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Lost Property Markers Found in Trenton Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

On The Fence……

…Was the feeling that came over Walt as the old privacy fence was removed and a new vinyl one was soon to be installed. He was in agreement with the neighbor about it but still was curious where the property line was. After chatting I agreed to locate the property irons and wanted the neighbor’s approval as well. With that granted I proceeded to examine the old survey drawing for the lot dimensions. On site I turned on my Tesoro Sidewinder metal detector and began scanning. Near the front sidewalk I got a loud signal. Probing with a surveyors pin I felt it scratch the side of a metal object. Digging in and flipping the grass plug revealed the property iron! At the rear of the lot the old property iron was exposed but bent sideways from tree growth near it making it inaccurate to use. Moving to the opposite corner the drawing indicated the property iron was set years ago. Finding that one enabled me to pull a tape measure the correct lot width towards the bent property pin to see where the line really was where the fence was going. By this time the neighbor came out to see how things were going. We all agreed that the new fence was not going to encroach onto Walt’s property. To celebrate, as Walt brought out some beers I said, now that’s a perfect way to mend the fence with the neighbor!……Cheers!


Lost and found diamond ring at Eels Lake Ontario

Today’s excursion took me to Eels lake near Apsley, just south of Bancroft. Received a call from Shayne last week about his girlfriend Lisa loosing her diamond ring while vacationing at a campground. While on the floating dock, Shayne threw Lisa into the water and then both watched in horror as the ring flew off her finger and into the lake. The issues were; the floating dock moves quite a bit from its anchor point pending on wind direction, dense weed bed and about one foot of silt under the weed bed (typical for lake conditions in the area).  The good news is that it was in only ten feet of water and they both saw the ring go in. After a two hour search, constantly ripping weeds off my detector coil, I finally heard that sweet gold tone, amongst other metal signals. After coming up about four feet from the bottom, due to zero visibility due to silty conditions, I saw and confirmed that I had the right ring. Lisa was so happy to be reunited with her grandmother’s ring, whom has passed since she’d given it to her. Another happy ending. Life is good.

Lost Rose Gold Ring Underwater Found in Portage Lake, Munith Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

The Feather that Pointed to Treasure……

….Most treasure hunters at least once in their lifetime have come across treasure signs and symbols while researching a particular treasure lead or legend. Some spend most of their lives trying to decipher, decode and chase down the clues hoping to find the motherlode. When Travis lost his ring in the water, he was hoping it wouldn’t take a lifetime to find it. Entering the lake the water felt nice and cool and with the scent of barbecue grills and smoked meats in the air I paused to take in the moment of another summer that’s gone by too fast. On the shore was Travis’ wife Margherita who was pointing to us the area she remembers Travis being in when the ring came off. Out in about 5 feet of water I got a few junk targets, but as Margherita pointed more to the left a huge loud signal came thru my detector’s headphones. Descending under for a minute my pin pointer buzzed on a target and moving some sand aside I saw his ring. Back on the surface I had a mad look on my face and said all I’m picking up is junk, but then this showed up! Travis looked at his ring in amazement and couldn’t believe it was found! He held it in the air and Margherita knew we had found it! Back on shore Margherita walked towards us with a large feather. I said to her that I didn’t have any ink for the quill pen if you’re writing me a check! They both laughed and she said that the feather was found behind her and was pointing towards where the ring was found and mentioned that whenever she came across a feather in life, good things always happened! I said that’s one heck of a treasure sign and I’ll go get that ink!


Yarmouth, MA. Gold Celtic Cross Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 29, 2024

Almost five weeks ago, Caeleigh was enjoying a day on the beach. She was wearing a very sentimental Celtic cross that her parents had bestowed upon her on the day of her first confirmation.

I am not positive on just how the chain with the cross became separated and lost in the fine sand.

Today I was out testing a new detecting scoop grip and found only pull tabs and a screw. About to give up for the day, I got out of the water and headed to my car. Gerry had been watching me and was inquisitive about my detector and could find a hearing aid. Yes it is possible, but unlikely unless the detector is “tuned” to react to the hearing aid’s metallic characteristics. When our conversation was about over and I was about to start searching for the hearing aid, Katie approached and asked the same question ecept her item of interest was a gold Celtic cross. The answer was the same.

The first area I covered was for the hearing aid. The detector I had been using in the water was just too sensitive over the 18 inch sweep to locate the hearing aid, but I tried. I moved over to the area of the cross and chain. I knew the cross could be located, but the fine chain would be very difficult. I was correct, the cross was retrieved from the sand with no problem

My second detector in the car did not have programming capabilities. One of my detectors at home would fit the needs perfectly. So I left the beach to get my best detector for the items I was searching for, a hearing aid and a gold chain in salty beach sand environment. I returned an hour later to complete the search. At the beach I was in luck with the adjustments I made to the third detector, it would react equally well to either object with the same settings.

As good as the detector that I chose for the situation and adjusting it for the objects to find, I did not find either one. There are possibilities that; either object may have been found, the beach cleaning rake buried them beyond my detector’s depth range, or I just missed detecting them. Also, the hearing aid may have been lost elsewhere.

I had talked to all involved and took pictures of Caeleigh and her cross before going home to get the third detector just in case what I feared happened, which it did. The active search for the chain and hearing aid have ended for now, but the information will be retained per chance I do find either one at a later date or hearing of another detectorist finding one of the still missing belongings.

Eastham, MA, RingFinder Finds and Returns Lost Wedding Ring to Military Member

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 29, 2024

Mike and I just did not connect on the game of phone tag last night. This morning we did. Mike was in desperate need of help for a solution of how to find his sister’s wedding ring that was lost in the sand. The loss happened when a towel was forcefully removed from a beach bag bringing the ring out with it and a few other items. All but the ring had been found.

Within an hour I was at the beach getting a run down on where I should be looking for the ring. I could see a gallant effort had taken place before I arrived at the beach. There was a 5X10 area of the sand that had been sifted to a depth of about 2 inches. That is where the ring should be. So, I started a search pattern parallel to the water’s edge and about 20 feet long as marked by two inverted red beach buckets. Ten passes and no ring, time to turn and cover the area perpendicular to the rows I had already made. It was on my third perpendicular pass between the second and third parallel pass that I had a great sounding tone that I was excited about. Yes, a shallow scoop and the signal producing object was in my scoop. It was the golden wedding band.

Time for pictures, hugs, and kind words. Another vacationing couple on Cape Cod would go home with everything they came with. Eliza and Sam, both active serving military members, are a fantastic couple that I enjoyed talking with and hearing of their military service and sharing some of mine with them. Mike stayed in the background but could not leave without my thanks for reaching out to a RingFinder for help doing what we do best, ending a stressful situation with a picture perfect for the Book of Smiles.

Oh, I will not forget what I and my wife left the beach with, a box of Cape Cod Treats of outstanding donuts. How they knew my favorite is the glaze covered cake donut and my wife’s, a chocolate covered donut with sprinkles I will never know. My first such gift. Thank you all.

Gold Ring Lost in Sand at Will Rogers State Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

It was just after 11:00 PM when Carlos contacted me. He had been at the beach earlier in the day. His wife had taken off her ring for safekeeping, but when they gathered their belongings, the ring was forgotten, and lost in the sand. It was too late when they realized what happened; it was gone. He said that he could meet me the next day for a search, but I encouraged a search that night knowing the tenacity of the beach cleaners in that area. He agreed, but told be he was not going to able to meet me there for the search. He sent me all of the necessary information I needed in order to conduct a good search for him, and I was on my way.

When I got to the area I knew there was not going to be the ability to park close at that time of the night, so I had to walk about 1 1/2 miles in the dark of night to the search area, getting there about 12:00 AM. I sent Carlos a text to let him know I arrived, and then began my search. I worked in the area he gave, working a tight grid to insure every inch of sand was covered, and didn’t find much. I kept to my grid, continuing pass after pass with nothing. About 20 minutes in total darkness (I don’t use lights unless absolutely necessary), I got the good signal, dug, and shook the sand out of the scoop. There in the bottom was a very small gold ring. It looked like what he had described, but it was pretty small, so I sent a picture, and Carlos affirmed it was the one. It was about 12:30 AM, and I had a long walk back to the car. I let him know that I would contact him the next day for a return. We got together the next day, and he told me about the sentimentality of the ring, and I understood how it meant so much to them. A little adventure lead to a bunch of happiness.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Diamond Ring Lost in Sand at Hermosa Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Torrie contacted me at 11:00 AM about a ring she lost the day before at the beach. Seeing it was a weekend I knew if there was to be any hope, the search had to happen now. The beach is cleaned daily by machine, so I had to go right away to do the search. She was not able to meet me there, but was able to give me enough information to be sure I was searching the correct area, and I was on my way.

I got to the area, and was relieved to see that no one had set their belongings in the area, so I would be free to search. I did notice though that the machines had covered part of the search area, so I was hoping they did not go into the area of the loss. I began furthest from the groomed area working my way in that direction. Pass after pass, finding tin foil, bottle caps, and other miscellaneous metal trash, but no ring. I worked all of the way to the part that had been machine cleaned with no luck, and then began to search the cleaned beach. 3 or 4 passes in I get a solid signal, put the scoop in, and there was a beautiful diamond ring in the bottom. They missed! I contacted Torrie to tell her it had been found, and we arranged to meet the next day for the return. When we met, she was very happy to have her ring back, and I was happy to have been a part of the return.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA Wedding Ring Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 26, 2024

I was home talking with my wife about the day’s happenings and saying how glad I was that it was now time for rest. The sun was going down and the dinner dishes were done and put away. But I should have known better that the rush to find a lost item was not over. I was right. A wedding band was lost on a public beach and could not be found. I could not refuse to help as the original call was to J&E Enterprise and the caller had been suggested to call me. Rick, TheRingFinder.

The beach was less than 5 miles away and I was on my way. I arrived and was greeted, given a brief synopses of how the ring was lost and what had been done to find the ring, and got ready to search. Derek had removed his wedding band and placed it on his T-shirt for safe keeping while he frolicked int the warn evening sands of Cape Cod. Not thinking about his ring he picked up the T-shirt to put it back on. That is all it took and the ring was “gone”.

The area had been marked out, some of the sand was sifted, crawled over, felt and searched by about 10 others. I started searching at the high tide line and then moved toward dryer sand. In less than a minute I “heard a solid tone in my ears and then a jingle of gold in my scoop. The ring was no longer in the sand. It was on the way back to the rightful, waiting ring finger.

Derek was one happy person. Hugs and Thank Yous were going to last for ever. The end of a perfect day was here and I was on my way home, again. I will have a bit of time to relax and reflect on the day, just in time before the next call for help is received…


Truro, MA Ring Finder Richard Finds Lost Ring and Returns It Withing Minutes

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 25, 2024

I was sitting at home after an unsuccessful morning’s search for a bracelet, sipping on a well deserved cup of coffee, a text chimed out on my computer. Oh yes, another lost wedding band. This time from a party on a beach about as far out on Cape Cod one can go. Tired and just about out of energy, I read the text and could not do anything but reply with I will be ther within 2 hours. For this search I had my wife accompany me as I had logged over 10 hours of searching in the past 24 hours. I did not want her to feel neglected, besides I enjoy her company on any search I go on. One good part of the 70 mile trip was stopping at a wonderful Farm Stand for fresh tomatoes and zucchini. So much for “me” back to the search.

I arrived at the address and was met by Hannah. A short introduction and onto the search. It seams that Belinha (a beautiful 4 year old) had been given the task of carrying her father’s wedding band in one hand and a piece of (more to her interest) food in the other hand. On the way from the beach to the cottage a little stumble and the food was saved, but the ring had fallen into the sand. A few hours of searching, raking and looking could not bring the ring out of the sand.

AH…the internet is a wonderful thing and it can even find someone like myself that can help locate a misplaced metal object. That is just what Hannah did, then she texted me. Within 3 hours from the time I received the first text Steve was wearing his wedding band again. The was nothing special: lost between A and B well mark by an attempt to find the ring by raking. The second pass on the given area produced a Blue Moon bottle cap and a top off a Smirnoff’s nip just before the prized ring was in my scoop for Steve to remove. Now, that is how a search and return should be accomplished.

This loss ended happily for everyone involved: Steve got his ring back; Norma was had the foresight to search, find, and arrange for help when needed; daughter Belinah did not have to have her parents get married because she was the one that “lost” the wedding band; and finally Grandma Ester was elated that every one was once again joyful with big smiles and a great story to tell friends.

Harwich MA. Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned by Ring Finder Rick

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 22, 2024

As so many visitors to Cape Cod were trying to catch a few more wonderful days at the beach before summer ends, Jared and his family were braving the rough waters when Jared’s wedding band slipped into the water something that had never happened before to Jared. Five days after that event Jared discovered and contacted me. Within an hour I was ready to start a search. This was going to be a tough search and the area was very large and the water on the rough side. Three hours of searching and I was getting tired. The tide was coming in and the area that had the best possibility of holding the ring was beyond my reach. It was time to call it a day. I’d be back for the morning tide.

The morning of the 22nd was a start of a great day for detecting with light wind, smooth water and gentle breeze. Another 3 hours of detecting and the undetected area was getting smaller with each swing. I was about to call it quits and get a refreshing cup of coffee when a signal rang in my headphones. It was just one of those signals that whisper to you and say “Dig Me!”. And I did. It did not surprise me sto see a gold hiding in my scoop. What did surprise me was that I did not see the initials or date that was said to be on the inside of the ring. I call Jared to verify the inscription. Well within a couple of minutes Jared was on his knees in the shade of a house, squinting to find the initials and/or the date. The faintness of the inscription was soon verified by Norma, Jared’s wife. I was the one thanking King Neptune for not tricking me with a ring that I was not looking for, but rather giving up the precious one.

Stories, thanks and an “enjoy the rest of your vacation” and I was off to get a well deserved cup of coffee. Sylvia, Jared’s daughter, was also looking forward to an ice cream sandwich later in the day. Cape Cod has so much to offer, fun on the beach, water to play in and many very special treats. A true Vacation Land.