professional metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond/Garnet Gold Ring flys away

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We are off to a an exciting 2025, so many calls this year already.

This afternoon we got a call from a lady who said 3 days ago she was working in her very large front yard, clearing weeds and frozen plants clean-up.  At the end of the day she realized her Ring Guard and her Diamond/Garnet center Ring were gone off her hand,

Very distraught, she search and searched, she even purchased a metal detector and it totally confused her because she had no one to teach her how to use it.  She had her husband and children out searching but no luck.  Her husband finally said ”just hire a professional”.  So she searched the internet and found The Ring Finders and called us.

As luck would have it we were only 20 minutes away having just finished another Ring find.  So we immediately went over and did our search.  After just a few passes through the yard and flower beds, when I got a solid 45 Gold Signal on our Garrett AT Pro.  We were able to put a big smile on her face that made our day….we love our hobby.

Lost Grandfathers Ring in Concrete Mix

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call from a gentleman who was mixing concrete for a row of 2 X 2 Steps.  He was making about 20 steps for a customers’ walkway.  In the process, due to some recent weight loss, his treasured ring which his Grandfather had worn his entire life and then passed on to our him disappeared.  Short story, he had the ring on, made 20 concrete steps and 2 hours later when finished the ring was gone.

He was pretty sure it was in the 3rd step as a bag of quikCrete had burst open and he had scooped concrete with his hands.  Upon arrival with our Garrett AT Pro Metal Detectors we began scanning each step.  Few normal beeps and noises until I reached the 1st step.  It was not a normal Gold Signal but it was extremely strong.  I told the customer, I’m not sure it’s your ring but there’s definitely something there.

He said OK and picked up the 2X2 step and threw it on the ground breaking it into pieces, then he yelled “There it Is”. He did a little dance in the yard, gave us a big hug and told us we made his year.

This hobby/business is so much fun…

Lost Tiffany Diamond Ear Ring Skydiving

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got call from Faith, she said she was Skydiving for the first time.  Once she landed in the field she was taking off her Goggles and felt her brand NEW (only had them 24 hours/10yr anniversary gift) Gold & Diamond Ear Ring flew off.  She immediately dropped to her knees with her parachute still attached and started looking for her ear ring.   Her partner and all of the staff at the Sky Diving Club searched and searched but with no luck.  They bought a metal detector NO Luck, the had someone come out with a better Metal Dectector- NO Luck.  Someone suggested she better hire a Pro, so she called “The Dallas Ringfinders”.

We got the call 1 week after the loss, we scheduled to come out after church on Sunday and met the couple and all 7 of the staff of the Sky Diving Club, everyone there had been searching for the Ear Ring.  Great thing was the staff had put out a orange cone at the landing location where Faith had landed.  Ellen & I got our Garrett AT Pro Metal Detectors and  our Garrett Water Proof Pinpointers and began our search… it only took a minute.  I got a solid 45 gold signal at less than 2 inches deep.  I checked the site with my Pinpointer but go No signal, I then cleared the dried grass with my foot and scanned again,  still getting the 45 Gold signal indicator.  I then bent down and slowly and carefully scanned the area with my pinpointer and got a hit on the edge of the thick grass I had cleared.. still seeing nothing I use my hand to slowly clear the grass and then I saw the “Glint”.  What fun to return a beautiful ear ring..

Lost Aggie Ring to the Yellow Duckies

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

What a fun search, we got a call from a retired Fire Chief in Lewisville, Texas.  He was helping out with a community Fundraiser where they pushed 40,000 Yellow Duckies off the falls and each duck had a value, they raised over $200,000 but our Aggie while pushing the final Duckies off the falls his Aggie Ring flew off into the pond.
He was very distraught over loosing his ring and tried to rent a Metal Detector but not knowing how to use it was a challenge, he actually was talking to the Fire Department Rescue Scuba Divers about trying to find it for him when he found “The Ring Finders” and called us.

Ellen and I met him on Tuesday morning and found his ring, I love what we do….

Another Successful Find for the Ring Finders

Treasure hunter for hire Miami

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

This couple was on their honeymoon from the UK.  They just got married 2 days ago and unfortunately he lost his new wedding ring while while swimming in Miami Beach.  Somehow his mother was able to find my services online from the UK and asked if I could help.  I drove out and in about 19 minutes I was able to reunite them with their ring.
if you’re reading this because you lost an item, give me a call/ text/ voicemail as soon as possible at 305–608–1870 And I’ll come out and find your lost item.  Take a look at my other successful posts.  ( over 100)

Grandmothers Ring slides into Cedar Creek Lake, Tx

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call from a mom who was so upset, her daughter had been at a Labor Day Swim party at Cedar Creek Lake, and the group of teenagers decided to take a midnight swim.  While sitting on the swim platform of the ski boat tied off at the dock.  A boy reached up and grabbed her hand and pulled her into the water.  As Alina was going under she her grandmother’s ring slid off.  She screamed and all of her friends tried searching for the ring. The water was about 5 feet deep with ZERO Visibility.

She then had to call her mother in tears and tell her that Grandma’s ring was gone.

I fully believe that Mom was more upset than the daughter.  Mom calls us and we set a time to come out to the lake 4 days after the loss.  The drive was 2 hours, but the subdivision was beautiful and the water was like glass… BUT BUT BUT the dock was a single dock that pitchforked out into 4 more docks and the daughter was not completely sure which dock they had been swimming on since it was dark.

I began my search using my ATPro, and water scoop.  The bottoms were 18inches of mush, like wet mash potatoes.  I began clearing all the normal junk.  Soda & Beer cans, nails, and junk.  After 4 hours of going over and over and increasing my search grid area with every pass.  I was about to call it quits, the mom had come over and said she understood I had gone above and beyond in my search and understood if I need to call it.

I said I wanted to do one more pass, I had one signal that was funky and I just wanted to pull it out to be sure I would have no regrets in my search.  I made my last scoop and nearly could not lift the 30 pounds of muck, had to use my hand to squish the much through my fingers and suddenly I saw the glint of a ring.

I called the daughter and the mom over and had them explain one more time what happened and then I said… “I have a question for you ….. “Does it look like this?”  And screams and tears began to flow… mom and daughter hugged and cried tears of joy.

Another successful find for the Dallas Ring Finders.

3 Rings Lost in Apt Yard in Dallas, Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call today from a gentleman who was inquiring about our services, said he lost 3 rings in his apartment complex common area.  Something did not sound right about his story so I inquired further, letting him know that 50% of our business is from people who throw their rings, primarily women.  Letting him know I was not here to judge anyone, but that we just needed the facts so we could find the rings.

I arrived within the hour and met the young man, he ask me not to discuss the thrown rings with his wife as she was embarressed. I assured him that I would be very discrete.  I began my search by scanning the open areas between the bushes where an extreme amount of sticker vines intertwined in the bushes.  Having cleared the open areas I scanned the bushes themselves going all around the bushes.  But still no luck.  I have to then begin pushing my ATPro Detector into the bushes as far down as possible.  I then began removing all the major surface trash(tons of it).  Finally, I spotted a glint of gold between the hard stalks of the bushes… so the first of 3 rings were found.

Continuing on, I was on my knees (thank God for good Knee Pads), using my Garrett Pinpointer, and began searching by hand,  pushing my pinpointer into the bushes.  My arms were severely scratched up and bleeding (looked a lot worst than it really was), Then I found the Diamond Ring… only one more to go.  I searched and searched, it was 102 degrees and the customers were watching my every move.

I was nearly ready to quit but the client had rented an ACE250 and he began searching as well, so I continued.  There was a 4-5 ft drop-off down to a grassy area next to a sidewalk, then more grass and a pond.  The customer drop down to the lower grassy area to check there, based on the small stature of the lady who threw the rings,  I did not really think she could throw a thin band gold ring that far.  When all of a sudden her husband hollers “I found it”,  it was actually his ring which was much heavier and had flown down to the grassy area.

We never care who finds the rings, we just want them to get them found.

So the lesson here is to ask for pictures of the missing rings before your search…

But another Successful Find for the Dallas Ring Finders”

Don & Ellen Wilson

Cedar Creek Lake -The most beautiful rose gold ring I’ve ever seen.

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)


After a lot of searching by friends without any luck, we were called to help locate this beautiful ring in the lake next to a boat dock. The reason the well-meaning friends weren’t able to find it is b/c someone stepped on it thus sinking it an additional 4-5 inches; thru the mud and the muck, Don was able to dig down and retrieve it.  Allows for a wonderful ending to a fun holiday weekend.

Checkout our website at”.

Wedding ring + boat dock = oops!

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

Jordon’s beautiful wedding ring was accidentally pulled from her husband’s back pocket when he reached for his phone.  Luckily,  their boat had been tied to the dock so the ring hit the edge of the boat and fell into the water.  Her husband immediately jumped in after the ring but could only stay in for a very short period of time b/c of the water temperature…cold!  He contacted us and by Don using his scuba gear was able to dive down and stay until the ring was found.  Great day in Oklahoma!!

checkout our Website at “”.