lost ring Tag | Page 119 of 151 | The Ring Finders

Lost Platinum Wedding Band .. Dana Point, CA. .. Found in Tot Lot

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Mike had walked to a neighborhood park with his young son. While they were at the kids play area he noticed his platinum wedding band missing from his finger. The last time he remembered seeing his ring was at the house.
That night he returned to the swings which had wood chips on the ground. He thought that using a flashlight while raking through the ground cover might give him a glimpse of the ring. There still was a chance that his ring may have slipped off anywhere between the house and the park.
After discussing the details of the loss, I could only offer to search the places where the ring could be hiding. The most likely would be the child’s swing area where he was the most active.
Mike met me at the park early the next morning and it didn’t take long to get a nice low tone signal that turned out to be Mike’s platinum ring. I took a few minutes to show Mike how the detector works by digging a few coins in the same area.
I had high hopes that the ring would be in the swing area. I can recall at least 5 other rings recovered at swing sets. It has become easier to determine where a ring was lost after hearing many lost ring stories. Still, you never know unless you try.

Gold Ring Lost in Sand .. Laguna Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

While doing some grocery shopping in Laguna Beach, I received a call from Jeff at 6:30 pm. My cellphone reception was poor inside the store. So I went outside where I could make out that Jeff had lost a ring in a beach about 2 miles south of where I was shopping.
He told me that he had put his heirloom wedding ring in the cupholder of his beach chair. He didn’t remember it till he was already home. This ring was originally his grandfather’s and irreplaceable. Both Jeff and his wife were upset about the loss.
Jeff got online to research renting a metal detector. He located TheRingFinders.com, where he was able to get my phone number. After he told me about the event that led to the loss, I told him I’d go to the location right away. He sounded surprised but agreed to meet me in a half hour.
15 minutes later I parked at Pearl St. It was dark out, so I put my head lamp on grabbed my detector and sand scoop then walked down 50 steps to the beach. Jeff told me about a driftwood hut near where they had been all day.. Walking and swinging my detector directly toward the hut,  I hit a perfect signal that proved to be Jeff’s ring.. I turned to walk back up the steps where I could see Jeff. We met at the the top of the cliff, where I gave him his ring and took a photo of his smile.
The next day Jeff sent me a testimonial which I will send to our TRF’s testimonial page. Jeff was truly grateful.


Lost Engagement Ring Victoria B.C. Recovered and Returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)
















Sarah was training her horse on Monday, it was cold and she was wearing gloves.

Sarah took her ring off and placed it in her pocket for safe keeping. When she went to put it back on it was gone, so she searched and could not locate it. Sarah went home and told her husband I have really bad news.

She told me that she didn’t expect to ever see the ring again.

Wednesday, February 1st. she Googled “lost ring” and found me. I was able to meet with her 30 minutes later and after 20 minutes searching I was able to reunite Sarah and her engagement ring.

Love my job.

Lost diamond engagement ring in cemetery, Sanford, Fl…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Amy was visiting the grave site where her precious little one–Jean Francis Butterfly Butler– was laid to rest. It was a rather warm January day and the rings on Amy’s ring finger were feeling tight so she removed them and slid them into her pocket-along with the keys to her van. It was a quiet and peaceful time, sitting there by her little one’s grave site, as Amy reflected on the many things she had to be thankful for. Soon it was time to pick up her 7 year old daughter from school, so she folded up her lawn chair and headed to the van, pulling out the keys from her pocket as made her way across the short grassy area. As she slid into the drivers seat she remembered her rings and reached into her pocket and discovered–NO RINGS! Frantically she retraced her steps to where she was sitting and after a thorough search she was able to find her wedding band, but no diamond engagement ring. She walked back and for over the small area–but could not find her precious ring.
The thought came to her–about renting a metal detector–so she went online and found a place but they were located way up in the northeast part of the country and the gentleman on the phone recommended she look up theringfinders.com! Happy to have someone so close by to help, Amy gave me a call and I was able to meet her within the hour! After meeting and hearing the details, Amy began retracing her steps and explaining to me that her ring was probably not along here because she had looked the area over very well….and in the middle of her sentence she looked down and there was her lost ring laying beside a flowerpot and partially hidden in the grass! She let out an “Oh my Goodness!” and bent over and picked up her own ring. It was so good to meet you Amy and to help YOU find your lost ring!
Lost your ring? Call ASAP!
Mike McInroe–a forever grateful member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring in grass, Orlando, Fl……Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

David was playing a lively game of “keep away” on his driveway with his two children and never even realized his wedding ring had come off! During the action of throwing the ball and jumping around, his gold wedding ring came off of his finger and landed on the concrete. At that exact instant his son, Jonathan, actually inadvertently kicked it and what they heard was the “clink” of his ring hitting the driveway and then the clink, clink as it bounced off into the grass. No one realized what it actually was–thinking maybe Jonathan had kicked a nail or screw or some other metal object. They finished up their game and went inside for the evening.
It was not until the next day that David noticed his gold wedding ring was not on his finger. That’s when Jonathan remembered the metal clinking sound during there keep away game and thought that maybe it was his father’s gold wedding ring. So they ran outside and started looking up and down the driveway, in the grass and even out into the street. And still they could not find David’s ring. David then considered borrowing a metal detector and that’s when someone suggested he give me a call. I agreed to meet David later that same day at his home and assured him I would do my best to find his lost wedding ring.
After meeting David and his children and hearing their story I decided to begin my search along the grassy strip by the street and then worked my way up the left side of the driveway. The grass was very short and sparse with a few dead leaves here and there. David and his kids were watching my every move and could hear my metal detector sounding off on various targets. About 10 minutes into my search I got a really nice signal and there hiding under a single leaf was David’s lost wedding ring. I never get tired of seeing that look of sheer joy and hearing that heartfelt “Thank You!!” It was an honor and a privilege to find your lost ring and to meet your dear family!
Mike McInroe—proud member of theringfinders.com

Lost ring in Kaplan, LA – Found

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Ashley called on December 22. Her husband, Rahn,  lost his wedding band, while working in the yard. Carrie and I were in California, spending time with the grandkids, so we set the 28th for the hunt. We arrived back from California and went the next day to FIND THE RING. Rahn had worked in the back yard but security camera footage showed the ring still on his finger as he left to do front yard work. He next went to the front yard to clean grass from three grated yard drains. The grass was tossed to the side and the ring may have left his finger with that motion. Carrie and I each hunted around a separate drain with no luck. I went to the third and final drain. The metal grating had caused problems searching the others but I got a strong signal a foot from this drain, far enough for the metal grating to not interfere. Buried in the grass was the prize. Ashley was beyond excited. It was a pleasure reuniting Rahn with his beautiful ring. Thank you for your generous reward. This allows us to continue providing our services.

Promise Ring Found In Claremont Horse Country

  • from Santa Monica (California, United States)

Monday December 26

On Christmas day, I received an email from a hopeful mother, Diane whose daughter just received a promise ring right before Christmas. Her daughter Summer was devastated, and wasn’t sure whether or not to break the terrible news to her boyfriend, to go buy a metal detector and search for herself, or what the next step should be. Diane and I came into contact and although I was unable to make it Sunday night, I made the drive early Monday morning. Luckily, it was nearby and only 6 miles up the hill in Claremont, Horse Country. Summer didn’t know where the ring could be, but she narrowed it down to either being in the stall while cleaning her horses, or outside where she was photographing her new prized possession. I worried that one of the horses may have kicked the ring and we wouldn’t be able to find it. Since the ring is white gold, it is harder for the metal detector to pick up any signals. While searching in the stalls, the friendly horses nudged and kissed me, as they curiously watched the pursuit for the ring.  After turning up the sensitivity, I soon heard a faint signal. I scooped up a pile of hay, and there in the screen was Summer’s ring. She was overjoyed to see her ring once again, and I suppose Christmas came twice for her this year. I was glad to have made someone’s day, and was on my way.

Lost Ring Found in Spokane Valley Wa

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

All Ring Finders Stories that end with a picture of the owner holding their ring is a happy ending. However for Ross the happy ending he was having in his picture was caused by his own ring find recovery. This ring search took all of 20 minutes because after I struck out looking around the car where Ross was sweeping snow off windows , I asked Ross to move the vehicle.  As he moved the car I kept on searching around the snow covered car lot. Ross was walking back toward me telling me about what happened to the ring  and then stopped and looked down. In a very small clump of snow and ice he saw the golden and silver rim of his lost ring. My hats off to you Ross, and I am truly glad you have your ring back.

Tungsten Wedding Band Found NE Edmonton Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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On Wednesday December 7, 2016 Kayla e-mailed me requesting my service to locate her husband’s Tungsten wedding band lost in his mother-in-law’s backyard while he was moving stuff and playing with the dog, he heard the ring go ping on the sidewalk then ended up in the snow somewhere in the yard, he tried to find his ring with no success Kayla said he’s very upset.

I meet-up with Kayla this morning with another bitter cold day -22 Celsius in Edmonton Alberta Canada,  Kayla showed me where the ring flew off his finger, within ten minute the ring was back in her safe hand!

Another happy client!  Thank you Kayla for entrusting me to find your husband’s ring.

Lost Wedding Band Esquimalt B.C. Recovered and Returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)














Thursday November 17th Kevan was playing Rugby and lost his wedding ring, it was dark when he discovered it gone. The next day he returned with a friend and a metal detector, they had no luck locating the ring. His wife Juliane heard about me from a friend Christine (  https://theringfinders.com/blog/Don.Marshall/page/2/  )  I had recovered her husbands wedding ring 3 years before.

Juliane called me and I went to the park Friday afternoon, no luck. After getting more details I returned Saturday am and recovered the ring.

I so love my job.