Lost Gold Wedding Band at Waikiki Beach…FOUND!!!
This ring find began when I received a call from Greg who was on his Honeymoon in Waikiki and had just gotten married the day before in his hometown in Indiana. While swimming in the cool waters of Waikiki his wedding band slide off in waist deep water and disappeared. Greg & his lovely bride Mackenzie spent the next hour trying to locate the gold wedding band in the soft sand. It was too well hidden and that’s when he googled, “Lost ring Hawaii” and found the ringfinders. I told Greg I’d meet him as soon as I could get my gear together after my quick stop at the pharmacy. When I arrived Greg & Mackenzie were waiting near the beach entrance and walked me down to the area the ring was lost. Greg lined up the markers he had and was standing in about waist deep water. I started the grid search on the deep side and worked toward shore. The sand was sterile and I new his ring would scream as soon as the Excal got near it. Sure enough on about the 8th pass I got a great tone and one scoop down there was Greg’s shiny gold wedding band in the scoop. I could see a smile on Mackenzie’s face as I handed Greg his ring. Honeymoon saved! Aloha to Greg & Mackenzie!