The Ring Finders Blog | Page 323 of 945

Lost sentimental Garmin watch into the waters of North Lake Dalrymple, Kawartha Lakes, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Jason was enjoying a vacation with his Wife & Children renting a beautiful cottage on North Lake Dalrymple in the Kawartha Lakes Region on Ontario’s cottage country.

Jason was out in the water playing with his kids and his Daughter grabbed his wrist. His Garmin watch as well as her bracelet came off and went to the bottom of the lake.

Jason managed to dive down to locate his Daughters bracelet but unfortunately could not locate his Garmin watch. This Garmin is very special to him as it’s been on many athletic adventures through thick and thin with injuries and all. Jason is an amazing athlete and free diver as well. But he’s also an “EARTH ANGLE” raising charity donations for years with his high school buddies and Friends. I’m talking thousands of charity donation dollars!!! Over 3 million I believe! INCREDIBLE!

“CYCLE WARRIORS” is their team name!!! They are all EARTH ANGELS!! Doing their part in helping others in need jus as I do with using my passion for metal detecting snd raising much needed donations for the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation instead of taking/receiving a reward for finding the clients lost item!!


Here’s a link to sponsor Jason’s in his upcoming even in a view days!!!

Every donation matters!! Please make a donation if you can!


Jason put us in the perfect location! My DIVE BLU3 NEMO hookah system and 10’ hose and my Minelab Excalibur2 underwater metal detector alongside a custom underwater circular gridding tool ROCKED IT UT!!! Once untangling the line it took 40 SECONDS to recover and surprise Jason with his Garmin watch!!


Garmin had given Jason some explicit instructions on how to care for and charge his watch. He took his time and was extremely pleased that after 6-8 weeks of it being in the water his GARMIN TURNED ON AND UPDATED!!!

Jason’s stated his buddies thought he was crazy to have the watch recovered and it wouldn’t work!! Guess he has the last chuckle!


check out the video of this Garmin watch recovery and return;


I was honoured to turn around and donated to Jason’s team! It will be a new annual donation in my books!! Thank you too Jason for your generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!!

Just might drag you out on a couple of my recovery adventures where I need a dive buddy is my safety watcher!!


Tungsten wedding band lost into the waters of Georgian Bay in Perkinsfield, Tiny Township, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Jackson and his wife were visiting the Family’s local Tiny Township beaches area on Georgian Bay!

Having a relaxing day floating just off the shoreline Jackson’s hands were cold and his tungsten gold plated wedding band slipped off into the waters below.

They spent and hour looking for his wedding band with no luck.

Jackson googled ‘The Ring Finders’ directory, found my information and called me.

I headed up shortly after his call and detected in some very rough conditions until I couldn’t see anymore with the darkness. No luck, I agreed to return the next day re-gridding the area in case I missed any spots from being thrown around in the terrible conditions.

The next morning we headed back to the beach area and I re-gridded with no lunch. After a lunch break courtesy of Jackson’s Mother, Jackson and his Wife returned to the Family cottage. I was determined to continue the search in the other direction from my starting point. On my 3rd pass I had a solid 16/17 on my Minelab Equinox800 and at 4” in depth I knew this had to be his wedding band!!


I’m so happy to help recovery and return Jackson’s wedding band which gets him out of the dog house!!

Honored to meet his lovely Family and through conversations… we are actually Hydro Family!! I will be seeing them very soon!

check out the video on this wedding band recovery and return;



Lost gold wedding ring found, Paw Paw Lake, Michigan

  • from Granger (Indiana, United States)

Lynn contacted me about her husband’s wedding ring that fell off his finger while cranking the wheel on the their boat lift. The ring had also been Lynn’s father’s ring, so it was extra sentimental them. We discussed a time frame yesterday and I went up there this afternoon to search. I brought an underwater tube-lens contraption (for viewing bottom/etc), the usual detector, backup detectors, scoops, pinpointers and also my scuba gear. The water visibility was as bad as I expected (murky/sediment), so the view tube was a no go. The pier and lift station was a maze of metal with large metal pads on the bottom. I opted to start with detector and scoop. Found a multitude of undesirable “trash” targets, cans, nuts, bolts, coins, pier post caps, etc, etc, but no ring. Obviously, the detector can’t “see” when near the metal frame parts, posts and pads. After an hour and a half with detector and scoop, I had to move to the anticipated Plan-B, scuba gear and pinointers, for working close to the framework. I used my fancy little gear cart to bring everything out to the dock site. After dawning the gear, I went to put the mask on and CRACK (the strap fixture broke). Not really wanting to dismount the gear and get repair stuff from the truck, I MacGyver’d the mask strap with a piece of wire I had just dug up and had in the floating sifter, worked perfect, back in business. I searched and searched with pinpointers, all around the metal structures and post pads, still no ring. I was getting worried now and wondering maybe it wasn’t in the water. I noticed the pier had metal supports under the slotted walkway with a channel big enough to catch a ring. I checked all the channels, no ring. Now I was thinking about the two frame parts, that I saw from above, that had holes big enough for a ring to fall into and no way to really check.Then I thought, maybe, maybe the the last place that ring could be was actually laying on one of the metal post pads, where the pinpointer nor metal detector would see it. I started moving the inch of sand/dirt/sediment off the pads and checking that with pinpointer. On the second pad, doing the same, I felt my finger tip go into what really felt like a ring. Bingo, that was it!

Ring lost at a San Diego beach Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Corey and his family were spending a day at the beach. He put his wedding ring in his pocket for safe keeping, only to discover later that his pocket had a hole in it and the ring was gone! This wasn’t the first wedding ring he’s lost, so, he had to endure another tongue lashing from his wife. a couple of days later, Corey searched online, found website, got my contact information, and gave me a call. We met at the beach about 45 minutes later where he showed me the search area in the dry sand where they were camped last Saturday. I started a grid in the most likely spot and expanded out from there. In about 15 minutes or so, Corey was going to head up to his car, but, at that moment, I got a nice “14” pull tab sound on my Equinox, and out came Corey’s ring from the sand. A happy Corey now gets to go home and move his belongings out of the dog’s house and back in the family’s house! A pleasure to meet you Corey and thank you for the reward.


Lost Ring before Tropical Storm – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Yesterday morning as we were all preparing for the possibility of Tropical Storm Fred getting closer to us, I got a call. Deborah and her family were down from Birmingham to witness her son Thomas get married on the beach the day before. Everything went great but the young man who was kind enough to act as ring bearer got a little over zealous on his walk to the alter. Even though both rings were tied  to the pillow, somewhere between the boardwalk and the place where the bridal party were standing, the bride’s rose gold and diamond band disappeared. 😳  Luckily, Deborah reached out to me promptly and understood that we needed to find it quickly before those waves in the gulf got closer and closer. I was already in the area and agreed to meet Thomas for a debrief of where everyone was standing. I used my largest coil and was able to cover a lot of ground while Thomas ran back to his car for something. I think he was surprised to see that by the time he got back I was already taking pictures of the ring with the big seas in the background. He was thrilled to have his new bride’s ring back and quickly called his family to tell them the good news. Congratulations to you all. I’m very glad I was able to help make a great ending to a story I know you will tell for years to come. God Bless! 😃

Lost Ring On Topsail Island Found By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

John & Sophie arrived at their North Topsail, NC beach house one day prior for a family vacation with great views and weather.  John had taken his wedding band of many years off to swim in the ocean.  The beach chairs were moved a few times because of the incoming tide and were eventually folded up and returned to the house.  John called me later that afternoon the ask if I could be of assistance.  Upon arrival John showed me the boundaries for my search.  There were very little signs of metal in the sand and at one point, I wondered if I had the correct search settings.  After a crusty penny, my next signal was a strong soda tab signal.  This time it was just the opposite!  John’s white gold wedding band was peaking up from the sand after my first try to brush the sand away from the target.  If I remember correctly, I think John said “well how about that!”   John told the neighbors that he didn’t need to sleep outside tonight!

Late husbands lost wedding ring

  • from Kent (England, United Kingdom)

I received a call from Katy yesterday evening , she explained she had lost her late husbands wedding ring whilst gardening in her front garden , we agreed to meet up early this morning to search for her very precious ring , I put the 6” coil on my Equinox 800 for ease in getting under shrubs etc , the first target that registered was 4” deep and in the Platinum range ( 10 on the meter )  my Garrett carrot pin pointer confirmed a target and a couple of handfuls of soil later soon revealed a nice big Platinum ring , Katy was very emotional when I reunited her with her very sentimental ring , the look of gratitude on her smiling face said it all , another successful recovery thanks to ringfinders . 


  • from Moose Jaw (Saskatchewan, Canada)

Karrie husband was reading the Costco Connection when he read the article Hunting treasures. He searched the Ring Finders and contacted me.   Karrie had lost her wedding ring  so 30 days prior while playing catch with her daughter in the back yard. the ring was on her glove hand and was thought to be lost when she had to remove the glove to retrieve the ball from under the evergreen trees.  They had purchased a metal detector but could find the ring.

We made arrangements to meet.  I did a search of the evergreen trees on both sides of the yard and grid search of the main area of the yard. I was into the second  hour of the search and got a  great tone and 49 VDI  in the 2 in depth the ring was covered by the grass. Karrie was very happy to get the lost ring back on her finger.

This has to be one of the best feelings to return a precious lost item to someone that may have given up all hope of ever seeing it again.

Ben Griswold- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call or Text ASAP  Anytime   1-306-630-3016

24 karat gold necklace recovered at Benona Township Park, Shelby, Michigan

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

Back at Benona Township Park on Lake Michigan again. We were there just 6 days ago, and today we got another call — this time for a gold chain with a diamond heart pendent and a Sicily charm. Karin’s late husband had given her this gold chain, so it was very important to her. She thought she might have lost the necklace when she swam from the first sand bar to the second sand bar in water over her head.
So we had a general idea of where to start searching, but it was a still a huge area to cover (more than 100 yards into the lake), and it included water at the max of our capability. We figured we were looking at a tough few hours. I started my grid to the right and Dave Boyer, my Ringfinder partner, went to the left as we had decided to work towards each other. On my first leg on the deep side of the first sand bar I got a nice signal. I started digging but, was having trouble getting it in my scoop. I called Dave over and he tried one scoop with no luck. I dug another couple of scoops and WOW, look at this! It took us an hour and a half to get to the lake, and 5 minutes to find the necklace. I called Karin as soon as I found it but told her I needed better details. I then asked if the necklace was insured and she didn’t think so. I then told her it didn’t matter anyway because I found it. I imagined I could see her jaw drop and tears in her eyes as I told her. She was speechless. I said I was 76 years old and could still make the women cry. What a powerful job we have in reuniting items that mean so much to people. Karin, who lives across state, posed with her son after receiving the necklace from her sister who brought it to her. She is one happy lady.

Sentimental Lost Rings Found Atlantic Beach, NC By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)


Kelly started to send me vague questions about my service and what was required from her.  It was a very busy day for me and I also had plans to search for a lost ring the next morning.  Once she gave more details about where she had lost an heirloom gold diamond ring and also a second gold aquamarine ring from her father, I was started to worry as they were very close to a busy section of beach.  I had made plans to sacrifice some sleep to arrive at Atlantic Beach a few hours before heading to my morning appointment in New Bern, NC.  As I knew my search time was short, I “phoned a friend” to assist with the hunt.  Justin and I started at the area Kelly had marked very well with pictures, illustrations and landmarks.  Justin began hunting the upper section of the recently replenished beach that was full of small pieces of aluminum as I worked from the high tide line.  It only took about 30 minutes until Justin was able to winkle out Kelly’s two beautiful rings!  Kelly informed us that she worked in New Bern so we still had time to hand deliver her recently found rings before heading to my previous planned location.