile.


Lost wedding Ring in Lake, Returned in Kelowna

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

Nick had been married for 2 days and was honeymooning in Kelowna BC. On the busy Beach at City Park, with the temperature over 30, he decided to go for a swim. His wife said maybe you should take your ring off, he didnt and he lost it in the Lake. He called me for assistance, and I responded within 30 minutes. He walked me out to the location, and said right here. I got a signal and in my first scoop was his ring, two feet further out was the deep dropoff, and it would have been too deep. An early response and a good location marked was the key to success.


Lost Ring on Volleyball Court in Rockville, Maryland…Found by Local Metal Detectorist

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Nicholas’ white gold wedding band that Brian Rudolph found metal detecting on a grassy volleyball court in Rockville, Maryland.

Nicholas excitedly holding up his treasured white gold wedding band which Brian Rudolph metal detected in the grass approximately 45 feet from where Nicholas felt his ring fly off of his finger.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Nicholas was in one of those desperate situations where one feels like his or her only option is to call a professional. But one doesn’t know if it will be worth the cost or if it will even work out if you do invest in a qualified expert.

My client lost his white gold wedding ring during a volleyball match out on a grassy Rockville, Maryland field near his workplace. Immediately after Nicholas’ ring went flying off of his finger, his team and the opposing team (7 people total) all got on their hands and knees to comb through the grass filled court in hopes of recovering it. After about 20 minutes or so of not being able to find anything, Nicholas frantically searched to find a store nearby that had a metal detector in stock. He got the only one he could find and then spent another 3 frustrating hours searching with the metal detector while dealing with lots of false positives until it was dark (while his teammates also stuck around searching by eye). Nicholas then continued for another hour by himself trying to use a flashlight to see if he could miraculously see the reflection of the ring.

After a long and frustrating search, my client turned to the internet once again and found a Reddit post mentioning THE RING FINDERS, an elite international directory of metal detectorists, which in turn led Nicholas in finding my contact information. He messaged me to see if I was available to help in the search. The young man was desperate to hear a response to his cry for assistance and so I tried quickly to get back to him. When we talked, I gathered up as many details as possible and scheduled to meet up near the grassy volleyball court early the next morning.

Nicholas later admitted that he was skeptical. He shared that it was kind of a last act of desperation to get his ring back and my client wasn’t fully convinced I could find it. After all, multiple people spending multiple hours searching for it could not even find it…so why should he believe that one single person could accomplish what seven others could not?

The two of us met at the Rockville, Maryland volleyball court early the next day. I talked him through all of the details on how I was going to search for Nicholas’ beloved wedding platinum wedding band. I could tell that he was hopeful but somewhat questioning as I said that I would start sweeping the outer perimeter of the court, far beyond where my client was (center court) when he lost the ring, and then work my way into the center.

After 40 minutes of scanning the outside perimeter of the rear and right sections of the court, as well as the inner center court area on both sides of the net, later on, Nicholas shared that he was pretty disheartened at that point. Yet, this RING HERO was still optimistic and not moved at all even though so much time had passed by at that stage of the search. I explained to Nicholas that I would begin searching even farther out than the initial scanned area, but this time it would be on the opposite side of the court that my client was on. I would do my grid lines on the left outer sideline area of the court and see if the ring went flying way past the left out-of-bounds line. After the search was over, Nicholas told me that he figured that there was no chance of me finding it there. Yet, he thought to himself, “Why not, let him try. I have nothing to lose.”

Within ten minutes of working in that area, I was shouting over to the kind young man to come on over to where I was standing. I found the ring approximately 45 feet from where Nicholas had felt the ring slide off of his finger! It was hiding in the grass way beyond the far left side of the volleyball court! I still get amazed at how far these little guys can fly! I was so happy for him! Nicholas couldn’t believe how quickly and easily I was able to find his ring. I congratulated him as I handed his irreplaceable keepsake back to the hand that it belonged to and then we gave each other a huge victory man hug.

I am so thrilled to have been able to recover Nicholas’ lost wedding band. It meant the world to he and his wife the day it was placed on his finger…and now in a different way it means just as much to have reclaimed what would have been lost and gone forever!


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Both Engagement & Wedding Rings found, Suffern NY

  • from Mahwah (New Jersey, United States)

The New York area suffered extreme hot weather in the last few weeks. Lois was enjoying cooling off with her daughter in a small pool in their yard. Afterwards, she noticed that both her engagement ring and wedding ring were missing. Lois searched but could not finding the rings. She quickly located me through the Ring Finders website, allowing me the opportunity to search for her. It was a pleasure meeting her and reunite her with both treasured rings.


Lost Wedding Rings Found! – Lake Winneconne, Wisconsin.

  • from Menomonee Falls (Wisconsin, United States)

Saturday afternoon, July 20th found teacher and Fond du Lac resident Amy Pickart, enjoying a refreshing lady’s weekend away on the picturesque Lake Winneconne in Wisconsin. It was a perfect getaway, a perfect setting, perfect weather and perfect company.

A water-volleyball net invited playful competition, fun and exercise. But Amy was not aware that her wedding rings, welded together as one, quietly slipped off her hand during the activity. Later, as she climbed a ladder onto the boat dock, she was horrified to see the rings were gone. A frantic search ensued in the murky water but the rings could not be found. Amy was heartbroken.

I received a text message that evening from one of Amy’s colleagues. After getting details, I arranged to conduct a search first thing the following Monday.

Inland Wisconsin lakes have seen human occupation for well over a century. Lake Winneconne is no exception. The remains of half-century-old beer cans lay buried deep in the sand, making detection of a small ring challenging. Unbeknown to me, I found out later, other detectorists had tried to locate Amy’s rings the day before but were unsuccessful. Beer-can-sized craters on the lake bottom bore witness to their valiant and thorough attempts. I chose to expand the search area and use an approach that relies heavily on forensics.

Given the recent loss and the hard-packed sand conditions, I knew the rings would not be very deep in the sand; they would be shallow, close to the surface. Reducing my detector’s sensitivity and holding it higher up away from the lake bottom, provided the needed distance from the otherwise overwhelming beer-can signals. Additionally, I used a specially designed detection probe that helped further isolate the ring signal in an otherwise difficult detection environment.

About two hours passed when I received a signal in the volleyball area that was forensically appropriate for Amy’s rings. Sure enough, a shallow scoop brought her rings back up to the light of day!

Tim, Amy’s husband of 23 years, met me on the dock as I emerged from the water. The smile on his face says it best, “It’s more than a ring!”

Amy’s ring marked my 121st successful recovery. That’s a lot of smiles!

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, even years ago, don’t let its story end. Contact a member of The Ring Finders near you @ We just might add your smile to the huge list of happy clients.

Onekama, Michigan lost Citadel class ring

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

I got a referral from Dave Boyer, a Ringfinder, a couple days ago and contacted Evan B. about his lost Citadel class ring in Lake Michigan. I drove from Manistee to Onekema about a 20 minute drive and met Evan. He was throwing a ball to his dog out into the lake. The ball and the ring , which was very heavy, flew into the water. The dog got the ball and the lake got the ring. The waves were pretty big that day but I tried to grid an area without success so I told Evan I would be back in the morning to try again. Friday morning the waves weren’t as bad but the water turned over in the lake and was so cold I told him I would be back in the evening with my wet suit. I called a friend to come out and help me as it would cut the area to search in half.

The water was calmer and I began my search in the area where it was lost. Going out about 60′ with a grid about 20′ x 20′ no luck. After about 30 minutes the ring turned up in the scoop closer to the shore than Evan figured it went. The toss of his hand must have been in more of a downward motion.  Vacation in Onekama, Michigan and Lake Michigan you will love it visit “Pure Michigan”.

Wedding ring Found AGAIN at Carpinteria State Beach

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)

It was nearly two years ago that I got a call from a customer who had lost her rings while moving her chair at the beach while camping at Carpinteria State Beach. As I always do when i make a recovery I wish the folks well and joke that I hope to never see them again under these circumstances. Fast forward to today and I got a call from you know who, the same client from two years ago at nearly the same spot on the beach! This time instead of the chair being the culprit it was her young son. She had placed the rings on a small table while she put sunscreen on her son. For some reason he decided to pick up her rings and bring them to her but dropped one in the sand.

Unlike two years ago, instead of buying a metal detector and spending 5 hours trying to figure out how to use it she knew right away to call me at 805-290-5009. We laughed a bit and I assured her I would be out within the hour and have her ring back.

In about 3 minutes I had the ring in the scoop and it was back where it belonged. She made me promise to not put a picture of her in my blog because she was my first repeat customer. I assured her it’s always good to have a friend in the ring recovery business for those “just in case” times like these. We all had a good laugh and once again I told her I hoped I wouldn’t have to see her again under these circumstances.

If you have lost a ring do the smart thing and call or text me at 805-290-5009. I’m retired so I’m often available immediately to help you recover your ring in the sand, the water, the dirt or the grass.