pink power ally Tag | The Ring Finders

62 Year Old Wedding Band lost in Backyard Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Didi was playing with cutie dog in the backyard. She felt her 62 year old white gold wedding band fly off her finger.

She and some of her neighbours searched the backyard for hours with no luck.

I arrived, headed to the backyard with my Minelab manticore and within a few minutes located Didi’s precious 62 year old wedding band!!

She was thrilled with excitement and such a blessed couple! It was a real pleasure to meet and help them out! I loved the hugs!!

Check out the video below;

Platinum Wedding Band Lost Jumping off Cottage Boathouse Roof, Lake of Bays, Baysville, Muskoka, Ontario Lakes

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Lost platinum wedding band jumping off boathouse roof.

Adam and his family were enjoying a lovely weekend at the Family cottage on Lake of Bays in the beautiful Muskoka’s cottage country. It also happened to be his wedding anniversary.

Adam decided to jump off the top of the boathouse into the water below. When he surfaced, his platinum wedding band was missing.

One of Adam’s Friends across the lake had mentioned me, as I recovered another lost wedding band for one of their mutual Friends in Otty Lake, Ottawa.

The water depth where the ring ended up was unknown but Adam felt it was definitely over 10’ deep.

I proceeded to use my Dive BLU3 Nomad air supply system with a hose length 30’ depth. Unfortunately, the Nomad unit was not operating properly as I was taking in water. I then switched to my smaller unit the NEMO for a hose reach 10’ depth. I managed to hear the tone of the platinum ring with a reach of 3’. Do I completed some temporary repairs to the Nomad unit and went back in the water.

After a few minutes back in the water I re-located the tone of platinum and recovered his wedding band.

I’d like to thank Adam and his family for their generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! Not only did he receive his wedding band, but he also received a tax receipt for his donation!

Please check out my YouTube channel, like and subscribe. Video link to this ring recovery below;


Inherited Gold Ring Lost in Park Playing Frisbee in Toronto, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Russell was hanging out with Friends throwing around a frisbee in a Toronto park close to the Beaches!

Russell went and purchased a metal detector but could not find his ring so he searched out and found TheRingFinders directory.

I proceeded down very early morning to miss the crazy Toronto downtown “Gardiner Expressway” traffic!

I found out the inherited gold ring from his Mother was quite large and heavy so it was necessary to start a grid search to cover a large area.

Well over an hour in, I decided to bring out my 2nd metal detector and put Russell to work! Within 25 minutes Russell had a loud tone in the machine, looked down and there was his beautiful ring!

He was extremely happy!

Follow the link below to my YouTube channel and please like & subscribe!

August 2023

Platinum Wedding Rings found in the Curbside Garbage Bin after Searching Home in Brampton, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Raj and her Husband were preparing for a trip out west to Vancouver and thought she had put her wedding rings on top of the dresser!

Both her and her husband had tried looking for them, and during their time away, she followed up with him as he thought she had!

When they arrived back home, they continued to search the home with no luck!

They called upon me on Canada Day to come down to search the home! I started off in the first area of the process: the master bedroom! I searched through every nook and cranny in the drawers, the bed/bedding, the flooring, the floor vents, the closets, the storage bins, the bathroom sink and toilet!

I continued on in the other bedrooms and bathroom with no luck. I proceeded to the main floor and continued my search process.

After an hour, I proceeded outside to the Region of Peel curb-side garbage bins where there were a total of six bags of garbage to search!

It never fails, but I came upon searching the very last garbage bag and lo and behold, I recovered Raj’s platinum engagement ring and wedding!!!

Both Raj and her Husband were absolutely thrilled, but what a small world it is as her Husband is a work colleague of mine!

Region of Peel Garbage ZERO – Ring owners ONE!

Check out the video of this incredible ring recovery and please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel! Thank you, Ally

Link below;

#CityofBrampton #brampton #Bramptoncity #regionofpeel #lostrings #lostringingarbage #ontarioringfinder #lostinhome


Men’s Wedding Band Lost in the waters of Georgian Bay, Simcoe County, Tiny, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Davide and Maria were up at the cottage in the beautiful Tiny Township area on the shores of Georgian Bay, Simcoe County, Ontario.

Davide was in the water with his sons, throwing around frisbees and having a great time! He noticed that his wedding band was missing and called me for help!

I arrived that day with beautiful weather and a little bit of wave action.  David did not know where his wedding band came off! It was quite a large area, so I proceeded to start a grid search pattern from the shoreline out. The area was approximately 80 feet wide by 80 feet from shore.

Within an hour or so, I finally had a solid target closer to shore and managed to recovery his beautiful 18k gold ring!

I knew they were gonna hurry to get back to the city, so it was a quick surprise! Davide & Maria were extremely happy, especially because it was their 15th wedding anniversary!!

It was a pleasure helping Davide and Maria! I am thankful and grateful for their generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation on behalf of my work!

check out the video below and please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Thank you!

#tinytownship #Tiny #GeorgianBay #lostringinwater #lostweddingband #Simcoecounty #Balmbeach #NottawasagaBay #ontarioringfinder  #metaldetecting


Lost 18k Mother Mary Medallion in Backyard Over a Year Ago

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

A call out came in from Lisa for an extremely sentimental 18k Mother Mary medallion which was lost in a Brampton, Ontario backyard over a year ago.

Lisa’s Nephew Matthew had searched googled and came across the global directory for TheRingFinders!

I met up with Lisa after work. Lisa explained she was picking pears in her backyard when the wasps came out of the hive. She ran away and somehow broke her gold chain with two medallions on it. Matthew was able to find one of her medallions but not the other.

I started my grid search in her backyard with my new Minelab Manticore metal detector. It took a while digging out every signal as I was not use to my new machine.

I managed to locate the medallion 4” down approximately 7’ over from where her Nephew found the first medallion.

Here is the video of the recovery. Please like & subscribe 💞

Lisa was very happy to receive the gifted Mother Mary medallion back as it was a treasured gift that belonged to her late Cousin.

#theringfindersdotcom #lostmedallion #pinkpowerally #treasurehunter #OntarioRingFinder #lost #brampton #ontario #regionofpeel #CityBrampton

18k White and Yellow Gold Wedding Band Lost After Blizzard Snowstorm Swept Through Bracebridge, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Elaine & Adam arrived home to Bracebridge, Ontario after celebrating Christmas with Family outside the Toronto GTA area.

During the Christmas holiday break there was a massive blizzard hitting Canada from the west coast, right across the prairies, into many parts of Ontario as well as the United States.

After Elaine & Adam parked their car in the neighbours driveway, Adam set up a tripod and camera to capture the snowfall with themselves showing the height of the snow accumulation. I was a beautiful photo! They then broke through the 6’ high snowbank at the bottom of their driveway and proceeded to the front door falling numerous times due to the depth of the snow.

When Adam noticed his wedding band was missing they spent the whole day clearing snow outside but gave up when it was dark and then called you.

I received and text from Elaine and called her immediately to set up a date and time.

After my half day of work I proceeded directly up to Bracebridge, set up my gear at the back of my car, walked over to the starting point where Adam set up the tripod / camera and wouldn’t you know it, I spotted the ring 7’ away in ice on the roadway!!

I started the video interview with Elaine and moved right into the surprise recovery and reveal! Shear disbelief!

Check out the video and the reaction here;

What an incredible feeling and how lucky we were to find it before the next snow clearing event!

I am so honoured to help Elaine & Adam recover this sentiment wedding band but I too was blown away at the extremely generous donation they made to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! They made me cry because I really felt my work was valued! They not only received their precious wedding ring back but also received a tax receipt for the donation!

Thank you so very much Elaine and Adam! It was such a pleasure to help on the misadventure of your wedding band!


Cartier 18k Gold and Diamond Wedding band lost in backyard in downtown Toronto, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a text from Marc to say his Wife Mona lost her wedding band in their backyard in downtown Toronto.

Mona was throwing out her coffee press grinds in the backyard and put her left hand in to clear the remaining grinds.

Unfortunately, Mona’s gold replacement wedding band flew off her finger. She heard a ping and concluded the ring landed somewhere in the leaves.

The registered Toronto ring finder was not available and I was happy to fill in.

Mona and Marc had recently viewed the Toronto CityTV news segment by Audra Brown on TheRingFinders and felt they had hope!

When I arrived, I took my gear into the backyard and while entering the backyard, low and behold I spotted the gold wedding ring immediately laying flat between the black stones!

I proceeded to do the interview then immediately surprise Mona with her beautiful Cartier 18k gold Love Ring! It was priceless! My record to recover a ring was 14 seconds! Not sure how I’ll beat this record!

Check out the video of the ring recovery;

Thank you so very much Mona and Marc for your very generous donation the the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!

Sentimental massive silver and gold ring lost in cedar bushes Bolton, Caledon, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Three to four months ago Liz was throwing out a rotten jalapeño pepper over a fence into 15’ high thick cedar bushes. She watched her silver and gold ring fly off her hand in the same general direction. Liz searched for days and a few months and wasn’t successful in finding her ring.

Liz purchased her ring while visiting Portugal ti attend her Grandmother’s 100 Birthday 7 years ago! So the ring had special meaning to her.

Two weeks ago Liz and her Husband were watching Toronto CityTV news reporter Audra Brown’s segment on the global organization called “The Ting Finders”. The showed a couple of my ring recoveries and the charity aspect! Liz’s Husband said, this is for you!

After initial contact, I made arrangements to visit Liz in the small town of Bolton early Saturday morning!

Liz had shown me the area she threw the rotten jalapeño pepper and had cut back a number of lower cedar branches to get better access. Liz also mentioned that the silver ring was quite large, heavy and very loose on her finger!

My first thought was the trajectory of the rings path because of the weight. My second thought was the ring could be stuck up in the crooks of the upper branches.

First pass on her side of the cedars was unsuccessful which took approximately 20 minutes. I then proceeded down the back side of the cedars which was on her neighbours property and BINGO!! I heard the high tone of sweet silver! Looked down and saw the rim!

I walked back to the other side and surprised Liz  immediately compared to my usual slightly drawn out way!

Check out the video of the surprise!

Thank you Liz for calling upon me to help and for your donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! Thanks to Audra Brown’s CityTV news segment on “The Ring Finders” we were able to save Liz’s sentimental silver and gold ring!

18k English Gold Wedding Band Lost 16 Years ago in Professors Lake, Brampton, Region of Peel, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I was contacted by James way back in late February of this year inquiring if I could search for his lost wedding band and what the process is. The 18k English gold wedding band was lost within 15m of the edge at a specific spot into Professors Lake in Brampton, ON. His wedding band was actually lost 16 years ago!

I explained that I would need special permission to search that area of the Lake and I would start early to mid summer if permission was received.

I reached out to James in early June and was connected to his Father-in-Law Brian who is a local resident in the area of the Lake.

After weeks of trying to obtain permission I received the go-ahead from Commissioner Parks prior to his retirement.

The next day I had teamed up with James’ Father-in-Law Brian unbeknownst to James and we proceeded to the area. I was also very grateful for my work colleague Carlos for keeping an eye on the situation as I deemed Brian my water safety spotter.

With-in 20 minutes of entering the water, pulling out old pop cans, a glass jar, fishing lures and garbage, I heard the sweet tone of gold on my underwater metal detector. I pulled out the underwater pin pointer and zoned in on the lost wedding band. WE FOUND IT!!

Check out the video of the entire process;

Next day I met with Brian and proceeded to FaceTime James pretending to ask more questions about the lost wedding band. We completed the task of surprising James with much surprise and delight. James then planned to surprise his lovely Wife on their 17th Wedding Anniversary day while spending it with Family. It was priceless!

James had also inscribed the wedding band with “What was lost is now found”. Beautiful.

Thank you James for your charity donation to The Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! This is part of my pay-it-forward program as I don’t take a reward. The donation assists breast cancer patients with financial support for items such as medicines, wigs, rent or food on their table! I am truly grateful for the benefits from my work place.