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Found Lost Wedding Ring in Lake Wilson in Weatherford,Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

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We got a call from the gentleman above late on a Friday afternoon.  Said he had fallen out of a boat on a small private lake in Weatherford,Tx and wondered if we would come try to find it.  I said we would be happy to but it would have to wait a week as were on our way to the airport to leave for vacation in Cancun for a few days.  I loved his response, he said “well it ain’t going nowhere”.  We agreed I would call him in a week when we returned.

As promised we called the following week and spoke with John about his ring, he explained that he and a friend were coming in from fishing on a small boat, he had stood up just at the moment his friend decided to pull the boat up a little higher on the bank.  When that happen, John lost his footing and fell into the lake.  He said he could feel his wedding band slipping off but could do nothing about it.  The waters edge was slippery and covered in algae and dropped off about 5-6ft in depth.

John found “The Ring Finders” website and located us.

Ellen & I drove 75 miles to the spot on the highway to meet John and have him and buddy lead us back on the dirt roads to where the lake was.  I set up my gear and went into the lake, it was amazing how deep it got so close to the shore.  John told me while I was in the water that he had used swimming pool cleaning poles to try and drag the ring up on shore and he also had a friend bring out his metal detector but no luck finding the ring.  I spent maybe 20 minutes in the water getting a feel for the area where John thought the ring would be.  I was getting lots of hits on my detector and using my water scoop was very difficult in the muddy bottoms.   As I went to change hands with my equipment my detector passed over a flat rock covered in algae  and my Garrett AT Pro went off loudly so I knew something was there.  I reached over with my hand and felt along the top of the rock and there was John’s wedding ring.  My wife and John had been talking along the bank and I said “hey John would you like to have your ring back?” and held up his gold wedding band .   He was flabbergasted, he said over and over “I thought I would never see it again”.  These reactions are what make this so much fun.

My wife was filming with her IPhone and began to ask John some questions.  He said this was the first time this ring had been off his finger in 57 YEARS.  He buddy then said, ‘tell them what you did’.  John replied with a sheepish grin, “I did not tell my wife”  he said I have a friend who owns a Pawn Shop who got him a temporary wedding ban to wear until we could hopefully find his ring.  We laugh and laughed.  Then John said…. “I wonder if the Pawn Shop with take the other ring back”.

It was a wonderful day.

Another great find for “The Ring Finders”

Don & Ellen Wilson


Found Wedding Ring in Trophy Club,Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)


We received a call from a lady who said “thank God I reached you”I have a lost ring for you to find.  I said OK and ask for the details.  She described it as a Men’s gold wedding ban.  I ask her where is was lost and she said in her backyard.  I ask as I always do, “are you sure that’s where you lost it” and she said she was positive.

I said OK then we can find it, then I asked the most important question.  How was the ring lost, what was he doing when he lost it……. there was a long silence and she said “I know it’s there because I threw it there”.  I said that was no problem and we would drive the 28 miles to Trophy Club,Tx around 7pm to let the heat go down, it was 101 degrees warm.

We arrived at a beautiful home, got our equipment out, the lady kindly showed us where she was when she threw the ring and then my wife her re-inact the event (this is a must we have learned).  We spent maybe 20 minutes detecting the yard and there was a lot of underground trash.  We knew the ring would “Hit Hard” on our detectors because it had only been 3 days since it was lost and men’s wedding bands are typically large in size.

We were correct in our assumptions and the Ring was returned for another happy customer for “The Ring Finders”.


Don & Ellen – The Dallas Ring Finders”

PS…. the husband was in counseling while we were looking for the ring.


Estate Search Richmond, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Service Call July 2013

The client in this case believed her mother may have buried Gold and Silver Coins on her property. An initial search revealed nothing, although we maybe looking at a few other locations in the future.

The client disclosed documents from several years ago indicating purchases of the Gold and Silver.

The mystery continues.
















Lost Ring Conroe, Texas (Lake Conroe) Recovered

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Service Call July 2013

Wedding Ring Recovered in Conroe, Texas (Lake Conroe)

Details of lost ring:

It is three bands that have been soldered together. The inner band is yellow gold and the outer bands are white gold. It
is about 3/4 of an inch wide and a size 10 (as mentioned, it is a pretty big and heavy ring).

I will be traveling back to Houston so I can meet you at my grandmother’s house to supply details of the location it was lost. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you again for your services and optimism!


Christopher reported he lost his wedding ring while in Lake Conroe, you can see by his smile it was another good day.

























Good Day Today






Lost Ring Texas Surf Port Aransas, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

July Service Call

Strike 1 for this month

Service Call on the Texas Coast

The client provided the following information on the lost ring:

The ring has an antique look with the largest diamond in the center and
two smaller diamonds on each side of the largest.  There are also
numerous tiny diamonds in the design of the ring wrapping around the
three center diamonds mentioned above.  The ring is white gold.

The ring was lost in a specific area on the Texas Coast, neither the owner or I have given up hope of a recovery. Planning another trip soon.

First attempt




Lost Ring…Corona Del Mar Beach, CA.. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Tuesday.. July 09,2013

Today was going to be my day to catch up on my emails and surf the metal detector websites. I got a call from Mathew at 8:30am. His wife, Lindsay had lost her ring last night near the fire rings at Corona Del Mar City Beach. When she took off her sweater she felt her ring fall off into the sand. They had spent the evening sifting the sand with a house window screen without success. He had found The RingFinders on a google search for lost rings and after calling one of our members in Delaware. He found my name in the California cities of our directory. After telling me what had happened and the general area it was dropped, he wanted to know how our service worked. I told him not to worry. I was only 2 miles from where the ring was lost. He seemed to be concerned if he could trust me. I told him I have found and returned many valuable pieces of jewelery and I don’t need another ring. The most important thing is to get over to the location before the sand sifting machine or another detectorist finds the ring without having his contact information. Mathew gave me a more detailed discription of the location and I jumped in my truck and was at Corona Del Mar Beach within ten minutes. Another ten minutes of swingging the detector and I had a beautiful platinum diamond ring in my scoop.. Ring found 30 minutes after phone call.

I sent Mathew a text message with a picture of Lindsay’s platinum ring. He drove 25 miles to meet me on the beach to pick up the ring. I got to metal detect around the rest of the fire rings on this beautiful morning with people asking me if I found anything good today. Of course I give my standard answer, ” It’s not too good today, a few quaters, dimes and lots of pull tabs”  I’m busting to tell everybody but it makes for too much attention..

When Mathew got there he came up to me and gave me a Big “John Wayne hug”.. I know now,  what a “Real Thank You” sounds like.  I told him a few other ring find stories and wished he and his wife Lindsay the best of luck.  After he left I got a phone call from Lindsay thanking me for finding her ring.. I love meeting new people . I believe that people are put into your life for a special reason.

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Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Band in the Surf… Del Mar Beach, CA, .. found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

July 4, 2013.. 8:50pm

I was in Newport Beach sitting with a couple thousand people getting ready for a 4th of July fireworks display. I had rested up all day thinking I would detect the beach after the people left. That’s when Isaiah called saying he had just lost his wedding ring. I asked him where he was calling from and he told me Del Mar Beach which is near San Diego. He was in the water about chest deep and said he never went in water over his head. He didn’t feel the ring fall off, but he was certain that it was lost in the water. I told him that it was a long drive and he could locate another member of  The RingFinders in our directory and if he couldn’t get them I’d come search.

After finishing the call, I went to my tide chart app on my trusty iPhone. He lost it only a couple minutes before calling me which was approximately 5 ft high tide begining to fall to a minus tide at 3 am. I called Isaiah back and told him the tides would be perfect to try to search for his ring tonight and I would be there at 12:30am. He said he could be there about a half hour later and was going to try to rest because he had to work in the morning. After arriving in the dark of the night, I began my grid search as the tide reseded. He had given me a good idea of where he was when he lost the ring but I extended the search area 50 yards each side . At 1:00am Isaiah and his brother in law showed up. He pin pointed the location where he had been and I changed my grid search towards the water and away from the water.  They went off with their flashlights looking in the surf. After 10 or 15 minutes I got that special gold tone and there was a beautiful gold ring in about 3 inches under the wet sand.  I walked up to Isaiah and asked him how big was the ring and if it was gold. Then,  asked him to hold out his hand. He looked at me puzzeled, but he held out is hand. That’s when I dropped it in his hand. I did not expect him to be so emotional, it must have ment a lot to him. After gaining our composure all three of us started shaking hands and celebrating the find. Another special night and meeting people I will not forget..


Lost Ring in Temecula, CA.. Swimming Hole.. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Friday, June 28..

I received a call from Brett asking me about The RingFinders and if I’d be able to search for a ring lost in a swimming hole out in the country.. He told me the water was no deeper than 5 ft., which is right at the limit before requiring diving gear. I told him that I’d be willing to give it a try hoping it would be in shallower water. His wife Natalie called me had with a few more details. Her daughter Amanda was wearing  her grandfather’s 55 year old wedding ring. While swingging from a rope swing over the water her friend threw a ball at her. Well, she tried to bat the ball away with her hand and the heavy ring went into the murky water.

We set up a meeting place for Sunday morning and took off for this secret swimming hole. It was about 12 miles out in the boondocks. A real pretty country swimming hole  including the rope swing. I was using my Excalibur Minelab waterproof detector and waded into the water. Amada and her friends were there and explained how it happened and the direction she hit the ball. Well, the water was up to my neck and retrieving the targets was next to impossible with my scoop. So, the guys offered to dive down to get the targets. I would put the handle of the scoop on the target and they would grab a hand full of sand.  After about 20 minutes we started finding fishing weights, coins and sunglasses. An hour or so later, the young guys took a break and Brett, Amanda’s dad took a few dives. It was looking like everybody was giving up hope.. Then I got a nice signal and told Brett we aren’t leaving until we recover this target..  He went down and came up with a big smile saying it’s a ring..  We had 20 or more onlookers and there were cheers and tears, also smiles. It was certainly a family affair with Mom setting it up, Dad making the great dive and all the friends helping. I could not of done it myself.. On my web page I say. “I’ll try anywhere” .. I’m starting to have second thoughts about that.. The search is a challenge, the real experience is meeting such nice people and being able to help them..


How to Find a lost Gold Ring in Green Lake BC…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received an email last weekend from a young man who asked me if I could help find his fiancés lost engagement ring in about 3 feet of water. I said absolutely if she knows where the approximate area where that ring came off at, and he said that she had a good idea.Then he went on to say that she lost it at Green Lake…That would be a 900 kilometer return trip…630 miles north of Vancouver. After a few email and figuring out the day of the trip ,we set out at 3am Sunday morning. It took roughly 5 hours to get there and I was in the water searching within 10 minutes of arrival.After the young lady showed me the area where she was hitting a volley ball I started the search. Unfortunately I ran into what we call hot rocks… mineralized rocks that messes with our Detectors  and gives us a good signal.  After slowing down the grid search I received a solid signal and after just 30 minutes I found the hiding spot of the young ladies beautiful diamond engagement ring. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHere are to two high school sweethearts! Have a great wedding and thank you so much for the kind reward ! It was nice meeting you both and spending 10 hours driving together. I have the greatest job in the world with the most beautiful office anyone could ask for and the most incredible scenic landscapes.If you have lost  something and need it found… call me ASAP You can watch the video of the search on this link…

Lost Gold Cross… Found in Davenport, Iowa


Hi everyone,

I received a call yesterday from Tom about a lost gold cross his son had. Tom had bought two of these crosses in Greece one for each of his sons. His son Tony, who is a college student, was at a friends house over the fourth of July. They were playing on one of those yellow slippery slide things in the friends backyard plus throwing a Frisbee.

Tony felt his chain slip down his neck and was able to catch it but there was no gold cross on the broken chain. He said they searched the area but was unable to find the cross. They tried again last night with a flashlight hoping they would pick up a glimmer from the gold. With no luck.

Most people in my area are do-it-yourselfers, so Tom rented a detector and tried to find it. He was unsuccessful. He then gave me the go ahead to come search for the lost gold cross.

I arrived at 10:30 this morning and Tony showed me two different areas where he thought he lost his cross. It wasn’t in the first area.

It took about an hour and I finally got the signal I was hoping to hear! I could see a chunk of gold peaking through the grass. I like a happy ending and so did this family.

Happy Hunting Everyone
