In The News Category | Page 86 of 112 | The Ring Finders

Lost 14k yellow gold Ring Recovered in Louisburg, NC on 12-31-16

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

This Ring was recovered on 12-31-16 for a nice woman who had lost it in her yard almost 2 months ago while cutting grass on about 6 acres of land. I’m not going to go into too much detail about how she lost it but I was able to find the ring in less than a hour and return it to her. I was very happy to help her out and she was very happy to see it returned after a couple months of being lost. It is always a pleasure to help someone out by finding there lost items.

Lost Silver Ring in the Snow Found in Detroit Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Sentimental Silver!

I’ve had an interesting and busy late fall in the Detroit area this year.
I received a call from the pictured young gentleman inquiring if I could find a lost ring in the snow. He is from Cali and was visiting a friend here and upon getting back to the friend’s place this beautiful silver ring slipped off his finger while walking up to the residence.
The ring was his mother’s who passed away a year ago and he was feeling overwhelmed about it being lost.
I set up the MXT and began the typical grid search in the area he felt most likely it was.
So as he went to run an errand I was left to search on my own and I dug up a piece of non ferrous junk that read as a ring but the sound was choppy from different directions, but I dug it up to get it out of my way.
A few more sweeps and a 1 cent 90’s read came thru loud and clear in about 5″ of snow.
He hadn’t returned yet so I went to warm up in the van with the ring.
When he returned I got out and as we walked to the area he kept asking did you find it? did you find it? and I was trying to keep a straight face as he reminded me of myself and the kids who are asking on road trips are we there yet ? are we there yet? So I said with a sad expression.. man I’ve been really bustin’ a move on finding your ring but…. as I shook his hand the ring transferred over to his and he about fell over with excitement clutching the ring close to his heart and smiling as he looked to the sky…..sensing his mothers happiness! and thanking me for making his Christmas memorable!



Lost White Gold Ring In The Snow and Ice Found in Ann Arbor Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

He Doesn’t Have To Ask Twice!

Got a call from a very talented wedding photographer stating that during a surprise engagement photo shoot that the ring got lost near a pretty, snow covered pine tree used as a backdrop. Well with snow all over in the area, someone tried to help and decided to melt the snow with hot water.
When I got on site I saw areas of ice that the ring could be in. I set up the MXT and started to grid the area and got random iron signals everywhere except this one area that came up with a weak but repeatable +8 and +12 ring at about 4″ deep. I knew this was an on edge good target from so many times before. So we started to chip away at it carefully enough to get the ice chunk out off the ground. I used my Garrett carrot which clearly vibrated a target in the chunk. So after some very careful ice chipping this gorgeous white gold ring revealed itself edge on just as I thought. I can’t describe in words the reaction of the photographer when the ring appeared, it’s just spectacular! And the bride to be? Just see the photo!
Now the groom doesn’t have to ask twice!


Lost Keys Found in The Snow in Sylvan Lake Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Stranded….But Not For Long!

I got a referral call from the gentleman pictured with me that he dropped his keys in the snow drifts around his home which left him stranded.

He had an extra aluminum ring that I took a read on that was the same as what was on the lost key.

It didn’t take too long gridding the area with the MXT for them to show up.



Lost Keys, Lost Ring, Lost Jewelry in the Snow In Detroit Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

If you have lost your keys or other valuable items in the snow while scraping your vehicle off, brushing snow off your pants, Snowball fight, shoveling snow, Pulling your keys out of a pocket, Or some other winter activity……..

Give me a call 313-683-3082 and I will arrive at your location as soon as I can.

I look forward to meeting you and locating your lost keys or other items of value.


Lost Keys Found in the Snow in Farmington Hills Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

The “Key” to savings is…………Finding the Key!

This pretty, young lady placed a call with me frantically wondering if a metal detector would help find a lost key in the snow.
So I said uh yes, sure it would!
I arranged a meeting on site to check out what the story was centered around and found out she was walking the dog out back of the condo and somewhere her vehicle key came out of pocket while wrestling with the rambunctious dog.
I set up the MXT and put it in no disc coin mode and was wondering how it would do in this cold weather in SE Michigan.
I had just put in fresh batteries since my last set was reading 9 and I didn’t like that knowing the machine was going to be working harder in the cold.
I search for about half hour along the trails her and the dog made in the 5 inch deep snow but came up with nothing.
I noticed she drove a ford suv and I had my Ford work 4×4 truck key on me and it came to me to take a read on that since it was basically the same key and to see what the MXT had to show.
So in one sweep direction it came up as ferrous but a 90 deg. sweep came up non ferrous. Ok so now I had better idea of what to look for based on the numbers displayed on the meter.
So I made some more sweeps starting from the patio and bam! there it was in an area I hadn’t gone over!
Her smile really tells the story tho and finding the key saved her around $200
The MXT proved to be a real trooper in this cold weather and I won’t hesitate to take it out on another adventure!

Just north of Chicago in Evanston, IL, I Found a Silver Thumb Ring in less than 3 minutes for a Young Lady

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

Ring found in Evanston 12/17/2016

Received an email at 1:34 AM from  young lady who lost a silver thumb ring in the snow. She has had the ring for about 12 years, and had just had the ring resized. The ring had sentimental value and she wants to pass it on to family members in the future. We had just had a dusting of new snow over the existing snow and she had hunted during the evening, but to no avail. I spoke to her in the early morning hours, and drove to her location. Using  my Minelab CTX 3030, I was able to locate in in less than 3 minutes. Needless to say she was delighted. She located the Ringfinders website through Reddit.


  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

After retrieving 2 cell phones in the morning, I get a call in the afternoon from Timothy`s father telling me his son lost his cell phone at the University condo parking. I told him I would be there in a couple of hours. Timothy was outside waiting for me to show me where he lost his cell phone. he thought it was by the curbside, I located it 8 feet out in the roadway, he was lucky nobody had driven over it.









  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

When the snow is on the ground is the time people lose items. Dawn called me to say she had lost her cell phone in her yard and could not find it with a rented metal detector. I told her I would rent her a detector that I guaranteed would do the job, the cell phone was found quickly with my easy to operate detector. The second call came from Wayne who lost his cell phone while walking the dogs in his Orchard. I arrived and surveyed the area, I asked him where he suspected his loss occurred. he showed me where he walked the dogs and suspected it was along the fenceline. After half an hour of searching with many junk targets and irrigation pipes interfering, I scraped the snow and there was his cell phone. The cell phone was his business phone and he had 14 clients emails waiting for him so he was very happy to have it found quickly.



Lost Gold Ring with Diamonds Found in Troy Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

30 Year Fixed!

I got a call from a husband saying his ring slipped off while raking leaves in the yard during warmer than usual s/e Michigan weather this week.
So I got on site and him and I talked about where he thought it may be so I set up the MXT and started to detect the area. He left me to search as he went back into the house to do a few chores and hadn’t been in there too long when I called him and said I found something interesting! I at first picked up iron signals from the rubber trim metal spikes around the area in question but then a 1 cent +60 reading came up solid from all directions and I was surprised to find the pictured 14k yellow band hiding just under 4 inches of leaves!
So he came running out and raised his hands in the air in amazement when I was holding the ring!
We got to talking a bit more and I learned that the ring, like all rings, have a special meaning and a story to them.
He mentioned that his wife on their 30th anniversary in August had his original ring and her original ring melted together and this one pictured with hubby was the one that represented both and this was her original design incorporated in his new wedding band! How cool was that I thought!
I wished them a happy holiday season and was happy to see them reunited with their ring that held such a special meaning!
