While enjoying a beautiful day at Ponce Inlet beach, Mark had laid his very expensive glasses on one of the speakers under the canopy and completely forgot about them. He and his family spent most of the day relaxing on the beach, listening to their music, swimming and working on the great tan that Mark has! Later in the afternoon the skies began to darken and as much as they hoped it would pass–a big tropical thunder storm quickly came up along with strong winds and lightening off in the distance. Mark and his family frantically grabbed up their towels and belongings, tore down the canopy as fast as they could and made a run for cover. The tide was coming in fast as well and soon the area where they had their things set up was being washed with the high tide salt water waves.
At first they thought they had gotten all their things safely to dry cover and then Mark asked if anyone had seen his glasses. No one had picked them up so as soon as the rain let up Mark made his way down onto the beach and began looking for his glasses. Two days passed and Mark began worrying that his 500 dollar prescription glasses might be gone for good and then a thought came to him. “Treasure Hunter near me!” And after typing that phrase into Google he found my name and number on “theringfinders.com web site and we met later on that very day!
Mark explained what happened and showed me where they set up their canopy two days earlier. I asked a few questions about his glasses. Were they heavy or thin framed? Was the sand soft or hard packed the day the glasses went missing? And I could see a line of sea weed where the high tides had come up to. I started my grid search thinking that just maybe, if his glasses were heavy enough, they may have sunk just under the surface of the sand. So treading lightly I began to swing my coil with Mark watching my every move. I stopped and told Mark to start looking the immediate area over along the high tide mark because just maybe his glasses were light enough that the waves pushed them along and deposited them close by. Ten minutes passed and as I was finishing up detecting the small area I heard Mark say, “Hey..Look at this!” And there, sticking out of the brown sea weed was a thin framed pair of prescription glasses…full of sand and half disguised…but none the less just fine!
Mark was shocked and so thankful to have his glasses back once again! And thanks Mark for calling me and giving me the opportunity to help get your glassed back where they belong!
Lost something and need my help? Call or text ASAP!
Mike McInroe….