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Lost Wedding Ring Found in West Salem, Ohio!

  • from Wooster (Ohio, United States)

Yesterday evening just before 5pm, I received a text from Karissa who had lost her custom-made wedding ring in her front yard two weeks earlier. She found me on The Ringfinders and was hoping I could help locate her ring. After confirming some details, we headed out and arrived at her place around 6:15pm. After brief introductions, Karissa lead us to the general area she believed the ring should be. While discussing the events that had lead to the loss of the ring, we discovered she’d also lost her Apple watch! So, we got to work! After thoroughly searching the target area, we decided to expand our search radius. Around 7:30pm, Karissa and her husband had to leave to take their little one for ice cream and she told us we didn’t have to keep looking, but we could if we wanted. I told her as long as there’s light we’d love to keep at it! She defined the property lines and thanked us. I told her we’d text if we found it, or when we were leaving, whichever came first and off they went! We continued to gradually and methodically expand our search area and at 7:55pm we had a solid tone in the leaves between some trees. We had found the Apple watch! We text her a picture and she confirmed! By this time the sun had set but, luckily for us, the moon was pretty bright so we decided to focus on the area where we found the watch! It wasn’t too long before I heard that beautiful, unmistakable tone! I called my partner over to shine some light on the spot as I gently ran my pinpointer over the leaves. I turned over a handful of leaves and there it was! Woohoo! We texted Karissa with a picture and the excitement that came back in the next few texts was awesome! It’s why we do this! She said they’d be home soon. We packed up and waited in the car until they got back. When they did get back, she jumped out of the SUV and rushed to us beaming from ear to ear! We handed her the ring and the watch and she still couldn’t believe it! How exciting! After a brief chat, lots of thank yous, a few pics and tons of smiles, we headed out! What a great way to wrap up a weekend!

Karissa with her ring and watch!

The Ring and Watch

Ring lost at Mission Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Emily was brushing sand off her hands when a special ring, given to her by her mother, slip right off and was instantly swallowed by the fluffy dry sand. She searched for it, but, couldn’t find it in the dark using her phone light. She was advised to contact I received the plea for help the next afternoon. Emily wasn’t able to meet at the site until the next day, but, being a Saturday evening, the ring might get found by someone else if we waited that long, so, I got the description of the search area and hurried down there to hopefully find it before some other lucky detectorist did. Super busy beach required me to park and hike about a mile to the search area. Not knowing the exact limits of the search area, I picked what I thought would be the extreme edge of one side of the square and began my grid search. First target was a promising 25 on my Equinox 900, but, ended up being a pull tab. Second target was a solid 19 and a beautiful Tiffany ring was inside my scoop. Emily and I met the next day for the reunion of ring and finger. A pleasure meeting you Emily and thank you for the reward.

I-Phone Lost In The Snow! Starling Neighbourhood Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

I received a call from Kristopher requesting my service to locate his I-Phone which he thought he had lost in the snowbank when his car became stuck.   When I arrived I could see where Kristopher had dug himself out of the bank so I searched the area but I couldn’t find the phone.  He told me that he had also been stuck at the end of the alley. I could not find his phone there either and told him that somebody must have picked it up.  He was very worried and then out of nowhere, a lady came up to us and asked us what are we doing. We told her that we were searching for a phone, and she told us that her neighbour had picked a phone up off the side walk.  We knocked on the neighbours door and,  yes, he had picked up his phone.

Kristopher was very thankful to have his I-phone back in his hand.

Wedding Rings Lost Four Months in Palm Harbor, Fl. Yard…Found!!!

  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)

Steve Thomas

Dunedin Ring Finder

Lost a ring or other metal valuable at the beach or in a grassy or sandy area? Jewelry slip off of you while working outside, playing with the dog or swimming? Please call me ASAP at (843) 995-4719. I offer a FREE metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!

One day in early November 2023, Michelle realized that both her engagement and wedding rings were missing from her hand. Michelle had recently done some gardening and thought that she must have lost them as she was pulling weeds in the thick liriope or monkey grass. At the same time, Michelle and her husband John had recently returned from a trip to the mountains of North Carolina so there was a possibility she had lost them where they stayed. Michelle also works as a dental hygienist and there was a possibility that she could have lost her rings at the office. Michelle and John thoroughly searched everywhere she thought she may have lost her rings and contacted the rental company of the vacation house in North Carolina but they could not find them. Michelle then reached out for help on social media and I responded to her. As it turns out, Michelle has her hair done at the same place where my wife and I go for hair cuts so several people who work there recommended me. A few days later, I searched Michelle and John’s front yard thoroughly with my Nox 900, especially the area with the tall, thick liriope grass including probing the grass with my hand held pinpointer but I was unable to find the rings. Michelle agreed to contact me again in several months after she cut the grass back which she did in early March. I went back over and searched the grass again but it was still too thick to push my detector coil as far as I needed to so I probed the grass with two pinpointers including my new Nokta AccuPoint pinpointer. After about 30 minutes of searching in several clumps of the thick grass, the Nokta “beeped” a contact signal and I pushed the grass aside to reveal the beautiful engagement ring! Michelle was at work and John had just walked into the house so I shouted for John who quickly came back out. I pushed the grass aside and John stared at the ring with a look of disbelief and we both began to celebrate. Then I remembered I still needed to find the wedding band and I got another signal just a few inches from the first ring, pushed the grass aside and there was the second ring! After I left, John texted photos of the rings to Michelle who was still at work and the entire office was overjoyed with the recovery.

Michelle and John, thank you for trusting the Dunedin Ring Finder to find and return the precious wedding rings and thank you for the generous reward!


Lost engagement ring in the ocean, Ship Bottom NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey    Kate reached out to me wanting to know if it was possible to locate her engagement that slipped off her finger during the day somewhere at the beach. It was late in the evening, and after determining that it was close to high tide when it most likely came off, it would be best to wait until the early morning low tide. We arranged to meet early the next morning at the dune walkover. As we were heading to the location I had asked her to mark in google maps we talked about the main things she could remember leading up the the ring disappearing. Once we got to the spot, she showed me some pictures she had, before and after the ring went missing. Something didn’t look just right, but I figured I would check the area that was marked. After coming up empty handed I asked her to see the pics again, it was then I knew that was not quit the right location. I adjusted the location about 40′ to the north, and things looked just right, including the piles of seaweed that had pushed high up on the hill the prior day when the pics were taken. Kate confirmed after looking at the pics that this was absolutely the right location. Combined with the rough surf, was the fact that she was boogie boarding, and that is never a good thing when doing a recovery. Kate did remember one wave that knocked her down, where she lost the board, and that was luckily close to the beach in waist deep water. I decided to hit that area real quick, and while Kate was in about knee deep water looking, I got a signal that made my eyes open wide. With the waves crashing right where I was, I took extra time to zero in on the exact spot, and hoped to grab it on the first scoop. Sure enough I had it on the first try, BINGO, it was her absolutely stunning ring!!!!! Kate had no idea what had just taken place just a few feet behind her, as I scooted up the hill , past the waves to get a better look and clean it off. At that moment I decided to make a video to capture her response, which you will see I’m not very good at. (Will be posted soon) Her reaction was something that makes this profession SO SO rewarding that no words could ever explain.

More amazing recoveries found here

More amazing recoveries found here, lost ring LBI

Ring lost in Chula Vista found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Dania tossed a handful of items toward some bushes, which accidentally included her diamond ring. It should have been in a very small area, but, try as she and Jeff tried, it couldn’t be found. An online search found and my contact info. Jeff called asking for help and we arranged to meet at the site the next afternoon. I arrived on time with my wife and a friend who also detects. A quick search with my large coil over and around the suspected thorny bush reveal nothing. Pin pointer time! My friend and I armed with a couple of pin pointers started poking inside the bush and as close to the ground as we could without getting totally impaled on the thorns. Only some scrap metal was being found when Jeff offered to go get a broom handle to tape to one of our pin pointers so we could probe further inside the bushes and reduce the number of our battle scars. I asked him to move his truck from in front of where we were working so we could expand the search area without interference from all that metal close by. Soon after moving his truck, Dania spotted the ring sitting right on top  of the asphalt in the parking spot next to where their truck had been parked! The ring must have hit something and ricocheted 90 degrees over to that spot. Doesn’t matter how the ring was found, just that it was found. Everyone happy now! A pleasure to meet you folks and thank you for the reward!

Lost rings in Provo: Found

This is a sad story with a happy ending. Unfortunately, Jill’s mother passed away. After the funeral and the viewing, Jill lovingly removed the four heirloom rings from her mother’s hand and wrapped them in a tissue before the casket was closed for the burial. Later, at home with family and friends, there were lots of tears shed and lots of tissues used. Someone who was just trying to help gathered up all the tissues, including the one with the rings, tossed them in the trash, then took the trash bag out and threw it in a large dumpster. Jill, after having lost her mother, now had to face the additional loss of the heirloom rings. Her husband Nate knew he had to find the rings, but more trash was being added to the dumpster all the time, and the garbage truck was coming soon. He found my name on, called me, and I came immediately. Nate had been pulling trash bags from the dumpster and arranging them so I could quickly scan them with my metal detector. As I detected possible targets, we would tear open the trash bags to investigate further. After a several minutes of searching, we found the rings! When she saw the rings, Jill grabbed Nate and cried into his shoulder for several minutes, overwhelmed with relief at getting the lost rings back.

Snowshoeing Tumble = Lost Ring near Calgary

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

While snow shoeing, he took a tumble and his ring vanished. It wasn’t until he was home that he realized it was gone. A lot of questions and detective work, narrowed it down completely. Watch the video for the results

Keys Lost in the Snow at a Calgary Toboggan Hill

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

His son was sledding while he walked the dog. Somewhere in between, his keys disappeared. He bought a metal detector and spent 3 hours looking. Then he found me. He wished he had found me first.  Anyone want to buy his metal detector? The video below has lots of ideas that may help you if you have lost an item in the snow.


No pictures available.

Evan was very professional and efficient, within a couple of minutes he was able to find a set of keys that I lost on a hill covered in snow. My only regret is not calling him earlier

Lost RIng Recovered in Calgary

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Wiping snow off a vehicle results in lost rings. It happens all the time. Call me asap and I’ll get it back on your finger.  She asked not to be shown. You can still watch the video though.