Lost & Found Category | Page 400 of 484 | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold & Diamonds Wedding Band at Aulani Disney Resort Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started when I got a call from my wife stating the Ko Olina Beach Security called about a lost ring. I called and they put me in touch with Betty from San Francisco California. While she was applying suntan lotion she placed her wedding ring on her bathing suit. Then in that moment she stood up she saw the ring fall and disappear into the sand. They searched for quite some time with no success and after talking to hotel staff they suggested my services. I talked to Betty and she was going to a meeting shortly but would be available after noon. That worked perfectly for me so I told her I’d be there about oneish. I told Betty don’t keep digging as that could make it worse. I met Betty at the equipment rental shack and she walked me down to the lounge chair she was in when the ring fell. Her husband Jeff had been waiting there to keep things safe. We moved several chairs out of the way and I started my search. First target a quarter. Second target a pull tab. Third target sounded great and because Diamonds are involved I used my pin-pointer carefully in the sand. Surprisingly their digging had pushed the ring 7-8 inches down into the sand. Betty was so grateful when I handed her the ring. Jeff was as well. Betty promised me she learned her lesson not to wear rings on the beach. Well she certainly knows who to call. Let the vacation continue on a high note. Aloha to Betty & Jeff.

Lost Wedding Rings in Maurice, LA. – Found

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

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Lost Wedding Rings in Maurice, LA. – Found

Sid got a call from Shane the day after his wife lost her engagement ring and wedding band (soldered together) in his Dad’s back yard. They were having a party and the couple were active at the party and around the subdivision. They had made many trips around and off the property on a golf cart.  I went early the next morning and started in the back yard off the porch, the party’s main location. On my second pass, I got a shallow, gold signal and found the ring ½” below ground level. Total search time, 15 minutes. Another smiling face. Dad got the picture since Shane needed to be at work. Thank you Randy and Shane for the generous reward. This helps keep these search services available.


P.S. Received an email from Shane’s Mom later in the day. She is a good friend from the past. Made the find even sweeter.

Lost Gold & Diamonds Wedding Band in Aulani Disney Resort Ko Olina Lagoon…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started when I got a call from John who was on vacation from Littleton, Colorado. While taking a dip in the lagoon the day before his Wedding Band fell off. For several hours many tourists at the resort tried searching for the ring with no luck. That’s when John got my name and number from the resort staff. I agreed to meet him at the lagoon Monday morning for a search. When I arrived John was waiting. He helped me mark the grid then I told him to relax on the beach. I headed out to chest deep water on the first leg and when I did an about face to start the return leg I got a great tone. One scoop and there was John’s ring. Elapsed time 2 minutes. Needless to say John was astonished with the quick recovery and gratefully thanked me for getting him out of the dog house. Aloha to John.

White Gold Wedding Ring With Diamond Lost at Manhattan Beach, CA…Found and Returned With Joyfulness.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)


Valerie Contacted me yesterday about the loss of her wedding ring. I was available, and told her I would be there in 30 minutes. She had taken the ring off so she could go into the water, and when trying to place it in her phone case, it fell into the sand. When she had traveled a little while in the sand towards the water she looked again, and her ring was gone.She started to look in the most obvious place in the sand with her fingers, but the expanse of sand was so great it looked like a hopeless cause. She found me on TheRingFinders.com web site, and gave me a call.

When I got there, I asked my questions trying to narrow down the search area, but when Valerie explained to me what happened, I realized the area was rather large. I began my search where she had begun hers thinking she had the best idea of where the ring might have fallen into the sand. No luck with that, so I kept expanding out from that area all the way back to the area she had removed her ring, about 2 1/2 hours; nothing but a bunch of bottle caps, and a few coins. I then decided to do a cross grid, knowing that sometimes a ring may sound off in a different passing of the detector’s coil over the area. We both knew the ring was there from her experience, so the cross grid was the only answer. About 20 minutes later I got a solid hit in the earphones, and had her ring in the scoop. It was so good to see Varerie’s excitement when I held up her ring as she ran over to receive it. It is such a joy to restore the joy in others. Persistence is the key in some of these searches, so don’t forget to make sure the ground is covered completely when doing a search.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost Engagement Ring Found In The Bay At Ocean City, Maryland

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 08/21/16, I received a call from Tom requesting my help in locating an engagement ring that had been lost in the waters of the bay in Ocean City, Maryland. I learned that Tom and Michelle had been engaged on 08/12/16 and while visiting the Ocean City, Maryland area the ring had been lost in the bay on 08/20/16 at 6:30 pm. Tom and Michelle had ridden a jet ski from the residence that they were staying at over to a local restaurant, while sitting on the jet ski Michelle decided to place her engagement on her necklace chain for safe keeping. Before Michelle could get the ring on her necklace chain it slipped out of her hand and fell into the water. Tom made arraignments with the local restaurant to allow me to search for the ring on 08/22/16 at 7:00 am as the ring had been lost in the water just off of the beach of the restaurant. Upon arriving at the search location, Tom and Michelle took me to the area where the ring had been lost. The ring had been lost in about two feet of dark murky water right in the area where  jet skis had been docked. After Tom pointed out the area of the lost ring I placed four markers in an area measuring about six feet by six feet. In that area I recovered four beverage pull tabs, during a search I dig all targets just in case. I also showed Tom and Michelle all four tabs as I recovered each one. I then started to work the area of deeper water away from the beach at which time Tom told me that he felt the that ring had been lost closer to the beach. I adjusted my search at which time I began to search the outside area of where I had placed the first marker. Just as I began to search next to the first marker the sound that I was waiting for came through my headset. I then recovered the ring and as I pulled it out of my sand scoop I revealed the prize to Tom and Michelle who were truly grateful for the return of the ring. Congratulations to Tom and Michelle on their engagement. seecrets-oc-md.

Five Generation Heirloom Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned in Tampa

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard.  If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Five Generation Heirloom Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned in Tampa

Melissa was out putting her beautiful horse Bella through some tough exercises on Tuesday evening and Bella got rebellious and started to buck and act up just a little bit bouncing Melissa around a little more than normal. Prior to riding, Melissa had carefully placed her wedding ring into a pocket for safe keeping. Parts of the ring had belonged to her great-great-great grandmother and had been used through 5 generations of family weddings. It has significant historic value to the entire family.

After finishing her workout with Bella, Melissa washed her down, lead her back to the holding stall and put her away for the night. As she walked away from the stall she reached into her pocket to retrieve her wedding ring. It was not there. Panic immediately set in and Melissa raced around the barn, staging area, and arena frantically looking for her ring. She looked until it was to dark to see anymore then got a flashlight and searched for three more hours. When she finally gave up and returned home she got onto the internet and searched for help or maybe a place to rent a metal detector. She found SRARC Ring Finders, sent an email and then spent a sleepless night waiting to hear back. The next morning she called Mike Miller and they arranged to do a hunt that evening. Mike, Ed Osmar, Mike Shuler, and Mark Sillence all showed up as well as Melissa and her husband Bruce. Melissa explained the events of the previous evening and suggested that the ring was most likely thrown out of her pocket when Bella started her bucking episode. Mike set out small flags across the arena to establish scanning lanes and we all went to work, Mellisa and Bruce scanning by eye and the rest of us scanning with metal detectors. An hour later Mike Shuler held the ring high over his head and shouted “I found it”. We all cheered and Melissa ran over and gave us a big hug. Sadly the ring had been stepped on by a horse and was damaged but it was still in one piece, had all the diamonds and can be repaired. Thanks Mike for your great recovery.

SRARC is overjoyed to have been able to help recover this heirloom for Melissa and Bruce whom we wish to thank for their service in the United States Air Force. We are also extremely happy to have been able to serve you.

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Koa Wood Ring Lost at Manhattan Beach, CA…Recovered and Joyously Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)


I got to help a fellow local surfer find his lost ring. I received an email from Jason explaining that he had lost his ring just 2 hours earlier, and was wondering if I could help him. I was available, and said I would be there withing half an hour to perform the search. He had the ring in the pocket of his board shorts, and when he went to get it, the ring snapped off of the cover flap, and flung itself into the sand.

When I got to the beach, Jason met me, and we walked to the spot of the loss. His marks from digging in the sand were still visible which helped to locate the area he believed the ring to have gone. It took about 5 minutes to find Jason’s ring, mainly because he had brought me close to where he lost it, and because he got with me not long after the loss. It is so important to get someone out to help search as soon as you can so as to not have any outlying circumstances make it harder to find or be gone for good (waves and tide, county mechanical beach sifter cleaners, or other metal detectorists).

I was able to give Jason his ring back, a ring he had gotten in Hawaii with his girlfriend, so it held special significance to him. it was great to see his smile.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

100 Year Old Wedding Ring Lost in Grass (found) by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

100 Year Old Wedding Ring Lost in Grass (found) by John Volek TRF-Houston

I was contacted regarding the loss of a 100 year old wedding ring in the front lawn of a home here in Houston. The homeowner indicated their child had grabbed the ring and was playing with it in the front yard where it was eventually lost.

The homeowners informed me they have searched for days, rented a metal detector, and dug through the grass on their hands and knees looking for the lost ring.

Plans were made to meet a few days later after they had exhausted their efforts searching for the ring themselves.

Check out the video to see the recovery of this 100 year old wedding ring!


























John Volek

The Ring Finders – Houston, Texas



The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard. If you lost your RING or other precious item “Don’t Wait-Call Now!”


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                          Don’t wait… Call now!







Lost GoPro Camera @ Camp Yowochas Fallis, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



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Received an email from Tyng on Saturday requiring my assistance to locate his Gopro camera while on a three day retreat at camp Yowochas with his grade six students he was supervising,

Tyng was available to go on Sunday I agreed to assist him, Tyng picked me up at 7am we headed out 50 miles west of Edmonton to the camp we arrived the weather was not at all in our favor Rain and Cold Brrrrrrr.

We had to walk about ½ mile through the bush into an open field Tyng showed me the area that they were playing hide and seek in tall grass I must say the area that he thought the camera was lost created a huge challenge to swing my detector.

After about two hours out in the tall grass I was convinced that the camera was not in that area, Tyng was 110% sure that was the area he lost the camera, I told him lets back track to the last known location which was at the other end of the field where the grass was shorter they all sat down in a circle and talked about their time at the camp then they left the field.  

Within 15 minutes I heard a loud scream Tyng found his go pro in the area I suggested he was ecstatic to have the camera back with all the pictures and videos he had taken while on the three day retreat with his students.

Another happy client thank you Tyng for entrusting me to find your GoPro also your generous reward.          

Family Heirloom Ruby Ring Lost, Found, and Returned on Pass A Grille Beach, Florida

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard.  If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Family Heirloom Ruby Ring Lost, Found, and Returned on Pass A Grille Beach, Florida

Austin and his mother were visiting his brother in Florida from Flint, Michigan. They all went to Pass A Grille and set up a canopy near the water for a fun day at the beach. Shortly after arriving they went into the water and as they enjoyed the warm gulf water temperature, Austin sat down in about neck deep water. As he was sitting he felt a shell in the sand, picked it up and threw it toward the shore. As the shell headed to shore so did Austin’s precious ruby ring. They all searched for hours but with no luck.

The ring was his grandfathers which was given to his grandfather by his grandfathers mother when he had turned 18. His grandfather wore the ring everyday of his life until he chipped the original ruby. At that time, one of his daughters (Austin’s Aunt) had the ruby replaced for him and he put the ring back on and wore it for the rest of his life. The Family is not sure what the significance of the ring was but they do know that both of his parents had worn ruby rings.

For Austin’s 18th birthday just last July his grandmother gave him the ring as a birthday present. Not only is the ring significant in his families history it is also Austin’s birthstone. The ring is approximately 61 years old.

About 8 days after he lost it, Austin found SRARC Ring Finders and contacted Tom Jones. A hunt date was established and Paul Hill, Ed Osmar, Dimitur Alipiev, Mark Sillence, Howard Metts, Jeffery Miller, Mike Miller, and Bill Gallant showed up for the hunt. 13 minutes later Bill held up the ring and said “I think I found it”. Awesome job Bill and a big “Thank You” to all who helped on this recovery. SRARC is very happy to have been a part in returning this important piece of history to Austin’s family.


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