Finders Category | Page 304 of 433 | The Ring Finders

Electronic Car Key Lost at Santa Monica Beach, CA…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

A few days ago Caroline called after losing her electronic car key at the beach while on a church outing with friends. She and her friends had been participating in many different activities, and she had put the key in her sweater for safekeeping. It wasn’t until ready to go that she realized the key was missing. They looked, but were running out of time, because they had to leave in a while. When she called, I could tell she was desperate to recover the key, and told her that I would get there as quickly as possible.

When I arrived she took me over to where they had been, and I began to ask the questions I normally ask, which made Caroline a bit discomforted, and I understood she was running out of time. So we began. I started where she said they began, but that did not produce, and she asked that I go to a new place. I tried to explain that my process was slow and deliberate, because I did not want to miss anything that might have been her key. She asked me to move to another place to try again, it wasn’t working.  I could tell she, and she thought I were working against the clock. She then came to me and let me know that she had to leave. I let her know that I would finish gridding the whole area they had been in until I felt I was finished: I wasn’t working against the clock. Now I felt relaxed, and fell into my normal grid work, and within 5 or 6 passes (about 10 minutes later) I had Caroline’s key in my scoop. I figured she was gone already, so I gave her phone a call that went directly to voicemail. I turned around looking in the general vicinity of where they had been, when I saw her moving in my direction asking if I had found it. I held it up for her to see, and she proceeded to dash across the sand to give me a big hug and receive her key back. It did make it easier for both of us to allow me to work at this process the way I know that works best. It was wonderful to see Caroline go from a very distraught person, to one filled with extreme joy!


I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost Ring Found In Margate NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder

Unfortunately, Jordan dropped his wedding band in the sand while applying sunscreen. He and his wife Sara searched the sand and were unable to find it. Sara’s friend did a quick internet search and found me. I was able to get there quickly and immediately recovered the ring!


The Ring Finders South Jersey

Ring Finder Near Me


Lady’s 14K White Gold Engagement Ring Lost at Ocean Isle Beach NC, Found and Returned

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

When I woke up on Tuesday, May 8th, I noticed I had a 6:30 a.m. missed call with a voice mail from Michigan. Robert, who had left the message, stated he had found me through The Ring Finders website and was wondering about the details in finding a lost ring. He also said his wife’s engagement ring was lost in my area. When I called him back, we discussed the details of the search. He stated that his mother-in-law had lost his wife’s engagement ring, probably had it on her little finger and it slipped off. One of his questions concerned this being a scam, I assured him everything was on the up and up and gave him a short version of my history. The conversation seemed to put his mind at ease and he gave me the description of the lost ring and the general location. Shortly after, I was on my way to Ocean Isle Beach.

During the forty minute drive, Robert sent me pictures of the rental house they stayed in, the beach access where they entered the beach, and the search area. Actually, there were two search areas, one possible area, and inside that area was a probable area. It looked like this might be a pretty big search, everything considered. I texted him about 10:35 a.m. telling him I was there, and I’d let him know when I found it. I also asked him when her ring was lost and he responded saying either the 1st or 2nd of May.

A couple of things I’ve learned while beach hunting and watching people, one  – they don’t venture to far right or left from where they came onto the beach, and two – they “usually” veer to their right to find their spot. So, I grabbed my PI detector and went straight from the stair access to the mid-tide line, dragging my scoop behind me leaving a line in the sand. The PI was going crazy with all the trash in the sand making this search very time consuming. Luckily, I had brought my AT Pro and hiked back to the car to retrieve it. I was alternating my search grid from the left and right of my center line when I noticed two ladies walking out on the beach. True to form, they were veering to the right of the stairs and started setting up their chairs and stuff right where I needed to search. I nicely told them what I was doing and asked if they would mind setting up about 10 feet left in an area I had already searched. They didn’t seem happy but they moved, thank goodness. Two more passes on the right of my center line, and just about where the ladies would have been sitting, I got a strong signal with a 51 on the screen, exactly what I expected for a small lady’s white gold ring. I looked down at the sand as I waved the detector back over the spot, and actually saw the top third of the ring sticking out of the sand. BOOM!!! I had her ring.

At 12:55 p.m. I texted Robert a picture of the ring, asking “Look familiar?!?!  and then called him. When he answered his phone, I asked him if he got my text, he said he had but hadn’t looked at it yet. I told him he needed to look at the text. I heard him gasp, and he said something like “oh my goodness, I can’t believe you found it.” Before we hung up, we worked out the details to try and get the ring back to him, in Michigan, by Mother’s Day so he could surprise his wife, Abbey. Unfortunately, the ring didn’t make it back in time, but Robert had a backup plan. For Mother’s Day, he had her open 4 boxes inside one another, each box contained a picture. The first box had a picture of my book, “Teardrops in the Tides; The Journeys of a Ring Finder.” The second box had a picture of the search area. The third box was a picture of my scoop in the sand where I found her ring, and the forth box had a picture of her ring. Robert shared with me that Abbey was so happy she cried.

Robert, thank you for trusting in me to help find Abbey’s ring.

The smile on Abbey’s face says it all, how can it get it better. Robert also sent Abbey’s Mother’s Day surprise!!!




Fish Slime, Slippery Rocks, and a Lost Wedding Ring Texas City Dike…by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Fish Slime, Slippery Rocks, and a Lost Wedding Ring Texas City Dike…Recovered by John Volek TRF -Houston

I was contacted by Pat, who wanted to know if would be possible for me to come out and help him find his lost wedding ring on the rock jetties in Texas City (Texas City Dike)

Pat reported he had been fishing on the rock jetties the previous night when he had lost his ring…Pat said he was helping a friend land a big fish…and during this process managed to slip on some slimy rocks and while putting his hands down to catch himself, his ring came off of his finder…Pat said he didn’t see exactly were the ring dropped, but he could get back to the exact spot.

Pat said he has marked the area…always important, and believed his ring had landed in a clearing in the rocks, made up of mostly smaller rocks and some smaller boulders.

This one seemed like a long shot, and once I arrived at the jetties and saw the conditions, it was definitely going to be a long shot to say the least!


Video Shot by Pat’s wife…

Facebook Video Links:

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

Video Part 3
























The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

“Don’t Wait-Call Now!”

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!







Wedding Ring Lost in Lake while trying to recover a Frisbee Golf Disk…by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring Lost in Lake while trying to recover a Frisbee Golf Disk…by John Volek TRF-Houston

I received a call from Joseph, who reported he had lost his wedding ring in a small lake in Rosenberg, Texas…

Joseph said a few days earlier he had been playing Frisbee golf at a park next to this particular lake… Joseph said, he had unfortunately lost his prize golf Frisbee, when an unexpected gust of wind carried it into the lake. Joseph said, he returned the following day with a long section of PVC pipe and a snorkeling mask hoping to probe the bottom of the lake and find his Frisbee…

Well we can see by the story being posted here, Joseph lost his wedding ring in his effort to rescue his Frisbee…

A lot of fishing gear targets needed to be cleared, and then a final sweep of the search area produced Joseph’s lost wedding ring…

Not everything went according to plan, but the end results were still good…check out the video to see some of the recovery highlights.



























The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

“Don’t Wait-Call Now!”

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!



Cartier and Tiffany & Co. Rings Found in Medina! Silver, Palladium and 3 Golds… Multi Ring Recovery!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)

Got the call yesterday from Angela, an assistant to Lyn, who lost 3 rings playing with her dogs near her Medina home. After getting the necessary info, which included great photos of the location, I hurried out to find them. It was a high profile location, so time was of the essence!

Due to the great info I was provided, I thankfully found them with an hour or so. If you lose a ring, take pictures of the spot you were at, in the direction you think it flew off, this info is invaluable to a Ringfinder! Since they were unable to meet me there, it really helped to have these pictures so I could get to work finding the rings as soon as I arrived.

The rings were pretty far from the point she was throwing from, so Lyn must have a strong pitching arm! All were within 6 ft of each other.

A plain silver band, a neat Tiffany & Co. palladium ring, and a classic Trinity ring from Cartier… white, rose and yellow gold, it was a family heirloom so I was glad I could find them.

Please contact me quickly and I’ll have a better chance of reuniting you with your lost items!

Lost White Gold Ring Found!! In Post Falls Idaho

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Today was a day of metal detecting for me. I started off by diving in a lake looking for a wedding ring lost 2 years ago to which I didn’t find. After coming home and cleaning up my gear I wrote a lady back who asked if I would travel to Post Falls, Idaho for a ring search. After dinner my Family and I went to a newly discovered park near our house to play. I was swinging my Whites detector around the playground when Charlayne, the lady who wrote me from Post Falls, called. I asked a few questions and found out that she had lost her ring in the front yard or the back after placing it in her pocket with a hole at the bottom. She also told me that she had rented a metal detector and raked both yards with no luck. I said I would be right over. My family and I drove 32 minutes to reach her house. After putting on my gear and seeing a picture of the ring Charlayne left me to my work. Which was a short job. I made my way from the front steps to the mail box like Charlayne said she had done and found a small foil wrapping under a fresh dug hole. So I made a second pass on the other side back to the steps and then back down for a third pass. I was about half way to the mail box when WHAM!! A solid 13-14 vdi at depth of 0 inches rang up and my pinpointer showed me why well cared for grass hides rings the best. After taking a picture of the ring hidden in the grass I smiled at my wife who was watching me from the car. I then headed to the back of the house to find Charlayne, her face went from worried anticipation to fourth of July fire work happy. After I showed her the spot where her ring had fallen out of the hole in her pocket and hid from her for a week; we said our goodbyes and took her advice to have some ice cream at Rogers. Thanks for the suggestion Charlayne and for trusting in The Ring Finders to find what you lost.

Lost Wedding ring Victoria B.C. Recovered and returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)



Kevin B. was playing baseball with friends Monday May 14th and lost his Gold Wedding ring. He eye ball searched for hours and then bought a metal detector and searched again. Kevin had given up when his mother found me on the web and told him let’s give this a chance, Kevin was not optimistic but his mother made the call and I met up with them and started searching Saturday the 19th. After a 3 and half hour search I found it. on the first base line.

Kevin was so thankful and told me he did not expect to see it back again.

I love my job.

Lost Platinum Wedding Ring at Ala Moana Beach Park…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call from Paul who lost his Platinum Wedding ring while paddling out to surf on a South swell Tuesday morning. As he was approaching the reef his next stroke he noticed his ring fall into the water and slowly fade from view. He had taken this route out to surf many times so he knew exactly where the ring had fallen off. It was a low tide and the water was slightly murky but he had a good idea of the location so he got some goggles and attempted to free dive for his ring. It was 3-8 feet in the area but the ring was no where in sight. I told Paul who is a local resident we could meet in the AM and I would scuba for his ring. That morning the water was calm but the sky was overcast. I would have preferred some sunlight but you got to work with what you got. Paul and I surface swam out to the spot and Paul described to me again the details of the ring loss. I decided to start shallow and work deep although Paul was thinking the ring would be on the deep end. I fired up the Excalibur then released the air from my BC and submerged for the search. There were several coral chunks in the shallow area so I had to work around them when after only 20 seconds in the water “BOOM” a tremendous tone came over the Excal as I was passing the loop over a chunk of coral. It was about 2 feet by 1 foot in size and had several holes from the urchins throughout. There was just enough light to see down into one of those holes and there was Paul’s Platinum Wedding ring all nice and cozy perfectly fitting into the circumference of the hole. I reached inside with my finger and was able to retrieve the ring thankfully the two nubs inside the ring helped. I stood up to show Paul who was sitting on the reef no more then 15 feet away. “Here’s your ring.” Paul looked at me astonished and said, “No way really?” I handed him the ring and he was seriously relieved. Paul was kind enough to help me rinse off all my gear and get it back to my car. Paul had a big smile on his face as I saw him depart. Aloha to Paul!

Lost rings found in Franklin MA

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On Mother’s Day, I received a call from Brigid, an upset mother who had lost both her diamond and wedding rings.  They were lost a day earlier while she was doing yard work.  The next day I went to Brigid’s home to search for both rings.  She described how she had been clearing brush and weeds, and lost the rings while piling up the refuse.  After an hour of searching the yard, I located her wedding ring.  It took an additional hour and a half to locate the diamond ring.  Brigid described the recovery as “amazing”.